DDTR :: Volume #8

#728: Did the secret of beast god, the time change?

...... ...... The silver dragon looks at present this tiny human, although wants to intend to suppress this person. 银龙看着眼前这个渺小的人类,虽说很想出手镇压此人。 But in the eye pupil actually flashes through little hesitant. 但眼眸中却闪过几许犹豫。 It detected that on this human has the aura of other gods. 它察觉到这人类身上有其它神明的气息。 It was pondering why this human will come here, disturbs own deep sleep. 它在思考,这个人类为什么会来到这里,打扰自己的沉睡。 Yes, this person is actually the writing skill that other god people arrange. 难道是,这个人其实是神界其它人安排的手笔。 This time comes, perhaps is other god people sends some signal to oneself? 此次前来,或许是神界其他人对自己释放某种信号? Oneself hid in the status in the world of mortals exposes! 自己隐藏在下界的身份暴露了! The silver dragon is very clear, own status is quite sensitive in god. 银龙很清楚,自己的身份在神界极为敏感。 Many gods think that it has withered away to elapse. 众多神明都认为它已经消亡逝去。 In the past that war, made a beast god clan almost on the wane, all beast gods rule these gods of god to be full of the incomparably intense hatred to the present. 当年那场大战,也使得兽神一族几乎凋零,所有的兽神都对如今统治着神界的那些神明充满着无比强烈的恨意。 This is almost the uncontrollable hatred! 这几乎是不可调节的仇恨! Moreover, the status of silver dragon is extremely important, it is also shouldering mission that revives a beast god clan. 而且,银龙的身份太过重要,它也背负着复兴兽神一族的使命。 If makes other gods know oneself exist with the world of mortals, might bring in peeping at some gods very much. 若是让其它神明知道自己存在与下界之中,很有可能会引来一些神明的窥视。 After all, the authority of god it shoulders, is extremely powerful. 毕竟,它所背负的神之权柄,太过强大。 If there is been swallowed, makes them promote a higher boundary sufficiently. 若是被人得到吞噬,足以让他们晋升更高的境界。 This seduction, even the most powerful Lord God boundary, will have corrupt reading. 这一份诱惑,即使最为强大的主神境,都会心生贪念。 Therefore, before making clear situation, it cannot begin crudely, otherwise creates a worse result! 所以,在搞清楚情况之前,它不能鲁莽动手,不然造成更坏的结果! „Can human, my be well hand/subordinate?” “人类,吾之手下可还安好?” The big dragon is wielding the beautiful silver wing, interrogated in a threatening manner. 巨龙挥动着美丽的银翼,气势汹汹地质问。 Since in the past that war, many beast gods therefore fall from the sky, but its mesosaurus clan almost exterminates. 自从当年那场大战之后,众多兽神因此陨落,而其中龙族更是几乎灭绝。 Dragon clan that now fortunately survives, is quite scarce. 如今幸存下来的龙族,极为稀少。 What are more is only some Yalong who have dragon clan the bloodlines. 更多的只是一些拥有龙族血脉的亚龙。 But that Black Dragon in Star Dou Forest, is pure blood dragon clan. 星斗大森林中的那头黑龙,可是一头纯血龙族。 Silver dragon regarding oneself this later generation, settling on extremely. 银龙对于自己这位后辈,极其的看中。 Moreover, it got down many painstaking care on this later generation, in addition its this Black Dragon talent is outstanding, is very likely to break the curse, becomes true one generation of beast gods! 而且,它在这位后辈身上下了很多心血,加上其这黑龙天赋优秀,极有可能打破诅咒,成为真正的一代兽神! But Black Dragon emperor day broken boundary to become God, is it plans the most important part. 而黑龙帝天破境成神,也是它计划中最为重要的一环。 In the past after that fought , a clan beasts lost seriously! 当年那一战之后,兽之一族损失惨重! Moreover, for the survival of beast clan, once dragon god still established the beast clan unable before the gods to become God the pledge. 而且,为了兽族的生存,曾经的龙神还在众神面前立下了兽族不能成神的誓言。 Because of this pledge, becomes shackles that restricts the beast clan, curse! 因为这一句誓言,成为了制约兽族的一道枷锁,诅咒! This also caused, since billion years, without a beast clan cannot to become God! 这也导致了,千百万年以来,没有没有一个兽族能够成神! Therefore, the silver dragon it took once dragon God the heir, it was unwilling. 所以,银龙它作为曾经龙神的子嗣,它不甘心。 Once, a beast god clan was the god ruler, actual master! 曾经,兽神一族才是神界的统治者,真正的主人! But, because of a disaster, once the magnificent powerful beast clan reduced to the so pitiful position unexpectedly. 可是,因为一场灾难,曾经辉煌强盛的兽族竟然沦落到如此凄惨的境地。 Actually can only live on dishonorably in the world of mortals. 竟然只能够在下界苟活。 Even, but also can only degenerate into the soul beast in human mouth, in the Spirit Master cultivation for human, becomes Spirit Ring of human! 甚至,还只能沦为人类口中的魂兽,供人类中的魂师修炼,成为人类的魂环 The silver dragon is unwilling. 银龙不甘心。 Even it is dragon God the charitable disposition, inborn ultimate good pure and good-hearted. 即使它乃是龙神的善念所化,天生至善纯良。 The humiliation that but these for billion years, the beast clan receives, it personally sees, inscribes in the heart. 可是这千百万年来,兽族所受到的屈辱,它都亲眼所见,铭刻在心。 Even in good her, in the heart still to despicable and shameless human, the sinister deceitful gods were full of the hate and anger! 即使在善良的她,心中也对卑鄙无耻的人类,阴险狡诈的神明充满了怨恨与愤怒! Once a magnificent beast god clan, should not so! 曾经辉煌的兽神一族,不应该如此! Therefore, it wants to change! 所以,它想要改变! Fostered by silver dragon, the Black Dragon emperor day has achieved the boundary of half god! 在银龙的培养下,黑龙帝天已经达到半神之境! So long as emperor day success broken boundary to become God, becomes under the curse, beast clan that first breaks shackles to become God, then this engraves the curse in the world beast clan bloodlines, will be broken. 只要帝天成功破境成神,成为诅咒下,第一位打破桎梏成神的兽族,那么这个刻印在天下兽族血脉中的诅咒,就会被打破。 Then, will have more beast clans to become the beast god! 接下来,将会有更多的兽族成为兽神! When the time comes, the silver dragon will lead all beast clans, coronates for the king, becomes new generation dragon God, counter-attacks god, recaptured once a glory of beast god clan! 到时候,银龙将会带领所有兽族,重新加冕为王,成为新一代龙神,反攻神界,夺回曾经兽神一族的荣耀! Therefore, the Black Dragon emperor day cannot die, cannot die absolutely. 所以,黑龙帝天不能死,绝对不能够死去。 If this human killed the Black Dragon emperor day. 要是这个人类杀了黑龙帝天。 That was equal to a future of clan beasts! 那就等于断了兽之一族的未来! If that is right, even if putting together by the risk that the person of god discovers, it must cut to kill this human forcefully! 若是如此,即使拼着被神界之人发现的风险,它也要强行斩杀了这个人类! Regarding the issue of silver dragon, Ceng Yi thought. 对于银龙的问题,曾易不由思索了一番。 This silver dragon cares, should be outside these kings of beasts. 这条银龙在意的,应该是外面的那些兽王了。 And isn't that Black Dragon emperor day as pure blood dragon clan, the later generation of this silver dragon? 其中那黑龙帝天作为一头纯血龙族,不会就是这条银龙的后辈吧? You said that outside that small Black Dragon, should be all right, I may have no free time to handle that small loach.” Ceng Yi replied. “你说外面那条小黑龙,应该没事,我可没空打理那条小泥鳅。”曾易回答道。 Although that Black Dragon emperor day strength in the Ceng Yi eye not much, but regarding others, is very powerful. 那条黑龙帝天的实力虽然在曾易眼中不怎么样,但对于其他人来说,还是非常强大的。 Snow Emperor as the Ceng Yi sword spirit, his very clear Snow Emperor present strength, does not need that Black Dragon to be bad. 雪帝作为曾易的剑灵,他很清楚雪帝现在的实力,不必那条黑龙差不少。 Moreover, Snow Emperor does not have the ability to massacre the emperor day. 而且,雪帝也没有能力杀掉帝天。 However, by Snow Emperor and emperor day, these two strengths is equivalent, fights, did not have several days and several nights, could not decide the victory and defeat. 不过,以雪帝和帝天,这两位的实力相当,战斗起来,没有个几天几夜,都分不出胜负吧。 It is estimated that now is still fighting outside intensely. 估计现在还在外面激烈打斗着。 Hears Ceng Yi this saying, in silver dragon that beautiful purple child eye flashes through wipes the angry look. 听到曾易这话,银龙那美丽的紫色童眸中闪过一抹怒色。 ~, small loach? Human, you also are really the big tone!” “呵~,小泥鳅?人类,你还真是好大的口气!” The silver dragon sees this human to insult own consanguineous later generation, the innermost feelings are very angry! 银龙见这个人类如此侮辱自己的同族后辈,内心很是愤怒! ~, leaving is so excited, you should very be clear my strength, your later generation in my eyes truly is not anything, moreover I do not need to haggle over with the weak one, this you should be very clear!” Ceng Yi hehe said with a smile. “嘛嘛~,别那么激动啊,你应该很清楚我的实力,你那位后辈在我眼中确实不算什么,而且我也没有必要跟弱者计较,这你应该很清楚!”曾易呵呵笑道。 Let alone, in your eyes, I am not a weak one, even ants, not?” “更何况,在你的眼中,我也不是一位弱者,甚至蝼蚁,不是么?” Hears this saying, the silver dragon eye pupil narrows the eyes, sneers, said: It seems like you have to know self-evident very much!” 听到这话,银龙眼眸微眯,冷笑一声,道:“看来你也很有自知自明啊!” Many thanks praise!” “多谢夸奖!” Ceng Yi indifferent shrugging. 曾易无所谓的耸了耸肩。 Through the conversations of these words, in the Ceng Yi heart also supposed a general idea, this silver dragon should not begin to oneself. 通过这几句话的交谈,曾易心中也估摸了个大概,这头银龙应该不会对自己动手。 Alternatively, it seems to be dreading anything, does not dare to act. 或者是,它似乎在忌惮着什么,不敢出手。 Naturally, Ceng Yi is clear, this silver dragon should not dread own strength. 当然,曾易清楚,这头银龙应该不是忌惮自己的实力。 Should detect anything from oneself. 应该是从自己身上察觉到了什么。 Ceng Yi suspected, it should dreads the person of upper boundary. 曾易猜想,它应该是忌惮上界之人。 Also is the god gods. 也就是神界的众神。 This is also can suspect easily. 这也是很容易能够猜想出来的。 After all Ceng Yi had had the exchange with the sea god of god, he estimated, this silver dragon detected from oneself aura that has a sea god. 毕竟曾易曾经与神界的海神有过交流,他估计,这头银龙是从自己身上察觉到了有一丝海神的气息。 Knows this silver dragon has scruples to oneself, in the Ceng Yi heart is unhurried. 知道了这头银龙对自己有所顾忌,曾易心中也不慌了。 Although Ceng Yi acknowledged oneself are not the opponent of this dragon, but he is self-confident, the not possible 2-3 moves to be caught also by this dragon suppression absolutely. 虽然曾易承认自己不是这条龙的对手,但他自信,自己也绝对不可能2-3招就会被这龙镇压擒住。 Once they begin, the strength of instantaneously erupting, will break this space absolutely, passes to the outside world. 他们一旦动手,瞬间爆发的力量,绝对会打破这个空间,传到外界中去。 Once they appear in the mainland fight, then the strength of this share of collapse Tianlie place, will trigger the attention of god sufficiently absolutely. 一旦他们出现在大陆上战斗,那么这股足以崩天裂地的力量,绝对会引发神界的关注。 Therefore, Ceng Yi concluded, this dragon does not dare to act to oneself! 所以,曾易断定,这头龙不敢对自己出手! Human, why does thou come this?” “人类,汝来此为何?” thou and does the person of god have what relations?” “汝与神界之人有何关系?” The silver dragon releases the powerful aura, is oppressing to Ceng Yi, compels to ask. 银龙释放出强大的气息,对着曾易压迫,逼问道。 God? You think that I am god dispatch?” Ceng Yi somewhat surprised looks at this silver dragon. “神界?难道你以为我是神界派遣过来的?”曾易有些惊讶的看着这头银龙。 That also is really embarrassed, you guessed mistakenly, actually I and god are not related, I was only pursue swordsmanship limit the person of practicing.” “那还真是不好意思,你猜错了,其实我与神界没有关系,我只是一个追求剑道极限的修行之人而已。” Reason that will come this, that is because could not find the opponent, therefore wants to look for one to be able with the opponent who fight, by this through the fight, breaks through the boundary in the limit of life and death, breaks the god boundary!” “之所以会来这,那是因为找不到对手了,所以想要找一个能够与自己一战的对手,以此通过战斗,在生与死的极限中突破境界,打破神境!” What! Is your meaning you did not have truly to become God?” “什么!你的意思是你还没有真正成神?” Silver dragon very surprised say/way. 银龙很是惊讶道。 Naturally, according to cultivating of human Spirit Master is the standard, I now am 96 levels of Titled Douluo.” Ceng Yi said with a smile lightly. “当然,按照人类魂师的修为标准,我现在才是九十六级的封号斗罗。”曾易轻笑道。 Heard this saying, some silver dragon hemp. 听到这话,银龙有些麻了。 96 levels? 才九十六级? 96 levels of Titled Douluo. 九十六级的封号斗罗 The rank of silver dragon nature clear human Spirit Master, after human breaks through hundred levels, can to become God! 银龙自然清楚人类魂师的等级,人类突破百级后,就可以成神! But 96 levels of human Spirit Master, to be honest, in its eye, it blow the tone, can make this rank human vanished in a puff of smoke. 而九十六级的人类魂师,说实话,在它的眼中,它吹口气,就能够让这种级别的人类灰飞烟灭。 But, it can actually from the body of this human, feel a dangerous early warning at present. 可是,它却能够从眼前这个人类的身上,感觉到了一丝危险的预警。 Its most flourishing stance, but has the strength of Lord God rank! 要知道,它全盛姿态,可是有着主神级别的战力! Even if now is not the most flourishing stance, but can be felt a danger by own present, least is still the intensity of second-level god! 即使现在不是全盛姿态,但能够让自己现在感到一丝危险的,最少也得是二级神的强度吧! In other words, at present this human, merely 96 levels of cultivating are, exceeded the third-level god boundary, compares favorably with the intensity of second-level god! 也就是说,眼前这个人类,仅仅九十六级的修为,就超越了三级神境界,媲美二级神的强度! Silver dragon some are unable to accept. 银龙有些无法接受。 Own deep sleep several million years, did the say/way of present human practicing develop so fiercely? 自己沉睡了几百万年,现在的人类修行之道发展得如此厉害了吗? 96 levels may compared with the second-level god, after that hundred levels of broken boundary, to be equal to the Lord God boundary? 九十六级就可比二级神,那百级破境后,岂不是等于主神境? Must really be this, how then oneself do complete a revival great undertaking of beast god clan? 要真的是这样,那么自己如何完成兽神一族的复兴大业? Has a dream? 做梦么? 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