DDTR :: Volume #8

#722: I am 1 the person who is good to speak ~

...... ...... Hehe ~, but also reads in the consanguineous share? A your greatly black lizard, who with your same clan?” “呵呵~,还看着同族的份上?你一头大黑蜥蜴,谁跟你同族了?” Ice Emperor resentment unrestrained/no trace of politeness goes back. 冰帝毫不客气的怼回去。 You also really think that you can retain us in the past? The elder sister is the extremely northern monarchy! If at a Northern Polar Fields war, how the elder sister possibly to lose to your despicable and shameless fellow!” “你还真以为你当年能留得住我们?姐姐可是极北的君主!若是在极北之地一战,姐姐怎么可能输给你这种卑鄙无耻的家伙!” You court death!” “你找死!” The Ice Emperor words enraged the emperor day thoroughly, its fierce dragon mouth big, sent out dragon angry roaring sound that resounds through the horizon. 冰帝的话彻底激怒了帝天,它那狰狞的龙口大张,发出了响彻天际的龙怒吼声。 It takes the control of Star Dou Forest, carries dragon God the bloodlines, is a bloodline pure Black Dragon clan. 它作为星斗大森林的主宰,身负龙神血脉,乃是血统纯正的黑龙一族。 But this small scorpion, a greatly black lizard. 而这小蝎子,一口一个大黑蜥蜴。 Does not pay attention to its this soul king of beasts simply, that is insulting its dragon god bloodlines! 简直是不把它这个魂兽王者放在眼里,那是在侮辱它身上的龙神血脉! The terrifying imposing manner that the emperor day erupts, making the Ice Emperor heart be startled. 帝天身上爆发的恐怖的气势,让冰帝不由心惊。 However thinks of the elder sister in the side. 不过一想到姐姐在身边。 Again bad, Ceng Yi revealed that she also with fearing this greatly black lizard? 再不济,还有曾易兜底,她还用怕这条大黑蜥蜴? Snow Emperor, are you also this meaning?” 雪帝,你也是这个意思?” Black Dragon emperor day that ice-cold dragon is staring around Snow Emperor, asked. 黑龙帝天那冰冷的龙目凝视着一旁的雪帝,质问道。 Snow Emperor has not spoken, but looks to Ceng Yi. 雪帝没有说话,而是看向身边的曾易 On the Ceng Yi face has the genial smile, opens the mouth saying: Everyone do not hit the anger, what matter has unable to sit to discuss well, killing many are not good, you said is right?” 曾易脸上带着和煦的笑容,开口道:“大家别那么打火气嘛,有什么事情不能够坐下来好好商量呢,打打杀杀多不好啊,你们说对不对?” Right, introduced to me.” Ceng Yi asked to Ice Emperor. “对了,给我介绍一下。”曾易冰帝问道。 Ice Emperor somewhat would rather not introducing several soul beasts to Ceng Yi. 冰帝有些不太情愿地对曾易介绍着几头魂兽。 This Black Dragon called the emperor the day, the main body was gold/metal dark eyes Dragon King, cultivating is over 900,000 years, Star Dou Forest true control, moreover it also from number was the beast god, controlled world all soul beasts, a conceited fellow.” “这条黑龙叫帝天,本体是金眼黑龙王,修为九十万年以上,星斗大森林真正的主宰,而且它还自号自己为兽神,主宰天下所有魂兽,一个狂妄自大的家伙。” That green duck called Brigitte, “那头绿鸭子叫碧姬, The main body emerald swan, is that the wife of Black Dragon. ” 本体翡翠天鹅,是那黑龙的妻子。” This stupid bear, the main body is the dark gold/metal Kong claw bear.” “还有这头笨熊,本体是暗金恐爪熊。” ten thousand Yaowang, is this strange is ugly, is growing the trees of many eye, the main body is the monster eye demon tree.” “万妖王,也就是这棵奇丑无比,长着很多眼睛的树,本体是妖眼魔树。” „The dog of that three head, the main body is three scarlet demon mastiffs.” “那三个头的狗,本体是三头赤魔獒。” On another is twining the purple sex fiend flame dragon, she is also that the wife of Black Dragon, main body hell demon Dragon King.” “另一头身上缠绕着紫色魔炎的龙,她也是那黑龙的妻子,本体地狱魔龙王。” Last with the empty shadow same monster, being called the monster spirit, its main body was what I is not quite clear, in brief was very strange and that's the end.” “最后一个跟虚影一样怪物,叫妖灵,它本体是什么我也不太清楚,总之很古怪就是了。” ~ 啪啪啪~ Listened to the introduction of Ice Emperor, Ceng Yi somewhat to pat the palm excitedly. 听完冰帝的介绍,曾易有些激动地拍了拍手掌。 Cannot think, the Star Dou Forest deep place, is also hiding so many 100,000 years of soul beasts unexpectedly. 想不到,星斗大森林深处,竟然还隐藏着如此多的十万年魂兽。 How first did not say other 100,000 years of soul beasts. 先不说其他的十万年魂兽怎么样。 But is only the strength of this Black Dragon, makes Ceng Yi very surprised. 但光是这头黑龙的实力,就让曾易很是惊讶。 Over 900,000 years cultivating are, but also has dragon God the bloodlines. 九十万年以上的修为,还有着龙神血脉。 Doesn't this strength, need that deep sea demon whale king strong of sea deep place? 这份实力,不必大海深处的那头深海魔鲸王强? Since Star Dou Forest worthily preserves from the high antiquity, truly has the deep background. 星斗大森林不愧是从远古时代存留至今,确实有着深厚的底蕴。 The emperor day changed to the line of sight this mysterious man, immediately dragon eye a wrinkle, to Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor they are opening the mouth to say later: Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, cannot think that many years do not see, both of you also degenerated, arrived at one with base and low human unexpectedly.” 帝天把视线转到了这个神秘男人身上,顿时龙眸一皱,随后对着雪帝,冰帝两人开口道:“雪帝,冰帝,想不到多年不见,你们俩也堕落了,竟然和卑微的人类走到了一起。” hears word, Snow Emperor black eyebrow one cold, visual emperor day, the peaceful desert opens the mouth saying: Emperor day, this emperor makes anything not to need you to teach.” 闻言,雪帝黛眉不由一冷,目视着帝天,澹漠开口道:“帝天,本帝做什么还不需要你来教导。” Today, we come this, is only a matter, hands over that ice silkworm.” “今天,我们来此,只为一件事,把那头冰蚕交出来。” Hands over that ice silkworm, we leave immediately, does not feel embarrassed you. Otherwise, today is unable to be friendly!” “交出那头冰蚕,我们马上就离开,不为难你们。若不然,今日是无法善了!” Ha, how many depends on your, dares to put the boastful talk greatly? Really laughably!” “哈哈哈,就凭你们几个,也敢大放狂言?真是可笑至极!” The emperor day sent out a being furious dragon roar, the powerful aura starts the rebellion. 帝天发出了一身震怒的龙吼,强大的气息开始暴动。 Not is only it, other soul king of beasts also start the anger. 不仅仅是它,其他魂兽王者也开始愤怒。 That first 1 million years of soul beast is their common bottom line, does not permit besides them any soul beast, anybody touches. 那头百万年魂兽是它们共同的底线,绝不允许除了它们之外的任何魂兽,任何人触碰。 Who touches whom dead! 谁触谁死! It seems like must fight! I was too excited!” “看来还是要打架啊!那我可是太兴奋了!” The dark phoenix sees opposite this crowd of soul beast one to do an appearance, she is excited is ready to fight, in the eye pupil, flashes through charmingly wipes cruelly. 暗黑凤凰见对面这群魂兽一副要干架的样子,她兴奋得摩拳擦掌,娇媚地眼眸中,闪过一抹暴戾。 Cried ~ 啼~ A resonant phoenix cry resounds through the horizon. 一声嘹亮的凤鸣响彻天际。 The dark phoenix also melted the true body, appeared in the sky. 暗黑凤凰也化出了真身,显现于天空之中。 The huge body and emperor day Black Dragon true body differs not many. 庞大的身躯与帝天的黑龙真身相差不多。 The terrifying imposing manner from its secret, the scalding hot phoenix flame causes the space naked eye obvious distortion. 恐怖的气势从其身上秘密而出,灼热的凤炎使得空间都肉眼可见的扭曲起来。 Unexpectedly is the phoenix!” “竟然是凤凰!” The emperor day sees to appear the true body dark phoenix, in the heart in great surprise. 帝天看到显出真身的暗黑凤凰,心中大惊。 The dark phoenix carried ancient times the god phoenix bloodlines, seemed not inferior in the emperor day Dragon King bloodlines. 暗黑凤凰身负远古神凰血脉,似乎不逊色于帝天的龙王血脉。 However, her cultivating to compare to the emperor day, is not as good actually, cultivates for also about 800,000 years. 不过,她的修为比起帝天,倒是要差一些,修为也就八十万年左右。 However, emperor day later, other 100,000 years of soul beasts, she do not pay attention. 但是,除了帝天之后,其他的十万年魂兽,她可是不放在眼里。 Let alone, the soul beast takes seriously the bloodlines extremely, the dark phoenix noble bloodlines, making her oppose the enemy other bloodlines weakly in her soul beast, can play very big suppressed effect. 更何况,魂兽本身就极其重视血脉,暗黑凤凰高贵的血脉,使得她对敌其他血脉弱于她的魂兽,可以起到很大的压制效果。 Master, can I swallow these soul beasts?” The dark phoenix inquired to Ceng Yi, his pair of scarlet phoenix pupil, reduces on opposite these soul beasts, in the eye pupil is glittering the bloodthirsty ray. “主人,我可以吞了这几头魂兽吗?”暗黑凤凰向曾易询问,其那双猩红的凤眸,紧缩在对面这几头魂兽身上,眼眸中闪烁着嗜血的光芒。 Hears dark phoenix saying, this kept Star Dou Forest these kings of beasts from enduring. 听到暗黑凤凰这话,这让星斗大森林的这几头兽王都无法忍受了。 Living was so long, hasn't met so extremely arrogant soul beast, the opens the mouth must swallow own flesh essence? 活了这么久,从来还没有遇见如此狂妄的魂兽,张口就要吞噬自己的血肉精华? „, Do not be first excited.” “嘛嘛,先别激动啊。” The Ceng Yi stand, faces directly this Black Dragon, said: If really hits, how first did not say the victory and defeat, only fears your Star Dou Forest, but must turn into stretch of ruins.” 曾易站出来,直面这头黑龙,说道:“真要是打起来,先不说胜负如何,只怕你这星斗大森林,可要变成一片废墟了啊。” I hear that ice silkworm, but is only the soul beast of ordinary bloodlines, can actually break the boundary of soul beast, achieves 1 million years of rank. “我听说那头冰蚕,不过只是普通血脉的魂兽,却能够突破魂兽的界限,达到百万年级别。 Properly speaking, is the soul beast of 1 million years of rank, steps is enthralled the boundary? Although its strength is not much, but the boundary should boundary of the god truly, therefore I am very curious, can study this soul beast taking advantage of my several days? ” 按理说,百万年级别的魂兽,已经是迈入神之境界了吧?虽说它实力不怎么样,但境界应该确确实实的神之境,所以我很好奇,能不能把这头魂兽借我几天研究一下?” Facing the request of Ceng Yi, the Black Dragon emperor day disdains saying: Human, wants not to think! I as the head of soul beast, how may make the this/Ben place's people fall into you such despicable human hand!” 面对曾易的请求,黑龙帝天不屑道:“人类,想都不想!吾作为魂兽之首,怎么可能会让本座的子民落入你这样卑劣的人类手中!” Heard this saying, Ceng Yi gawked, later laughed. 听到这话,曾易愣了一下,随后大笑起来。 Ha ~ “哈哈哈~” Ceng Yi was soon teased the saying with a smile tears to flow by emperor day saying, he said funnily: Your people? As king you, imprison your people in this, day and night absorbs its divine nature essence, takes this to promote own cultivating, such you, my human is despicable, was this also extremely rather laughable?” 曾易被帝天这话逗得笑道眼泪都快要流出来了,他好笑说道:“你的子民?身为王的你,把自己的子民囚禁于此,日日夜夜吸收其的神性精华,以此来增进自身的修为,这样的你,却来说我这个人类卑劣,这未免也太过可笑了吧?” Regarding this opinion, the emperor day does not want to do excessively explained much. 对于这份言论,帝天不想做过多解释。 Human, you, if departs, I may no longer investigate this matter!” “人类,你若就此离去,吾可不再追究此事!” Otherwise, you and others will be buried in this Star Dou Forest! Moreover, my soul beast empire, will tread Star Dou Forest, the liquidator clan!” “若不然,你等都将葬身在这星斗大森林!不仅如此,吾魂兽帝国,将踏出星斗大森林,清算人族!” Does not want to become the criminal of person clan, on fast leaves!” “不想成为人族的罪人,就速速离开!” Heard emperor day threat, the smile on Ceng Yi face disappeared, wiped the cool color to spread. 听到帝天这句威胁,曾易脸上的笑容消了下去,一抹冷色蔓延上来。 The Ceng Yi eye pupil is staring at the Black Dragon emperor day profoundly, cold say/way: Threatens me, do you have this strength?” 曾易深邃地眼眸凝视着黑龙帝天,冷道:“威胁我,你有这个实力吗?” As the Ceng Yi voice falls, the invisible air wave sweeps across by his body. 随着曾易话音一落,无形的气浪以他身体席卷而出。 The terrifying imposing manner shoots up to the sky, comes out of the sheath just like a hidden point for a long time divine sword. 恐怖的气势冲天而起,宛若一把藏锋已久的神剑出鞘。 The sword air/Qi direct impact horizon, the cloud layer washed out swiftly and fiercely, as if the vault of heaven was pierced was the same. 凌厉地剑气直冲天际,云层都被冲散开来,仿佛天穹被洞穿了一样。 Ceng Yi flying high stands in the space, draws out the mist to cut, the blade points to the Black Dragon emperor day. 曾易凌空站在天上,拔出岚切,刀刃直指黑龙帝天。 Terrifying killing intent lets in entire Star Dou Forest all lives, till scared. 恐怖的杀意让整座星斗大森林中所有的生灵,都为止胆寒。 The emperor day stared in a big way own dragon, cannot believe that is looking at the present human. 帝天瞪大了自己的龙目,不敢相信地望着眼前的这个人类。 On him the aura is extremely powerful, incomparable terrifying. 他身上的这股气息太过强大,无比恐怖。 Now was pointing at with the blade by this human, it had felt that oneself soul had been given locking by the death aura. 如今被这人类用刀刃指着,它已经感觉到自己的灵魂已经被死亡气息给锁定。 This makes it feel the incomparable fear. 这让它感到无比恐惧。 Does this world, how possibly have so powerful human? 这个世间,怎么可能还有如此强大的人类? Has he broken through that boundary in legend? 难道,他已经突破到了传说中的那个境界? You only have two choices, one, hands over that soul beast, may live!” “你只有两个选择,一,交出那只魂兽,可活!” Two, continue to resist stubbornly, was killed by me!” “二,继续负隅顽抗,然后被我杀死!” Elects!” “选吧!” ..... .....。
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