DDTR :: Volume #8

#716: Is built on 1 person of peak

Newest website: 最新网址: ...... ...... ~ 噗~ Cherry from exploding the terrifying energy, the wild strength broke the Ceng Yi sword territory directly. 洛樱自爆的恐怖的能量,狂暴的力量直接打破了曾易的剑域。 But under the impact of this strength, Ceng Yi does not feel better very much, the body received the serious wound, in the mouth bled. 而在这股力量的冲击下,曾易也很不好受,身体受到了严重的创伤,口中喋血。 Also is really ruthless ~ “还真是狠啊~” Ceng Yi smiles bitterly, cancels the blood of corners of the mouth. 曾易苦笑一声,抹去嘴角的鲜血。 He the sensation, the aura of woman has vanished into thin air. 他已经感知到,那女人的气息已经烟消云散。 After forced smile, the Ceng Yi expression is still dignified. 苦笑过后,曾易表情依旧凝重。 He knows, this matter, but also was far from the conclusion. 他知道,这件事情,还远远没有结束。 Martial Soul city. 武魂城。 Everyone is looking up to the sky. 所有人都在仰望着天空。 The explosion, as if the world collapsed generally, making them feel incomparable shock and heart season. 刚才的爆炸,仿佛世界都崩坏了一般,让他们感到无比的震撼和心季。 „The aura of saintess Sir...... dissipation?” “圣女大人的气息......消散了?” Evil dragon douluo was shocked, stared in a big way that to cover entirely the eyeball of fierce blood threads, cannot believe is looking at the space. 邪龙斗罗愣住了,瞪大了那布满狰狞血丝的眼球,不敢相信的望着天上。 He the sensation has not arrived at the aura of saintess Sir. 他已经感知不到圣女大人的气息。 The saintess Sir is their beliefs, gods who gives them the unsurpassed strength. 圣女大人是他们的信仰,给予他们无上力量的神明。 That is invincible existence. 那是无敌的存在。 Possibly how to defeat? 怎么可能会败? That woman damn! What a pity does not die in the hand of this emperor, really pitifully.” “那个女人该死!可惜不是死在本帝的手上,真是可惜了。” Ice Emperor grasps the crystal that the deep green ice crystal is congealing to fight the lance, is sneering to say to evil dragon douluo. 冰帝手持着碧绿冰晶凝成的水晶战矛,对着邪龙斗罗冷笑说道。 She may be unable to forget, initially in Northern Polar Fields, the woman pierced the picture of chest single-handedly. 她可忘不掉,当初在极北之地,那女人一手洞穿自己胸膛的画面。 Now thinks, she felt the chest is paining. 现在想起来,她都感觉胸口在隐隐作痛。 If not for by these evil Spirit Master to the computation, oneself will be reduced to so the position? 若不是被这些邪魂师给计算,自己怎么会沦落到这般境地? Even also asked own personal enemy to be the father! 甚至还叫自己的仇人做爸爸! This simply is her shame for a lifetime! 这简直是她一辈子的耻辱啊! Relax, this emperor this delivers you to go to hell to accompany your masters!” “放心吧,本帝这就送你们下地狱陪你们的主人!” In the Ice Emperor cold sound is flooding ice-cold killing intent, the incomparably powerful aura also has that pinnacle ice cold meaning. 冰帝冷冽的声音中充斥着冰冷的杀意,无比强大的气息还有那极致的冰寒之意。 Let numerous Spirit Master in Martial Soul city, hit one to tremble. 武魂城中的众多魂师,都不由打了一个寒颤。 Death!” “死吧!” Ice Emperor grasps the crystal to fight the lance to kill. 冰帝手持着水晶战矛杀去。 She at this moment, cultivates for has fully restored, even compared with soul beast period, but also wants on a strong point. 此刻的她,修为已经完全恢复,甚至比起还是魂兽时期,还要强上一分。 But evil dragon douluo and quiet wolf douluo two people, before by the dark phoenix severe wound, are the spent forces. 而邪龙斗罗与幽狼斗罗两人,之前就已经被暗黑凤凰重伤,已经是强弩之末。 Now their condition, at all possibly is not under the most flourishing condition the Ice Emperor opponent. 现在两人的状态,根本不可能是全盛状态下冰帝的对手。 Let alone, as cherry from exploding, the aura dissipates. 更何况,随着洛樱的自爆,气息消散。 They think that oneself saintess Sir has fallen from the sky. 他们以为自己的圣女大人已经陨落。 The belief was shattered, at this moment did not have to fight intent. 信仰破碎,此刻也没有了战意。 Under the domineering attack of Ice Emperor, the ability that simply has not counter-attacked. 冰帝的强势攻击下,根本没有反击的能力。 Roar ~ 嗷吼~ Resounds through the horizon along with a pitiful dragon roar. 伴随着一声凄惨的龙吼响彻天际。 The giant evil dragon that evil dragon douluo appears, was fought the lance to pierce dragon head by the Ice Emperor crystal, nails tight in the ground, dragon blood incarnadine land. 邪龙斗罗显现出的巨大邪龙,被冰帝的水晶战矛洞穿了龙首,钉死在地面上,龙血染红了大地。 But quiet wolf douluo, in stronger Snow Emperor hand, changed to an ice to wither directly, had lost the vitality. 而幽狼斗罗,在更强的雪帝手中,直接化作了一座冰凋,已然失去了生机。 Finished......” “结束了......” Spirit Hall Spirit Master look at this, some cannot believe. 武魂殿魂师们看着这一幕,有些不敢相信。 This is going to subvert the Spirit Hall disaster, finally was reduced and solved. 这场将要颠覆武魂殿的劫难,最终还是被化解了。 Reduces and solves the person of this disaster, is not the Spirit Hall person. 只是,化解这场劫难的人,并不是武魂殿的人。 Was saved by the bystander. 被外人所拯救。 This regarding Spirit Hall everyone, the taste in heart does not feel better. 这对于武魂殿的所有人来说,心中的滋味都不太好受。 Today, Spirit Hall everyone was clear about a matter. 今日过后,武魂殿的所有人都清楚了一件事。 Is built on the summit of Spirit Master World is no longer insufferably arrogant, unapproachable Spirit Hall. 立于魂师界之巅的不再是不可一世,无可匹敌的武魂殿 But is one person. 而是一人。 That person, named, Ceng Yi! 那人,名为,曾易 He, may sidewise compression world all influences. 他一人,就可横压天下一切势力。 Ceng Yi drops in the Martial Soul city from the space. 曾易从天上落下武魂城中。 Looks that this was almost destroyed must indecently, just like the ruins Martial Soul city. 看着这座几乎被破坏得不堪入目,宛若废墟般的武魂城。 But some time ago, in this city or the mainland were liveliest, was almost in all Spirit Master minds the city of sacred place. 而不久前,这座城市还是大陆上最为繁华,几乎是所有魂师心目中圣地的城市。 Now actually turns into so the appearance, Ceng Yi also somewhat sobs. 现在却变成这般模样,曾易也不禁有些唏嘘。 Hey, that woman? Did you really give to kill her?” “喂,那个女人呢?你真把她给杀了?” Ice Emperor sees Ceng Yi to come back, immediately arrives in front of him to interrogate. 冰帝见到曾易回来,立刻来到他面前质问。 Hou humph ~, but also thinks that you are fierce, “嚯嚯~,还以为你多厉害呢, Deals with that woman also to make so distressedly, is really funny ~sees Ceng Yi this distressed condition, Ice Emperor is also the speaking taunt unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 对付那个女人还弄得如此狼狈,真是好笑呢~”见到曾易这副狼狈的状态,冰帝也是毫不客气的出言嘲讽。 Next time will make you go? Happen to you can also ask her to revenge.” Ceng Yi ill-humored say/way. “下次让你去?正好你也可以找她报仇。”曾易没好气道。 Restores Ice Emperor after memory, the character also is really bad. 恢复记忆后的冰帝,性格还真是恶劣。 Ceng Yi somewhat fondly remembers that to hold to him to call the father, sprouted cute small ice softly. 曾易有些怀念那个一直粘着他叫爸爸,软萌可爱的小冰儿了。 Hears these words, Ice Emperor does not speak. 听到这句话,冰帝也不说话了。 Although she wants to ask that woman to revenge personally, but she also knows that own strength, is not the opponent of that woman. 虽说她很想亲手找那个女人报仇,不过她也知道自己的实力,不是那女人的对手。 Otherwise, she rushed a moment ago directly. 不然,刚才她直接就冲上去了。 „Are you all right?” “你没事吧?” Compares Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor cares about the Ceng Yi physical condition. 相比起冰帝,雪帝更关心曾易的身体状况。 The concern of Snow Emperor, touching the Ceng Yi innermost feelings. 雪帝的关怀,让曾易内心很是感动。 Obviously is two sisters, will the disparity why so big? 明明是两姐妹,为什么差距会这么大呢? Hey, where are your bastard eyes looking at?” “喂,你这混蛋眼睛在看哪里?” Ice Emperor sees the Ceng Yi vision and elder sister's body sizes up in oneself, oneself lower the head looked, immediately discovered anything. 冰帝曾易的目光在自己与姐姐的身上打量,自己低头一看,顿时发现了什么。 She felt that oneself dignity received offending. 她感觉自己的尊严受到了冒犯。 Ceng Yi took back the vision, no longer pays attention to this death girl who gives the dirty look. 曾易收回了目光,不再理会这个给自己臭脸的死丫头。 Master ~, you went out in the critical moment fortunately, otherwise I may probably by that woman killing, wū wū ~ “主人~,还好你在紧要关头出关了,要不然我可就要被那女人给杀了,呜呜~” The dark phoenix arrives at side Ceng Yi to complain tearfully. 暗黑凤凰来到曾易身边哭诉。 „The master you are quite fierce, cuts to kill a god boundary powerhouse, on this day under no one is the master your opponent, or we conquer this world!” “不过主人你好厉害呀,又斩杀一尊神境强者,这天下已经没有人是主人你的对手了,要不我们征服这个世界吧!” Hehe, this idea yourself do well in the dream.” Ceng Yi white this black hair Niao. “呵呵,这个想法你自己在梦里做就好。”曾易不由白了一眼这头黑毛鸟。 Although dark phoenix the bloodlines, are the strength, is a mount of best quality goods. 虽说暗黑凤凰无论是血脉,还是实力,都是一个极品的坐骑。 But she is going against a cheek that is an excellent likeness Qian Renxue acts like a spoiled brat to oneself, really somewhat dislikes the person. 但她顶着一张神似千仞雪的脸蛋对自己撒娇,实在是有些膈应人。 Ceng Yi, what matter is this mixed wool bird?” 曾易,这头杂毛鸟是什么回事?” Ice Emperor that ice-cold sound conveys. 冰帝那冰冷的声音传来。 You said that small black, mount that I received recently newly, how?” The Ceng Yi undulating said. “你说小黑啊,我最近新收的坐骑,怎么了?”曾易澹澹说道。 Her that aquamarine eye pupil coldly stares at the face of dark phoenix, in the eye pupil is glittering is wiping the meaning of anger. 她那碧绿色的眼眸冷冷的盯着暗黑凤凰的面孔,眼眸中闪烁着一抹愤怒之意。 Because the appearance of dark phoenix is an excellent likeness Qian Renxue. 因为暗黑凤凰的容貌神似千仞雪 Initially when Northern Polar Fields, Ice Emperor led the soul beast raging tide attack human area, by Qian Renxue is led the army to resist. 当初在极北之地,冰帝率领魂兽狂潮进攻人类疆域之时,被千仞雪率领大军抵御。 Ice Emperor also successive defeats in the Qian Renxue hand several times. 冰帝也在千仞雪手中连败数次。 Therefore, dark phoenix appearance, making Ice Emperor remember not the good recollection. 所以,暗黑凤凰这副模样,让冰帝想起了不好的回忆。 Although she knows that the dark phoenix is not Qian Renxue, but this being an excellent likeness face, makes her have no favorable impression to this demon bird. 尽管她知道暗黑凤凰并不是千仞雪,但这张神似的脸,也让她对这头魔禽没有什么好感。 Mixed wool bird? Your this kid really has not known the immensity of heaven and earth!” “杂毛鸟?你这小屁孩还真是不知天高地厚啊!” After the dark phoenix hears these words, gave her air/Qi directly smiles. 暗黑凤凰听到这句话后,直接给她气笑了。 Ceng Yi usually scolded her also even, after all that was Lord . Moreover the Ceng Yi strength was very strong, turning the hand to suppress her. 曾易平日里骂骂她也就算了,毕竟那是主,而且曾易的实力很强,翻手可镇压她。 Although in front of Ceng Yi, the dark phoenix is a currying favor with appearance. 虽说在曾易面前,暗黑凤凰是一副献媚的样子。 But as the god beast descendant, naturally has to be her pride. 但身为神兽后裔,自然有着属于她的骄傲。 It is not the casual person can insult her. 不是随便一个人就可以侮辱她的。 Is only a small scorpion, the bloodlines are also common, the potential is limited. “不过只是一个小蝎子而已,血脉也就一般,潜力有限。 I carry the god beast descendant of real phoenix bloodlines, can your ice scorpion insult can it be that? ” 我可是身负真凰血脉的神兽后裔,岂是你一个冰蝎子能够侮辱的?” What god beast descendant, had not been subdued the mount, really has no sense of shame, makes others mount also to be pleased with oneself, if I you, look for tofu to kill to consider as finished!” Ice Emperor disdains to sneer to say. “什么神兽后裔,还不是被人收服成了坐骑,真是不知羞耻,做人家坐骑还沾沾自喜,我要是你,就找一块豆腐撞死算了!”冰帝不屑冷笑道。 What did you say? Is courting death!” “你说什么?找死是不是!” Dark phoenix hears word, flies into a rage, huge aura erupts from his body, presses toward Ice Emperor. 暗黑凤凰闻言,勃然大怒,一股庞大的气息从其身上爆发而出,向着冰帝压去。 „To fight? Who fears whom!” “想打架是吗?谁怕谁啊!” In Ice Emperor that petite body also erupts the ice cold aura that does not show weakness, hits with the aura of dark phoenix that burning hot in the same place. 冰帝那娇小的身躯上也爆发出一股毫不示弱的冰寒气息,与暗黑凤凰那炙热的气息撞在一起。 The cold ice and blazing interweaving, the produced terrifying complementary waves, making nearby Spirit Hall numerous Spirit Master tremble. 寒冰与炽热的交织,产生的恐怖余波,让一旁的武魂殿众多魂师都瑟瑟发抖。 Sufficed, you two give me peacefully!” “够了,你们两个都给我安静点!” Sees the appearance that two people must hit, the Ceng Yi body erupts more terrifying sword intent, suppresses them directly. 见两人要打起来的样子,曾易身上爆发出更加恐怖的剑意,直接镇压她们。 Snort ~, you are waiting to me, this time first lets off you.” “哼~,你给我等着,这次就先放过你。” Who puts the aggressive statement unable? Looks in the face of master, today makes certainly your small scorpion attractive!” “放狠话谁不会?要不是看在主人的面子上,今天一定让你这小蝎子好看!” The aura suppression of Ceng Yi that terrifying comes, two females have to diverge the aura, puts down an aggressive statement mutually, stops there. 曾易那恐怖的气息镇压而来,两女也只好散去了气息,相互放下一句狠话,就此作罢。 Looks at Ice Emperor, this dark phoenix. 看着冰帝,还有这暗黑凤凰。 Ceng Yi very helpless holds the volume. 曾易很是无奈的扶额。 Why will own side gather such a crowd of troublesome essences? 自己身边为什么会聚集这么一群麻烦精啊? 82 Chinese net 82中文网 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Book interest pavilion cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。书趣阁手机版阅读网址:
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