DDTR :: Volume #8

#720: Again near Star Dou Forest

...... ...... Star Dou Forest. 星斗大森林 Above the sky, a huge shadow passed over gently and swiftly sky over fast Star Dou Forest, is close toward the central region. 天空之上,一头巨大的黑影飞快掠过星斗大森林上空,向着中央区域接近。 Really is many courage vigor abundant lives, if swallowed the essence and blood of these soul beasts, my strength strives absolutely greatly!” “真是好多血气充裕的生灵,若是吞噬了这些魂兽的精血,我实力绝对大有精进!” The dark phoenix induces to below forest, had the innumerable soul beasts, in the heart raises wiped reads corruptly. 暗黑凤凰感应到下方的森林中,存在无数的魂兽,心中不禁升起了一抹贪念。 I said that small black ~, actually you become my mount, but gives me law-abidingly, otherwise...... was careful that my which day gave to cook you!” “我说小黑啊~,竟然你成为了我的坐骑,可就给我安分点,要不然......小心我哪天把你给炖了!” Ceng Yi stands on the dark phoenix, induced this demon bird as if to plan what not good thoughts, gave it to remind one slightly. 曾易站在暗黑凤凰身上,感应到了这头魔禽似乎打算着什么不好的心思,稍微给它提醒一句。 Hehe ~, the master, this matter I understands, I have turned a new leaf, slaughters the matter of life dishonorably, later does not do absolutely!” “呵呵~,主人,这事我懂的,我已经改邪归正了,伤天害理屠戮生灵之事,以后绝对不做!” After hearing the Ceng Yi words, dark phoenix heart one tight, the guarantee said hastily. 听到曾易的话后,暗黑凤凰心头不由一紧,连忙保证道。 Master, do we come to this place to do?” “主人,我们来这个地方干什么?” Soon when goes near the Star Dou Forest central area, the dark phoenix inquired one curiously. 快要接近星斗大森林中心区域时,暗黑凤凰不由好奇询问一句。 The Ceng Yi undulating smiles, said: This, waited a while you to know.” 曾易澹澹一笑,道:“这个嘛,等一会儿你就知道了。” Ceng Yi will come Star Dou Forest, is mainly this forest center, has a first 1 million years of soul beast! 曾易之所以会来星斗大森林,主要是这森林中心,存在着一头百万年魂兽! This news, did not know. 这个消息,原本并不知晓。 After all Ceng Yi has only read a Combat Continent plot, he also knows, in Star Dou Forest, only then that good python and Titan orangutan first 100,000 years of soul king of beasts. 毕竟曾易只看过斗罗大陆一的剧情,他也只是知晓,星斗大森林中,只有那头牛蟒和泰坦猩猩这个头十万年魂兽王者。 Mentioned that Azure Bull Python of central region, in the past, when Ceng Yi was small and weak, once had met this soul king of beasts. 说起中央区域的那头天青牛蟒,当年,曾易还弱小之时,曾遇见过这头魂兽王者。 At that time the aura of that terrifying, the great body, left behind enormous shock to Ceng Yi. 当时那恐怖的气息,伟岸的身躯,给曾易留下了极大的震撼。 But now, that Azure Bull Python regarding Ceng Yi, small snake that but can pinch at will. 而现在,那头天青牛蟒对于曾易来说,只是一条可以随意捏死的小蛇。 Several years of years flash by, Ceng Yi remembered the scenery of past years, just like yesterday. 十几年的岁月一晃而过,曾易想起当年之景,就恍如昨日。 However, that weather ox Mang, its brothers Titan Great Ape, has become the Spirit Ring soul bone of Tang San. 不过,那头天气牛蟒,还有它兄弟泰坦巨猿,都已经成为唐三魂环魂骨。 Once guarded the Star Dou Forest overlord, became others' Spirit Ring, this result is to really make one sobs. 曾经镇守星斗大森林的霸主,都成了别人的魂环,这结局实在是令人唏嘘。 In that first 1 million years of soul beast about Star Dou Forest, Ceng Yi knows from the Ice Emperor mouth. 关于星斗大森林中的那头百万年魂兽,曾易是从冰帝口中得知的。 According to Ice Emperor, that first 1 million years of soul beast, came from the Northern Polar Fields very ordinary ice silkworm soul beast. 冰帝所说,那头百万年魂兽,是来自极北之地很普通的冰蚕魂兽。 Does not know that this ice silkworm walked what dog to transport, falling one fully is in the cavern of ten thousand years of ice marrow, depends on huge day earth deities strength that in the absorption ice marrow contained, was the boundary of 1 million years of soul beast. 不知这只冰蚕走了什么狗运,掉落到了一个满是万年冰髓的洞窟之中,靠着吸收冰髓中蕴含的庞大天地灵力,达到了百万年魂兽的界限。 However, this ice silkworm is depends upon the absorption ice marrow to promote, even evaded a day of tribulation, except for eating rests in the cavern. 不过,这头冰蚕是依靠吸收冰髓得以晋升,甚至避过了天劫,在洞窟中除了吃就是睡。 Spatial has a boundary, actually no battle efficiency. 空有一身境界,却没有一点战斗力。 Therefore this ice silkworm regarding other lives, that is an ultra-large number charge treasure. 所以这头冰蚕对于其它生灵来说,那就是一个超大号的充电宝。 But Ice Emperor, met this ice silkworm in the past by chance. 冰帝,当年恰巧遇到了这头冰蚕。 Although this ice silkworm is 1 million years of soul beast, but empties the pure energies, does not have the battle efficiency. 尽管这头冰蚕是百万年魂兽,但空有一身精纯的能量,却没有战斗力。 Therefore Ice Emperor wanted to swallow this ice silkworm cultivating is. 所以冰帝就想要吞噬了这冰蚕一身的修为。 However, although this ice silkworm has no battle efficiency, but as 1 million years of soul beast, it is some methods. 不过,虽说这条冰蚕没有什么战斗力,但身为百万年魂兽,它还是有些手段的。 But it is not the Ice Emperor opponent, under chasing down of Ice Emperor, it escaped from Northern Polar Fields, entered Star Dou Forest. 但它并不是冰帝的对手,在冰帝的追杀下,它逃出了极北之地,进入了星斗大森林 But after entering Star Dou Forest, this ice silkworm by the control of Star Dou Forest holding. 但进入了星斗大森林后,这条冰蚕却被星斗大森林的主宰给抓住。 But Ice Emperor saw own prey other soul beast, naturally must go to theory. 冰帝见到自己的猎物别的魂兽强了,自然要去理论一番。 However, the Star Dou Forest control strength is too strong, Ice Emperor is not an opponent. 不过,星斗大森林的主宰实力太强,冰帝不是对手。 Therefore she went back to call oneself elder sister, the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, Ice and Snow Maiden, Snow Emperor. 所以她回去叫来了自己的姐姐,极北之地的君主,冰天雪女,雪帝 Then, the control of Snow Emperor and Star Dou Forest had an earth-shaking fight. 就这样,雪帝星斗大森林的主宰发生了一场惊天动地的战斗。 However, Snow Emperor places in Star Dou Forest, at the home game , without strength of in addition Northern Polar Fields that continuous cold ice to hold, was not the opponent of Star Dou Forest control. 但是,雪帝身处于星斗大森林,不在主场,没有了极北之地那源源不断的寒冰之力加持,并不是星斗大森林主宰的对手。 That fight, she is inferior in that Star Dou Forest control plans. 那场战斗,她逊色于那星斗大森林主宰一筹。 Therefore, that first 1 million years of soul beast, fell into the control hand of Star Dou Forest. 所以,那头百万年魂兽,落入了星斗大森林的主宰手中。 According to Ice Emperor, the control of Star Dou Forest, his subordinate, hidden in the Star Dou Forest deep place, absorbs the energy of that 1 million years of soul beast. 冰帝所说,星斗大森林的主宰,还有其手下,都隐藏在星斗大森林深处,吸收那百万年魂兽的能量。 The control of that Star Dou Forest wants to break through the god boundary, becomes the beast god! 星斗大森林的主宰更是想要借此突破神境,成为兽神! As for outwardly on that two first 100,000 years of soul beasts, Azure Bull Python and Titan Great Ape, but is small. 至于明面上的那两头十万年魂兽,天青牛蟒泰坦巨猿,不过是小喽啰而已。 Quick, Ceng Yi arrived at the Star Dou Forest core region again, the lake of life! 很快,曾易就再次来到了星斗大森林的核心区域,生命之湖! The lake of this life is broad, as far as eyes can reach, almost cannot see the end, is ordinary just like the sea. 这生命之湖非常广阔,一眼望去,几乎看不到尽头,宛若大海一般。 The lake surface wave light is clear, the wave ripples with the cool breeze slightly. 湖面波光粼粼,水波随着清风微微荡漾。 Here spiritual energy is quite rich, the mist is dense, in the lake surface, has the innumerable colorful butterfly to dance lightly, just like nimble and resourceful elf. 这里灵气极为浓郁,水雾氤氲飘渺,湖面上,有着数不清的彩蝶正在翩翩起舞,宛若灵动的精灵。 The surroundings plant green, is vigorous, in the air scatters is wiping the peaceful elegant delicate fragrance. 周围绿植,生机盎然,空气中都飘散在一抹澹雅的清香。 Breathes here air, sufficiently completely relaxed, forgets oneself. 只是呼吸一口这里的空气,就足以令人心旷神怡,忘乎所以。 Is really same just like the fairyland. 真就宛若仙境一样。 Ceng Yi stands in the lakeside of this life, the dark phoenix also changed to the human form, follows side Ceng Yi. 曾易站在这生命之湖边上,暗黑凤凰也化作了人形,跟在曾易身边。 The next quarter, wipes the ice blue color mist to fill the air from Ceng Yi Martial Soul mist Hikido. 下一刻,一抹冰蓝色雾气从曾易武魂岚切上弥漫而出。 Under the cold air influence of low temperature, the Ceng Yi surroundings lawn, in the lake surface, condensed a glazed frost. 在低温的寒气影响下,曾易周围草地,还有湖面上,都凝聚了一层薄冰。 Afterward, this ice blue color mist, changed to two wonderful graceful person's shadows. 随后,这冰蓝色雾气,化作了两道妙曼的人影。 The stature selects the slender, governing elder sister stance high Snow Emperor. 身材高挑修长,御姐姿态的雪帝 The physique is petite, Ice Emperor of arrogant tender young girl appearance. 还有身姿娇小,傲娇少女模样的冰帝 Star Dou Forest the lake of life, does not know that arrived here previous time, is many years ago ~ 星斗大森林的生命之湖,不知上一次来到这里,是多少年前了啊~” Looks just like the past appearance, almost no change the lake of life, Snow Emperor voiced a feeling unrestrainedly. 看着还是宛若当年模样,几乎没有一丝变化的生命之湖,雪帝情不自禁地发出了一声感慨。 Ice Emperor sensation around, black eyebrow slightly pressed, the doubts said: How unable to induce that small snake, the aura of little monkey?” 冰帝感知了一番周围,黛眉不由微蹙,疑惑道:“怎么感应不到那条小蛇,还有小猴子的气息了?” Small snake in her mouth, the little monkey, is nowadays Star Dou Forest two soul king of beasts, 100,000 years of soul beast, Azure Bull Python, Titan Great Ape. 她口中的小蛇,还有小猴子,正是现今星斗大森林的两头魂兽王者,十万年魂兽,天青牛蟒,还有泰坦巨猿 Do not look at the Ice Emperor person state is may the person petite young girl. 别看冰帝人型态是一位可人娇小的少女。 However as the soul beast, she truly compared with Azure Bull Python, Titan Great Ape lives is long . Moreover the strength also compares them. 但是身为魂兽,她确实比天青牛蟒,还有泰坦巨猿活得长,而且实力也比它们强。 Therefore in front of Ice Emperor, Azure Bull Python and Titan Great Ape, truly is only a little fellow. 所以在冰帝面前,天青牛蟒泰坦巨猿,确实只是小家伙。 Ceng Yi undulating say/way: You were said that Azure Bull Python and Titan Great Ape, they should become Spirit Ring of human.” 曾易澹澹道:“你是说天青牛蟒泰坦巨猿吧,它们应该已经成为人类的魂环了。” What!” “什么!” hears word, Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor both people of eye pupils shake. 闻言,雪帝冰帝两人眼眸都不由一震。 Your human, but also is really damn!” “你们人类,还真是该死啊!” Ice Emperor stared Ceng Yi one, said ruthlessly. 冰帝瞪了曾易一眼,狠狠说道。 Regarding the indignation of Ice Emperor, Ceng Yi helpless shrugged, said: They have do not die in my hand, do not visit me with this look ~ 对于冰帝的气愤,曾易无奈的摊了摊手,道:“它们有不是死在我的手上,你别用这种眼神看我啊~” Said again, this is the principle of the world, the law of the jungle, don't even go there.” “再说了,这就是世界的法则,弱肉强食,没什么好说的。” Hunts and kills the soul beast to gain Spirit Ring like human becomes stronger, is your soul beast also different, swallows similar takes this to increase own cultivating for?” “就像人类猎杀魂兽获取魂环变得更强,你们魂兽也不一样,吞噬同类以此增加自己的修为?” Regarding this saying, Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor silent. 对于这话,冰帝雪帝都不由沉默。 Truly, Ceng Yi said right, they could not find the reason of rebuttal. 确实,曾易说得没错,她们也找不到反驳的理由。 However, contrasts other soul beasts, they are extremely lucky. 不过,对比其它魂兽,她们已经是极为幸运了。 At least follows Ceng Yi, they have the breakthrough boundary, is aloof the shackles of this world. 至少跟着曾易,她们都有着突破界限,超脱这个世界的桎梏。 Ok, first managed the proper business to be important. Control of your obtained that Star Dou Forest?” Ceng Yi asked curiously. “好了,先办正事要紧。你们所得那个星斗大森林的主宰呢?”曾易好奇问道。 Soul beast that even/including Xiaoxue you cannot be victorious, I also really am very curious ~ “连小雪你都打不过的魂兽,我还真是非常好奇呢~”
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