DDTR :: Volume #8

#715: I am absolute wicked!

Newest website: 最新网址: ...... ...... Ceng Yi is only the undulating makes noise, but actually gave the cherry infinite pressure. 曾易只是澹澹出声,但却给了洛樱无穷的压力。 Locks her flash in the Ceng Yi vision, she feels, she seems like by ten thousand sword is surrounded. 就在曾易目光锁定她的一瞬间,她就感觉到,自己像是被万剑所包围。 Sword intent has blocked this space, making her feel very thorny. 剑意已经封锁了这片空间,让她感到很是棘手。 Cherry innermost feelings are very panic-stricken, is very inconceivable. 洛樱内心很是惊骇,很是不可思议。 Sees this person previous time, is when? 上一次见到这人,是什么时候? She remembers, as if not a half year? 她记得,似乎才不过半年吧? How was the strength immeasurably deep compared with before? 怎么实力比起之前更加的深不可测了? In the so short time, why can this person so grow rapidly? 如此短暂的时间内,这个人为什么能够成长得如此的快速? Damn, this world, how will have the so terrifying fellow! 该死,这世间,怎会有如此恐怖的家伙! Cherry clenches jaws, in the ice-cold scarlet pupil is glittering the fierce meaning, tight locked this man. 洛樱咬牙切齿,冰冷的赤眸中闪烁着狰狞之意,紧紧锁着这个男人。 Didn't speak? I have to resort to the strong method.” “不说话么?那我只好动用强硬手段了。” Ceng Yi sees that also unrestrained/no trace of politeness, draws a sword instantaneously. 曾易见状,也毫不客气,瞬间拔刀。 In a twinkling, the moon/month glow flies to cut together. 霎时间,一道月芒就飞斩而出。 Terrifying sword intent leans the day, the sea of clouds above vault of heaven is divided into two. 恐怖的剑意倾天,天穹之上的云海都被一分为二。 Has a sword that cuts a day of potential. 有着斩天之势的一剑。 This sword makes cherry mind tremble, brandished the sickle of counter-attack death hastily. 这一剑让洛樱心神不由一颤,连忙挥舞死亡之镰回击。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying strength impact makes the space shake, the visible ripple ripples wash out to sweep across in the space. 恐怖的力量冲击使得空间震荡,肉眼可见的波纹涟漪在空间中冲散席卷。 Under a sword, cherry body again and again suddenly/violently to retreat. 一剑之下,洛樱身体连连暴退。 Keeps off the next sword merely, makes her both arms shiver. 仅仅挡下一剑,就让她的双臂都在颤抖。 Made one feel sword intent oppression that suffocated, has he arrived at that boundary?” “令人感到窒息的剑意压迫,他已经到达那个境界了吗?” Qian Daoliu stared in a big way the eye, the mind shocked. 千道流瞪大了眼睛,心神震撼。 The Ceng Yi aura gives his constriction to be extremely intense. 曾易的气息给他的压迫感太过强烈。 Compared with that evil Spirit Saint female's terrifying. 比起那个邪魂圣女更加的恐怖。 He had suspected, Ceng Yi has stepped into the god boundary, exceeded Spirit Master World to limit. 他已经怀疑,曾易已经踏入了神境,超越了魂师界限。 Worthily is the man who Xue'er regards as important.” Qian Daoliu is looking at that tall and straight back, sighs with emotion one. “不愧是雪儿看重的男人。”千道流望着那挺拔的背影,感慨一声。 The new times have approached, his person of this old time, should leave the stage, to ending time. 新时代已经来临,他这种旧时代的人,也该退出舞台,到落幕的时候了。 However, his ending, will ignite bunch of dazzling flame inevitably, the ray that blooms, illuminates the whole world sufficiently. 不过,他的落幕,势必会燃起一簇耀眼的火焰,绽放出的光芒,足以照亮整个世界。 Ceng Yi and cherry two people fights are still continuing. 曾易与洛樱两人的战斗还在继续。 Two people strengths have exceeded the Spirit Master boundary limit, each attack, sufficiently tearing space. 两人的实力都已经超出了魂师境界的极限,每一次攻击,都足以撕裂空间。 However, Ceng Yi strength compared with before powerful. 不过,曾易的实力比起之前更加的强大。 Even if cherry cultivates for has striven, but under the Ceng Yi sword, still supports by strenuous efforts, has been pressed hitting. 即使洛樱修为有所精进,但在曾易的剑下,也是苦苦支撑,一直被压着打。 Clang ~ 锵~ The collision of blade and long sickle, the invisible strength ripples ripple, the sparks fly, the space vibrates. 刀刃与长镰的碰撞,无形的力量涟漪荡漾而出,火花飞溅,空间震动。 Ceng Yi looks at this woman, in the heart is somewhat surprised. 曾易看着这个女人,心中有些惊讶。 Previous time fights in Northern Polar Fields, her strength obviously compared with now, is compares to Qian Renxue at most a point. 上次在极北之地交手,她实力明显比不过现在,顶多就是比起千仞雪强上一分。 But now, actually endures in evil god cultivating of compared with that mystical place is. 而现在,竟然堪比那秘境中的邪神的修为。 This woman can actually let cultivate/repair in the so short time for the rapid promotion, was really terrifying. 这女人竟然能够在如此短暂的时间让修为迅速的提升,实在是太恐怖了。 If this time makes her leave again, the next appearance, it feared that do not break through to the god boundary? 若这次再让她离开,下一次出现,其怕不是要突破到神境? This evil strength, appears again, takes cultivating of god boundary as to arrive at the mainland, that will be one a disaster that will be inconceivable. 这股邪恶的力量,再次出现,以神境的修为降临大陆,那将是一场难以想象的灾难。 Today you must keep this!” “今日你必须留在这!” In the Ceng Yi eye pupil flashes through wipes the cool color, plans to act full power, does not give her any opportunity. 曾易眼眸中闪过一抹冷色,打算全力出手,不给她任何机会。 Vaster aura fills the air from him. 一股更加浩瀚的气息从他身上弥漫而出。 Sword intent of direct impact clouds, looks like a divine sword, pierced the vault of heaven, penetrated the thick dark cloud level, the glow again shining land of Sun. 直冲云霄的剑意,就像是一把神剑,洞穿了天穹,穿透了浓厚的乌云层,太阳的辉光再次照耀大地。 Ceng Yi is situated in void, under shining of glow, the figure appears the incomparable dignity. 曾易立于虚空,在辉光的照耀下,身形显得无比的威严。 He extends the right hand, the palm grasps. 他伸出右手,手掌一握。 At that moment, as if the whole world grasps in his hands. 那一刻,仿佛整个世界都掌握在其手中。 Sword territory, reveals!” “剑域,显!” In an instant, the strength of invisible domain disperses suddenly. 刹那之间,无形的领域之力骤然散开。 This is......” “这是......” Cherry eye pupil contracts suddenly, in the eye the deep place glitters is wiping the fear. 洛樱眼眸骤然收缩,眼中深处闪烁着一抹恐惧。 Her sensation, the surrounding space, had been blocked. 她感知到,周围的空间,都已经被封锁住。 One have placed in another a world. 自身已经身处于另一个世界。 Covered entirely the sword, the world of sword. 布满了刀剑的,剑之世界。 In this world, 在这个世界, That person controls, controls all principles. But oneself, look like the fish meat under knife and chopping block, no matter what it butchers. 那人就是主宰,掌控一切法则。而自己,就像是刀俎下的鱼肉,任其宰割。 ! 唰! Shortly, invisible sword air/Qi cuts. 顷刻间,一道无形的剑气就斩去。 Cherry when has not responded, an arm had flown. 洛樱在还没有反应过来的时候,一只手臂就已经飞了出去。 How can?” “怎么会?” Staring that she does not dare to believe in a big way the eye, was looking at own breaking arm. 她不敢置信的瞪大了眼睛,望着自己的断臂。 As wicked source she, the first time is on the body of human, felt the fear. 身为恶之源头的她,还是第一次在人类的身上,感受到了恐惧。 Ceng Yi looks that cut off the woman of arm by oneself, the brow slightly wrinkle. 曾易看着那被自己斩断手臂的女人,眉头不由微皱。 Because, that breaks the arm, is not an entity. 因为,那断臂,并不是实体。 Cherry the place of breaking arm, overflow is not the blood, but is the jet black mist. 洛樱的断臂之处,溢出的不是鲜血,而是漆黑的雾气。 Clone?” “分身?” Ceng Yi whispered. 曾易低语一声。 This surprises him, this woman actually clone, is not the entity. 这让他很是意外,这个女人竟然只是分身,还不是实体。 Moreover, clone to have the strength of half god rank, if the main body, actually that strength were what kind of boundary? 而且,分身就拥有了半神级别的力量,若是本体,那实力究竟是何等境界? This lets dreading of Ceng Yi in regarding this person of heart. 这让曾易对于此人心中更加的忌惮。 Oh ~ “啊哈哈哈~” Cherry looks at own breaking arm, later just like going crazy to be the same, laughs. 洛樱看着自己的断臂,随后宛若发疯了一样,大笑起来。 Her that beautiful facial features start to become the crazy distortion, scarlet blood glow that in the eye pupil glitters, tight locked Ceng Yi. 她那美丽的面容开始变得疯狂扭曲,眼眸中闪烁的猩红血芒,紧紧锁着曾易 Do not make laugh! How did you possibly kill me?” “别搞笑了!你怎么可能杀得了我?” I am desperate!” “我是绝望!” I am the destruction!” “我是毁灭!” I am the destruction!” “我是破坏!” Is going to subvert the darkness of this world! “是将要颠覆这个世界的黑暗啊! ! ” !” Cherry that fierce demented facial features, she is laughing wildly, dark aura surges wild! 洛樱那狰狞癫狂的面容,她在狂笑,身上的黑暗气息狂暴涌动! The terrifying aura is fermenting in his body, the space starts to shiver. 恐怖的气息正在其身上酝酿,空间开始颤动起来。 Not a good premonition raises in the Ceng Yi heart. 一股不好的预感在曾易心中升起。 He looks on cherry to start the dark energy of rebellion, immediately thought of anything. 他看着洛樱身上开始暴动的黑暗能量,顿时想到了什么。 She must from exploding! “她要自爆! ! ” !” Damn!” “该死!” Ceng Yi clenches teeth to scold one. The character of this half god rank from exploding, this prestige can be not unimaginable. 曾易咬牙骂道一声。这种半神级别的人物自爆,这股威能是无法想象的。 If this energy diffusion. 若是这股能量扩散出去。 Below Martial Soul city, even in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), will be razed to the ground by this wild energy. 下方的武魂城,甚至方圆千里之内,都会被这股狂暴的能量夷为平地。 At this time, Ceng Yi must make a move to prevent. 这个时候,曾易也必须出手阻止。 Oh ~, destroys together!” “啊哈哈哈~,一起毁灭吧!” Cherry laughs crazily, the jet black trace has proliferated on her fair flesh, is fierce just like the spider web, the terrifying annihilation aura fills dispersing. 洛樱疯狂大笑,漆黑的纹路已经遍布了她白皙的肌肤上,宛若蛛网般狰狞,恐怖的湮灭气息弥漫散开。 This is only clone together, although this is she strongest one clone. 这只是一道分身而已,虽说这是她最强的一道分身。 If destroyed, to her, is the attack that is unbearable. 若是毁灭了,对于她来说,也是难以承受的打击。 However, she has left behind the subsequent hand. 但是,她已经留下了后手。 The human nature wicked will not be obliterated. 人性之恶是不会被磨灭的。 Soon, she will return, will arrive with a stronger stance, brings a more terrifying despair to this world! 用不了多久,她就会重新归来,而且会以更强的姿态降临,给这个世界带来更加恐怖的绝望! Sacrificed this clone together, did not say that can destroy this man, even the severely wounded opposite party, was still worth! 牺牲这一道分身,不说能够毁灭这个男人,就算是重伤对方,也是值得的! The dark energy of that fermentation was getting more and more intense, making Ceng Yi feel wiped the heart season. 那酝酿的黑暗能量越来越强烈,让曾易感到了一抹心季。 He erupted oneself all strengths full power, nine Spirit Ring appeared, leaned Sky Sword intent to spread. 他全力爆发出了自己所有的力量,九个魂环显现而出,倾天剑意蔓延开来。 The domain of sword starts to block the entire space. 剑之领域开始封锁整个空间。 Soulless!” “无神!” Ceng Yi draws a sword, cuts the strongest sword, must obliterate this terrifying energy. 曾易拔刀,斩出最强一剑,要磨灭这道恐怖的能量。 However, when that sword glow soon touches cherry, her body has collapsed, changed to the infinite energy burst. 但是,在那剑芒快要触及洛樱之时,她的身体已经崩坏,化作了无穷的能量爆发。 The terrifying energy as if changed to black hole, crazy swallowing annihilates the surrounding all. 恐怖的能量仿佛化作了一个黑洞,疯狂的吞噬湮灭周围的一切。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! At that moment, the sky daytime becomes one piece to be white, the world loses one's voice. 那一刻,天空变得一片昼白,世界失声。 The whole world, only then that only white! 整个世界,只有那唯一的白色! 82 Chinese net 82中文网 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Book interest pavilion cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。书趣阁手机版阅读网址:
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