DDTR :: Volume #8

#718: Mysterious evil behind-the-scenes manipulator

...... ...... Jialing closes about 500 li (0.5 km). 嘉陵关五百里开外。 Empire Alliance garrison big camp. 帝国联盟驻军大营。 The central big camp, a soldier half step of hurriedly runs in battalion within/inner. 中央大营,一位士兵急匆匆的快步跑进营内。 Report! The news that according to the Jialing area inside the Great Wall scout transmits, Empress Martial Soul Empire had left the Jialing pass/test.” “报!据嘉陵关内探子传来的消息,武魂帝国女帝已经离开了嘉陵关。” Big battalion within/inner, after hearing this news, as Yu Xiaogang of military strategist looks the wild with joy color. 大营内,听到这个消息后,身为军师的玉小刚面露狂喜之色。 This words take seriously!” “此话当真!” Good, was short of that empress to assume personal command, then at least does not need to be worried that the Martial Soul Empire army hits.” “太好了,少了那位女帝坐镇,那么至少不用担心武魂帝国的军队打过来。” Right, that side Spirit Hall, without the empress Peerless Douluo strength, remaining Titled Douluo, us completely has the ability of resistance!” “没错,武魂殿那边,没有女帝这一位绝世斗罗的战力,剩下的封号斗罗,我们这边完全有对抗的能力!” Some time ago war, both sides lost seriously, in addition the involvement of that mysterious female douluo, the high-end strength of both sides was wounded!” “不久前的大战,双方都损失惨重,再加上那神秘女斗罗的介入,双方的高端战力都有负伤!” Now, the opposite party most powerhouse empress evacuates the frontline, then it seems like, that side Martial Soul Empire, will not start the war in a short time again.” “如今,对方最强者女帝撤离前线,那么看来,武魂帝国那边,短时间内是不会再发起战争了。” Is so best, we only need to constrain the time, waits for Little San (three) to return, when the time comes we have the reversal situation ability!” “如此最好,我们只需要拖住时间,等待小三归来,到时候我们就有逆转局势的能力!” Big battalion within/inner, after the people hears this news, tight spirit also loose permits some. 大营内,众人听到这个消息后,紧绷的精神也不由松了许些。 Closes after the war from Jialing, quick past half a month. 距离嘉陵关大战过后,已经快过去半个月了。 Jialing closes that side, Martial Soul Empire army not a movement that goes out the fight, seems to be waiting for anything again. 嘉陵关那边,武魂帝国的大军并没有一丝出关战斗的动作,似乎再等待着什么。 But military compound that two big empires are stationed, makes the defensive gesture as before, is waiting for the return of Tang San. 而两大帝国驻扎的军营这边,依旧做出防守姿态,等待着唐三的归来。 Before this seems like the final war, final tranquility. 这似乎是最终大战前,最后的宁静。 Late at night, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong two people, inspect in the military compound surrounding, guard against the attack of Martial Soul Empire. 深夜,朱竹清宁荣荣二人,在军营外围进行巡视,防备武魂帝国的袭击。 Two people walk shoulder to shoulder in the quiet mountain valley, the bright moonlight sprinkles from the space, is casting light upon two people. 两人并肩走在静谧的山谷中,皎洁的月色从天上洒落而下,照映着二人。 That beautiful physique, just like dropping the goddess of this world. 那美丽的身姿,宛若落下凡尘的女神。 Quite peaceful ~ “好安静啊~” Ning Rongrong sighed one, 宁荣荣不禁感叹一声, Afterward looks at Zhu Zhuqing, said: It seems like tonight will not have the matter.” 随后看着身边的朱竹清,道:“看来今晚不会有事。” Zhuqing, you said matter that we handle, is correct?” 竹清,你说我们所做的事情,是不是正确的?” Ning Rongrong asked suddenly. 宁荣荣突然问道。 hears word, Zhu Zhuqing gawked, stopped the footsteps. 闻言,朱竹清不由一愣,停下了脚步。 She looks at Ning Rongrong, silent a while, the undulating said: Why said?” 她看着宁荣荣,沉默了一会儿,澹澹说道:“为什么这么说?” I do not know......” “我也不知道......” Ning Rongrong shakes the head. 宁荣荣不禁摇了摇头。 Since that war, on the day of she will remember once for a while, that words that empress Qian Renxue spoke. 自从那场大战过后,她时不时会想起那天,女帝千仞雪所说的那番话。 This made her have the suspicion to the choice that oneself made. 这让她不禁对自己做出的选择产生了怀疑。 Is the decayed empire, really worth saving? 腐朽的帝国,真的值得拯救吗? To be honest, Ning Rongrong does not have the favorable impression regarding Heaven Dou Empire. 说实话,宁荣荣对于天斗帝国没有好感。 But, because of this war, because of the Tang San friendship, she drew in this vortex Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect finally. 可是,因为这一场战争,因为唐三的情谊,她最终还是把七宝琉璃宗拖入了这个漩涡。 Zhuqing, you said, this war, really doesn't have the means to prevent?” 竹清,你说,这场战争,真的没有办法阻止吗?” both sides, Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, Martial Soul Empire, must destroy completely the opposite party, isn't really able to coexist?” “双方,天斗帝国星罗帝国,武魂帝国,都必须灭掉对方,真的就无法共存吗?” Regarding the Ning Rongrong issue, Zhu Zhuqing said: Cannot.” 对于宁荣荣的问题,朱竹清道:“不能。” When Martial Soul Empire has not established, Heaven Dou Empire and do Star Luo Empire, different also exist mutually, are maintaining the mainland stable balance?” Ning Rongrong puzzled say/way. “在武魂帝国还没有成立的时候,天斗帝国星罗帝国,不一样也是相互存在,维持着大陆稳定的平衡?”宁荣荣不解道。 That is because, before the national strengths of two big empires were close, both sides are unable to defeat the opposite party truly, therefore is maintaining the tacit stability.” “那是因为,之前两大帝国的国力相近,双方都无法真正战胜对方,所以维持着默契的稳定。” But, Martial Soul Empire is different, Martial Soul Empire has the strong strength, this destruction revolts against its all influences sufficiently.” “但是,武魂帝国不一样,武魂帝国有着强大的实力,这足以覆灭反抗它的一切势力。” In the face of the absolute strength, how could Martial Soul Empire to tolerate other countries to coexist with?” “在绝对的实力面前,武魂帝国岂能容忍其它国家与自己共存?” On the contrary, if Heaven Duo, Star Luo two empires, they if there is strength like Martial Soul Empire, will make with the Martial Soul Empire same action.” “相反,若是天斗,星罗两个帝国,它们若是拥有像武魂帝国那样的实力,也会做出与武魂帝国一样的举动。” This war, but is only the struggle of ambition, simply does not have the so-called justice.” Zhu Zhuqing disdains to say. “这场战争,不过只是野心的斗争而已,根本没有所谓的正义可言。”朱竹清不屑说道。 Is only, the gratitude and grudges between Third Brother and Spirit Hall, that side Spirit Hall not to mention, the Third Brother as if regarding destruction Spirit Hall, has the extremely biased focus.” “只是,三哥与武魂殿之间的恩怨,武魂殿那边暂且不说,三哥似乎对于覆灭武魂殿,有着极为偏执的执着。” Was the Third Brother inherited the position of sea god, returned to the mainland, but really can win Spirit Hall?” Ning Rongrong regarding this matter, has the suspicion. “就是三哥继承了海神之位,返回大陆,可是真的能够打得赢武魂殿吗?”宁荣荣对于此事,抱有着怀疑。 Zhu Zhuqing said: „ I thought that the hope is very small, as far as I know, Qian Renxue that woman was also the god inherited an inheritance of gods. 朱竹清道:“我觉得希望很小,据我所知,千仞雪那女人也是神继承了一尊神明的传承。 Some time ago, that woman left the frontline, it is estimated that also prepared for the final trial. ” 不久前,那个女人离开前线,估计也是为了最后的试炼做准备。” God?” “神么?” Ning Rongrong twittering. 宁荣荣不禁呢喃一声。 She including 90 levels of boundaries not to break through now, above boundary as for Titled Douluo, to her, but also is extremely remote. 她现在连九十级境界都还没有突破,至于封号斗罗之上的境界,对于她来说,还太过遥远。 Is the strength of gods, how actually strong? 神明的力量,究竟何其强大? If the later war continues to work. 若是之后的大战继续进行下去。 The fight between Titled Douluo, the complementary waves of its sending out destroy all in surrounding area thousand li (500 km) sufficiently. 封号斗罗之间的战斗,其散发的余波就足以毁灭方圆千里之内的一切。 Perhaps if fights between two gods, the mainland must be destroyed. 若是两尊神明之间的战斗,恐怕大陆都要被打碎。 When the time comes, entire mainland metropolis/can plunging the people into disaster. 到时候,整个大陆都会生灵涂炭。 Now then they make, all are correct? 那么她们现在所做的,一切都是正确的吗? Ning Rongrong now is very confused. 宁荣荣现在很迷茫。 Moreover, all these back, as if have another evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, is promoting the chaos.” Zhu Zhuqing also said. “而且,这一切的背后,似乎还有着另外一只黑手,在推动着混乱局面。”朱竹清又道。 hears word, the Ning Rongrong pupil light concentrates, said: You were said that on that day suddenly presented the mysterious woman?” 闻言,宁荣荣眸光不由一凝,道:“你是说那天突然出现了神秘女人?” Zhu Zhuqing nods. 朱竹清点了点头。 Good, the strength of that mysterious woman is extremely terrifying, Qian Renxue that women are not his opponent. “不错,那个神秘女人的实力太过恐怖,连千仞雪那女人都不是其对手。 I believe that mysterious woman and back influence, are the biggest threats! ” 我认为,那个神秘女人及其背后的势力,才是最大的威胁!” Pitifully, the Grandmaster they, actually cannot realize this point.” “可惜,大师他们,却意识不到这一点。” Said, you did not think Emperor Heaven Duo somewhat was recently strange?” Ning Rongrong said suddenly. “说起来,你不觉得最近天斗皇帝有些怪异吗?”宁荣荣突然说道。 hears word, Zhu Zhuqing was also felt deeply. 闻言,朱竹清也是深受感受。 This I also noticed, that Emperor Heaven Duo, since that war, as if changed a person to be the same. “这个我也注意到了,那位天斗皇帝,自从那场大战过后,仿佛变了一个人一样。 At first, I think that he is only the pressure causes oversized, from the beginning has not cared. ” 起初,我认为他只是压力过大导致的,一开始并没有太在意。” But discovered afterward, he somewhat is truly strange, not only the character becomes hot tempered testy, but also it cultivates to also promote suddenly rapidly, before was only Spirit Ancestor, short in less than half a month, promoted the Spirit Emperor boundary.” “但是后来发现,他确实有些古怪,不仅性格变得暴躁易怒,而且其修为也突然间提升迅速,之前不过只是一个魂宗而已,短短不到半个月,就提升到了魂帝境界。” Moreover, I always thought that his aura, is somewhat strange, lets the will of the people becoming fed up wicked repugnance.” “而且,我总觉得他身上的气息,有些古怪,让人心生厌恶反感。” „A matter, was his side suddenly were many two Titled Douluo. Although Emperor Heaven Duo said that two douluo are the old ancestors of Heaven Duo imperial family, but I do not think.” “还有一件事,就是他身边突然多了两位封号斗罗。虽然天斗皇帝说,那两位斗罗天斗皇室的老祖,但我并不那么认为。” Ning Rongrong is also disdains saying: „The two at all possibly are not the old ancestors of Heaven Duo imperial family. If the Heaven Duo imperial family some so many Titled Douluo assumes personal command, in the past not because is unable to deter the place powerful official royal family to choose with my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect alliance.” 宁荣荣也是不屑道:“那两人根本不可能是天斗皇室的老祖。天斗皇室要是有那么多封号斗罗坐镇,当年也不会因为无法震慑地方权贵王族而选择跟我七宝琉璃宗联盟了。” Zhu Zhuqing agreed that the view of Ning Rongrong, in the eye pupil also flashes through wipes to worry about the color. 朱竹清表示同意宁荣荣的说法,眼眸中也闪过一抹担忧之色。 It seems like, this Emperor Heaven Duo, in as if his heart has other to plan, it seems like it is incredible.” “看来,这位天斗皇帝,似乎其心中有着其它谋划,看来并不可信。” hears word, Ning Rongrong hehe smiles, said: „When soon faces the perishing country, that person also did some shameful secrets to plan, in Heaven Dou Empire booth such a king, but also is really unfortunate flatter!” 闻言,宁荣荣呵呵一笑,道:“都快要面临亡国之际了,那人还搞一些见不得人的秘密谋划,天斗帝国摊上这么一位王,还真是不幸阿!” No matter he makes anything, in the face of the absolute strength, is not meaningful.” Zhu Zhuqing undulating say/way. “不管他做什么,在绝对的实力面前,都没有任何意义。”朱竹清澹澹道。 Her cultivating for is the Titled Douluo boundary, even if that avalanche is the honored status of Emperor Heaven Dou Empire, she does not pay attention. 她的修为已经是封号斗罗境界,就算那雪崩是天斗帝国皇帝的尊贵身份,她也不放在眼里。 Oh ~, really does not know that actually this war will evolve what knot.” Ning Rongrong sighed sadly. “唉~,真不知道这场战争究竟会演变成什么样的结界。”宁荣荣忧愁一叹。 If Ceng Yi he because of were good.” “要是曾易他在就好了。” Fellow, if, by his strength, can certainly prevent this war!” “那家伙要是在的话,以他的实力,一定能够阻止这场战争!” But this fellow, actually in the so crucial time, does not know where ran up to went, was really hateful!” “可是这家伙,竟然在如此关键的时刻,不知跑到哪里去了,真是可恶啊!” In the Ning Rongrong mind appeared the Ceng Yi form, thinks of now the mainland so tense situation again. 宁荣荣脑海中不由浮现了曾易的身影,再一想到如今大陆如此紧张的局势。 To plays Ceng Yi that vanishes to hate to clench teeth suddenly. 不由对突然就玩消失的曾易恨得直咬牙。 ..... .....。
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