DDTR :: Volume #8

#726: Beast god really!

...... ...... " A secret? " 「一个秘密?」 Ceng Yi very curious looks at this first 1 million years of soul beast, said: " How you know that I in that secret to your mouth will certainly be interested? " 曾易很是好奇的看着这头百万年魂兽,说道:「你怎么知道我一定会对你口中的那个秘密感兴趣?」 Ices the silkworm egg paper busy say/way: " I know that who the true beast god is! " 冰蚕连忙道:「我知道真正的兽神是谁!」 " True beast god? " 「真正的兽神?」 hears word, the Ceng Yi facial expression stares, the pupil light is reducing this greatly fat insect. 闻言,曾易神情不由一愣,眸光紧缩着这条大肥虫。 " Won't you deceive me? " 「你不会骗我吧?」 " , I do not deceive you absolutely! " 「不不不,我绝对不骗你!」 Ices the silkworm to feel that Ceng Yi that becomes some cold severe pupil light, body trembles, pledged hastily. 冰蚕感觉到曾易那变得有些冷厉的眸光,身躯不由一阵哆嗦,连忙发誓道。 " That imprisons Black Dragon here me, it says as the beast god outward, all soul beasts in control Star Dou Forest. " 「那条把我囚禁在这里的黑龙,它对外自称为兽神,统御星斗大森林中的所有魂兽。」 " But, it is not the true beast god, its back also has more terrifying existence. That Black Dragon, but was advanced outwardly a on false beast god. " 「但是,它并不是真正的兽神,其背后还有着更加恐怖的存在。那黑龙,只不过是被推到明面上的一尊伪兽神而已。」 " That beast god, it hides in the most deep place of this mystical place! " 「那位兽神,它就藏在这个秘境的最深处!」 After listening to the words of this first 1 million years of soul beast, the Ceng Yi brow wrinkles. 听完这头百万年魂兽的话后,曾易眉头不由微皱起来。 What if this insect said is real, then, that true beast god in its mouth, possibly is a true god beast, cultivated/repaired to surpass the limit of this world, true god boundary powerhouse. 如果这头虫子说的是真的,那么,它口中的那位真正的兽神,可能是一头真正的神兽,修为超越了这个世界的极限,真正的神境强者。 After all, that Black Dragon emperor day, has been considered as the first half god, in that first 1 million years of soul beast deep sea demon whale king compared with initially sea, does not seem to be inferior. 毕竟,那头黑龙帝天,已经算得上半神了,比起当初大海中的那头百万年魂兽深海魔鲸王,也似乎不会逊色。 Then can press an emperor day head, true god boundary powerhouse. 那么能够压帝天一头的,也只有真正的神境强者。 " Did you say that beast god in this mystical place? Can you know its position? " Ceng Yi somewhat asked impatiently. 「你说那位兽神就在这秘境之中?那你可知它的位置?」曾易有些迫不及待地问道。 If really has a true god boundary powerhouse, once cultivated/repaired is interested in exchanging actually very much with it. 如果真的存在一位真正的神境强者,曾修倒是很有兴趣与它交流一番。 Ceng Yi strength already extremely powerful, in this world, except for Sword God Palace that old woman, could not have found the opponent. 曾易的实力已经太过强大,在这个世界,除了剑神宫的那个老女人,已经是找不到对手了。 Before that antiquity evil god who confusing trace Grand Canyon met, the strength had not achieved the god boundary truly, had the flaw. 之前在迷踪大峡谷中遇见的那尊上古邪神,实力也没有真正达到神境,有缺陷。 Let alone, the Ceng Yi strength has been increased. 更何况,曾易的实力已经提升了许多。 At that time, once cultivated/repaired to cut to kill that evil god. 那时,曾修能够斩杀那尊邪神。 Now the swordsmanship cultivates to strive, then bumps the true god boundary powerhouse, is not not possible. 如今剑道修为都有所精进,那么碰一碰真正的神境强者,也不是不可能。 Ices the silkworm to say weakly: " Seal my law, its, is enters another small space the entrance. " 冰蚕虚弱道:「封印我的这个法阵,其下方,就是进入另一个小空间的入口。」 " That beast god, does not know what reason, the deep sleep for a long time was very very long. However recently I heard that Black Dragon to talk over actually, said that beast god soon regained consciousness. " 「那位兽神,不知什么原因,沉睡了很久很久。不过最近我倒是听到那条黑龙念叨,说那尊兽神快要苏醒了。」 " So that's how it is. " 「原来如此。」 Ceng Yi nods. 曾易点了点头。 He said how oneself cannot induce existence of that beast god. 他就说,自己怎么感应不到那位兽神的存在。 After all this mystical place on a trivial place, the Ceng Yi god read sweeps investigates each corner sufficiently. 毕竟这个秘境就屁大点地方,曾易神念一扫就足以探查每一个角落。 No wonder has not discovered that beast god, originally in this mystical place, a little world. 难怪没有发现那位兽神,原来这秘境之中,还有一个小天地。 " Therefore , this is wants me to break open this strategy, can enter in that space? " 「所以说,这是要我破开这个阵法,才能够进入那个空间中?」 Ceng Yi narrows the eye, the corners of the mouth is cancelling is wiping smiles peacefully, said: " How to feel that you are deceiving me, quite makes me help you break open the seal? " 曾易眯着眼睛,嘴角勾着一抹澹笑,道:「怎么感觉你在骗我,好让我帮助你破开封印啊?」 hears word, ices the silkworm egg paper busy say/way: " How do I dare? The Sir you are so powerful, the one breath makes me vanished in a puff of smoke sufficiently, how I dare to deceive you! " 闻言,冰蚕连忙道:「我怎么敢?大人您如此强大,一口气就足以让我灰飞烟灭,我又怎么敢欺骗您呢!」 【 The new chapter renews the slow issue, in energy 【新章节更新迟缓的问题,在能 Also successfully broke through a small boundary with the aid of its strength. 还借助它的力量成功突破了一个小境界。 Ceng Yi is not the ungrateful person, he must rescue this first 1 million years of soul beast to go out, but is the slight effort. 曾易不是忘恩负义之人,他要救这头百万年魂兽出去,不过是举手之劳。 1 million years of Spirit Ring is not big regarding the Ceng Yi attraction. 一个百万年魂环对于曾易的吸引力并不大。 Moreover, Ceng Yi does not want to be been many a soul by own Martial Soul mist Hikido. 而且,曾易也不想让自己武魂岚切上再多一个灵魂了。 The mist Cene's two women, have made Ceng Yi feel that had a headache very much, are many, oneself feared that must put in order insanely. 岚切内的两个女人,已经让曾易感到很头疼了,再多一个,自己怕是要被整疯。 Let alone, this beast or the male gender, the bloodlines cannot compare Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor, might as well they are beautiful. 更何况,这条大虫还是雄性,血脉也比不上雪帝冰帝,还不如她们养眼。 However, the big fat insect brings back to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to work as a mountain-protecting god beast this 1 million years cultivate/repair for well as if. 不过,把这条百万年修为的大肥虫带回七宝琉璃宗当一头护山神兽似乎也不错。 Has not thought that before Ceng Yi, only wants to tease this fat insect, cannot think that it unexpectedly shake-out such a startled huge secret. 只是没有想到,曾易之前只想逗一下这头肥虫,想不到它竟然抖出了这么一个惊天大秘。 " Broke open this strategy good? " 「破开这个阵法就行了是吧?」 Ceng Yi does not talk too much, looks at present this dust-shower law, draws a sword fast, a sword cuts. 曾易也不多言,看着眼前这座阵法,快速拔刀,一剑斩出。 Although Ceng Yi does not understand principle of the say/way, but this dust-shower law was unable to resist the god boundary basic attack at present. 虽说曾易不懂得阵道之理,但眼前这座阵法还无法抵挡神境基本的攻击。 Ceng Yi can definitely break open with the powerful strength. 曾易完全可以用强大的力量破开。 Instantly, terrifying sword intent erupts, together silver sword glittering. 刹时间,恐怖的剑意爆发开来,一道银色剑光闪烁而过。 Bang! 轰! Sees only the front cold incomparable sword glow to cut together above this law. 只见一道锋寒无比的剑芒斩在这法阵之上。 This law seemed like feels the terrifying to raid, strength of the automatic performance protection, thinks that resisted the attack. 这法阵似乎是感受到了恐怖袭来,自动运转防护之力,想到抵挡攻击。 But Ceng Yi this sword, even if the emperor day of half god boundary receives, still results in the severe wound, let alone only also law of god level. 曾易这一剑,即使半神境界的帝天接下,也得重伤,更别说区区一个还不到神级的法阵。 With one fierce thunders crack, that law defense cover under this sharp sword glow, such as the tofu was easily cut together. 随着一声剧烈的轰鸣炸响,那法阵的防护罩在这一道锋锐的剑芒下,如豆腐般轻易被斩开。 law one broken, that imprisons this first 1 million years of soul beast chains to be instantaneously stave, changes to the light corpuscle to diverge. 法阵一破,那囚禁这头百万年魂兽锁链瞬间破碎,化作光粒散去。 Feels to imprison own that strength to diverge, ices the silkworm first to stare, some facial expression delay, do not seem to be able to believe. 感受到囚禁自己的那股力量散去,冰蚕先是一愣,神情有些呆滞,似乎不敢相信。 This captivity suppresses own cage, absorbs law of the strength and vitality unceasingly, tens of thousands years, diverged finally! 这个囚禁镇压自己的牢笼,不断汲取自己力量与生机的法阵,几万年了,终于散去! After god, in the big eye that its pair somewhat moe stupid is glittering excitedly, several tens of thousands of years of grievance erupts finally in this moment. 愣神过后,它那双有些蠢萌的大眼睛中闪烁着激动,数万年的委屈终于在这一刻爆发出来。 " Oh! 「啊哈哈哈! ! " !」 " Many years, I was finally free! 「多少年了,我终于自由了! ! " !」 " My day dream ice silkworm, escaped from this cage finally! Hahahaha ~ " 「我天梦冰蚕,终于逃出了这座牢笼!哈哈哈哈~」 The day dream ice silkworm laughs wildly excitedly, the huge body is shivering, vented own mood crazily. 天梦冰蚕激动地狂笑,庞大的身躯在颤抖,疯狂地发泄自己的情绪。 " One side ok, hurried to give me to roll, do not hinder me to handle matters. " 「好了,赶紧给我滚一边去,别妨碍我办事。」 Ceng Yi very intimate and other beasts vented several minutes of mood, then makes it move a position. 曾易很贴心的等这条大虫发泄了几分钟的情绪,然后让它挪个位置。 After hearing these words, day dream ice silkworm that mood stagnates excitedly suddenly, immediately returns to normal own mood. 听到这句话后,天梦冰蚕那激动地心情突然一滞,立刻平复自己的情绪。 " Thank the Sir life-saving efforts, I did not have to return, is willing to present the Sir is a lord, repaid the life-saving efforts! " The day dream ice silkworm requested. 「感谢大人救命之恩,我无以回报,愿奉大人为主,报答救命之恩!」天梦冰蚕请求道。 Regarding its this request, Ceng Yi shows the whites of the eyes. 对于它这个请求,曾易不由翻了个白眼。 This fat insect abacus hits actually well! 这肥虫算盘倒是打得好啊! After all although this fellow is 1 million years of soul beast, but under the battle efficiency, casual first 100,000 years of soul beast can suppress it. 毕竟这家伙虽然是百万年魂兽,但战斗力底下,随便一头十万年魂兽就可以镇压它。 Even if it escaped, may be held to swallow by other kings of beasts again. 就算它逃出去了,却有可能会再被其它兽王抓住吞噬。 Therefore wants to seek own asylum. 所以想要寻求自己的庇护。 " This will say again, first makes way to me, where I look for the entrance to be. " 「这个等会再说,先给我让开,我找找入口在哪。」 Ceng Yi had not directly replied its issue, day dream ice silkworm also tactful has not continued to request earnestly, the little darling makes way, falls back on the one side. 曾易没有正面回答它的问题,天梦冰蚕也识趣的没有继续恳请,乖乖让开,退到一旁。 After breaking open law, Ceng Yi thought to know again investigated carefully. 破开法阵之后,曾易再次用神识仔细探查了一番。 Quick, he discovered, this region has a wisp of very secret space crack. 很快,他就发现了,这个区域存在着一缕非常隐秘的空间裂缝。 Really if this beast said, in this mystical place still has another space. 果然如这头大虫所说,这秘境中还存在着另一处空间。 Relies on this wisp of space crack, Ceng Yi can definitely break open the space by the strength forcefully, opens the entrance. 凭借着这一缕空间裂缝,曾易完全可以以力强行破开空间,打开入口。 " Waits for! " 「等一下!」 When Ceng Yi must begin forcefully broken 就当曾易要动手强行破 When opens the space entrance, nearby day dream ice silkworm handed over him. 开空间入口之时,一旁的天梦冰蚕交住了他。 " What matter do you have? " Ceng Yi turns the head to look that this beast asked. 「你还有什么事?」曾易转头看着这条大虫问道。 Some day dream ice silkworm vision twinkles, squeak squeak wū wū said: " Don't you really want to look for that beast god? " 天梦冰蚕目光有些闪烁,吱吱呜呜地说道:「你不会真想去找那头兽神吧?」 " Isn't this idle talk? Did you say before are deceive my? " Ceng Yi opens the mouth saying that looks in its eye pupil flashes through wipes the suspicion. 「这不是废话?难道你之前说得是骗我的?」曾易开口道,看着它的眼眸中闪过一抹怀疑。 " Not! " 「不不不!」 The day dream ice silkworm egg paper is busy at shaking the head. I have not deceived you, the beast god existed. " 天梦冰蚕连忙摇头。我没有骗您,兽神是真实存在了。」 " Is only, the beast god is extremely powerful, it is the true gods, does not know that had many years, a strength is immeasurably deep! " 「只是,兽神太过强大,它可是真正的神明,不知存在了多少岁月,一身实力深不可测!」 " Moreover, the beast god is hostile toward human extremely! " 「而且,兽神极度仇视人类!」 " Your this breaks the space to enter forcefully, this sound will awaken absolutely also in the beast god of deep sleep. " 「你这样强行打破空间进入,这动静绝对会惊醒还在沉睡的兽神。」 " Possibly I not spoke the words you to be happy, the strength of beast god is really terrifying! Although your strength is also powerful, but I thought that merely this degree, possibly is not the opponent of beast god. " 「可能我说得话你会不太高兴,兽神的实力真的非常恐怖!虽然您的实力也非常强大,但我觉得仅仅这种程度,可能不是兽神的对手。」 " I do not hope that the benefactor you perish in this! " 「我并不希望恩人您殒命于此!」 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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