DDTR :: Volume #8

#724: Trades Spirit Ring? Golden color! Golden legend ~( Happy New Year!...

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Entered the gate of space. 进入了空间之门。 Inside space is broad, Ceng Yi thought the knowledge to find out by secret inquiry, discovered that the area of this small mystical place, was about about 500 li (0.5 km). 里面的空间非常广阔,曾易用神识探知了一番,发现这个小秘境的面积,大约有五百里左右。 The spiritual energy in this small mystical place is abundant, even the lake of Star Dou Forest most core region life, there spiritual energy is still inferior in this small mystical place. 这小秘境中的灵气非常充裕,即使星斗大森林最核心区域生命之湖,那里的灵气也逊色于这个小秘境。 After entering this small mystical place, Ceng Yi the sensation, the central area of this microcosm, has filled the air to come extremely rich pure energy aura. 进入这个小秘境之后,曾易就已经感知到,这个小世界的中心区域,弥漫而来极为浓郁纯粹的能量气息。 If cultivates for low Spirit Master, here the terrifying is only in the breath a here abundant spiritual energy, sufficiently vertical broken boundary. 若是修为较低的魂师,在这里恐怖只是呼吸上一口这里充沛的灵气,足以立地破境。 Ceng Yi turns toward that energy directly abundantly flies. 曾易直接向着那能量最为充沛的飞去。 However in a minute, Ceng Yi arrives at this most central area. 不过片刻,曾易就来到这最中心区域。 Enters the curtain view, is one huge law that is exuding the blue ray. 入幕眼帘的,是一个泛着蓝色光芒的巨大法阵。 But this law center, lying down body is huge, has dozens meters long ice silkworm fully. 而这个法阵中心,躺着一条身型巨大,足有几十米之长的冰蚕。 This ice silkworm soul beast is glittering and translucent carving, even can see clearly the meridians of its within the body, then presents the sacred golden color just like the spider web vein. 这头冰蚕魂兽晶莹剔透,甚至可以看清其体内的经脉,那宛若蛛网般的脉络则呈现出神圣的金色。 But on it, by the chains that the strength of strategy changes to tying up. 而它身上,被阵法之力化作的锁链给捆住。 Ceng Yi can the clear sensation, these chains, in continuous the absorbing energy from this ice silkworm, integrates in law. 曾易可以清晰的感知到,这些锁链,正在从这头冰蚕身上源源不断的汲取能量,融入法阵之中。 „Is this 1 million years cultivate/repair for the soul beast?” “这就是百万年修为的魂兽?” Looks at this soul beast so pitiful appearance, Ceng Yi voices opinions. 看着这头魂兽如此凄惨的模样,曾易不禁发出一声感叹。 Entered into the life of god boundary, actually on fish meat like block, by same clan sleepily whatever here butchers the use, is really pitiful lamentable.” “迈入了神境的生灵,却如同砧板上的鱼肉般,被同族困在这里任由宰割利用,实在是可悲可叹。” The Ceng Yi voice passes on the space. 曾易的话音在空间中传荡。 The next quarter, sees only in that law surrounded ice silkworm, that huge plump body swayed from side to side struggled. 下一刻,只见那法阵中被困住的冰蚕,那巨大肥硕的身躯扭动挣扎了一番。 Who you ..... are you......?” “你.....你......是谁?” Ice silkworm that had fallen into the deep sleep, after hearing the Ceng Yi sound, starts to regain consciousness, the sound inquired weakly. 原本已经陷入沉睡的冰蚕,在听到了曾易的声音后,开始苏醒,声音虚弱地询问。 Not ..... right, you are not the soul beast, you are the person...... the kind......” “不.....对,你不是魂兽哦,你是人......类......” After regaining consciousness the ice silkworm, the god knows the sensation one Ceng Yi that stood in a law edge, said weakly, in the tone also contains an excitement that was hard to prefabricate. 苏醒后的冰蚕,神识感知了一番站在法阵边缘的曾易,虚弱说道,语气中还蕴藏着一丝难以预制的激动。 How possibly? How human possibly appears here!” “怎么可能?人类怎么可能出现在这里!” Emperor day that reptile? bear Monarch, scarlet king and other kings of beasts? Why will you appear here?” “帝天那条爬虫呢?还有熊君,赤王等兽王?你为什么会出现在这里?” Ices the silkworm to ask excitedly continuously, it looks at the present human, does not dare to imagine simply. 冰蚕激动地连续问道,它看着眼前的这个人类,简直不敢想象。 Where is here? 这里是什么地方? This is most center in Star Dou Forest! 这可是星斗大森林中的最中心啊! Is the restricted area of soul beast empire! 是魂兽帝国的禁地! This place, place that even most powerhouse in human, Titled Douluo, does not dare to go into. 这个地方,即使是人类中的最强者,封号斗罗,都不敢闯入的地方。 Now, human unexpectedly living standing before it, keeping this first 1 million years of soul beast simply from believing what oneself sees is real. 如今,一个人类竟然活生生的站在它面前,让这头百万年魂兽简直无法相信自己所看到的是真的。 As if looks like a dream! 仿佛就像是一场梦! Why can't I appear here?” The Ceng Yi corners of the mouth are exuding the smile of undulating, is looking at this first 1 million years of soul beast, smiles the response peacefully. “我为什么不能出现在这里?”曾易嘴角泛着澹澹的笑容,望着这头百万年魂兽,澹笑回应。 Ices the silkworm to look at present this human, on his face was disclosing throughout decides the free facial expression peacefully, in the foreheads is filling self-confidently, as if this place looks like his back garden to be the same. 冰蚕看着眼前这个人类,他脸上始终透露着澹定自若的神情,眉宇间充满着自信,仿佛这个地方就像是他的后花园一般。 He appears here, should be very natural. 他出现在这里,就应该很自然。 This lets ice silkworm that excitement, started quietly. 这让冰蚕那激动的心情,又开始沉寂了下去。 In just that flash, in its mind conceived this human to have many possibilities here. 就在刚刚那一瞬间,它脑海中设想了这个人类出现在这里的多种可能。 In this mystical place, has many powerful kings of beasts to guard. 这个秘境中,有着诸多实力强大的兽王镇守。 But most powerhouse, the Black Dragon emperor day, cultivating to is the terrifying be more incomparable, has almost reached the boundary of half god! 而最强者,黑龙帝天,修为更是恐怖无比,几乎已达半神之境! Here, even if most powerhouse in human, Titled Douluo, so long as enters the core the lake of life, will write off. 这里,哪怕是人类中的最强者,封号斗罗,只要进入核心的生命之湖,都会被抹杀。 Let alone arrives in this small mystical place. 更别说来到这个小秘境之中。 Therefore, icing the silkworm thinks is very long, thinks, only then a possibility, that is this human, should through similar space transmission and other similar skills, appear in this place. 所以,冰蚕想了很久,认为只有一种可能,那就是这个人类,应该是通过类似空间传送等类似的技能,才出现在这个地方的。 After all, the human Spirit Master Spirit Ring skill is all sorts of strange and unusual, is capable of such not being strange. 毕竟,人类魂师魂环技能千奇百怪,有这样的能力也并不奇怪。 It observes this human that to decide the free manner peacefully. 只是,它观这个人类那澹定自若的神态。 Obviously, the opposite party is not arrived here accidentally/surprisingly, or this person's goal, to come this! 很显然,对方并不是意外来到这里,或者说,这个人本身的目的,就是为了来此! Moreover, the strength of this human, but also very powerful! 而且,这个人类的实力,还非常的强大! Icing the silkworm it is 1 million years of soul beast, although has a boundary spatially, but the strength of corresponding match, oneself have not been a parallel import. 冰蚕它可是百万年魂兽,虽说空有一身境界,但并没有相应匹配的实力,自身是一个水货。 However its of 1 million years of soul beast is. 但是其身上的百万年魂兽的威亚可是实打实的。 100,000 years cultivate/repair for the following soul beast, it shocks them by oneself aura sufficiently. 十万年修为以下的魂兽,它凭借自身气息就足以震慑它们。 In the soul beast, 100,000 years cultivate/repair for soul beast, most powerhouse in strength correspondence human, Titled Douluo. 魂兽中,十万年修为的魂兽,实力对应人类中的最强者,封号斗罗 Therefore , at present this human can also keep so calm in own front, then his cultivating is, lowly is also the Titled Douluo boundary. 所以说,眼前这个人类在自己的面前还能够保持如此镇定,那么他的修为,最低也是封号斗罗境界。 At this moment, iced the silkworm also to understand, at present this human, very obviously for oneself. 此刻,冰蚕也明白了,眼前这个人类,很显然就是为了自己而来。 After icing the silkworm originally, has the fire of hope the opportunity escapes from ascends to heaven, starts to get down secretly peacefully. 冰蚕原本以后有机会逃出升天的希望之火,又开始暗澹下去。 Thinks oneself have the opportunity to escape, now looks like, but is falls into the evil clutches of another person. 原以为自己有机会逃出去,现在看来,不过又是落入另一个人的魔爪之中。 An opportunity that but for several tens of thousands of years, wait till with great difficulty, it does not want to give up. 可是数万年来,好不容易等到的一个机会,它并不想放弃。 Was used the last flesh with it by these sinister deceitful soul beasts, letting them swallows own physical body and soul completely. 与其被那些阴险狡诈的魂兽利用完自己最后一丝血肉,让它们把自己肉体与灵魂吞噬殆尽。 Such result, might as well becomes Spirit Ring of this human! 那样的结局,还不如成为这个人类的魂环 Saves me......” “救救我......” Iced the silkworm hesitant several points, later opened the mouth to think the Ceng Yi plea said. 冰蚕犹豫了几分,随后开口想着曾易恳求道。 Saves you? Why do I want to save you?” Ceng Yi asked. “救你?我为什么要救你?”曾易反问道。 Ices the silkworm to open the mouth saying: I am 1 million years cultivate/repair for the soul beast, I am willing to offer sacrifices on own initiative to become your Spirit Ring!” 冰蚕开口道:“我是百万年修为的魂兽,我愿意主动献祭成为你的魂环!” Spirit Ring of 1 million years of rank, was rarer compared with 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, had this 1 million years of Spirit Ring, you within hundred years can break through the god boundary absolutely, became the gods!” “百万年级别的魂环,比起十万年魂环更加稀有,有了这个百万年魂环,你百年之内绝对能够突破神境,成为神明!” Such future, don't you long for?” “这样的未来,你不渴望吗?” Listened to the words of ice silkworm, Ceng Yi to nod, but also said: Said truly well, but I am Titled Douluo, nine Spirit Ring have filled, without your position.” 听了冰蚕的话,曾易点了点头,但又说道:“说起来确实不错,可是我已经是封号斗罗了,九个魂环已经满了,没有你的位置了。” hears word, ices the silkworm egg paper busy say/way: No rush! I have the mystique, can make you diverge Spirit Ring, making me displace!” 闻言,冰蚕连忙道:“别急啊!我有秘法,可以让你散去一个魂环,让我取而代之!” You could rest assured that my way, will not hurt your source absolutely . Moreover, after fusing Spirit Ring of my 1 million years of soul beast, can let your cultivating for about one step absolutely!” “不过你放心,我这个方式,绝对不会伤害你的本源,而且,融合了我这个百万年魂兽的魂环后,绝对可以让你的修为更近一步!” Even 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, not possible to compare with me, I am the golden color! Golden Spirit Ring ~, isn't this red 100,000 years of Spirit Ring is charming?” “即使是十万年魂环,也不可能与我相比,我可是金色!金色的魂环哦~,这不是红色十万年魂环帅气?” As 1 million years of soul beast, although its strength very water, but after breaking through the god boundary, it also moreover some magical powers. 身为百万年魂兽,虽然它实力很水,但突破了神境后,它也另外了一些神通。 On for example becomes others' Spirit Ring. 就比如成为别人的魂环 It has the means that offers sacrifices oneself in oneself, after becoming Spirit Ring of human, maintains one really spirit not to extinguish. 它有办法,在自己献祭自身,成为人类的魂环后,保持一丝真灵不灭。 Thus, so long as after own host breakthrough god boundary, it has the opportunity of again coming back to life. 这样,只要自己的宿主突破神境后,它就有再次复生的机会。 Moreover, at present this human, looks very young, so the age is the Titled Douluo boundary. 而且,眼前这个人类,看起来非常年轻,如此年纪就已经是封号斗罗境界了。 Such person, even if in solid human, is the talent in talent, the evildoer/monstrous talent in evildoer/monstrous talent. 这样的人,哪怕实在人类中,也是天才中的天才,妖孽中的妖孽。 Therefore, this person of talent absolutely does not have the issue. 所以,这人的天赋绝对没有问题。 Then, in addition own assistance, can let this human absolutely in just hundred years, the sudden hundred levels of upper limits, tread being enthralled boundary, the flying upwards upper boundary. 那么,再加上自己的辅助,绝对可以让这个人类在短短百年之内,突然百级上限,踏入神境,飞升上界。 Then oneself hugs the big influential or powerful person, later can the level enjoy happiness. 那么自己可谓是抱上大粗腿,以后可以躺平享福。 Thinks carefully, but also somewhat small excited ~ 仔细一想,还有些小激动呢~ How what kind of? Completely this matter does not need to consider good!” Ices some silkworm urgings worrying said “怎么样怎么样?这种事情完全不用考虑的好吧!”冰蚕有些着急的催促道 Un ~, sounds truly good.” “嗯~,听起来确实不错。” Ceng Yi nods, catches the eye to stare at this first 1 million years of soul beast, later in the body shakes the powerful Spirit Power fluctuation. 曾易颔首,抬眼凝望着这头百万年魂兽,随后身体中震荡出强大的魂力波动。 Spirit Ring raise from its sole. Silver, silver, silver, silver, silver, silver, black red, silver, silver! 一个个魂环从其脚底升起。银色,银色,银色,银色,银色,银色,黑红,银色,银色! Nine Spirit Ring, are glittering the evil different evil spirit black red color except for seventh Spirit Ring, another eight Spirit Ring are the colors of silvery brilliance! 九个魂环,除了第七个魂环是闪烁着邪异凶煞的黑红之色,另外八个魂环都是银辉之色! Ices the silkworm to look at the nine Spirit Ring of encirclement side Ceng Yi, direct was scared, the brain fell into suddenly jammed the condition. 冰蚕看着环绕在曾易身旁的九个魂环,直接傻眼了,大脑一时间陷入了卡壳状态。 These nine Spirit Ring, Spirit Ring of cognition are completely different from it. 这九个魂环,全部于它所认知的魂环不一样。 Moreover, each Spirit Ring aura incomparable terrifying, even if 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, not that terrifying aura. 而且,每一个魂环的气息都无比的恐怖,哪怕是十万年魂环,都没有那么恐怖的气息。 Trades source app 换源app】 This fears is , compared to itself 1 million years of Spirit Ring, but also is powerful! 这怕是,比起自己所化的百万年魂环,还要强大! The Ceng Yi corners of the mouth bring to wipe the chuckle, is asking to the ice silkworm: You have a look, my does Spirit Ring need to trade?” 曾易嘴角带着一抹轻笑,对着冰蚕问道:“你看看,我那个魂环需要换?” ...... ......
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