DDTR :: Volume #8

#723: Sneaks the lake bottom( new year comes quickly!)

...... ...... Feels this is flooding the full space ice-cold kills intent, the Black Dragon emperor day felt own soul is trembling. 感受着这充斥满空间的冰冷杀意,黑龙帝天感到自己灵魂都在颤栗。 The emperor day achievement Star Dou Forest King, in control forest the kings of all soul beasts, cultivates for is immeasurably deep. 帝天作为星斗大森林的王者,统御这森林中所有魂兽的帝王,一身修为更是深不可测。 Moreover in recent years, it has hidden in the Star Dou Forest deep place, swallows the essence of that first 1 million years of soul beast. 而且这些年来,它一直隐藏在星斗大森林深处,吞噬那头百万年魂兽的精华。 Own cultivating is, already infinitely is close to for 1 million years cultivating for the rank. 自身的修为,已经是无限接近百万年修为的级别。 Almost called the first half god! 几乎称得上半神! The emperor day believes, oneself this cultivates is, is invincible in this world. 帝天自认为,自己这一身修为,已经是无敌于这世间。 But today, it is clear, oneself seats the view day. 而今日,它才清楚,自己是坐进观天了。 At present this human, obviously is strong in oneself, perhaps, has stepped into another boundary, is not it can be a worthy opponent. 眼前这个人类,显然是强于自己,或许,已经踏入了另一个境界,绝不是它能够匹敌的。 Is this potential of human? 这就是人类的潜力吗? In the emperor sky overhead is very unwilling. 帝天心中很是不甘。 In its eye, human is only a short-lived race. 在它眼中,人类不过只是一个短命的种族。 The life of ordinary human, is about hundred years. 普通人类的一生,不过百年。 Even if cultivates for profoundness, still has several hundred years of life. 即使修为高深者,也不过只是拥有数百年的生命。 But, is such race, has the infinite potential, 可是,就是这样的种族,却有着无穷的潜力, Can in the extreme time, grow extremely terrifying cultivating is the boundary. 能够在极端的时间,就成长到了极为恐怖的修为境界。 But this cultivated/repaired is, the soul beast must spend for several thousand years, even over ten thousand years, tens of thousands years, hundreds of thousands years can achieve. 而这等修为,魂兽则是要花费数千年,甚至上万年,几万年,十几万年才能够达到。 The soul beast has the glorious vitality longevity race obviously. 魂兽明明是拥有着悠久生命力的长寿种族。 Properly speaking should compare to human to be nobler is. 按理说应该比起人类更为高贵才是。 But, why the human small and weak and short-lived race, can have such potential, controls the entire mainland? 可是,为什么人类这种弱小而又短命的种族,能够拥有这样的潜力,主宰整个大陆? The emperor day as beast god, it is incomprehensible. 身为兽神的帝天,它不能理解。 But under Ceng Yi this terrifying imposing manner, it, although has the fear, what are more is unwilling. 而在曾易这恐怖的气势下,它虽有恐惧,但更多的是心有不甘。 Own several hundred thousand years of cultivation precipitations, have cultivating of this grade of boundary are, cannot stand off a small human unexpectedly! 自己几十万年的修炼沉淀,才拥有这等境界的修为,竟然敌不过一个小小的人类! Must fight then fights! This is impossible to submit to human!” Emperor day that pair of huge dragon dreading is staring at Ceng Yi, the sinking sound said. “要战便战!本座不可能会向人类屈服!”帝天那双巨大的龙目忌惮的盯着曾易,沉声道。 It as the beast god, as the lord of soul beast, its dignity, is impossible to make it submit to a human. 它身为兽神,作为魂兽之主,它的尊严,不可能让它向一个人类屈服。 The gentlemen may kill, not shame! 士可杀,不可辱! Even does not beat. 即使不敌。 But the emperor day has been ready that has fought at risk of life. 但帝天已经做好了拼死一战的准备。 Regarding this Black Dragon so firm approach, Ceng Yi somewhat is actually accidental. 对于这头黑龙如此坚决的态度,曾易倒是有些意外。 Oneself have exposed to be able the steamroll their strength, dares is so stubborn unexpectedly, did not fear the death. 自己已经展露出了可以碾压它们的实力,竟然还敢如此倔强,不畏死亡。 This makes Ceng Yi look at this beast god emperor day one actually high. 这倒是让曾易高看这个兽神帝天一眼。 However, that first 1 million years of soul beast, Ceng Yi wants the strength to go a step further in a short time, is impossible to give up. 不过,那头百万年魂兽,曾易想要短时间内实力更进一步,也不可能放弃。 After all, he and Chen Wuyue meeting nears, must result in is further again good. 毕竟,他与尘无月的约战在即,必须得再进一步才行。 However, in emperor day flock of soul beasts from the lake bottom of life comes, but that moment, Ceng Yi discovered a more interesting matter. 不过,在帝天这群魂兽从生命之湖底下现身而出的那一刻,曾易发现了一个更加有趣的事情。 Such being the case, that also nothing more to be said.” Ceng Yi undulating opens the mouth, but the line of sight is actually gazing at the lake of below life. “既然如此,那也没有什么好说的了。”曾易澹澹开口,但是视线却始终注视着下方的生命之湖。 The profound pupil light, as if pierces the lake water that under surged, as if penetrated the world. 深邃的眸光,似乎洞穿了下方涌动的湖水,仿佛穿透了世界。 The Black Dragon emperor day sees Ceng Yi so, felt that immediately was not wonderful. 黑龙帝天见曾易如此,顿时感觉到了一丝不妙。 Did this human discover what? 难道这个人类发现了什么? Flurry, you do not have the gratitude and grudges with them, that gave you several to handle, I went to under the lake bottom to have a look.” “小雪,你们不是与它们有恩怨吗,那就交给你们几个搞定了,我去湖底下看看。” Ceng Yi was saying to Snow Emperor, then changes to together the light, flies toward the lake of below life. 曾易对着雪帝说了一声,便化作一道光,往下方的生命之湖飞去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The emperor day sees this human to toward the lake of life under search, in the heart in great surprise, overruns to intercept hastily. 帝天见这人类要往生命之湖下方探去,心中大惊,连忙冲过去想要拦截。 Card! 卡! But the next quarter, a giant thick ice wall kept off in its front. 可是下一刻,一道巨大厚实的冰墙就挡在了它的前面。 Snow Emperor! You really must so, not forget our soul beast and human have the intense and deep-seated hatred!” 雪帝!你真要如此,别忘了我们魂兽与人类可是有着血海深仇!” Sees Snow Emperor to block before oneself, the emperor day is furious. 雪帝拦在自己面前,帝天震怒。 Regarding the emperor day words, Snow Emperor is only the peaceful desert sneers one, said: Let alone these did not have the words of significance, in the final analysis you were also only one for the self-interest, so-called beast god, but was only a joke.” 对于帝天的话,雪帝只是澹漠冷笑一声,道:“别说这些没有意义的话了,说到底你也不过只是一个为了自身利益而已,所谓的兽神,不过只是一个笑话罢了。” Therefore, you must stand that side human, with this is the enemy, with an entire soul beast clan is the enemy!” The emperor day cursed angrily. “所以,你要站在人类那边,与本座为敌,与整个魂兽一族为敌!”帝天怒骂道。 Let alone smiled, emperor day! You could not have represented all soul beasts!” “别说笑了,帝天!你还代表不了所有魂兽!” Snow Emperor scolded one, the strength of next quarter boundless vast polar ice can gather a giant ice lance, punctured toward the emperor day. 雪帝呵斥一声,下一刻磅礴浩瀚的极冰之力能聚成了一把巨大的冰矛,向着帝天刺去。 Blocks that human to me!” “给我拦住那个人类!” The emperor day was blocked by Snow Emperor, Snow Emperor cultivates for is not weak, even it in Snow Emperor, is impossible to defeat her in a short time, can only let block that person, otherwise he goes to under the lake of life. 帝天被雪帝挡住,雪帝修为不弱,即使它强于雪帝,也不可能短时间内打败她,只能让手下拦住那人,不然他前往生命之湖下方。 bear Monarch, scarlet king and other king of beasts hears word, leaves immediately, but the next quarter, a blazing black flame surrounded them. 熊君,赤王等兽王闻言,随即动身,可下一刻,一股炽热的黑炎就包围了它们。 Hou humph humph ~, the master does not like being disturbed, you stay here to accompany me.” “嚯嚯嚯~,主人可不喜欢被人打扰,你们就留在这里陪我吧。” The dark phoenix left behind these soul beasts directly. 暗黑凤凰直接留下了这几头魂兽。 Ice Emperor also erupts the powerful imposing manner, acts directly. 冰帝也爆发出强悍的气势,直接出手。 Although seems like the both sides number to have very big disparity, here only then three, the opposite has seven kings of beasts. 虽说看起来双方数量有着很大的差距,这边只有三位,对面有着七尊兽王。 But overall strength, actually not inferior opposite party seven kings of beasts. 但总体实力,却毫不逊色对方七位兽王。 The emperor day cultivates to be close to 1 million years of soul beast infinitely, it can be said that in a soul beast clan strongest strength. 帝天修为无限接近百万年魂兽,可以说是魂兽一族中最强战力了。 But Snow Emperor strength, is powerful. 雪帝的实力,也非常强大。 As sword spirit that the Ceng Yi Martial Soul mist cuts, Snow Emperor can be a part in Ceng Yi soul. 作为曾易武魂岚切的剑灵,雪帝可以算是曾易灵魂中的一部分。 When Snow Emperor lives for the soul beast, but has 700,000 years to cultivate/repair is, missed compared with the emperor day. 虽说雪帝生为魂兽之时,只是有着七十万年修为,比起帝天差了许多。 But after to become Ceng Yi sword spirit, its strength also with the promotion of Ceng Yi, but becomes more powerful. 但在成为曾易剑灵之后,其实力也会随着曾易的提升,而变得更加强大。 Present Snow Emperor, perhaps is also not the emperor day opponent, but the emperor day must defeat Snow Emperor, does not pay the frigid price, is absolutely impossible. 现在的雪帝,或许还不是帝天的对手,但是帝天要战胜雪帝,不付出惨烈的代价,是绝对不可能的。 Ice Emperor also spirits as the Ceng Yi sword, the strength naturally also compares to the soul beast time, on strong many. 冰帝也是作为曾易剑灵,实力自然也比起还是魂兽的时候,强上许多。 The dark phoenix not to mention, the strength also compared to Snow Emperor to be weaker, has the battle efficiency of summit rank certainly. 暗黑凤凰更不用说了,实力也就比起雪帝弱一些,也是有着绝巅级别的战斗力。 Therefore, their three people block Star Dou Forest these seven kings of beasts, absolutely does not have the issue. 所以,她们三人拦下星斗大森林这七尊兽王,完全没有问题。 Three pairs seven. 三对七。 The region of Star Dou Forest most core, above the lake of life, erupted the startled day war, the terrifying aura made the entire virgin forest vibrate. 星斗大森林最核心的区域,生命之湖上方,爆发出了惊天大战,恐怖的气息使得整座原始森林都在震动。 The complementary waves make surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) be razed to the ground. 余波使得方圆几百里都被夷为平地。 The startled day war breaks out at the same time, Ceng Yi has submerged under the lake bottom of life. 惊天大战爆发的同时,曾易已经潜入了生命之湖底下。 The lake of this life is very deep, Ceng Yi dived several hundred meters, has not seen the lake bottom. 这生命之湖很深,曾易下潜了几百米,都还没有看到湖底。 Ceng Yi continues to dive, is about the kilometer, finally saw the earth's crust of lake bottom. 曾易继续下潜,大约有千米,终于看到了湖底的地壳。 Stands under the lake bottom, Ceng Yi thought the knowledge to sweep, has not discovered anything. 站在湖底之下,曾易用神识扫荡了一圈,都没有发现什么。 „It is not right, under the lake bottom of that several soul beast potential lives, that first 1 million years of soul beast should also be right under properly speaking.” “不对劲啊,那几头魂兽一直潜在生命之湖底下,按理说那头百万年魂兽也应该在下面才对。” Why is sensation less than aura?” “可是为什么感知不到一点气息?” Some Ceng Yi doubts twittering. 曾易有些疑惑地呢喃。 Perhaps, hides in a more secret place. 或许,是藏在一个更加隐秘的地方。 Before, these kings of beasts that flash of the lake bottom presenting, Ceng Yi truly catch very powerful aura. 之前,那些兽王从湖底出现的那一瞬间,曾易确实捕捉到了一股很强大的气息。 That aura, absolutely is not on that seven first 100,000 years of soul beasts. 那道气息,绝对不是那七头十万年魂兽身上的。 Perhaps is that first 1 million years of soul beast. 或许是那头百万年魂兽。 Also perhaps, life, but also has a more powerful soul beast. 又或许,生命之底下,还存在着一头更加强大的魂兽。 If that aura really exists, then, the master of this aura, wants powerful existence compared with the Black Dragon emperor day absolutely. 如果那股气息是真的存在,那么,这气息的主人,绝对是比起黑龙帝天还要强大的存在。 The master of that wisp of aura then, Ceng Yi catches, is one cultivates absolutely is over 1 million years soul beast. 那么,曾易捕捉到的那缕气息的主人,绝对是一尊修为百万年以上的魂兽。 The Ceng Yi squatting down body, the deep place palm covers in the earth's crust, closed the eye, Spirit Power fluctuates just like the ripple spreads toward all around. 曾易蹲下身体,深处手掌覆盖在地壳上,闭上了眼睛,一股魂力波动宛若波纹般往四周扩散。 About one minute, Ceng Yi however opened the eye courageous, the fine glow glitters in the eye pupil together. 大约一分钟,曾易勐然睁开了眼睛,一道精芒在眼眸中闪烁。 Found!” “找到了!” At once, the Ceng Yi form disappears on the spot. 旋即,曾易身影消失在原地。 Profound lake bottom, some huge before pinnacle reef, Ceng Yi stands in this before the pinnacle reef. 深邃的湖底,某块巨大如石塔般的礁石前,曾易站在这座宛若石塔的礁石前。 But the surroundings of this pinnacle reef, had six small reefs, assumes six glow respectively star-shaped. 而这石塔礁的周围,存在了六颗较小的礁石,分别呈六芒星状。 Strategy? That was here!” “阵法?那就是这里了!” Looks at the surrounding lattice point, the Ceng Yi corners of the mouth brings back wiped the happy expression. 看着周围的阵点,曾易嘴角勾起了一抹笑意。 He the sensation, here has existed wipes the strength of very secret space. 他已经感知到,这里存在着一抹非常隐秘的一丝空间之力。 Very remarkable, under the lake bottom of life, has this independent space the small mystical place. 很显着,生命之湖底下,存在这一个独立空间的小秘境。 But that first 1 million years of soul beast in inside, this strategy is disappearance of gate of opening mystical place. 而那头百万年魂兽就在里面,这阵法就是开启秘境之门的消失。 How to open this dust-shower law, Ceng Yi does not know, he has not initiated the strategy the method. 只是如何开启这座阵法,曾易不知道,他没有启动阵法的方法。 However, since he has caught that faint trace secret the strength of space, this explained, this strategy is not very perfect, existed flaw. 不过,既然他已经捕捉到了那一丝丝隐秘的空间之力,这说明,这阵法并不是特别完善,存在的缺陷。 At the Ceng Yi present strength, can definitely toward this gap, break it by the strength. 曾易现在的力量,完全可以朝着这一个缺口,以力破之。 Goes ahead, the Ceng Yi eye pupil concentrates, wipes the sword glow to glitter in his eye pupil. 说做就做,曾易眼眸一凝,一抹剑芒在他眼眸中闪烁。 Cuts!” “斩!” In an instant, together swift and fierce cold glow twinkle. 刹那间,一道凌厉的寒芒闪烁。 Ceng Yi draws a sword, a blade cuts fast, cuts, in that has in a distortion space node. 曾易拔剑,一刀快速斩出,斩在那有着一丝扭曲的空间节点上。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The huge bellow deafening sound, the terrifying strength makes the lake water start the rebellion, the earth's crust trembles. 巨大的轰鸣声震响,恐怖的力量使得湖水开始暴动,地壳震颤。 But the gate of space Ceng Yi at present, twists together illusory appears. 曾易眼前,一道虚幻扭曲的空间之门显现而出。 Looks at this, Ceng Yi smiles one peacefully, said: Really so.” 看着这一幕,曾易澹笑一声,道:“果然如此。” Afterward, takes a step, enters in this door. 随后,迈步,走进这扇门中。 After Ceng Yi goes , the gate of dissipation space does not see. 曾易进去后,空间之门也消散不见。 ...... ......
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