DDTR :: Volume #8

#714: We were also Super Douluo ~

Newest website: 最新网址: ...... ...... Above the sky, Qian Daoliu and dark phoenix fight cherry jointly. 天空之上,千道流与暗黑凤凰联手战洛樱。 However, the strength of cherry is really extremely powerful. 不过,洛樱的实力实在是太过强大。 Even Qian Daoliu and dark phoenix two people collaborate, is unable to do to the opposite party. 即使千道流与暗黑凤凰两人联手,也无法奈何对方。 Even was also being pressed hitting. 甚至还被压着打。 Battle more than ten rounds, a person of beast, in the mouth bleeds, experiences personally the heavy losses. 交战不过十几个回合,一人一兽,都口中喋血,身受重创。 Angel successor? Also no more than so!” “天使传人?也不过如此!” Without becoming method, you give this place dead!” “如果没有变得手段,你们就给本座死吧!” Cherry grasps the blood-color long sickle, in the eye pupil glitters the scarlet blood glow, bloodthirsty killing intent is almost changing into the essence. 洛樱手持血色长镰,眼眸中闪烁着猩红血芒,嗜血的杀意几乎化为实质。 Death!” “死!” She coldly puts out a character, wants under the pain the killer. 她冷冷吐出一字,就要痛下杀手。 But at this moment, in the world fills a front cold sword intent. 而就在这时,天地间弥漫出一股锋寒的剑意。 Even she feels scared unrestrainedly. 连她都情不自禁的感受到一丝胆寒。 Bang! 轰! The silver light beam shot up to the sky together, brought to everyone's attention. 一道银色光柱冲天而起,引起了所有人的注意。 Ha, master! Was the master regains consciousness!” “哈哈哈,主人!是主人苏醒了!” The dark phoenix feels this terrifying sword intent, that rushing is vast, if the aura of boundless sea, that absolutely is the aura of master! 暗黑凤凰感受到这股恐怖至极的剑意,那滂湃浩瀚如无垠大海的气息,那绝对是主人的气息! Do not kill me? Has the skill under not to run!” “你不是要杀我吗?有本事等下别跑!” The dark phoenix changed to the human form, laughs, and starts to taunt. 暗黑凤凰化作了人形,大笑起来,并且开始嘲讽。 Before she was also worried oneself were in danger. 之前她还担心自己有生命危险。 Now felt the Ceng Yi aura to regain consciousness, fearless. 现在感受到了曾易的气息苏醒,已然无惧。 Although the strength of this woman is very strong. 虽说这个女人的实力很强。 However, own master, existence that but murders the god. 但是,自己的主人,可是弑神的存在。 Now cultivates to go a step further, the strength is immeasurably deep! 如今修为更进一步,实力更加深不可测! Cherry feels this to fill in boundless sword intent in the world, in the heart also incomparably dreaded. 洛樱感受到这股弥漫在天地间的磅礴剑意,心中也是无比忌惮。 This familiar aura, she has thought that was. 这股熟悉的气息,她已经想到是谁了。 She has not thought, the owner of this demon bird, unexpectedly is that fellow. 她没有想到,这头魔禽的主人,竟然是那个家伙。 Back side of the mountain. 后山。 Ceng Yi is situated in the sky, in the profound eye pupil, flashes through wipes the swift and fierce sword glow. 曾易立于天空,深邃的眼眸中,闪过一抹凌厉的剑芒。 95 levels? It seems like this closing up harvest is good.” “九十五级?看来这一次闭关的收获还不错。” The Ceng Yi undulating smiles, expressed very satisfied. 曾易澹澹一笑,表示很满意。 Before confusing trace Grand Canyon with the antiquity evil god of that recovery fought. 之前在迷踪大峡谷内与那复苏的上古邪神一战。 He almost used all methods, cuts that evil god. 他几乎使出了所有的手段,才斩掉那尊邪神。 However, in that war, Ceng Yi also received very serious injury. 不过,那一战中,曾易也受到了很严重的伤势。 However in that war, Ceng Yi cuts to extinguish that evil god finally, but the remaining Shintoism/Divine Dao read remnantly, was caught by him. 但是那一战中,曾易最后斩灭那尊邪神,而残余的神道残念,也被他所捕获。 Read through that remnantly, Ceng Yi saw era, the picture of war of god demon. 通过那一丝残念,曾易看到了上古时代,神魔之战的一丝画面。 Although is only one, Ceng Yi can also be able to feel in the past the frigidity of that war. 尽管只是一丝,曾易也能够感受得到当年那场战争的惨烈。 But relied on this memory fragment, but also has god said accumulated, made Ceng Yi sense a great deal, cultivated/repaired to strive. 而凭借了这一丝记忆碎片,还有神之道蕴,也让曾易感悟良多,修为精进。 Repairs for the boundary, 92 levels before from closing up, rose dramatically directly 95 levels of boundaries. 修为境界,也从闭关前的九十二级,直接飙升到了九十五级的境界。 According to the Spirit Power rank of Spirit Master, Ceng Yi could also be Super Douluo. 按照魂师魂力等级来说,曾易也算得上是超级斗罗了。 However Ceng Yi has broken down the Spirit Master boundary, the Spirit Power rank has not weighed his true strength the standard. 不过曾易早就打破了魂师的界限,魂力等级并非是衡量他真正实力的标准。 Feels in the body the boundless vast strength, Ceng Yi was feeling own condition unprecedented good. 感受着自己身体内磅礴浩瀚的力量,曾易感觉自己状态前所未有的好。 Above Spirit Master, the boundary of god, gods ....... 魂师之上,神之境,神明....... Repairing at this moment is, Ceng Yi felt, if fights with that evil god again, perhaps oneself do not use hundred moves, can cut to kill the opposite party. 此刻的修为,曾易觉得,若是再与那尊邪神一战,自己或许不用百招,就可以斩杀对方。 However, oneself present cultivating is about 95 levels. 然而,自己现在的修为不过九十五级。 From hundred levels, a distance. 距离百级,还有一段距离。 However, Ceng Yi felt, present, with these true god boundary powerhouses, can still fight even? 但是,曾易感觉,现在的自己,就算与那些真正的神境强者,也能够一战吧? However, now does not have others to break through Spirit Master World to limit, becomes the true gods. 不过,现在还没有其他人突破魂师界限,成为真正的神明。 Perhaps, when Tang San, Qian Renxue, after Bibi Dong these break through to the god boundary, Ceng Yi can test own real strength. 或许,等到唐三,千仞雪,比比东这些突破到神境后,曾易就可以测试一下自己的真实战力了。 Now, should solve the small insect that these cause trouble.” “现在,该解决一下那些闹事的小虫子了。” Ceng Yi light nan, the next quarter, the form disappeared in same place. 曾易轻喃一声,下一刻,身影就消失在了原地。 When appears again, Ceng Yi has been built on sky over the Martial Soul city. 再次出现时,曾易已经立于武魂城上空。 These days that aiya, it seems like I close up, here lives it up actually very much.” “哎呀哎呀,看来我闭关的这段时间,这里倒是热闹得很啊。” The lazy optional sound passes on the space together. 一道慵懒随意的声音在空间中传荡。 Everyone's vision, looks following this sound, the vision accumulation is situated in the man in sky in that. 所有人的目光,都顺着这道声音望去,目光聚集于那立于天空中的男人。 Ceng Yi!” 曾易!” The chrysanthemum, ghost two douluo saw clearly this person of appearance, makes noise surprisedly. 菊,鬼两位斗罗看清了这人的面貌,都惊讶出声。 Chrysanthemum elder, it seems like you also are really distressed, the big Martial Soul city will be stirred unexpectedly earth-shakingly by two mousies, but also is really funny.” “菊长老,看来你们还真是狼狈啊,偌大的武魂城竟然会被两只小老鼠搅得天翻地覆,还真是好笑。” Ceng Yi is looking at Chrysanthemum Douluo, smiles to say peacefully. 曾易望着菊斗罗,澹笑说道。 Hears this word, Chrysanthemum Douluo is really ashamed. 听闻此言,菊斗罗甚是羞愧。 Spirit Hall of solemn mainland's first influence, some day will be made into this by several evil Spirit Master unexpectedly, really lost completely the face. 堂堂大陆第一势力的武魂殿,竟有朝一日会被几名邪魂师弄成这样,实在是把脸都丢尽了。 But this does not have the means that the Spirit Hall main force is not basically, this void, seized the opportunity to sneak by the enemy. 可是这也没有办法,武魂殿的主力基本上都不在,本部空虚,被敌人乘虚而入。 The opposite party sneak attack, did not speak Wu De! 对方偷袭,不讲武德啊! Ceng Yi, but also please help my Spirit Hall eradicate these demon outlets.” Chrysanthemum Douluo opens the mouth to request earnestly. 曾易,还请助我武魂殿铲除这些邪魔外道。”菊斗罗开口恳请道。 He knows, once cultivated/repaired with Qian Renxue relates extraordinarily . Moreover the strength is not weak in Qian Renxue, is not weak Pope in Bibi Dong. 他知道,曾修与千仞雪关系非凡,而且实力也不弱于千仞雪,不弱于教皇比比东 If Ceng Yi can make a move, the Spirit Hall crisis may reduce and solve. 曾易若能出手,武魂殿的危机就可化解。 This is natural . Moreover, I also with these person of some gratitude and grudges.” Ceng Yi is saying, the pupil light shoots a look at to nearby evil dragon douluo and quiet wolf douluo. “这是自然,况且,我也与这些人有些恩怨。”曾易说着,眸光不由瞥向一旁的邪龙斗罗与幽狼斗罗 That cold pupil light glance comes, making two people instantaneous fine body hair raise up, wipes the big terrifying to press on them. 那冷冽的眸光扫视而来,让两人瞬间寒毛竖起,一抹大恐怖压在他们身上。 These two gave you.” “这两人就交给你们了。” The Ceng Yi undulating said, later ice blue color mist wears from it in mist Hikido of waist overflows, condensed two pretty forms in void. 曾易澹澹说道,随后一股冰蓝色雾气从其佩戴在腰间的岚切上溢出,在虚空中凝聚成了两道俏丽的身影。 A stature selects slenderly high, peerless grace and talent the female of ice blue long hair 一位身材修长高挑,风华绝代的冰蓝长发的女子 Another, the body is somewhat petite, if complexion the girl of frost. 另一位,身躯有些娇小,面色若霜的女孩。 These two women, lodge in the Ceng Yi Martial Soul mist Hikido's two swords spirit, Northern Polar Fields once double emperor. 这两个女人,正是寄宿在曾易武魂岚切上的两道剑灵,极北之地曾经的双帝。 Ice and Snow Maiden, Snow Emperor! 冰天雪女,雪帝 Ices the blue ruler scorpion, Ice Emperor! 冰碧帝皇蝎,冰帝 ~, who wants to listen to your words?” Ice Emperor very uncomfortable is staring Ceng Yi, coldly said. “切~,谁要听你的话?”冰帝很是不爽的瞪着曾易,冷冷道。 Oh ~, is really unlovable, asked my father to come obviously before.” “唉~,真是一点都不可爱了,明明之前还叫我爸爸来着。” Looks at the Ice Emperor so indifferent attitude, Ceng Yi very helpless sigh. 看着冰帝如此冷漠的态度,曾易很是无奈的叹息一声。 These closes up time, before continuously Ice Emperor of deep sleep, recovers again. 这一次闭关,之前一直沉睡的冰帝,也再次复苏。 But this time, she restored the beforehand memory unexpectedly. 而这一次,她竟然恢复了以前的记忆。 Must say that restored the memory also even. 要说恢复记忆也就算了。 But, lost recalled the memory before , maintained. 可是,之前失忆时的记忆,也保持了下来。 Has loathed the human very much Ice Emperor, after restoring the memory, thinks oneself lose recalled when actually asked Ceng Yi this most to loathe, the person who most hated was the father. 一直都很厌恶人类的冰帝,恢复记忆之后,一想到自己失忆时竟然叫曾易这个自己最厌恶,最恨的人做爸爸。 Remembers this matter, she is ashamed, does not have the face to cultivate the behavior simply ..... not, did not have the face to make the beast. 想起这件事,她就羞愧不已,简直是没脸做人.....不,是没脸做兽了。 These memories, making her ashamed want to commit suicide. 那些记忆,让她羞愧得想要自杀。 Ceng Yi also no longer pays attention to Ice Emperor that indignant eye to look on that dark-haired woman in another side. 曾易也不再理会冰帝那气愤的眼把目光放到另一边的那个黑发女人身上。 Moves sideways, before he arrived at the body of this woman . 一个闪身,他就来到了这个女人的身前。 Master ~, you came finally, wū wū ~ “主人~,你终于来了,呜呜~” The dark phoenix sees Ceng Yi to appear, immediately arrives at his side to complain tearfully. 暗黑凤凰见到曾易出现,立刻来到他身边哭诉。 Master, you , if late to go out again, I may probably by this woman killing.” “主人,你要是再晚点出关,我可就要被这个女人给打死了。” You must help me revenge!” “您一定要帮我报仇啊!” Looks that to the dark phoenix that oneself complained tearfully, the Ceng Yi corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out. 看着对自己哭诉的暗黑凤凰,曾易嘴角不由抽了抽。 When this female bird, melts the shape is taking the frame of reference by Qian Renxue, caused her human form mimicry, is extremely similar to Qian Renxue. 这头母鸟,化形时以着千仞雪作为参照物,也导致了她所化的人形拟态,与千仞雪极其相似。 Looks that this has most likely (80%) similar faces to use the delicate graceful facial expression with Qian Renxue to the appearance that oneself spoke. 看着这张与千仞雪有着八成相似的脸用着柔弱盈盈的神情对自己说话的样子。 Also called the master, using that to whine the tone that. 还叫主人,用着那嗲嗲的语气。 Ceng Yi felt that a stomach hurts. 曾易就感觉一阵胃疼。 Rolls the distant point to me.” “给我滚远点。” Ceng Yi puts out a hand according to her face, draws back from oneself her, later the vision places at present on this black hair female. 曾易伸出手按在她脸上,把她从自己身上退开,随后目光放在眼前这个黑发女子身上。 Although she is growing with the cherry same face. 虽然她长着与洛樱一样的脸。 However, Ceng Yi on her body, cannot feel aura of person. 但是,曾易在她的身上,感觉不到一丝人的气息。 I think, you should not be she who I know?” “我想,你应该不是我所认识的她吧?” The Ceng Yi undulating opens the mouth, the sound just like the sharp sword, the puncture goes. 曾易澹澹开口,声音宛若利剑般,穿刺而去。 That flash, a cherry fast leaning head. 那一瞬间,洛樱快速的一偏头。 The next quarter, an invisible impact blew off her long hair. 下一刻,一道无形的冲击吹散了她的长发。 But on that fair face, cut a small opening. 而那白皙的面庞上,也划开了一道小口子。 However, this wound flows out is not the blood, but is the black fog of undulating, strange gloomy. 但是,这道伤口流出的不是鲜血,而是澹澹的黑雾,诡异阴森。 Ceng Yi narrowed the eye, wipes coldly such as cold frost killing intent to fill the air from his body. 曾易不由眯了眯眼睛,一抹冷冽如寒霜的杀意从其身上弥漫而出。 Can tell me, what is your goal?” “能不能告诉我,你的目的是什么呢?” 82 Chinese net 82中文网 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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