DDTR :: Volume #8

#713: awakens

...... ...... Said! How you come out! How does that world destroy?” “说!你是怎么出来的!那个世界又是如何毁灭的?” The voice of this woman, almost deafening sound in the mind of dark phoenix. 这女人的话音,几乎是在暗黑凤凰的脑海中震响。 She are infinite, the soul trembles. 她内心无限恐惧,灵魂颤栗。 The dark phoenix wants to flee, is the body actually by this terrifying aura to the suppression, is unable to move. 暗黑凤凰想要逃离,可是身体却被这恐怖的气息给镇压,无法动弹。 This woman gives her oppression to be extremely terrifying. 这个女人给她的压迫太过恐怖。 Compared with initially that evil god, but also wants the powerful several points. 比起当初那位邪神,还要强大几分。 In this world, besides master, unexpectedly so powerful person! 这个世界中,除了主人之外,竟然还有如此强大之人! Dark phoenix regret. 暗黑凤凰后悔了。 Looks to know so, she should not meddle this matter, obedient defending before the Lord person, Protector for him. 找知道如此,她就不应该插手此事,乖乖的守在主人身前,为他护法。 Now the master is at closes up the practicing condition, has no interest in pay attention to matter of. 现在主人正处于闭关修行状态,无心理会外界之事。 Then oneself must be finished! 这下自己要完蛋了! You are also only a false god, my master cuts existence that killed the gods truly, when the master goes out, fate that you also only then flee in panic!” “你不过也只是一尊伪神而已,我主人可是真正斩杀了神明的存在,待主人出关,你也只有仓皇逃窜的下场!” Facing intimidation of cherry, the dark phoenix disdains to sneer. 面对洛樱的威逼,暗黑凤凰不屑冷笑一声。 You court death!” “你找死!” Sees this evil livestock to dare to speak to taunt itself, cherry is angry immediately, in the eye pupil glitters gloomy and cold is killing intent. 见这头孽畜竟敢出言嘲讽自己,洛樱顿时大怒,眼眸中闪烁着阴冷地杀意。 Murders the god? Really laughable? Before the Flood, does not know that many gods fell from the sky in my hands, behind you person was considered as anything!” “弑神?真是可笑?上古时代,不知多少神明陨落于吾手中,你背后之人又算得了什么!” Cherry disdains, scarlet glow greatly hold in eye pupil. 洛樱不屑,眼眸中的赤芒大盛。 Such being the case, this place extracts the soul of your evil livestock, swallowed your flesh!” “既然如此,本座就抽出你这孽畜的灵魂,吞噬了你的血肉!” In cherry that blood-color eye pupil bursts out intense killing intent, extends the white hands to grasp toward the chest place of dark phoenix. 洛樱那血色的眼眸中迸发出强烈的杀意,伸出玉手向着暗黑凤凰的胸口处抓去。 ! 唰! The next quarter, in the world presented golden sword glow, flies to cut to go toward cherry. 下一刻,天地间出现了一道金色剑芒,向着洛樱飞斩而去。 Sudden killing, making cherry give up to the killer of dark phoenix, turns around to face that attack. 突然的袭杀,让洛樱不由放弃对暗黑凤凰的杀手,转身面对那袭来的攻击。 Bang! 轰! Cherry facing that hundred zhang (333 m) golden color sword air/Qi, in the eye pupil flashes through wipes contemptuously, white hands making a fist rumbles. 洛樱面对那道百丈金色剑气,眼眸中闪过一抹轻蔑,玉手握拳轰出。 The dreadful demon air/Qi gathers the dark great hand, forms a giant fist, is directly broken this hundred zhang (333 m) sword air/Qi bang! 滔天的魔气汇聚成暗黑巨手,形成一个巨大的拳头,直接把这道百丈剑气轰碎! Who is? Hides, rolls to this place!” “是谁?躲躲藏藏的,给本座滚出来!” Cherry drinks one coldly, the tender sound just like the thunder crack, the world vibrates. 洛樱冷喝一声,娇音宛若雷霆炸响,天地都为之震动。 The smog of that explosion diverges, wears the golden color to fight the old man of clothes to be built on together void. 那爆炸的烟雾散去,一道身穿着金色战衣的老者立于虚空中。 Oh ~ 唉~ The old men are facing this just like the demon god female, sighed, the facial expression was actually incomparably dignified. 老者面对着这宛若魔神般的女子,叹息一声,神情却是无比凝重。 This person Spirit Hall big elder, once three certainly one, Gabriel douluo, Qian Daoliu! 此人正是武魂殿的大长老,曾经的三绝之一,斗罗,千道流 Is the big elder!” “是大长老!” Big elder acted finally! We could be saved!” “大长老终于出手了!我们有救了!” Below Spirit Hall numerous Spirit Master, see clearly that golden person's shadow that in the sky presented that immediately in heart wild with joy. 下方的武魂殿众多魂师,看清了天空上出现的那道金色人影,顿时心中狂喜。 In their eyes, big elder just like gods existence. 在他们眼中,大长老就是宛若神明般的存在。 Even Pope Sir, facing the big elder, must evade its point, is not willing to provoke. 即使教皇大人,面对大长老,都要避其锋芒,不愿招惹。 The strength of conceivable, actually big elder had terrifying how. 可以想象,大长老的实力究竟有多么的恐怖了。 Below Spirit Hall people cheer, but Qian Daoliu on sky he himself, but bore the incomparably tremendous pressure. 下方的武魂殿众人欢呼,但是天空上的千道流他自己,可是承受了无比巨大的压力。 At present this mysterious woman, gives his pressure on be too big. 眼前这个神秘女人,给他的压力太大了。 Is only the look, in that pair just like abyss eye pupil gaze under. 仅仅只是眼神,在那双宛若深渊般的眼眸注视下。 Qian Daoliu felt that fine body hair frightened stands, has the greatest terrifying. 千道流就感到寒毛悚立,有着莫大的恐怖。 Since this feeling, Qian Daoliu this life, has never felt has been. 这种感觉,千道流这一生以来,从未感受到过。 The so huge fear, making his soul tremble. 如此巨大的恐惧,让他灵魂在颤栗。 Even his Qian Daoliu has immersed in 99 levels of peerless boundary dozens years, cultivates for is immeasurably deep. 即使他千道流已经沉浸在九十九级绝世境界几十年,一身修为已经是深不可测。 However at present the strength of this woman, terrifying. 但是眼前这个女人的实力,更加的恐怖。 Qian Daoliu even suspected, this woman had broken through the god boundary. 千道流甚至怀疑,这女人已经是突破了神境。 Originally, he does not plan to act. 原本,他是不打算出手的。 However, this woman suddenly appears, the strength is extremely terrifying. 但是,这个女人突然出现,实力太过恐怖。 If he does not act, feared that is the entire Martial Soul city wants the plunging the people into disaster. 若是他再不出手,怕是整个武魂城都要生灵涂炭。 Compels to have no other choice, his Qian Daoliu choice acts. 逼不得已,他千道流选择出手。 However after facing directly this woman, Qian Daoliu profound feeling, oneself and disparity between this mysterious females. 不过直面这个女人后,千道流才深刻的感受到,自己与这个神秘女子之间的差距。 Merely one look, can make him feel the palpitation. 仅仅一个眼神,就能够让他感到心悸。 Is much more powerful! 强大得令人窒息! Angel aura? Really loathful flavor!” “天使的气息?真是令人讨厌的味道!” Cherry looks at Qian Daoliu that presents, in the eye pupil flashes through wipes the color of dislike. 洛樱看着出现的千道流,眼眸中闪过一抹厌恶之色。 While cherry focuses in Qian Daoliu, on the dark phoenix also erupted the powerful strength, shook off the fetter, spread out with cherry rapidly. 而在洛樱把注意力放在千道流身上的同时,暗黑凤凰身上也爆发出了强大的力量,挣脱了束缚,迅速与洛樱拉开距离。 old man, does not want dead, that deals with this woman together jointly!” “老头,不想死,那就一起联手对付这个女人!” The dark phoenix is shouting to Qian Daoliu, at the same time, melted own main body. 暗黑凤凰对着千道流喊道,与此同时,也化出了自己的本体。 Huge incomparable, exquisite noble, and there is to fill the evil charm and gloomy and cold dark phoenix main body comes. 巨大无比,优美高贵,且有充满着邪魅与阴冷的暗黑凤凰本体现身。 The body of sun-blocking, the evil spirit demon air/Qi is dreadful, jet black demon flame burning down entire space. 遮天蔽日的身躯,凶煞的魔气滔天汹涌,漆黑魔焰焚烧整个空间。 Qian Daoliu is an arrogant person. 千道流是一个高傲的人。 However facing cherry, he fully realizes itself and power gap of this woman. 但是面对洛樱,他深知自己与这个女人的实力差距。 In order to protect the Martial Soul city, he can only comply to collaborate with this demon bird. 为了守护武魂城,他只能答应与这头魔禽联手。 Angel true body!” “天使真身!” Qian Daoliu does not hesitate, liberates the Martial Soul true body directly. 千道流也丝毫不犹豫,直接解放武魂真身。 He at this moment, just like a golden Sun, dazzling gold/metal scattered the surrounding darkness instantaneously. 此刻的他,就宛若一轮金色的太阳,耀眼的金芒瞬间驱散了周围的黑暗。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ However shortly, giant six wing angels appear in void, three pairs of golden wings wield, the innumerable pure white feathers, scatter just like the floating snow under. 不过顷刻间,一尊巨大的六翼天使显现于虚空中,三对金色羽翼挥动,无数的纯白之羽,宛若飘雪般散落而下。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ Terrifying Spirit Power fluctuates to shake from the Qian Daoliu body, is turbulent just like the difficult situation, the surroundings space has the naked eye obvious distortion. 恐怖的魂力波动从千道流的身躯上震荡而出,宛若惊涛骇浪般汹涌,周围空间都发生肉眼可见的扭曲。 Nine Spirit Ring regarding in its side, eight black red matching, extremely intensely bright. 九个魂环围绕在其身旁,八黑一红的搭配,极其的夺目耀眼。 Once three certainly one, the overlord of sky, Qian Daoliu displayed own strength again. 曾经的三绝之一,天空的霸主,千道流再一次展现出了自己的力量。 Trial!” “审判!” Vast Spirit Power condenses a hundred zhang (333 m) golden color long sword in void. 浩瀚的魂力在虚空中凝聚成一把百丈金色长剑。 That six wing angel empty shades, stretch out hold this golden Saint sword, cuts toward cherry. 那六翼天使虚影,伸出抓住这把金色圣剑,向着洛樱斩去。 The terrifying prestige energy of this sword, as if even the space can cut. 这一剑的恐怖威能,似乎连空间都可以斩开。 The dark phoenix acts together, she brandishes the both wings, the strong winds howls, demon flame greatly hold. 暗黑凤凰一同出手,她挥舞双翅,狂风呼啸,魔焰大盛。 Annihilation!” “湮灭!” The jet black demon flame as if changed swallowed all black holes, having the terrifying aura to kill to cherry. 漆黑的魔焰似乎化作了吞噬一切的黑洞,带着恐怖的气息杀向洛樱。 Some meanings!” “有些意思!” Facing two big incur to killing of powerhouse, cherry corners of the mouth bring back wipe the exciting curve. 面对两大至强者的杀招,洛樱嘴角勾起一抹兴奋的弧度。 Such being the case, this place cut you, extinguished this city again, to disappear the anger of this place!” “既然如此,本座就斩了你们,再灭了这座城,以消本座的愤怒!” Cherry sneers, the white hands grasp void, jet black and fills the long sickle of air/Qi of pinnacle evil spirit to appear. 洛樱冷笑,玉手虚空一握,一把漆黑而又弥漫着极致凶煞之气的长镰显现而出。 Her hand grasps the long sickle, on the face brings grinning fiendishly, wields to cut. 她手握长镰,脸上带着狞笑,挥斩而出。 ! 唰! Shortly, thousand zhang (3.33 m) blood-color crescent moon cuts together, separated the world, just like river! 顷刻间,一道千丈血色月牙斩出,分隔了天地,宛若长河! Bang! 轰隆! The powerhouses of two peerless boundaries, fight with a false god, three people fight the produced fight complementary waves, making the world vibrate. 两尊绝世境界的强者,与一位伪神战斗,三人交手所产生的战斗余波,使得天地都为之震动。 The vault of heaven changes, the thunder thunders, as if the sky must be destroyed. 天穹变化,雷霆轰鸣,似乎天空都要被打碎。 But the person in Martial Soul city, raised the head to look up to the fight above sky, the terrifying aura that transmits, makes them feel to suffocate, the soul trembles. 武魂城中的人,抬头仰望着天空之上的战斗,传来的恐怖气息,都让他们感到窒息,灵魂颤栗。 Ha, Spirit Hall will perish today!” “哈哈哈,武魂殿今日就将灭亡!” „Since so many years, our Saint Church has borne patiently, for this day!” “这么多年,我们圣教一直隐忍至今,就是为了等这一天!” Spirit Hall, must perish today!” 武魂殿,今日必亡!” Evil dragon douluo and quiet wolf douluo laugh, look are tying in Spirit Hall numerous Spirit Master, in the evil spirit eye pupil have the meaning of bloodthirsty. 邪龙斗罗与幽狼斗罗大笑,望着结界之中的武魂殿魂师,凶煞的眼眸中带着嗜血之意。 A cherry person constrained Qian Daoliu and that dark phoenix. 洛樱一人拖住了千道流与那头暗黑凤凰。 Spirit Hall at this moment, does not have the top strength. 此刻的武魂殿,已经没有了顶尖战力。 Although they were beaten savagely by the dark phoenix a moment ago, but at this moment some strengths. 他们两人虽说刚才被暗黑凤凰暴打,但此刻还是有些力气。 Two people must destroy the Martial Soul city, is not difficult! 两人要毁灭武魂城,并不困难! But ties Chrysanthemum Douluo, is scolding unrestrained/no trace of politeness, depends on you also to extinguish my Spirit Hall? Laughable!” 而结界中的菊斗罗,也是毫不客气的呵斥,“就凭你们也想灭我武魂殿?可笑!” If Pope Sir here, you and others is also dissolute?” “若是教皇大人在此,你等也敢放肆?” Regarding the Chrysanthemum Douluo aggressive statement, evil dragon douluo is also laughs. 对于菊斗罗的狠话,邪龙斗罗也是大笑起来。 Only pitifully, your Popes come back, will discover own supreme headquarters have changed into stretch of ruins!” “只可惜,你们教皇回来,会发现自家大本营已经化为一片废墟!” Acts!” “出手!” Evil dragon douluo also no longer talks too much, calls quiet wolf douluo to attack Spirit Hall Spirit Master to collaborate protecting city law under arrange/cloth together. Bang! 邪龙斗罗也不再多言,招呼幽狼斗罗一起攻击武魂殿魂师联手布下的护城法阵。轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Under bombing in waves of two big Super Douluo, Spirit Hall numerous Spirit Master soon could not shoulder. 两大超级斗罗的轮番轰炸下,武魂殿魂师也快要扛不住了。 The chrysanthemum, ghost and other douluo, had been wounded before. 菊,鬼等斗罗,之前就已经负伤。 They are the support ties the main forces. 他们是支撑结界的主力。 But is getting down, even if they have a mind, is still is incapable! 但在这么下去,即使他们有心,也是无力啊! Ha, your tortoise shells, how long could not support!” “哈哈哈,你们这个龟壳,也撑不了多久了啊!” Evil dragon douluo taunted recklessly, he had noticed that knot covered entirely the fissure, soon could not support. 邪龙斗罗肆意嘲讽,他已经看到那结界布满了裂痕,快要支撑不住。 Gives me dead!” “都给我去死吧!” He changes to the fierce evil dragon, a terrifying dragon breath emits, bang to tying. 他化作狰狞邪龙,一口恐怖的龙息喷吐而出,轰向结界。 Bang! 砰! At this moment, ties cannot support finally, was broken. 这一刻,结界终于支撑不住,被打破。 Chrysanthemum Douluo wait/etc. did Titled Douluo , the mouth spits the blood, the body backs up to depart. 菊斗罗等一干封号斗罗,也纷纷口吐鲜血,身体倒退飞出。 Kills!” “杀!” Evil dragon douluo and in quiet wolf douluo heart wild with joy, to flushing enters a city to kill the four directions greatly, recklessly destruction. 邪龙斗罗与幽狼斗罗心中狂喜,正向冲进城中大杀四方,肆意破坏。 But at this moment, terrifying aura shoots up to the sky. 而就在这时,一股恐怖的气息冲天而起。 Bang! 轰! That incomparably powerful aura, making the point that the person soul trembled, terrifying swift and fierce sword intent fill again in the world. 那无比强大的气息,令人灵魂颤栗的锋芒,恐怖凌厉的剑意弥漫再天地之间。 Silver light beam that the Martial Soul city, back side of the mountain, shoots up to the sky together, above direct impact vault of heaven. 武魂城,后山处,一道冲天而起的银色光柱,直冲天穹之上。
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