DDTR :: Volume #8

#719: Finally trial, opening!

...... ...... After Jialing closes the war, after Qian Renxue obtains all accidents that the Martial Soul city had, immediately returns from the frontline to the Martial Soul city. 嘉陵关大战之后,千仞雪得到了武魂城所发生的一切事故后,立刻从前线返回到武魂城中。 All the way, Qian Renxue saw the Martial Soul city almost general region turned into the ruins the appearance, the innermost feelings touches, gets hold of the fist, in the eye pupil was glittering a anger. 一路上,千仞雪看到了武魂城几乎一般的区域都变成废墟的模样,内心不由触动,握紧了拳头,眼眸中闪烁着一丝愤怒。 Damn!” “该死!” Qian Renxue knows now, true enemy who oneself must face, is not Heaven Duo and alliances of Star Luo two countries, will not soon inherit Tang San of position of sea god. 千仞雪现在知道了,自己所要面对的真正敌人,并不是天斗星罗两国的联盟,也不是即将继承海神之位的唐三 Her true enemy, is that has hidden again secretly, evil Spirit Saint of agitation mainland wind and cloud teaches, that hateful woman! 她真正的敌人,是那一直隐藏再幕后,搅动大陆风云的邪魂圣教,还有那个可恶的女人! But by own present strength, she is not only able to achieve to suppress all. 但仅凭自己现在的力量,她无法做到镇压一切。 Therefore, she urgently needs a more powerful strength. 所以,她迫切地需要更强大的力量。 But, the time does not wait for the person. 可是,时间已经不等人了。 Wants a stronger strength, then must go out that step! 想要更强的力量,那么就必须走出那一步! The Martial Soul city, consecrates the palace. 武魂城,供奉殿。 Qian Renxue stands before consecrating palace that broad front door, deeply inspires. 千仞雪站在供奉殿那恢宏的大门前,不由深吸了一口气。 Can the words, she actually does not want to come here. 可以的话,她其实并不想来到这里。 But this time, she has had no alternative. 可是这一次,她已经别无选择了。 Card ~ 卡~ Ten meters high bronze gate opens slowly, the glorious ancient aura fills the air. 十米高的青铜门缓缓打开,悠久亘古的气息弥漫而出。 The Qian Renxue steps walk into the palace. 千仞雪踏步走入殿中。 „Did you set firm resolve finally?” “你终于下定决心了吗?” Qian Renxue has let in the main hall, near the ear broadcast that say/way familiar sound. 千仞雪已经让大殿中,耳边就传来了那道熟悉的声音。 She raised the head, the pupil light is staring at the main hall end. Under that giant six wing angel weak shapes is standing form. 她抬起头,眸光凝视着大殿尽头。那巨大的六翼天使凋像下所站着的身影。 Grandfather......” “爷爷......” Qian Renxue looks at own grandfather Qian Daoliu, twittering, wipes the sad meaning to spread in a soft voice. 千仞雪看着自己的爷爷千道流,轻声呢喃,一抹悲伤之意从中蔓延。 Xue'er, you are sad, this is our Qian Family fate. “雪儿,你无需悲伤,这乃是我们千家的宿命。 Qian Daoliu smiles cool, free and easy say/way. 千道流澹然一笑,洒脱道。 My fate, spreads the unsurpassed road for you.” “我的宿命,就是为你铺成无上之路。” However you, then inherits Qian Family inheritance until now mission, inherits the god of angel to revere the position, steps this unsurpassed road.” “而你,则是继承千家传承至今的使命,传承天使之神尊位,踏上这条无上之路。” „This that moment of you being born, as well as is destined.” “这从你诞生的那一刻起,就以及是命中注定。” Qian Daoliu is saying, the mood gradually becomes excited. 千道流说着,情绪逐渐变得激动起来。 Since you have chosen to come here, do not regret!” “既然你已经选择来到了这里,就不要后悔!” Then, leads me to your hope, arrives the last step!” “然后,带着我对你的期盼,走到最后一步!” Heard Qian Daoliu these words silent, Qian Renxue a while, in the eye pupil flashed through for several points with struggling hesitant. 听到千道流这番话,千仞雪沉默了一会儿,眼眸中闪过几分犹豫与挣扎。 Finally, opens the mouth slowly. 最后,缓缓开口。 I...... understood.” “我......明白了。” Qian Renxue knows, this is, is who the grandfather hopes earnestly seeks. 千仞雪知道,这是爷爷所期盼的,也是自己所渴求的。 After obtaining the answer of Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu has turned around, to that sacred noble and pure six wing angel statues, the manner is reverent. 得到千仞雪的答复后,千道流转过身,面向那神圣高洁的六翼天使石像,神态虔诚。 The next quarter, boundless vast Spirit Power fills the air from Qian Daoliu, floods the entire palace. 下一刻,磅礴浩瀚的魂力千道流身上弥漫而出,充斥整座宫殿。 In a twinkling, the golden holy ray sparkle, incomparably dazzles the color eye-catchingly. 霎时间,金色圣洁的光芒闪耀,无比夺目炫彩。 Spirit Ring raise from his under foot, eight black red Spirit Ring dispositions. 一个个魂环从其脚下升起,八黑一红的魂环配置。 Qian Daoliu behind, appeared the sacred dignified six wing angel empty shades. 千道流身后,也显现出了神圣威严的六翼天使虚影。 At this time, on that day made the statue as if receive the hauling of Qian Daoliu aura, produced the resonance. 这时,那天使石像似乎受到了千道流气息的牵引,产生共鸣。 The entire statue starts to glitter incomparably dazzling golden god splendor. 整个石像开始闪烁无比耀眼的金色神辉。 Incomparably sacred aura spread, vast boundless, just like tidal sweeps across. 无比神圣的气息蔓延而出,浩大磅礴,宛若潮水般席卷而出。 The aura of god of angel arrives, Qian Renxue Martial Soul was inspired, uncontrolled appearance. 天使之神的气息降临,就连千仞雪武魂都被引动,不受控制的显现而出。 The next quarter, the angel statue of recovery, in his pair of dignified god pupil, projected two golden glow to fall above the altar. 下一刻,复苏的天使石像,其那双威严的神眸中,射出了两道金色辉光落在祭坛之上。 The space was ripped open an opening by the invisible strength, changes to a leaf of golden front door. 空间被无形的力量撕开了一道口子,化作一扇金色大门。 Card ~ 卡~ The front door opens slowly, as far as eyes can reach, world flake gold glow in gate, sacred aura, just like god territory. 大门缓缓打开,一眼望去,门内的世界一片金芒,神圣的气息,宛若神域。 Come, child! Carries on the final trial ~ “来吧,孩子!进行最后的试炼吧~” Qian Daoliu is similar to the pilgrimage at this moment, the look was saying to Qian Renxue devotionally. 千道流此刻就如同朝圣者,神色虔诚地对着千仞雪说道。 In the golden front door, projected two golden light beams suddenly, falls on Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue. 金色大门内,突然射出了两道金色光束,落在千道流千仞雪身上。 That irresistible strong suction, received two people the golden front door directly. 那不可抵抗的强大吸力,直接把两人收入金色大门中。 Afterward golden gate closure, vanishes in the palace. 随后金门关闭,消失在宫殿内。 But the sacred golden light of that sparkle also dissipates at this moment, as if nothing happened. 而那闪耀的神圣金光此刻也消散,仿佛什么都没有发生。 ...... ...... The mainland somewhere, contemplates to practice Ceng Yi, however opened the eye courageous, turns head to look to some direction. 大陆某处,冥想修行中的曾易,勐然睁开了眼睛,扭头望向某个方向。 This direction, is happen to corresponding the direction of Martial Soul city. 这个方向,正好对应着武魂城的方向。 Why will suddenly feel innermost feelings season Dong?” Ceng Yi unrestrainedly twittering. “为什么会突然感到内心季动?”曾易情不自禁地呢喃一声。 Perhaps is which beautiful woman is thinking me.” “或许是哪一个美女在想我吧。” Ceng Yi chuckle, extends the right hand later, the palm places place of the heart. 曾易轻笑一声,随后伸出右手,手掌放在自己心脏之处。 ~ “唔~” The next quarter, the Ceng Yi complexion becomes the pale distortion, seems bearing the fierce pain. 下一刻,曾易脸色不由变得苍白扭曲,似乎正在忍受着剧烈的痛苦。 On the forehead appeared the fierce blue vein. 就连额头上都浮现了狰狞的青筋。 Has crossed for dozen minutes, given Ceng Yi revolution Spirit Power, a grain just like the white light corpuscle of bean size, emits from his heart chest place. 一直过了十几分钟,在曾易运转魂力的牵引下,一粒宛若豆子般大小的白色光粒,从他心胸口处冒出。 ~, punctured for making finally this heart.” “呼~,终于把这根心头刺给弄出来了。” The Ceng Yi palm is dragging here white light corpuscle, the manner also became relaxed. 曾易手掌拖着这里白色光粒,神态也变得轻松了许多。 Looks the sword intent seed that this contains the powerful terrifying, Ceng Yi remembered Sword God Palace that terrifying woman. 看着这颗蕴含着强大恐怖的剑意种子,曾易不由想起了剑神宫的那个恐怖的女人。 He is really unbelievable, how the woman achieves, places in this sword intent seed the heart, but will not cause the sword intent wound to own body, even can also assist to cultivate. 他真的难以相信,那女人是如何做到,把这枚剑意种子放在自己心脏内,而不会使得剑意伤到自己身体,甚至还能辅助修炼。 This regarding the pinnacle control of strength, making Ceng Yi feel ashamed of one's inferiority. 这一份对于力量的极致掌控,让曾易自愧不如。 Only can say, lived worthily several thousand years of old monster! 只能说,不愧是活了几千年的老怪物! However, can see from this, the Chen Wuyue strength has terrifying how. 不过,从这就可以看出,尘无月的实力有多么的恐怖。 Ceng Yi now 95 levels of cultivating are, all -round strength endures the ratio half god boundary. 曾易现在都已经九十五级的修为,综合实力堪比半步神境。 But even so, must reduce and solve the sword intent seed that Chen Wuyue plants, there is waster the strength. 可即使如此,要化解尘无月种下的这颗剑意种子,也有废些力气。 Now, Ceng Yi has solved that woman to bury the sword intent seed in own heart. 如今,曾易已经解决了那女人埋在自己心脏中的剑意种子。 Then, he also affirmed, Chen Wuyue in another mainland, should induce. 那么,他也肯定,远在另一块大陆上的尘无月,也应该感应到了。 Ceng Yi knows, soon, Chen Wuyue will walk, keeps an appointment with. 曾易知道,用不了多久,尘无月就会找上门来,与自己赴约。 This made in the Ceng Yi heart have some senses of urgency. 这让曾易心中也不禁有了一些紧迫感。 Although he also anticipates and fight of Chen Wuyue. 虽然他也是非常期待与尘无月的战斗。 However Ceng Yi is clear, oneself and power gap between Chen Wuyue, is a little away from. 但是曾易清楚,自己与尘无月之间的实力差距,还有有一点距离。 Therefore, he must before Chen Wuyue arrives at this period of time, enhances some own strength again. 所以,他必须要在尘无月到来之前的这段时间,再把自己的实力提升一些。 Ceng Yi looks in the palm this sword intent seed. 曾易看着手心上这一粒剑意种子。 Do not visit it, only then particle size, but energy of implication, if explodes, will raze to the ground a small city sufficiently shortly! 别看它只有微粒大小,但其中蕴含的能量,若是爆炸开来,足以顷刻间把一座小城夷为平地! Really was anticipates more and more ~ “真是越来越期待了啊~” Ceng Yi smiles one peacefully, the palm grasps, obliterated this sword intent seed directly. 曾易澹笑一声,手掌一握,直接磨灭了这颗剑意种子。 But obliterates that flash of sword intent seed in Ceng Yi. Combat Continent, after passing through Northern Polar Fields, that remote another mainland. 而就在曾易磨灭剑意种子的那一瞬间。斗罗大陆,穿越极北之地后,那遥远的另一块大陆。 Land that this named east leaves. 这块名为东离的土地。 This is the state of sword! 这是剑之国度! But the center of this mainland, sacred place in all swordsmanship cultivator minds, have the gods to leave behind the legend. 而这个大陆的中心,所有剑道修行者心目中的圣地,有着神明留下传说。 Sword God Palace! 剑神宫 Above that most peak Divine Mountain, in the plain palace, in the central altar, is inserting a statue of sword non- sword. 那最高锋的神山之上,古朴的宫殿中,中央祭坛上,插着一把似剑非剑的石像。 Under the stone dagger, stands this azure clothes female. 石剑下方,站立这一位青衣女子。 Suddenly, the female as if induced anything, however opened the eye courageous. 突然间,女子似乎感应到了什么,勐然睁开了眼睛。 In this pair of eyes pupils, flashes through wipes the profound ancient pupil light, as if penetrated the space to be the same, seems separated by a vision of the world, is gazing at one person. 她这双眼眸中,闪过一抹深邃亘古的眸光,似乎穿透了空间一般,仿佛相隔着一个世界的目光,注视着一人。 Waiting of several thousand years of time, must bring in the final time finally......” “数千年时光的等候,终于要引来最终的时刻了么......”
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