DDTR :: Volume #8

#721: Star Dou Forest true King, emperor day!

Newest website:...... 最新网址:...... " This emperor this called them to come out! " 「本帝这就叫它们出来!」 Ice Emperor somewhat said excitedly that pupil light staring to this tranquil lake surface. 冰帝有些兴奋地说道,眸光凝视向这平静的湖面。 Back then, to chase down that first 1 million years of soul beast, she stepped into Star Dou Forest for the first time. 想当年,为了追杀那头百万年魂兽,她第一次踏入了星斗大森林中。 Saw that the prey must succeed in obtaining, but by that control snatching. 眼看猎物就要到手了,可是被那主宰给抢了。 Even also by that fellow to the severe wound, almost died. 甚至还被那家伙给重伤,差点死掉。 Regarding this matter, Ice Emperor has taken to heart. 对于此事,冰帝可是一直耿耿于怀。 Now is near again Star Dou Forest, before she can finally snow the shame, reported the enmity of past years. 如今再临星斗大森林,她终于可以一雪前耻,报当年之仇了。 Although Ice Emperor does not catch cold regarding Ceng Yi, but the matter she has to acknowledge. 虽说冰帝对于曾易并不太感冒,但有一件事情她不得不承认。 Ceng Yi is very strong. 曾易真的很强。 That greatly black lizard, Ceng Yi can pitch to be oppressive casually it! 那条大黑蜥蜴,曾易可以随便蹂虐它! Ice Emperor that petite body flies high to fly, stagnates above the lake of life. 冰帝那娇小的身体凌空飞起,停滞在生命之湖上方。 The aura of boundless terrifying fills the air from her. 磅礴恐怖的气息从她身上弥漫而出。 The pinnacle ice cold air/Qi spread, making the surrounding temperature in the aerospace rapidly drop the freezing point, the lake of below life, in the lake surface had been frozen the ice, the ice surface rapidly is still expanding. 极致的冰寒之气蔓延,使得周围空间温度快速下降到了冰点,下方的生命之湖,湖面上已经被冻结成冰,冰面还在迅速扩大。 " Greatly black lizard! The old friends visit, has not come out to greet a bit faster, hides, this is not the hospitality! " 「大黑蜥蜴!老朋友到访,还不快点出来迎接,躲躲藏藏的,这可不是待客之道!」 Ice Emperor is drinking to the lake of life under greatly. 冰帝对着生命之湖下方大喝。 She knows, that group of fellows on conceals under of this lake. 她知道,那群家伙就藏在这湖的下方。 If not come out, she gives them the den to transform directly, making this lake turn into the ice cave. 要是不出来的话,她直接给它们老巢改造一番,让这湖变成冰窟。 Does not know the soul beasts in these forests, could not be borne the cold ice from extremely north! 就是不知道这些森林中的魂兽,受不受得了来自极北的寒冰! " Dissolute! " 「放肆!」 In a while, calling out that is furious together resounds through in void. 没过多久,一道震怒的暴喝在虚空中响彻。 Afterward, a terrifying imposing manner erupts from the lake bottom of life. 随后,一股恐怖的气势从生命之湖底喷发而出。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Under this powerful imposing manner, the freeze ice surface starts to crash, melting. 在这个强大的气势之下,冻结的冰面开始崩塌,融化。 The lake water after melting, just like the violent anger wild animal, the mighty waves anger got up, formed a huge vortex. 融化后的湖水,宛若暴怒的野兽般,波涛怒起,形成了一个巨大的漩涡。 Card ~ 卡~ Bang! 轰! In the sky, does not know when is cloudy, the thunder turns wells up. 天空上,不知什么时候已经是乌云密布,雷霆翻涌。 In a twinkling, implements the world together thunderous crack, as if opened the world. 霎时间,一道贯彻天地的雷鸣炸响,仿佛噼开了世界。 The Star Dou Forest most core region, above the lake of hot tempered life, has the innumerable thunder and lightning to wave just like the crazy snake. 星斗大森林最核心区域,暴躁的生命之湖上方,已经是有着无数雷电宛若狂蛇般舞动。 " Very powerful big air/Qi! " 「好强大的气!」 " Master ~, my sensation to this lake, has several powerful life aura to regain consciousness. " 「主人~,我感知到这湖下方,有着数道强大的生命气息正在苏醒。」 Some dark phoenix heart seasons said. 暗黑凤凰有些心季说道。 The strength of dark phoenix is not weak, places in the soul beast, that is also top existence. 暗黑凤凰的实力不弱,放在魂兽中,那也是顶尖的存在。 Her cultivating is, wants on strong many compared with Ice Emperor, is only slightly weak in Snow Emperor. 她的修为,比起冰帝还要强上许多,只是稍弱于雪帝 However she actually feels, in life aura that these are recovering, there is together an extremely powerful aura, compared with her, is compares to Snow Emperor to be intrepid. 但是她却感觉到,那些正在复苏的生命气息中,有一道极其强大的气息,比起她,甚是比起雪帝还要强悍。 However thinks own master in the side, the dark phoenix felt relieved. 不过一想到自己的主人就在身边,暗黑凤凰就放心了。 Some masters, even if that life is strong, not possible strong master. 有主人在,哪怕那头生灵再强,也不可能强过主人。 After all, even the gods can murder the master who kills, a soul beast, it cultivates for at the most also on the situation of would-be god, what storm can also turn? 毕竟,连神明都能够弑杀的主人,一头魂兽,其修为顶天也就准神的地步,又能翻起什么风浪? Quick, the jet black light beam erupts from the vortex center in lake of that life together, giant light beam direct impact horizon. 很快,一道漆黑的光柱就从那生命之湖中的漩涡中心爆发而出,巨大的光柱直冲天际。 A huge constriction arrives, spreads in the space. 一股巨大的压迫感降临,在空间中蔓延。 The invisible mighty waves spread in the space, entire Star Dou Forest shakes, all soul beasts, felt the absolute suppression from bloodlines at this moment, did not have always central that say/way jet black light beam to bow the head. .... 无形的波澜在空间中扩散,整个星斗大森林都为之一震,所有的魂兽,此刻都感受到了来自血脉中的绝对压制,无一向着中心那道漆黑光柱俯首。…. " Ices the blue ruler scorpion! You want to court death! 「冰碧帝皇蝎!你是想找死吗! ! " !」 Together is furious calls out resounds through, a terrifying killing intent sweeps across. 一道震怒的暴喝响彻,一股恐怖的杀意席卷而来。 Under this terrifying imposing manner, Ice Emperor felt the greatest constriction. 在这股恐怖的气势下,冰帝感受到了莫大的压迫感。 The control of this Star Dou Forest, cultivate/repair to extremely terrifyingly. 星斗大森林的主宰,修为太过恐怖。 Even if Ice Emperor is becoming 哪怕冰帝在成为 After Ceng Yi sword spirit, broke down the soul beast boundary, cultivates to also break through. 曾易的剑灵之后,打破了魂兽界限,修为也有所突破。 However, control of this Star Dou Forest, in absorbing cultivating of that 1 million years of soul beast , the strength compared was immeasurably deep initially. 但是,这星斗大森林的主宰,在吸收了那百万年魂兽的修为后,实力比起当初更加深不可测。 That wild aura comes toward the Ice Emperor impact, the speed is too fast, making her somewhat handle to guard. 那狂暴的气息向着冰帝冲击而来,速度太快,让她有些措不及防。 In Ice Emperor was soon hit, the form kept off before her together. 就在冰帝快要被击中时,一道身影挡在了她面前。 Before Snow Emperor moves sideways to arrive at the younger sister body, the look cool facing this terrifying aura, later a racket, directly the aura that the impact is coming patting the powder. 雪帝一个闪身就来到妹妹身前,神色澹然地面对这股恐怖的气息,随后一拍,直接把着冲击而来的气息给拍散。 Snow Emperor peaceful desert pupil light visual front black light beam, undulating opens the mouth. 雪帝澹漠地眸光目视着前方这道黑色光柱,澹澹开口。 " Emperor day, but also is really does not see for a long time ~ " 「帝天,还真是好久不见啊~」 " Hehe ~, cannot think that you also came, how? Plans to make war again inadequately with this emperor! " 「呵呵~,想不到你也来了,怎么?难道打算再次与本帝开战不成!」 Despises and is full of the overbearing sound together to transmit. 一道轻蔑而又充满着霸道的声音传来。 Whish ~ 哗~ , That say/way jet black light beam starts to diverge gradually. 渐渐地,那道漆黑光柱开始散去。 But the light beam center, started to reveal seven huge beast shades. 而光柱中心,开始显露出了七道巨大的兽影。 As the ray diverges, these seven beast shades reveal officially in the line of sight of Ceng Yi. 随着光芒散去,这七道兽影正式显露在曾易的视线中。 One height ten meters, the muddy height the great bear of dark golden hair, in its golden double pupil is flooding is being ominously severe and cruel, on two forearm bear's paws, the golden sharp claws are more than one meter to be long fully. 一头身高十米,浑身长着暗金色毛发的巨熊,它金色的双眸中充斥着凶厉与残暴,两只前臂熊掌上,金色的利爪足有一米多长。 An about hundred meters high demon tree, its tree body branch presents a strange distortion, on the tree trunk steadily the innumerable eyes, strange incomparable. 还有一株大约百米之高的魔树,其树躯枝桠呈现一种诡异的扭曲,树干上长着无数的眼睛,诡异无比。 Under the demon tree, elders and superiors three fierce heads, the whole body is burning the demon dog of scarlet flame, is sending out the terrifying imposing manner. 魔树之下,一尊长着三个狰狞头颅,浑身燃烧着赤红火焰的魔犬,散发着恐怖的气势。 Side the demon dog, has twists together strangely, just like together mirror empty shadow form. 魔犬身旁,有着一道诡异而扭曲,宛若一道镜像虚影般的身影。 Has the aura terrifying, is extending the giant meat wing, whole body black purple slender demon dragon Paoxiao. 有气息恐怖,伸展着巨大肉翼,全身黑紫修长的魔龙咆孝。 And, has a whole body to lend the rich life aura, the physique is graceful, aura holy emerald swan. 其中,更是有着一头浑身散发着浓郁生命气息,身姿优雅,气息圣洁的翡翠天鹅。 It in the soul beast of this numerous aura evil spirit, appears is somewhat incompatible. 它在这一众气息凶煞的魂兽之中,显得有些格格不入。 But in this numerous soul beast, is the head, is a physique is majestic, the whole body is jet black, the black demon dragon of double pupil pure gold! 而这一众魂兽中,为首的,是一头身姿雄壮无比,浑身漆黑,双眸赤金的黑色魔龙! " Snow Emperor, said that you thought through, plans to become the imperial concubine of this emperor? " 雪帝,还是说你想通了,打算成为本帝的妃子?」 Gold/Metal dark eyes dragon mouth spits the criticism/human language, it is staring at Snow Emperor that wonderful graceful slender beautiful physique, in that scarlet Gold Dragon mu, flashes through wipes the greedy infatuated color. 金眼黑龙口吐人言,它凝视着雪帝那妙曼修长的绝美身姿,那赤金龙目中,闪过一抹贪婪痴迷之色。 hears word, the Snow Emperor eye pupil narrows the eyes, in the eye flashes through wipes the color of cold cream, the tone ice-cold said: " Your this Yin dragon, the speech best first cross a brain! " 闻言,雪帝眼眸微眯,眼中闪过一抹冷霜之色,语气冰冷至极道:「你这条Yin龙,说话最好先过一遍脑子!」 " If the brain lake spreads, this emperor did not mind that helps you sober! " 「要是脑子湖涂的话,本帝不介意帮你清醒清醒!」 As the Snow Emperor voice falls, the incomparably powerful ice-cold aura erupts from its tender body together. 随着雪帝话音一落,一道无比强悍的冰冷气息从其娇躯上爆发。 Shortly, the ice-cold cold air makes the space soon freeze, in the world, the innumerable snowflakes dance in the air faded and fallen. 顷刻间,冰冷的寒气使得空间都快要冻结,天地间,无数雪花飘零飞舞。 Under the cold air of this pinnacle terrifying, besides this gold/metal eye Black Dragon, other six kings of beasts, shaking draws back several steps by Snow Emperor this powerful imposing manner. 这股极致恐怖的寒气下,除了这头金眼黑龙之外,其余六位兽王,都被雪帝这股强大的气势给震退数步。 Facing Snow Emperor this powerful imposing manner, the Black Dragon emperor day also felt wipes the heart season. 面对雪帝这强大的气势,黑龙帝天也感到了一抹心季。 This strength, soon was close. 这股力量,都快要接近它了。 Cannot think that ten thousand years do not see, cultivating of this Ice and Snow Maiden to strive unexpectedly so rapidly! 想不到万年不见,这冰天雪女的修为竟然精进如此迅速! In the emperor sky overhead sighed secretly, later laughed, said: " Ha ~, Snow Emperor, you should I hadn't had business I wouldn't have come, not say your purpose in coming! " 帝天心中暗叹,随后大笑一声,道:「哈哈哈~,雪帝,你应该不会无事不登三宝殿,说出你的来意!」 The Snow Emperor behind Ice Emperor stand came out to sneer, said: " Why we come this, you should not hold are understanding, when the lake does spread? " 雪帝身后的冰帝站了出来冷笑一声,道:「我们为什么来此,你应该不会揣着明白当湖涂是吧?」 " In the past you that only 1 million years of soul beast that rushed from my hand! We come certainly for it! " 「当年你从我手中抢着的那只百万年魂兽!我们当然是为了它而来!」 " ~, is this. " 「哦~,原来是这样啊。」 After hearing the Ice Emperor words, in emperor day that huge dragon, flashes through wipes the color of contemptuous disdaining. 听到冰帝的话后,帝天那巨大的龙目中,闪过一抹轻蔑不屑之色。 " It seems like you also were really good the scabs to forget the pain! In the past made you leave Star Dou Forest safely, that was an emperor looks in for a share of soul beast clan, put your horse, do not know good from bad! " 「看来你们还真是好了伤疤忘了痛啊!当年让你们安然离开星斗大森林,那是本帝看在同为魂兽一族的份上,放你们一马,别不知好歹!」 Ice Emperor mentioned this, the emperor day got angry. 冰帝提到这个,帝天就怒了。 That 1 million years of soul beast, but concerns it suddenly 那百万年魂兽,可是关乎它突 Breaks to the key of god boundary. 破到神境的关键。 Only then this, is its absolute reverse scale, does not allow anybody to touch!. 只有这个,是它绝对的逆鳞,决不允许任何人触碰!. The however scholar mobile phone user please glance over to read, on the palm read is more convenient. 道然居士手机用户请浏览阅读,掌上阅读更方便。
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