DDTR :: Volume #8

#730: The beast god arrives, terminates the fight

...... ...... ( First said that the issue about silver Dragon King name, in the douluo three plots, silver Dragon King Gu Yue to understand the human society, branched out a soul to change into, afterward after and main body Gu Yue fused together, called Gu Yue. (先说一下,关于银龙王名字的问题,斗罗三的剧情中,银龙王古月是为了了解人类社会,分出了一道灵魂化为娜儿,后来娜儿与本体古月融为一体后,就叫古月娜了。 Therefore, this time silver Dragon King, is actually Gu Yue.) 所以,这个时期的银龙王,其实就是古月。) Transaction?” “交易?” Hears silver Dragon King Gu Yue this proposition, making Ceng Yi somewhat not think clearly. 听到银龙王古月这个提议,让曾易有些想不明白。 This silver Dragon King, is inborn god, the control good with creating Lord God of fresh power. 这银龙王,乃是天生神祇,掌控善良与创生权能的主神。 But is the boy who oneself one even/including Shenjing have not stepped into, what capable of such powerful gods to make the transaction? 而自己不过一个连神境都没有踏入的小子,有什么能力可以与这样一尊强大的神明做交易? Ceng Yi looks at the present silver Dragon King, in the vision flashes through wipes the doubts. 曾易看着眼前的银龙王,目光中闪过一抹疑惑。 Does not know that what silver Dragon King does ask the boy I to make to trade?” Ceng Yi asked. “不知银龙王找小子我要做什么交易?”曾易问道。 Naturally is an important matter, to thou, to overall human, to my soul beast clan, a good important matter. “当然是一件大事,对汝,对整体人类,对吾魂兽一族,都好的一件大事。 This concerns to the destinies of two clans! ” Gu Yue sinking sound said. 这关乎到两族的命运!”古月沉声道。 hears word, Ceng Yi somewhat feels extremely flattered, said with a smile lightly: About human and important matters of soul beast two clans? How I do not know do oneself have such big ability?” 闻言,曾易不禁有些受宠若惊,轻笑道:“关于人类与魂兽两族的大事?我怎么不知道自己有这么大能耐?” Gods cannot achieve, can I alone, affect among the destinies to two clans?” “神都做不到,我一个人,能够影响到两族之间的命运?” But Gu Yue actually sincere say/way: No, you can achieve! Because you and other human are different, in these false gods unlike god.” 但古月却正色道:“不,你可以做到!因为你与其他人类不一样,与神界中那些虚伪的神也不同。” Moreover, you have not chosen!” “而且,你没有选择!” hears word, a Ceng Yi brow wrinkle. 闻言,曾易眉头不由一皱。 Is threatening me?” “在威胁我吗?” Gu Yue listened to the Ceng Yi tone somewhat to be as if unhappy, but it did not have to care. 古月听出了曾易的语气似乎有些不快,但它也没有太在意。 Because regarding it, this transaction is dispensable. 因为对于它来说,这个交易可有可无。 Reason that proposed that this transaction, that is because it compares to appreciate Ceng Yi this person, wants to give a human opportunity. 之所以提出这个交易,那是因为它比较欣赏曾易这人,也想给人类一个机会。 Silver Dragon King this attitude, making Ceng Yi somewhat unpredictable. 银龙王这个态度,让曾易有些捉摸不定。 Ceng Yi thinks, hesitant several points, opens the mouth to ask: About trading this matter, or we first make outside these soul beast termination fights chat again well.” 曾易想了想,犹豫了几分,开口问道:“关于交易这事,要不我们先让外面那些魂兽终止战斗再好好谈谈吧。” Ceng Yi is thinking, Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor they hit for several days outside and these 100,000 years of soul beasts, it is estimated that also almost reached the limit. 曾易想着,雪帝冰帝她们在外面与那些十万年魂兽打了好几天了,估计也差不多到极限了。 Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor two females take oneself sword spirit. 雪帝冰帝两女作为自己的剑灵。 Ceng Yi can cut the sensation is not quite good to their present conditions through the Martial Soul mist, therefore plans first to come up to stop their fights. 曾易能够通过武魂岚切感知到她们现在的状态并不太好,所以打算先上去制止她们的战斗。 Also good, my reminded these little fellows.” “也好,吾这就去提醒一下那些小家伙。” hears word, silver Dragon King also agreed that it can also the sensation to outside that intense fight sound. 闻言,银龙王也同意,它也能够感知到外面那激烈的战斗动静。 The next quarter, silver Dragon King that huge body blooms the incomparably dazzling brilliance. 下一刻,银龙王那巨大的身躯绽放出无比炫目的光辉。 Quick, the ray of that sparkle starts to reduce, gradually formed a human form. 很快,那闪耀的光芒开始缩小,逐渐形成了一个人形。 As the ray diverges, silver Dragon King the personification shape appears in Ceng Yi at present. 随着光芒散去,银龙王所化的拟人形态显现在曾易眼前。 Silver Dragon King the person of melting, is a young girl. 银龙王所化之人,是一名少女。 A silver long hair, has hung loose after behind, until ankle area, not only sends the silk to be mild-mannered, has one type just like the silver crystal sense of reality. 一头银色长发,一直披散在身后,直至脚踝,不但发丝柔顺,更有着一种宛如银色水晶般的质感。 That is one type with the spoken language indescribable beauty, all descriptions are not enough to describe her outstandingly beautiful appearance. 那是一种用言语无法形容的美丽,所有的描绘都不足以形容她那绝色容颜。 Slightly somewhat pale fair flesh, purple eye pupil. Even if she only wears an again ordinary white vegetarian long skirt, still seems very sexy. 略有些苍白的白皙肌肤,紫色的眼眸。就算她只穿一件再普通白素长裙,也显得非常性感。 Her pair of eyes pupil is very beautiful, long eyelash that the volume curls upwards, the purple eye pupil will be clear and insightful, making one unable to bear will have the feeling of loving tenderly. 她的一双眼眸无比美丽,卷翘的长睫毛,紫色的眼眸澄澈而通透,让人忍不住会心生怜爱的感觉。 Mother...... mother?” “母......母的?” Looks at this incomparably beautiful young girl, Ceng Yi is startled at present dumbfoundedly. 看着眼前这位无比美丽的少女,曾易惊得目瞪口呆。 This looks, her body surrounding god splendor winding, has indistinct elusive makings beyond description in addition. 这份姿容,加上她身体周围的神辉缠绕,有股难以形容的缥缈空灵的气质。 Hears this saying, in Gu Yue that clear pure brightness purple pupil flashes through wipes not the quick color. 听到这话,古月那澄澈清明的紫眸中闪过一抹不快之色。 Sees Gu Yue that dangerous vision gaze to come, on the Ceng Yi face appears a awkwardness. 见古月那副危险的目光注视而来,曾易脸上不由浮现一丝尴尬。 He does to say with a smile: Excuse me, your appearance before differs too in a big way, making me shock very much, does not offend carefully, but also please forgive much.” 他干笑道:“不好意思,你这副模样与之前相差太大,让我很是震撼,不小心冒犯,还请多多包涵。” Snort ~, this time forgives disrespecting of thou, cannot have again next time!” “哼~,这次就原谅汝之不敬,不可再有下次!” On Gu Yue that beautiful face, is disclosing indifferently, cold snort/hum. 古月那绝美的面庞上,透露着冷漠,冷哼了一声。 Afterward, she extended the slender fair white hands, grasps void. 随后,她伸出了修长白皙的玉手,虚空一握。 A silver long spear/gun emerges out of thin air in her palm. 一把银色长枪凭空出现在她手心之中。 This spear's/gun's body is slender, all over the body presents for the bright silver, on the spear's/gun's body has silver dragon mark of undulating, does not have many magnificent decorations. 此枪身修长,通体呈现为灿烂的银色,枪身上有澹澹的银色龙纹,没有过多华丽的装饰。 But Ceng Yi can feel, this powerful energy in the silver dragon spear/gun containing. 曾易能够感觉到,这把银龙枪中蕴含的强大能量。 He is very clear, this is a prestige can absolutely the terrifying divine tool, moreover absolutely not weakly in sea god the divine tool of that sea god trident! 他很清楚,这绝对是一把威能恐怖的神器,而且绝对不会弱于海神的那把海神三叉戟的神器! Gu Yue grasps divine tool silver dragon spear/gun, gently a stroke in void. 古月手持神器白银龙枪,在虚空中轻轻一划。 Sees only, the space was torn an opening instantaneously. 只见,空间瞬间被撕裂开一道口子。 Goes out one with me.” “跟吾出去一趟吧。” Gu Yue shot a look at Ceng Yi, the undulating say/way, later the figure escapes into this crack. 古月瞥了一眼曾易,澹澹道,随后身形遁入这裂缝之中。 Sees her first to act, Ceng Yi also follows. 见她先行动,曾易也紧随其后。 Star Dou Forest, the lake of life. 星斗大森林,生命之湖。 Snow Emperor and Black Dragon emperor day fight is still continuing. 雪帝与黑龙帝天的战斗还在持续。 Two in this world of mortals, cultivating to be in the powerhouse in certainly peak. 两位在这个下界,修为都是处于顶端的绝强者。 This continued the wars of three days of startled day, it may be said that is the incomparable intensity. 这持续了三天的惊天之战,可谓是无比的激烈。 The complementary waves of fight, almost turned into the broken icefield land the region of lake of surrounding area thousand li (500 km) life, the vitality is on the wane. 战斗的余波,几乎是把生命之湖方圆千里的区域都变成了残破的冰原大地,生机凋零。 Moreover, the so powerful sound, caused beside Star Dou Forest, human area, the attention of several big empires. 不仅如此,如此强大的动静,更是引起了星斗大森林之外,人类疆域,几大帝国的关注。 Although outside Martial Soul Empire and Heaven Duo, the Star Luo two alliances are also at the service condition. 虽说外面的武魂帝国天斗,星罗两个联盟还处于战时状态。 Because the highest-end strength of both sides is closing up the breakthrough final boundary. 但因为双方的最高端战力都在闭关突破最后的界限。 Therefore this period of time, the both sides very tacit truce, the reserve military and commodity, conduct the final decisive battle. 所以这段时间,双方都很默契的停战,储备兵力与物资,进行最后的决战。 But when this sensitive, Star Dou Forest actually transmits the so giant sound! 可是就在这个敏感的时候,星斗大森林却传来如此巨大的动静! both sides sent out Titled Douluo to go to investigate the situation. 双方都派出了封号斗罗前往探查情况。 However, goes to investigate the situation Titled Douluo, direct was scared. 然而,前去探查情况的封号斗罗,直接傻眼了。 The fight intensity of Star Dou Forest center, was not inferior that douluo war of above some time ago Jialing pass/test! 星斗大森林中心的战斗激烈程度,不逊色于不久前嘉陵关之上的那场斗罗之战! Even is separated by several hundred li (0.5 km), the fight complementary waves that passes on, make them feel to suffocate. 即使相隔几百里,传出来的战斗余波,都让他们感到窒息。 The human two big camp high levels knew after this information, the innermost feelings incomparably worried. 人类两大阵营高层得知这份情报后,内心都无比担忧。 They cannot think, the soul beast in Star Dou Forest, so terrifying existence. 他们都想不到,星斗大森林中的魂兽,还有如此恐怖的存在。 Thinks, after Star Dou Forest that two kings of beasts die, did not have the overlord to assume personal command. 原以为,星斗大森林中那两尊兽王死后,就没有霸主坐镇了。 Now, from transmitting the information speculated, the top strength in soul beast, as if compares two big camp random sides to be terrifying! 如今,从传来得情报上推测,魂兽中的顶级力量,似乎比两大阵营任意一方还要恐怖! Now fights a decisive battle to near, the soul beast as if also has the rebellion. 如今决战在即,魂兽这边似乎又有暴动。 Once the soul beast runs out of Star Dou Forest, enters the human area. 一旦魂兽冲出星斗大森林,进入人类疆域。 Disaster that perhaps this one will be inconceivable. 恐怕将会此一场难以想象的灾难。 Naturally, most was worried that was Heaven Duo, the Star Luo two big empires. 当然,最担心的,就属天斗,星罗两大帝国了。 Because, these two most borders of empires, border on Star Dou Forest. 因为,这两个帝国的大部分边境,都与星斗大森林接壤。 Therefore, the leaderships in two big empires after learning of this news, the innermost feelings are anxious look like like ants on a heated pan. 所以,两大帝国的高层在得知这个消息后,内心焦急得就像是热锅上的蚂蚁。 At this time, the main attention of two countries centralized on Martial Soul Empire. 这个时候,两国的主要注意力都集中在武魂帝国上。 Most strengths place the frontline. 大部分战力都放在前线。 Once soul beast out-of-control Rampage, runs out of Star Dou Forest, first met with a disaster, is these two empires! 一旦魂兽失控暴走,冲出星斗大森林,首先遭殃的,就是这两帝国! Snow Emperor! Today you must die here!” 雪帝!今日你一定要死在这里!” The roaring filial piety of Black Dragon emperor day exceedingly indignant, angry killing intent spreads recklessly. 黑龙帝天无比愤怒的咆孝,愤怒的杀意肆意蔓延。 It and Snow Emperor games for three days and three nights! 它与雪帝了三天三夜! But that human had gotten down such. 而那个人类已经下去了如此之久。 Had found that first 1 million years of soul beast, swallows to refine it. 想必早就找到那头百万年魂兽,将其吞噬炼化。 Without that first 1 million years of soul beast, the time of its emperor day breakthrough god boundary does not know how long must lengthen. 没有了那头百万年魂兽,它帝天突破神境的时间不知要延长多久。 It is not able to break through the god boundary, how to break the curse of bloodlines, how to revive of a clan beasts? 无法突破神境,如何打破血脉的诅咒,如何复兴兽之一族? A Snow Emperor sword cuts off the emperor day blazing dragon breath , to continue to meet head-on. 雪帝一剑斩断帝天炽热的龙息,继续迎战。 However her condition is not very good, the body becomes illusory. 但是她的状态很不好,身体都变得虚幻起来。 After all she now is only the spirit body condition, although the strength was stronger compared with before. 毕竟她现在只是灵体状态,虽然实力比起以前更强了。 But leaves the attachment the mist to cut too for a long time, loss that the energy can also have. 但离开依附的岚切太久,能量也会极具的损耗。 Under this condition, with the emperor space warfare three days, she had reached the limit. 这个状态下,与帝天战了三天,她已经到极限。 Not is only she, another side Ice Emperor is also so. 不仅是她,另一边的冰帝也是如此。 Ice Emperor and dark phoenix fight six kings of beasts jointly, supports now, almost also soon the limit, received the wounds in varying degrees. 冰帝与暗黑凤凰联手战六尊兽王,支撑到现在,几乎也快要极限,都受到了不同程度的创伤。 However they also can only continue to fight, supports arrives to Ceng Yi. 不过她们也只能继续战斗下去,支撑到曾易到来。 ! 唰! The next quarter, in the space cut an opening suddenly. 下一刻,空间中突然划开了一道口子。 Two person's shadows, a man and a woman go out from the space crack. 两道人影,一男一女从空间裂缝中走出。 From these two people fills the air, but the terrifying imposing manner, deterred all kings of beasts instantaneously. 从这两人身上弥漫而出的恐怖气势,瞬间震慑住了所有兽王。 Stops the war!” “止战!” Silver-haired young girl that dignified pupil light took a fast look around all king of beasts light start/open Fenchun. 银发少女那威严的眸光扫视了所有兽王轻启粉唇。 That flash, all kings of beasts, including Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, the dark phoenix, felt that oneself body was suspended. 那一瞬间,所有兽王,包括雪帝,冰帝,暗黑凤凰,感觉到自己身体被暂停住。 The Black Dragon emperor day sees this young girl, in the heart incomparably shocks, the giant dragon body changes to one to wear the black robe immediately, the top of the head dragon corner/horn middle-aged man, kneels down toward Gu Yue, respectful say/way. 黑龙帝天看到这名少女,心中无比震撼,巨大的龙躯立刻化作了一个身穿黑袍,头顶龙角的中年男人,向着古月跪下,恭敬道。 Welcomed the beast god Sir to arrive!” “恭迎兽神大人降临!” Welcomed the beast god Sir to arrive!” “恭迎兽神大人降临!” Other six kings of beasts also salute to give regards in abundance. 其它六尊兽王也纷纷行礼问好。 Nearby Snow Emperor sisters, the dark phoenix innermost feelings shock looks at Ceng Yi side that silver hair female, suddenly speechless, does not know that should make anything. 一旁的雪帝姐妹,暗黑凤凰内心震撼的看着曾易身旁那名银发女子,一时间哑然,不知该做些什么。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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