DDTR :: Volume #8

#725: Breakthrough! Secret?

...... ...... Regarding Ceng Yi this issue. 对于曾易这个问题。 Dumbfounded the ice silkworm, it does not know how suddenly should answer. 傻眼了的冰蚕,它一时间不知道该如何作答。 Eight silver Spirit Ring and black red Spirit Ring? 八个银色魂环和一个黑红色的魂环 This special is the person can have? 这特么是人能够拥有的? Moreover, each Spirit Ring aura, endures compared with 1 million years of Spirit Ring same terrifying! 而且,每一个魂环的气息,都堪比百万年魂环一样恐怖! Although this ice silkworm was a dwelling several hundred thousand years of dwelling insects, after becoming 1 million years of soul beast, how long but also without to be natural, was regarded the prey to chase down by other kings of beasts. 虽说这头冰蚕是一个宅了几十万年的宅虫,成为百万年魂兽后,还没有潇洒多久,就被其它兽王当成猎物追杀。 Was grasped this place, trapped/sleepy has several tens of thousands of years of here fully. 更是被抓来此地,困在这里足有数万年之久。 Therefore, ices the silkworm simply not to contact other human. 所以,冰蚕根本没有接触过其它人类。 But even so, it knew the information about human Spirit Master from other soul beast mouths. 但即使如此,它还是从其它魂兽口中得知了一些关于人类魂师的信息。 Ten years cultivate/repair for Spirit Ring that on the soul beast obtains is the white, hundred years are the yellow, the millenniums are the purple, ten thousand years are the black, 100,000 years are the red. 十年修为的魂兽身上获得的魂环是白色,百年则是黄色,千年是紫色,万年是黑色,十万年是红色。 The Spirit Ring color of but, on this human showing, besides strange black red, other is the uniform silver. 可是,这个人类身上所展现的魂环颜色,除了一个诡异的黑红色之外,其余的都是清一色的银色。 In this world also possibly has this color Spirit Ring? 这个世界上怎么还可能有这种颜色的魂环 Moreover, the release Spirit Power Ceng Yi, this aura, making this first 1 million years of soul beast soul tremble. 而且,释放出魂力曾易,这股气息,让这头百万年魂兽灵魂都在颤栗。 Ices the silkworm obvious feeling, the imposing manner of this human, compared with imprisons itself the beast god emperor day here, but also is powerful. 冰蚕明显的感觉到,这个人类的气势,比起把自己囚禁在这里的兽神帝天,还要强大。 The emperor day strength is the peak of this world, has the terrifying of half god rank to cultivate/repair is. 要知道,帝天的战力已经是这个世界的巅峰,拥有着半神级别的恐怖修为。 But this person analogied the emperor day to be powerful, exceeded half god rank existed...... 而这个人类比帝天还要强大,超越了半神级别的存在...... Has this human broken through that boundary? 难道这个人类已经突破那个境界了? If this is really the case, that has achieved that boundary human, as if at all not Spirit Ring that needs this first 1 million years of soul beast to change. 如果真的是这样的话,那已经达到那个境界的人类,似乎根本不需要自己这头百万年魂兽化作的魂环啊。 Ices the silkworm to see this human facetious facial expression to look at itself, immediately understood all, hope that in the innermost feelings just raised, started to get down secretly peacefully. 冰蚕见这个人类一副戏谑的神情看着自己,顿时理解了一切,内心中刚刚升起的希望,又开始暗澹下去了。 " Human...... you...... have stepped into that boundary .... " Ices the silkworm somewhat desperate inquiry. 「人类......你......已经踏入那个境界了么....」冰蚕有些绝望的询问。 " That boundary ~, but also falls far short. " 「那个境界啊~,还差得远呢。」 The Ceng Yi undulating smiles, said: " 1 million years of Spirit Ring, sounds very appealing, but was a pity, I do not need Spirit Ring of soul beast. " 曾易澹澹一笑,说道:「百万年魂环,听起来挺吸引人的,只是可惜,我不需要魂兽的魂环。」 " Doesn't need Spirit Ring of soul beast? " 「不需要魂兽的魂环?」 Iced the silkworm twittering, quick understood these words. 冰蚕呢喃一声,很快就理解了这句话。 It courageous however raised the head, inconceivable looks at Ceng Yi, said: " , Your these are Spirit Ring, condenses? " 它勐然提起头,不可思议的看着曾易,道:「难道,你身上这些魂环,都是自己凝聚的?」 " It seems like you are not stupid. " Ceng Yi said with a smile peacefully. 「看来你也不算蠢。」曾易澹笑道。 " Possibly, human how is how possible to achieve this...... " 「怎么可能,人类怎么可能呢做到这样......」 Icing the silkworm is very incomprehensible. 冰蚕很是不能理解。 In its cognition, can condense Spirit Ring, only then 100,000 years of soul beast revolutions builds the person, can achieve this. 在它的认知中,能够自己凝聚魂环的,只有十万年魂兽转修成人,才可以做到这样。 His human can Spirit Master, actually achieve this? 他一个人类魂师,竟然能够做到这样? " Nothing is impossible, matter that others are unable to achieve, I achieved, this can only say that others' limit in that but I am more outstanding. " The Ceng Yi undulating say/way, seemed like saying an immaterial minor matter. 「没什么不可能,别人无法做到的事情,我做到了,这只能说别人的极限就在那,而我更加优秀罢了。」曾易澹澹道,就像是在说一件无关紧要的小事。 " Since you have achieved the boundary that the predecessor was unable to visit, but why will also come to here? " Ices the silkworm to look at this human, has doubts to say very much. 「既然你已经达到了前人无法踏足的境界,可是为什么还会来这里?」冰蚕看着这个人类,很是疑惑道。 " You will appear here, the goal should be my 1 million years of soul beast is right. " 「你会出现在这里,目标应该是我这个百万年魂兽才对。」 " But you do not need Spirit Ring of my 1 million years of soul beast, why is this? " 「可是你又不需要我这个百万年魂兽的魂环,这是为什么?」 Ices the silkworm to look at Ceng Yi, is very puzzled. 冰蚕看着曾易,很是不解。 Ceng Yi replied: " You said right, I come here goal am you. " 曾易回答道:「你说的没错,我来这里的目标就是你。」 " Hears the Star Dou Forest deep place, exists one first 1 million years cultivate/repair for soul beast, because is curious, looks, the so-called 1 million years of soul beast, is actually what appearance. " 「听说星斗大森林深处,存在着一头百万年修为的魂兽,因为好奇,就过来看一看,所谓的百万年魂兽,究竟是什么样子。」 Ceng Yi is saying, puts out a hand, these fill the abundant spiritual energy gathering and palm in space, formed a light group that is sparkling the golden ray. 曾易说着,伸出了手,那些弥漫在空间中的充沛灵气汇聚与手心之中,形成了一颗闪耀着金色光芒的光团。 Looks at the huge energy on palm, Ceng Yi closed the eye 看着手心上的这股庞大的能量,曾易闭上了眼 The eyeball, feels this energy carefully. 睛,仔细感受这股能量。 This energy and Spirit Power are different, with the world filling the spiritual energy of. 这股能量与魂力不同,与天地间弥漫的灵气也不同。 Its pure, on a quality level. 它更加的纯粹,质量更上一个层次。 Is this supernatural power? 这就是神力吗? No, is not right! 不,不对! Ceng Yi overruled this idea quickly. 曾易很快就否决了这个想法。 Although from this first 1 million years of soul beast energy, compared with ordinary Spirit Power pure, but could not have achieved the supernatural power the degree. 虽说来自这头百万年魂兽身上的能量,比起普通魂力更加的纯粹,但还达不到神力的程度。 According to Ice Emperor, this first 1 million years of soul beast seemed like anything to transport greatly, avoided a day of tribulation. 冰帝所说,这头百万年魂兽似乎走了什么大运,躲过了天劫。 However, because the baptism of useless process day tribulation, own Spirit Power also transforms as the supernatural power uselessly completely. 不过,因为没用经过天劫的洗礼,自身的魂力也没用完全转化为神力。 Therefore its boundary that only then wants, but useless with the strength that it matches. 故其只有想要的境界,而没用与之匹配的战力。 However, even if this first 1 million years of soul beast energy is not the pure supernatural power, but compared with on Spirit Power energy still strong many. 不过,即使这头百万年魂兽身上的能量不是纯粹的神力,但比起魂力能量也强上许多。 Even Ceng Yi, just this conversion of energy for own Spirit Power, still obvious feeling own cultivating to promote such a faint trace. 即使是曾易,刚刚把这股能量转化为自身的魂力,也明显的感觉到自己的修为提升了那么一丝丝。 This makes in the Ceng Yi eye pupil flash through immediately wipes the happy expression. 这顿时让曾易眼眸中闪过一抹喜色。 He now is 95 levels of cultivating is. 要知道,他现在已经是九十五级的修为。 This stage, even if the Ceng Yi cultivation talent is outstanding , may be unable to promote to be promoted in the extreme time. 这个阶段,哪怕曾易的修炼天赋再优秀,也不可能够在极端的时间内提升晋级。 Ceng Yi estimated that if oneself in Star Dou Forest central area, world spiritual energy most sufficient place cultivation. 曾易估算了一下,如果自己在星斗大森林中心区域,天地灵气最为充足的地方修炼。 Cultivation routinely, wants to break through to 96 levels, at least also one year. 按部就班的修炼,想要突破到九十六级,起码也得一年的时间。 At once, Ceng Yi flies high, stands in the above of this first 1 million years of soul beast, flies high to sit cross-legged. 旋即,曾易凌空而起,站在这头百万年魂兽的正上方,凌空盘坐。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ Spirit Ring launch under Ceng Yi. 一个个魂环曾易下方展开。 Quick, the energy in space looked like received the invisible hauling, gathered toward Ceng Yi on. 很快,空间中的能量就像是受到了无形的牵引,往曾易身上汇聚。 However suddenly, the energy of rushing formed the boundary of visible tide, the scene is very magnificent gorgeously. 不过眨眼间,澎湃的能量就形成了肉眼可见的潮汐之境,场面无比壮观绚丽。 These spiritual energy tides, are centered on Ceng Yi, formed the huge vortex. 这些灵气潮汐,以曾易为中心,形成了巨大的漩涡。 But Ceng Yi is similar to heavy drinker absorbing water, swallows the energy that these are rushing greedily. 曾易就如同长鲸吸水般,贪婪地吞噬着这些澎湃的能量。 At this time, in Ceng Yi below ice silkworm , felt not right. 这时,在曾易正下方的冰蚕,也感觉到了不对劲。 He discovered, this human is absorbing the energy of body crazily, cultivates by this. 他发现,这个人类在疯狂的汲取自己身体的能量,以此来进行修炼。 Moreover, this human swallows the energy the speed to be extremely terrifying. 而且,这个人类吞噬自己能量的速度太过恐怖。 This makes it feel that the death was close to oneself fast. 这让它感觉到了死亡正在向自己快速接近。 It was imprisoned does not know here for tens of thousands years. 要知道,它被囚禁在这里不知几万年。 But it can also live, that because of its this pure energy, other soul beasts is hard to absorb. 而它还能够一直活着,那就是因为它这一身精纯的能量,其它魂兽难以吸收。 Because it is 1 million years of soul beast, even if crossed a day of tribulation uselessly, own Spirit Power transforms as the supernatural power uselessly completely. 因为它可是百万年魂兽,即使没用渡过天劫,自身的魂力没用完全转化为神力。 【The new chapter renews the slow issue, in can trade on source app to have the solution finally, here downloads xbyuan to trade source App, simultaneously reads in the latest chapters of many sites.】 【新章节更新迟缓的问题,在能换源的app上终于有了解决之道,这里下载xbyuan换源App,同时查看本书在多个站点的最新章节。】 The energy that but this contains the section losing concentration aura, other soul beasts want to transform this energy completely for their strength, is an extremely difficult matter. 但这股蕴含着部分神之气息的能量,其它魂兽想要把这股能量完全转化为自身的力量,也是一件极为困难的事情。 Therefore, this is also its for tens of thousands years, not by the reason of that several soul beast suck dries. 所以,这也是它几万年来,没有被那几头魂兽吸干的原因。 But this human, as if can now the energy of aura of very fast transformed this share of implication god. 可现在这个人类,似乎能够很快速的转化这股蕴含神之气息的能量。 Icing the silkworm can very clear feeling, the energy of oneself body drain fast. 冰蚕能够很清楚的感觉到,自己身体的能量正在快速流失。 According to this speed gets down, how long possibly could not want, oneself pressing out to do dead by this person. 照这个速度下去,可能要不了多长时间,自己就会被这个人给榨干而死。 " Big brother! Forgave ~, I do not want dead ~ " 「大哥!饶命了啊~,我不想死啊~」 " Asked you to stop, attracted me really dead again! " 「求求你住手,再吸下去我真的要死了!」 " Sir, you are so powerful, why with my bug experience, my meager strength not to be joined to you, asking you to let off me ~ " 「大人,您如此强大,何必与我这一条小虫见识,我这点微薄的力量配不上您啊,求求你放过我吧~」 Felt the death frightened ice silkworm, is imploring urgently to Ceng Yi. 感受到死亡恐惧的冰蚕,对着曾易苦苦哀求。 However Ceng Yi had entered the cultivation condition, pays attention to these 1 million years of soul beasts radically uselessly , to continue to absorb its energy to expand itself. 不过曾易已经进入了修炼状态,根本没用理睬这百万年魂兽,继续汲取它身上的能量来壮大自身。 But At this time, above the lake of life, the startled day war is still continuing. 此时,生命之湖上方,惊天大战还在继续。 A Snow Emperor person of alone war beast god emperor day! 雪帝一人独战兽神帝天! Ice Emperor and dark phoenix, their two fight with another six kings of beasts. 冰帝与暗黑凤凰,她们两个与另外六只兽王相战。 The terrifying aura makes the sky change color, in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), the green virgin forest changed to everywhere the ruins of dark green foreign. 恐怖的气息使得天空变色,方圆千里内,葱郁的原始森林都化作了满目苍夷的废墟。 The beast god emperor day, cultivating of half god rank is, in soul beast empire absolute overlord. 兽神帝天,半神级别的修为,魂兽帝国中绝对的霸主。 But its opponent, was once Northern Polar Fields monarchy, Ice and Snow Maiden Snow Emperor! 可是它的对手,乃是曾经的极北之地的君主,冰天雪女雪帝 Repairing of Snow Emperor was also merely weak emperor day some. 雪帝的修为也仅仅弱了帝天一些而已。 Both too big disparity, the emperor day is unable to defeat Snow Emperor in a short time. 两者没有太大的差距,帝天根本无法短时间内击败雪帝 This unrivalled startled day war, has continued for three days. 这旷世惊天的大战,一直持续了三天。 These three days, even if the human area tens of thousands li (0.5 km) away, some people of terrifying aura that feel in Star Dou Forest to transmit. 这三天,哪怕是几万里之外的人类疆域,有人感受到了星斗大森林内传来的恐怖气息。 The soul beast of surrounding ***. 外围的魂兽***。 These days, human Spirit Master, Star Dou Forest for restricted area, even if the safest surrounding, does not dare to visit. 这段时间,人类魂师,都把星斗大森林是为禁地,哪怕是最安全的外围,都不敢踏足。 Under the lake of life, in mystical place. 生命之湖下方,秘境内。 Three days , the Ceng Yi success broke through 96 levels. 三天的时间,曾易成功突破到了九十六级。 But under the Ceng Yi 1 million years of soul beast, this ice silkworm, is the aura dispirited, the entire body was more withered. 曾易下方的百万年魂兽,这头冰蚕,已经是气息萎靡,整个身躯都干瘪了许多。 " Also is really frail ~, has the so huge energy obviously, is beyond control including own strength, the solemn 1 million years of soul beast was closed like the pet by the same clan here, is really very laughable. " 「还真是脆弱啊~,明明拥有着如此庞大的能量,可是却连自身的力量都无法控制,堂堂百万年魂兽被同族如宠物般关在这里,真是很可笑啊。」 Ice silkworm that looks at the aura dispirited, Ceng Yi undulating opens the mouth. 看着气息萎靡的冰蚕,曾易澹澹开口。 " Asked you to save me...... " 「求求你救救我......」 Ices the silkworm tone weak entreaty. 冰蚕语气虚弱的哀求。 It has soon been in the oil completely lamp dry situation now. 它现在已经快要到油尽灯枯的地步了。 If this human continues to absorb again, it will definitely die. 要是这个人类再继续汲取下去,它肯定会没命的。 It also wants to live, but also wants to have a look outside world, goes to outside to breathe the fresh air, has a look at the deep blue sky, the pure white class/flow clouds. 它还想活着,还想看看外面的世界,去外面呼吸新鲜的空气,看看碧蓝的天空,纯白的流云。 It does not want dead. 它不想就这么死掉。 " Why do I want to save you? As soul beast you, were imprisoned by other soul beasts in this, in the end actually turns toward with the soul beast has human of intense and deep-seated hatred to pray for rescue, doesn't feel somewhat laughably? " Ceng Yi asked. 「我为什么要救你?身为魂兽的你,被其它魂兽囚禁于此,到头来却向着与魂兽有着血海深仇的人类求救,不觉得有些可笑吗?」曾易反问道。 Ices the silkworm to say weakly: " I know that this was a pity very much, but I do not have the means that I only want to live. " 冰蚕虚弱地说道:「我知道这很可惜,但是我没有办法,我只想活着。」 " Moreover you are different from other human. " 「而且你和其他人类不一样。」 Heard these words, Ceng Yi quite had the interest lifted catching the eye. 听到这句话,曾易颇有兴致的抬了抬眼。 " ~, my where different? " 「哦~,我哪里不一样?」 Ices the silkworm saying: " You have not killed my idea, if you really moved killed the heart, can swallow my vitality a moment ago completely, but you have not done ....... explained that you really did not want to kill me. " 冰蚕道:「你没有杀我的想法,你若是真动了杀心,刚才就可以把我的生机完全吞噬,但你并没有那么做.......说明你并不是真想要杀我。」 " Therefore, you do trust your so-called intuition? Also is really the naive 1 million years of soul beast ~ " Ceng Yi shakes the head with a smile. 「所以,你相信你那所谓的直觉么?还真是天真的百万年魂兽啊~」曾易笑着摇了摇头。 Ices the silkworm also to say weakly: " Not only the intuition, I can tell you a secret. " 冰蚕又虚弱地说道:「不只是直觉,我可以告诉你一个秘密。」 " I want to trade my life with this secret, this secret you will certainly be interested. " 「我想用这个秘密换我的命,这个秘密你一定会感兴趣的。」 ...... ...... Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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