DDTR :: Volume #8

#729: Silver Dragon King, Gu Yue!

...... ...... How possibly, how possibly ....... “怎么可能,怎么可能.......” Silver dragon facial expression somewhat vacant twittering, cannot believe. 银龙神情有些茫然的呢喃,不敢相信。 „Will human be so how powerful?” “人类怎会如此强大?” Is impossible! Hateful human, thou dares to deceive in me, is really damn!” “不可能!可恶的人类,汝竟敢诓骗于吾,真是该死!” Has crossed some little time, the silver dragon sobers, roaring filial piety that incomparably is furious. 一直过了好一会儿,银龙才清醒过来,无比震怒的咆孝一声。 Hasn't this human possibly broken through the god boundary? 这个人类怎么可能还没有突破神境? Without the strength of god boundary, this human is impossible the space that breaks itself to suppose to tie, enters this place! 若是没有神境的力量,这人类不可能打破自己设下的空间结界,进入此地! It was almost confused by the language of this human! 它差点被这个人类的语言所迷惑了! If human is so powerful, a soul beast clan had been perished. 若是人类真如此强大,魂兽一族早就被灭亡。 It actually almost letter/believed the honeyed words of human, making oneself say that the heart almost disrupts. 它竟然差点信了着人类的花言巧语,使得自己道心差点碎裂。 Damn human, dares to deceive my silver Dragon King, really courts death! 该死的人类,竟敢欺骗吾银龙王,真是找死! The silver dragon wields dragon wing(s), the terrifying air current changed extinguished the world sufficiently the thunder storm, powerful killing intent erupted, almost congealed the essence! 银龙挥动龙翼,恐怖的气流化作了足以灭世的雷霆风暴,强大的杀意爆发,几乎凝结成实质! Saw that this silver dragon does not know sends what insanity, originally spoke well, suddenly on the personality big change, is flooding the endless anger and kills intent to fire into itself. 看到这头银龙不知发什么疯,本来好好地说话,突然就性情大变,充斥着无尽的愤怒和杀意冲向自己。 The Ceng Yi whole person was ignorant. 曾易整个人都懵了。 Human, dares to deceive me, really thinks that I do not dare to kill thou!” Silver dragon that pair floods is killing the purple pupil of intent to stare at Ceng Yi angrily, cold say/way. “人类,胆敢欺骗吾,真以为吾不敢杀汝吗!”银龙那双充斥着愤怒杀意的紫眸凝视着曾易,冷冽道。 Trades source app 换源app】 Ceng Yi some are incomprehensible, said: When did I deceive you?” 曾易有些不能理解,道:“我何时欺骗你了?” Facing the imposing manner oppression of silver dragon terrifying, Ceng Yi hit 12 spirit. 面对银龙这恐怖的气势压迫,曾易打起了十二分的精神。 Eruption that under this strong pressure, Ceng Yi does not show weakness own imposing manner. 这强大的压力下,曾易也毫不示弱的爆发出自己的气势。 Has sheath terrifying swift and fierce sword intent just like the divine sword, instantly, void as if there are ten thousand swords to sound together! 宛若神剑出鞘般的恐怖凌厉剑意,刹时间,虚空中似乎有着万剑齐鸣! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Spirit Ring raise from the Ceng Yi sole, is sparkling the reserved and swift and fierce ray regarding his side. 一道道魂环曾易脚底升起,围绕他身旁闪耀着内敛而凌厉的光芒。 Silver dragon, do not think that I feared you, really must hit, you could not ask for what delicious!” “银龙,别以为我怕了你,真要打起了,你也讨不了什么好吃!” The Ceng Yi not scared look said. 曾易毫不惧色说道。 You hide in this, dreads god, doesn't want to be discovered your trail by the person of god?” “你之所以藏身于此,是忌惮神界,不想被神界之人发现你的踪迹是吧?” First, I do not know why you said I deceived you, but, I and god does not have any relations in your mouth, come this are also individual wish!” “首先,我不知道你为何说我欺骗了你,但是,我与你口中的神界没有任何关系,来此也是个人意愿!” You must know, if between you and me a war, perhaps I possibly am not your opponent, but you are impossible to suppress me instantaneously.” “你要知道,你我之间若是一战,或许我可能不是你的对手,但你绝不可能瞬间镇压我。” Sound that between you and me the fight, triggers, by this small space, but is unable to withstand, will inevitably arouse the interest of god!” “你我之间的战斗,引发出的动静,凭借这个小空间,可无法承受,势必会引起神界的关注!” Naturally, must fight, I am also glad to accompany!” “当然,一定要战斗,我也乐意奉陪!” Or this fights me also to wish for earnestly! Ha ~ “或者说,此战我也是求之不得!哈哈哈~” The Ceng Yi not scared look laughs, in the firm and resolute eye pupil is burning blazing war intent. 曾易毫不惧色大笑,坚毅的眼眸中燃烧着炽热的战意。 Felt Ceng Yi that domineering stance, the silver dragon was also more sober. 感受到曾易那强势的姿态,银龙也不由清醒了许多。 It somewhat cannot think, this human will erupt the so intense will unexpectedly. 它有些想不到,这人类竟然会爆发出如此强烈的意志。 This with he just came , the humble stance of showing acts like a different person simply! 这与他刚进来的时候,表现出来的谦卑姿态简直是判若两人! Floods powerful sword intent in space, the sharp unparalleled aura, making the silver dragon incomparably dread. 充斥在空间中的强大剑意,锋锐无双的气息,让银龙无比忌惮。 So powerful swordsmanship aura, so pure sword intent principle, this makes it shock very much surprisedly. 如此强大的剑道气息,如此纯粹的剑意法则,这让它很是惊讶震撼。 If not for on this human does not have the godship aura, it by for this reason the person was new generation Sword God! 若不是这人类身上没有神格气息,它都以为此人是新一代剑神了! The silver dragon is clear, oneself not possible in flash on suppression this person. 银龙清楚,自己不可能在一瞬间就镇压此人。 Once the fight continues, the initiated huge energy is not possible to keep. 一旦战斗持续下去,引发的庞大能量是不可能藏得住的。 The fights of two god boundary powerhouses, by the spatial strength of the world of mortals world, are unable to withstand the energy that two god boundary powerhouses fight to erupt full power absolutely. 两名神境强者的战斗,凭借下界这个世界的空间强度,绝对无法承受得了两名神境强者全力战斗所爆发出的能量。 At the appointed time, the absolute world of mortals meets the earth-shattering absolutely, the complementary waves can cause the plunging the people into disaster. 届时,绝对下界绝对会天崩地裂,余波会导致生灵涂炭。 When the time comes, the world of mortals so fierce sound, god is impossible unable to detect. 到时候,下界如此剧烈的动静,神界不可能察觉不到。 If really by god discovery own trail, then these for billion years the layout, the merit owes, once, this is the result that is unable to withstand! 若是真被神界发现自己的踪迹,那么这千百万年来的布局,都功亏一旦,这是无法承受的结果! The silver dragon thinks of these, returns to normal the anger. 银龙想到这些,不由平复自己愤怒的情绪。 Because the deep sleep was too long, making its mood extremely the rebellion. 因为沉睡了太久,使得它的情绪变得极为暴动。 Let alone, a moment ago because of the words of this human, making it associate, if human really so powerful, how then a beast clan should take revenge? 更何况,刚才因为这人类的话,让它不由联想了许多,若是人类真有如此强大,那么兽之一族该如何去复仇? Because of this, causes that flash, its say/way heart is somewhat damaged, therefore is very angry. 因为这个,使得那一瞬间,它的道心有些受损,所以很是愤怒。 But now, thinks carefully, this human truly is not the god boundary. 但如今,仔细一想,这个人类确实不是神境。 The silver dragon from revolving nine Spirit Ring by this person can look, his cultivating for truly is 90 multistage. 银龙从围绕在这人身旁的九个魂环就可以看出来,他的修为确实是九十多级。 Making the silver dragon feel very strange is, these nine Spirit Ring, contain the incomparably powerful energy. 只是,让银龙感到很奇怪的就是,这九个魂环,都蕴含着无比强大的能量。 Each Spirit Ring energy, is not weak in 1 million years of soul beast Spirit Ring! 每一个魂环的能量,都不弱于百万年魂兽所化的魂环 Spirit Ring that nine are equivalent to 1 million years of rank appears on a body of person, even if he 90 multistage, but the strength compares favorably with the god level powerhouse sufficiently, this as if still becomes normal. 九个相当于百万年级别的魂环出现在一个人的身上,即使他才九十多级,但战力足以媲美神级强者,这样似乎也变得正常起来。 Moreover, the silver dragon discovered, Spirit Ring of this human, actually has not been the aura of soul beast. 而且,银龙发现,这个人类的魂环,竟然没有属于魂兽的气息。 Moreover, the color is not right, nine Spirit Ring, eight silver and black red. 不仅如此,颜色也不对劲,九个魂环,八个银色和一个黑红色。 This surpassed the understanding of silver dragon completely to human Spirit Master. 这完全超出了银龙对人类魂师的理解。 The silver dragon returned to normal some mood, asked: Human, I truly somewhat impulsed a moment ago, sorry. thou has not truly broken through the god boundary, but thy does Spirit Ring come from where?” 银龙平复了一些情绪,问道:“人类,吾刚才确实有些冲动了,抱歉。汝确实还没有突破神境,但是汝身上的魂环是从何而来?” My Spirit Ring?” “我的魂环?” Ceng Yi sees the silver dragon is also calm, actually also apologized with oneself, received the imposing manner, replied. 曾易见银龙又镇定下来,竟然还跟自己道歉,也收起了气势,回答道。 These Spirit Ring are I comes out concise.” “这些魂环都是我自己凝练出来的。” thy concise Spirit Ring! How possibly!” “汝凝练的魂环!怎么可能!” Hears this saying, the silver dragon innermost feelings incomparably shocks, is unable to believe simply. 听到这话,银龙内心无比震撼,简直无法相信。 The silver dragon pursues urgently asks. „, In human, has appeared has no longer needed the soul beast Spirit Ring practicing way?” 银龙迫切地追问道。“难道,人类中,已经出现了不再需要魂兽魂环的修行方式?” Ceng Yi shakes the head, said: No, this is only my behavior, I took a own path, broke the Spirit Master shackles.” 曾易摇了摇头,道:“不,这只是我个人所为,我走出了一条属于自己的道路,打破了魂师的桎梏。” In human Spirit Master, can achieve this, should also my one person.” “人类魂师中,能够做到这样的,应该也就我一人了吧。” Ceng Yi has no scruples, said directly. 曾易没有任何顾忌,直接就说了出来。 So that's how it is, so that's how it is......” “原来如此,原来如此......” Hears the Ceng Yi answering tuart, the silver dragon looks at several points regarding this human high. 听到曾易的答桉,银龙对于这个人类不由高看几分。 Can break the traditional Spirit Master shackles, understands a brand-new cultivation path, this talent is really the evildoer/monstrous talent! 能够打破传统魂师的桎梏,悟出一条全新的修炼道路,这份天赋实在是妖孽! This can also explain, this human why such. 这也能够解释,这个人类为什么会如此之强。 In knowing Ceng Yi is different from other human Spirit Master, after does not need to hunt and kill the soul beast to practice . 在得知曾易不同于其他人类魂师,不需要猎杀魂兽就可修行之后。 The silver dragon regarding the impression impression of Ceng Yi, enhanced. 银龙对于曾易的观感印象,不由提高了许多。 It hates human , because Spirit Master in human practices must hunt and kill the soul beast, can promote itself. 它之所以恨人类,是因为人类中的魂师修行就必须要猎杀魂兽,才能提升自身。 This also caused between a soul beast clan and human, has the uncontrollable intense and deep-seated hatred. 这也导致了魂兽一族与人类之间,有着不可调节的血海深仇。 At present this human does not need like this, moreover took road of the brand-new practicing. 眼前这人类不需要这样,而且还走出了一条全新的修行之路。 Perhaps, a future of soul beast clan and human, will appear because of this person changes. 也许,魂兽一族与人类的未来,会因为此人而出现改变。 Human, thou is very good, I appreciate thou very much!” “人类,汝很不错,吾很欣赏汝!” The silver dragon is praising one to Ceng Yi. 银龙对着曾易赞誉一声。 This makes Ceng Yi somewhat unable to feel the mind. 这让曾易有些摸不着头脑。 He somewhat does not think clearly, how this dragon saw to trade an attitude to oneself suddenly. 他有些想不明白,这头龙怎么突然见有对自己换了一副态度。 Becoming very friendly genial. 变得很是友好和善。 This makes Ceng Yi some unable to adapt, the style transformed is too quick. 这让曾易有些不太能够适应,风格转变太快了。 For several minutes, this dragon changed several faces. 短短几分钟,这头龙变了好几次脸。 This is a female dragon, therefore the temperament like June the day, does suddenly turn about? 难道这是一条母龙,所以脾气就像六月天一样,说变就变? He was also anticipating can get one, where happen to have a look at own limit. 他原本还期待着能够打上一架来着,正好看看自己的极限在哪里。 Now did not seem to use to hit. 现在好像不用打了。 However is also good, really must hit, oneself very possible to lose one's life. 不过也好,真要打起来,自己很可能要送命。 Hehe, overpraised.” Ceng Yi said with a smile dry/does. “呵呵,过誉了。”曾易干笑道。 This breakthrough comes visiting, really somewhat offends, but also looks contains much.” “这次突破来访,实在是有些冒犯,还望多多包含。” Since all right, I first left.” “既然没事,那我就先离开了。” Ceng Yi wants to open immediately cooks. 曾易立刻就想开熘。 After all the temperament of this dragon he a little ascertains airtight, if the next quarter and turns hostile, that may be uncomfortable. 毕竟这头龙的脾气他有点捉摸不透,万一下一刻又变脸,那可就难受了。 Wait, human, told my thou name!” “等等,人类,告诉吾汝名!” The silver dragon stops by calling wanted to turn around immediately Ceng Yi, inquired. 银龙喊住了想要转身立刻的曾易,询问道。 „, Below Ceng Yi, does not know that what you also do have to advise?” Ceng Yi body, turns around to look to this attractive silver dragon, in the look brings a vigilance. “呃,在下曾易,不知你还有什么指教?”曾易身体一顿,转身看向这头漂亮的银龙,眼神中带着一丝警惕。 Do not be anxious, human.” “别那么紧张,人类。” thou remembers my given name, I am the dragon god direct descendant, wields nicely with creating to live silver Dragon King of power!” “汝记住吾之名号,吾乃龙神嫡系,执掌善良与创生之权能的银龙王!” Naturally, thou may call me for Gu Yue, this is similar to thou and other human of the names.” “当然,汝可称呼吾为古月,这类似于汝等人类的姓名。” Silver Dragon King Gu Yue sent out oneself given name, stretches out own dragon to arrive in front of Ceng Yi, the giant purple child is reducing Ceng Yi. 银龙王古月报出了自己的名号,伸出自己的龙首来到曾易面前,巨大的紫童紧缩着曾易 Ceng Yi is looking at this nearly in giant dragon head of late ruler. 曾易望着这近在迟尺的巨大龙首。 Before silver Dragon King Gu Yue, his body appears incomparably tiny emaciated. 在银龙王古月面前,他的身型显得无比渺小瘦弱。 Silver Dragon King Gu Yue leaves too nearly, the blazing breath that exhales, such as the strong gale swats above own face. 银龙王古月离得太近,那呼出的炽热鼻息,如烈风扑打在自己面庞之上。 That Shuanglong eye, like glittering purple monster different brilliance moon, is gazing at itself. 那双龙目,如同闪烁着紫色妖异光辉的月亮,注视着自己。 Gu Yue looks at the present human, opens the mouth to say. 古月看着眼前的人类,开口道。 Human Ceng Yi, how does thou and I make one to trade?” “人类曾易,汝与吾做一个交易如何?” Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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