DDTR :: Volume #8

#717: Finally section Jianglin

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At this time, Spirit Hall Spirit Master also turns toward Ceng Yi to walk. 此时,武魂殿魂师也向着曾易走来。 Ceng Yi, many thanks you lend a hand to assist, this benevolence Spirit Hall will engrave on mind.” 曾易,多谢你出手相助,这份恩情武魂殿会铭记在心。” Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan makes noise thanks to say. 菊斗罗月关出声感谢道。 Qian Daoliu after Ceng Yi solves the matter, returned consecrated the palace. 千道流曾易把事情解决后,就返回了供奉殿。 Pope Bibi Dong closes up, person who the Spirit Hall many powerhouses outside, in this situation, can manage affairs at this moment, was Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan. 教皇比比东闭关,武魂殿众多强者都在外,这个情况下,此刻能够掌事的人,就是菊斗罗月关了。 Ceng Yi said with a smile peacefully: Minor matter one, let alone the empress is my best friend, how could this matter I stand by.” 曾易澹笑道:“小事一桩,更何况女帝还是我的至交好友,这事我岂能袖手旁观。” Yue Guan looks at Ceng Yi, its side three women. 月关看着曾易,还有其身边的三个女人。 These people, the strength is really one by one terrifying, endures compared with 99 levels of Peerless Douluo terrifying cultivates is. 这些人,实力真是一个比一个恐怖,都堪比九十九级绝世斗罗的恐怖修为。 Ceng Yi endures compared with the gods. 曾易更是堪比神明。 This makes Yue Guan rejoice very much, such person is not the Spirit Hall enemy, but is the friend. 这让月关很是庆幸,这样的人不是武魂殿的敌人,而是朋友。 Wants initially, Spirit Hall also to have gratitude and grudges with Ceng Yi. 想当初,武魂殿还与曾易有过一段恩怨。 Only can say, oneself young lady has stood that side Ceng Yi luckily. 只能说,幸好自家大小姐是一直站在曾易那边。 Otherwise, without existence of this friendship, Spirit Hall can also have the present position, but also really did not say. 要不然,没有这一份情谊的存在,武魂殿还能不能有如今的地位,还真不好说啊。 The later matter, is handled by the Spirit Hall person voluntarily, Ceng Yi also returns to itself to close up in it place. 之后的事情,由武魂殿的人自行处理,曾易也回到自己闭关所在之地。 Beforehand fight Ceng Yi received some wounds, needs to recuperate some time. 之前的战斗曾易受了些伤,需要调养一段时间。 After three days . 三日后。 These days that it seems like I close up, in the mainland had lively matter actually.” “看来我闭关的这段时间,大陆上倒是发生了挺热闹的事情啊。” Ceng Yi says with emotion. 曾易不由感慨道。 He inquired that from Spirit Hall Spirit Master news, some time ago, Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, two big empires composed over a million armies, closes in Jialing with Martial Soul Empire fights a decisive battle directly. 他从武魂殿魂师身上打听到了消息,不久前,天斗帝国星罗帝国,两大帝国组成了上百万大军,在嘉陵关与武魂帝国正面决战。 This fight is the unrivalled war. 这场战斗可谓是旷世之战。 both sides send out military, is Spirit Master, is entire unprecedented huge scale. 双方出动的无论是兵力,还是魂师,都是全所未有的庞大规模。 Only is Titled Douluo that both sides set out, 光是双方出动的封号斗罗, Has dozens people fully! 都足有数十人! No wonder this Spirit Hall will be done so distressedly, most strength accents by two evil Spirit Master took that side the battlefield.” “难怪这一次武魂殿会被两个邪魂师就搞得如此狼狈,原来大部分的力量都调取了战场那边。” Does Ceng Yi also somewhat think clearly, how many evil Spirit Master so huge Spirit Hall from the beginning is made into this unexpectedly? 曾易一开始也有些想不明白,如此庞大的武魂殿竟然会被几个邪魂师弄成这样? Even if there is a cherry, Spirit Hall still has Pope Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu this to the powerhouse, how to say again is also insufficient to be done so distressedly. 就算是有洛樱在,武魂殿也还有教皇比比东,千道流这等至强者,再怎么说也不至于被搞得如此狼狈。 dig dig Now Ceng Yi understood, originally most strengths were transferred. 现在曾易明白了,原来大部分战力被调离。 Moreover Bibi Dong closed up practices. 而且比比东又闭关修行了。 In addition Qian Daoliu will act except for the Spirit Hall critical time. 加上千道流是除了武魂殿生死攸关的时刻才会出手。 In the present Martial Soul city, the strongest strength is also the chrysanthemum, ghost two 95 levels of Titled Douluo. 如今的武魂城中,最强战力也就是菊,鬼两位九十五级的封号斗罗 Mentioned some time ago Jialing to close the war. 说起不久前的嘉陵关大战。 Ceng Yi somewhat cannot think actually, has been pressed the hitting two big empires by Martial Soul Empire, dares unexpectedly with the Martial Soul Empire direct engagement. 曾易倒是有些想不到,一直被武魂帝国压着打的两大帝国,竟然敢与武魂帝国正面交战。 It seems like that lead Tang San gave them the courage. 看来,还是主角唐三给了他们勇气啊。 And, Clear Sky Sect leaves the mountain again, the Tang San parents also join the battlefield. 其中,昊天宗再次出山,唐三的父母也加入战场。 In addition the background of two big empires. 加上两大帝国的底蕴。 history Laike Seven Devils. 还有史来克七怪 These in addition, the formed high-end strength, truly has with the strength that Martial Soul Empire bumps directly. 这些加起来,形成的高端战力,确实有着与武魂帝国正面碰一碰的实力。 However, some Ceng Yi actually headaches. 不过,曾易却有些头痛。 Because, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect also participated. 因为,七宝琉璃宗也参与进去了。 Before he with Zhu Zhuqing, the Ning Rongrong two females had said that best not to participate in Martial Soul Empire and striving for hegemony of Empire Alliance. 之前他就已经跟朱竹清,宁荣荣两女说过,最好别参与武魂帝国与帝国联盟的争霸。 But they entered in this vortex. 但她们还是进入了这个漩涡中。 Naturally, such situation, Ceng Yi also has estimate. 当然,这样的情况,曾易也是有所预想的。 After all, their two people come to Croatia Institute with history, has the strong friendship with Tang San. 毕竟,她们两人与史来克学院,与唐三有着深厚的情谊。 Moreover, Ning Rongrong takes the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect next successor. 而且,宁荣荣作为七宝琉璃宗下一任继承人。 She participated to enter, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was impossible to stay out. 她参与进入了,七宝琉璃宗也不可能置身事外。 How Ceng Yi said that is also the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect person, can't really pay no attention? 曾易怎么说也还算是七宝琉璃宗的人,总不能真的不理吧? Also really has a headache.” “还真是头疼啊。” Ceng Yi is somewhat helpless, although he does not like Heaven Duo and Star Luo two empires very much, but they because of the relations with Tang San, the choice stood in the sides of these old aristocrats. 曾易有些无奈,虽说他不是很喜欢天斗星罗两个帝国,但她们因为与唐三的关系,选择站在了那些旧贵族的一方。 However, Ceng Yi not possible because of Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong their choices, but abandons own standpoint. 不过,曾易也不可能因为朱竹清宁荣荣她们的选择,而放弃自己的立场。 Said does not participate in striving for hegemony of secular dynasty not participating. 说了不参与世俗王朝的争霸就是不参与。 At the worst they were grasped, oneself look for Qian Renxue to fish the person again and that's the end. 大不了她们被抓了,自己再去找千仞雪捞人就是了。 This face, Qian Renxue can give. 这点面子,千仞雪还是能给的。 Moreover, about combat report that the frontline transmits. 而且,关于前线传来的战报。 The armies of Empire Alliance already before Jialing closes was routed by Martial Soul Empire directly, in a short time does not have the strength of again war. 帝国联盟的大军已经在嘉陵关前被武魂帝国给正面击溃,短时间内没有再战之力。 Cannot think that takes Tang San of child of destiny to lead personally, is unable to defeat Martial Soul Empire, by Qian Renxue routing. 想不到作为天命之子的唐三亲自带队,都无法战胜武魂帝国,被千仞雪给击溃。 The Tang San destiny halo was unexpectedly useless. 唐三的天命光环竟然没用了。 This is true is Ceng Yi has not thought. 这属实是曾易没想到的。 Qian Renxue is 99 levels of Peerless Douluo boundaries, now this time, in the world can with also only then few people who she fights. 千仞雪已经是九十九级的绝世斗罗境界,现在这个时间段,世上能与她一战的也只有寥寥几人。 Is Titled Douluo boundary Tang San, is relying on many methods, can resist Qian Renxue one actually. 已经是封号斗罗境界的唐三,凭借着诸多手段,倒是可以抵挡千仞雪一阵。 However, this Spirit Hall almost it can be said that turns out in full strength, the high-end strength goes to the frontline. 不过,这次武魂殿几乎可以说是倾巢而出,高端战力都前往前线。 Failure of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, is inevitable. 天斗帝国星罗帝国的失败,也是必然的。 However, final of this war, evil Spirit Master appears unexpectedly. 不过,这一次大战的最后,竟然还有邪魂师出现。 Empress Qian Renxue by the mysterious female evil Spirit Master severe wound. 女帝千仞雪被神秘的女性邪魂师重伤。 This also caused Martial Soul Empire not to have the ability of following up a victory with hot pursuit, both sides after that fought, the vitality damages severely, was in the truce stage. 这也导致武魂帝国这边也没有了乘胜追击的能力,双方在那一战之后,都元气大伤,进入了停战阶段。 In evil Spirit Master, is the woman, in the Ceng Yi cognition, only then cherry can achieve severely wounded Qian Renxue. 魂师中,还是女人,在曾易的认知中,也只有洛樱能够做到重伤千仞雪 It seems like that she first went to one Jialing pass/test Gaoshi one wave, then arrives at the Spirit Hall headquarters, the Martial Soul city. 看来,她是先去了一趟嘉陵关搞事一波,再来到武魂殿的总部,武魂城。 What a pity, her luck is not quite good, happen to met Ceng Yi. 可惜,她的运气不太好,正好遇见了曾易 Otherwise, but also really gave her to succeed. 不然,还真给她成功了。 Spirit Hall destruction, then the situation in entire mainland will be changed. 武魂殿覆灭,那么整个大陆的局势都会被改变。 Although actually Ceng Yi not too clear that evil Spirit Saint teaches to have what goal. 曾易虽然不太清楚那个邪魂圣教究竟有着什么目的。 However does the path of matter to speculate from them unceasingly. 不过从他们不断搞事的轨迹可以推测出。 The ultimate goal of this organization, is to subvert the whole world. 这个组织的最终目的,就是要颠覆整个世界。 Ceng Yi has roughly guessed correctly, that woman, what existence is. 曾易已经大致猜出,那个女人,是一个什么样的存在。 If yes, confuses in trace Grand Canyon that mystical place, the evil spirit that evil god is the antiquity fell from the sky the god demon complaint of changes to makes. 如果是,迷踪大峡谷那个秘境中,那尊邪神是上古陨落的神魔怨念所化做的邪灵。 Then, that woman, is this world, breeds absolutely wickedness. 那么,那个女人,就是这个世界,所孕育的绝对之恶。 The Martial Soul city fights with her, the Ceng Yi clear sensation, her body does not have a human nature, is almost the marriages of all negative energies. 武魂城与她一战,曾易清楚的感知到,她身上没有一丝的人性,几乎是一切负面能量的结合体。 Although she from exploding. 虽说她已经自爆。 But that is only together the incarnation. 但那不过只是一道化身而已。 So long as this world, but also has the poor root, she can recover again. 只要这个世界,还存在着劣根,她就能再次复苏。 Really to troublesome fellow.” “真是给麻烦的家伙。” Remembers this, Ceng Yi feels very helpless. 想起这个,曾易就感到很是无奈。 However, at least in a short time, she should not appear again. 不过,至少短时间内,她应该不会再出现了。 Moreover, after this Jialing closes the war, both sides start the tacit truce. 而且,这次嘉陵关大战后,双方都开始默契的停战。 But Ceng Yi knows, before this is storm gather, final tranquility. 曾易知道,这是暴风雨来临前最后的平静。 Tang San these defeats time, supercilious, regards Martial Soul Empire, Spirit Hall for him of mortal enemy, will not be resigned. 唐三这一次战败,心高气傲,视武魂帝国,武魂殿为死敌的他,不会甘心。 Ceng Yi suspected, then, Tang San he should complete the final trial, inherits the sea god thoroughly the god position, the breakthrough god boundary, then comes back to take revenge. 曾易猜想,接下来,唐三他应该会去完成最后的试炼,彻底继承海神的神位,突破神境,然后再回来复仇。 Pope Spirit Hall Bibi Dong, has closed up. 武魂殿教皇比比东,也早就闭关。 Goes out again, breaks through the god boundary surely. 再次出关,也必定突破神境。 Inherits Qian Renxue of god position of angel. 还有继承天使之神位的千仞雪 Quick, the mainland will welcome, the generation of god! 很快,大陆就会迎来,神之世代! „The chapter must approach finally, I cannot fall behind ~.” “终章就要来临,我也不能落后才是啊~。” ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Jialing pass/test. 嘉陵关。 Matter that the Martial Soul city has, passed to empress Qian Renxue ear that assumes in the frontline. 武魂城所发生的事情,也传到了坐镇在前线的女帝千仞雪耳中。 Damn, these fellows dare to extend the hand to Spirit Hall unexpectedly come!” “该死,那些家伙竟然敢把手伸到武魂殿来!” Qian Renxue looks at the information that these transmit, the innermost feelings exceedingly indignant. 千仞雪看着这些传来的信息,内心无比愤怒。 Evil Spirit Master is the object who Spirit Hall suppresses. 魂师一直都是武魂殿打压的对象。 Even, the evil Spirit Master organization under the suppression of Spirit Hall, once does not dare to make an appearance in the mainland. 甚至,邪魂师组织在武魂殿的压制下,一度不敢在大陆上露面。 Cannot think of some day, Spirit Hall will encounter the attack of evil Spirit Master unexpectedly. 想不到有朝一日,武魂殿竟然会遭到邪魂师的袭击。 Moreover, is the direct attack Spirit Hall supreme headquarters. 而且,还是直接攻击武魂殿的大本营。 Martial Soul city almost but therefore destruction. 武魂城差点都因此而覆灭。 Makes Qian Renxue feel that only enjoyable matter, is Ceng Yi closes up completes. 唯一让千仞雪感到舒心的事情,就是曾易闭关完成。 Luckily Ceng Yi goes out promptly, the making a move destruction these wreaked havoc destruction evil Spirit Master in Spirit Hall. 幸亏曾易出关及时,出手覆灭了那些在武魂殿肆虐破坏的邪魂师 Otherwise, oneself fighting battles in the frontline, the native place made others give to steal. 要不然,自己在前线打战,老家都让别人给偷了。 This simply is the greatest shame. 这简直是莫大的耻辱。 News that besides that side this Martial Soul city spreads, a matter makes Qian Renxue feel very difficult office. 除此武魂城那边传来的消息之外,还有一件事让千仞雪感到很难办。 According to news that the Heaven Duo camp that side scout spreads. 根据天斗阵营那边探子传来的消息。 Tang San has left the camp, where did not know. 唐三已经离开营地,不知去了什么地方。 But Qian Renxue knows, Tang San is like oneself, carries the inheritance of gods. 千仞雪知道,唐三与自己一样,都身负神明的传承。 Therefore she guessed, Tang San should go to conduct the final trial, the breakthrough god boundary. 所以她猜测,唐三应该前去进行最后的试炼,突破神境。 Moreover, her mother, Bibi Dong, has conducted final closing up. 而且,她母亲,比比东,也早已进行最后的闭关。 After going out, already achievement god position. 出关之后,想必已经成就神位。 Qian Renxue is clear, what ambition oneself mother has. 千仞雪清楚,自己的母亲有着什么样的野心。 If lets her first a breakthrough god boundary. 若是让她先一步突破神境。 Then will seize power oneself inevitably. 那么势必会对自己进行夺权。 When the time comes, the Martial Soul Empire empress, must exchange the person. 到时候,武魂帝国的女帝,就要换人了。 That mysterious evil Spirit Saint teaches, that damn woman! 还有那个神秘的邪魂圣教,那个该死的女人! Thinks of this, in the Qian Renxue eye pupil flashes through wipes to dread. 一想到这,千仞雪眼眸中闪过一抹忌惮。 Really must arrive at this......” “真的要走到这一步了吗......” Qian Renxue by the seat, is looking up to the ceiling, twittering, in the eye pupil is glittering a helplessness, vacant. 千仞雪靠在座椅上,仰望着天花板,呢喃着,眼眸中闪烁着一丝无奈,还有茫然。
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