DDTR :: Volume #8

#712: Extremely wicked darkness

...... ...... Then, should be one's turn this!” “接下来,该轮到本座了!” The woman corners of the mouth sneer. 女人嘴角冷笑。 This place, above the altar, is standing erect leaf of a stone door that is filling the ancient aura. 这个地方,祭坛之上,屹立着一扇弥漫着亘古气息的石门。 She is stepping the graceful step, before arriving at this prochlorite facade slowly, lifted the white hands. 她迈着优雅的步伐,缓缓走到这扇石门面前,抬起了玉手。 Deep sleep the wickedness of world, was the time reappears the society ~ “沉睡的世界之恶,是时候再现人世间了~” Jet black Spirit Power surges from its tender body, that such as the black hair of black ink flies upwards with the wild fluctuation of energy. 漆黑的魂力从其娇躯上涌动而出,那如墨的青丝随着狂暴的能量波动飞扬而起。 If Qian Renxue here, who she will certainly know this woman is! 若是千仞雪在这里,她一定会知晓这女人是谁! This was not appearing in the ten thousand li (0.5 km) away war of Jialing pass/test some time ago, saintess who evil Spirit Saint that endures compared with the evil god teaches, cherry! 这不正是不久前出现在万里之外的嘉陵关之战中,那位堪比邪神的邪魂圣教的圣女,洛樱! But this place, is the Spirit Hall restricted area, confuses the entrance of trace Grand Canyon. 而这个地方,正是武魂殿的禁地,迷踪大峡谷的入口处。 Opens to me!” “给我开!” Jet black Spirit Power fills the air, flows in stone door following her white hands. 漆黑的魂力弥漫而出,顺着她的玉手流入石门之中。 In a twinkling, the energy floods into stone door, a mark that above the altar inscribes also started to glitter the ray. 霎时间,能量涌进石门中,祭坛之上铭刻的阵纹也开始闪烁起了光芒。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ The altar starts to shiver fiercely. 祭坛开始剧烈颤动。 In this stone door, tore an opening void. 这石门中,虚空撕裂开了一道口子。 Bang bang! 轰砰! Opened the door, cherry just wants to enter. 打开了门,洛樱刚想进入其中。 But the next second actually had the accident/surprise. 可下一秒却发生了意外。 The terrifying destruction aura explodes from the gate, but spread the strength, keeping the space from withstanding, presented the visible fissure. 恐怖的毁灭气息从门中爆开,蔓延而出的力量,使得空间都无法承受,出现了肉眼可见的裂痕。 She handles against , the destruction energy of also by this explosion being shaken gives the impact. 她措不及防之下,也被这爆炸震出的毁灭能量给冲击。 This energy is extremely terrifying, breaks a space sufficiently. 这股能量太过恐怖,足以震碎一片空间。 Even if false god boundary she, is unable to withstand, the body caused heavy losses, blood uncontrolled emitting. 即使已经是伪神境界的她,也无法承受,身体受到重创,一口鲜血不受控制的喷吐而出。 Damn! How did this microcosm destroy? Inside does not have a false god, what this microcosm collapsed!” “该死!这小世界怎么毁灭了?里面不是存在着一尊伪神么,什么这个小世界崩溃了!” Cherry cannot believe, she is unable to accept. 洛樱不敢相信,她无法接受。 She had discovered in the Martial Soul city has this mystical place. 她早就发现了武魂城中存在这一个秘境。 The Spirit Hall restricted area, confuses trace Grand Canyon, has in this side microcosm. 武魂殿的禁地,迷踪大峡谷,存在这一方小世界中。 But this microcosm was the antiquity period, the demon god war destroyed the world fragment of the world. 而这个小世界乃是上古时期,魔神战争打碎天地的一块世界碎片所化。 Was an antiquity battlefield, fell from the sky many gods, the god beast. 更是一处上古战场,陨落了众多的神明,神兽。 The place of god falling, after the evolution of glorious years, in the past tragic death the complaint of god demon, after breeding of innumerable years. 神陨之地,经过悠久岁月的演化,当年惨死的神魔的怨念,经过无数岁月的孕育。 Has formed the wickedness of pinnacle! 早已形成了极致的恶! And, the broken state of mind swallowed this huge god demon complaint together, built the boundary of false god. 其中,一道残破的神魂吞噬了这庞大的神魔怨念,修成了伪神之境。 Confuses trace Grand Canyon as attaching in the microcosm of this douluo world. 迷踪大峡谷作为依附在这斗罗世界的小世界。 But cherry is wicked breeding of this douluo world. 而洛樱乃是这斗罗世界的恶孕育而出。 In her very clear this side microcosm had anything. 她很清楚这方小世界中发生了什么。 Cherry is thinking these entered in this antiquity vestige time, swallowed that false god and huge god demon complaint. 洛樱本想着这一次进入这上古遗迹之中,吞噬了那尊伪神与庞大的神魔怨念。 This strength, enough her strength restores to the god boundary. 这股力量,足够她实力恢复到神境。 Thus, in this world, no one is her opponent. 这样,这个世界上,将无人是她的对手。 Any prevents her person, will be given to swallow extremely wickedly, all will belong to the chaos. 任何阻挡她的人,都会被极恶给吞噬,所有的一切都将归于混沌。 However, this side microcosm was actually advanced a step destruction. 但是,这方小世界却被人先行一步的毁灭了。 She planned was so long, in the end actually came to naught. 她谋划了这么久,到头来却是一场空。 This makes her some not unacceptable, the desire goes crazy. 这让她有些无法接受,欲乎发狂。 Who is! Actually was who to destroy here!” “是谁!究竟是谁毁了这里!” Damn! Damn!” “该死!该死啊!” Who if makes the this/Ben place know is, the necessity tears to shreds it!!!” “若让本座知晓是何人,必要将其碎尸万段!!!” The imposing manner of pinnacle terrifying fills the air from the cherry tender body. 极致恐怖的气势从洛樱娇躯上弥漫而出。 Her goes crazy to raise black, the double pupil is glittering the blood red fishy smell glow, if still angrily roars satanically, releases own aura unscrupulously, is venting the violent anger mood. 她一头黑发狂扬,双眸闪烁着血红腥芒,犹若恶魔般怒吼,肆无忌惮的释放自身的气息,发泄着自己暴怒的情绪。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ Incomparably is close to the gods strength, changes to the jet black light beam to shoot up to the sky together. 无比接近神明般的力量,化作一道漆黑的光柱冲天而起。 An invisible ripple spreads. 一道无形的波纹扩散开来。 Shortly, the person in entire Martial Soul city, felt this pinnacle terrifying. 顷刻间,整个武魂城的人,都感受到了这股极致的恐怖。 The greatest pressure arrives on the body of everyone. 莫大的威压降临在每一个人的身上。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ The land trembles because of this strength. 大地都因为这股力量而震颤。 The jet black light beam of that direct impact vault of heaven, as if pierced the vault of heaven. 那直冲天穹的漆黑光柱,似乎洞穿了天穹。 The innumerable dark cloud accumulations, formed a huge vortex, the storm surges, the electric light twinkle, the thunder thunders! 无数的乌云聚集,形成了一个巨大的漩涡,其中风暴涌动,电光闪烁,雷霆轰鸣! Actually to have what?” “究竟发生了什么?” In the Martial Soul city, Chrysanthemum Douluo and the others looked in the sky this to extinguish the world scene, is afraid. 武魂城中,菊斗罗等人望着天空中这一副灭世般的景象,心生恐惧。 Innumerable ordinary Spirit Master, the common people, kneel down, begging the Pope to bless, the gods sheltered! 无数的普通魂师,平民百姓,都跪倒在地,乞求着教皇保佑,神明庇护! But the space, is pressing two evil Spirit Douluo suddenly/violently to beat up dark phoenixes, at this moment also felt the greatest fear. 而天上,压着两名邪魂斗罗暴揍的暗黑凤凰,此刻也感受了莫大的恐惧。 This desperate dark aura, making her be afraid. 这股绝望至极的黑暗气息,让她心生恐惧。 Just likes the false god in that microcosm to be the same, desperate incomparable dark aura. 犹如那小世界中的伪神一样,令人绝望无比的黑暗气息。 No! 不! This darkness, was cut the false god who extinguishes compared with that by the master, terrifying. 这股黑暗,比起那尊被主人斩灭的伪神,更加的恐怖。 Ha ~, is the saintess Sir, your evil livestock died to being imminent!” “哈哈哈~,是圣女大人,你这头孽畜死到临头了!” Evil dragon douluo laughs. 邪龙斗罗大笑起来。 This thinks that they will die under this demon bird claw. 本以为他们两人会死在这头魔禽爪下。 Really winding peaks and paths, joy after sorrow! 真是峰回路转,柳暗花明啊! Your this evil livestock, if surrenders my Saint Church, becomes me to teach the saintess the Sir mount, may guarantee assigns/life!” Quiet wolf douluo also clamored. “你这孽畜,若是归降我圣教,成为我教圣女大人坐骑,可保得一命!”幽狼斗罗也叫嚣起来。 Dark phoenix hears word, is angry. 暗黑凤凰闻言,大怒。 Did these two ants, forget to be punched the half dead appearance by oneself a moment ago? 这两个蝼蚁,是忘了刚才被自己揍得半死的模样了吗? Does the generation of ants, dare to clamor is making itself surrender? 蝼蚁之辈,竟敢叫嚣着让自己投降? Also, she had recognized Ceng Yi for the lord. 再说了,她已经认曾易为主。 Ruthless person who own master murders the god. 自己主人可是弑神的狠人。 Even if that powerhouse strength how? 就算那尊强者实力比自己强又如何? Can be victorious the master? 能打得过自己主人? Two ants also dare to clamor! This place first killed you!” “两个蝼蚁也敢叫嚣!本座先杀了你们!” The dark phoenix is angry, immediately the phoenix demon flame is dreadful, changes to the jet black phoenix to kill toward two people. 暗黑凤凰大怒,顿时凤凰魔焰滔天,化作漆黑凤凰向着两人杀去。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, terrifying aura covers the entire space, the world is imprisoned. 骤然间,一股恐怖至极的气息笼罩整个空间,天地都被禁锢。 The attack of dark phoenix, dissipates in the world directly. 暗黑凤凰的攻击,直接消散于天地之间。 Her frightened raising the head looks, saw only the space to be cut an opening. 她恐惧的抬头看去,只见空间被划开了一道口子。 Void goes out of the form that a monster flattered. 虚空中走出了一道妖媚的身影。 Looks at that to be built on the woman in space, the dark phoenix felt own soul is trembling. 望着那立于天上的女人,暗黑凤凰觉得自己灵魂都在颤栗。 Participates in the saintess Sir!” “参加圣女大人!” The evil dragon and quiet wolf two people, see cherry to come, relieved own Martial Soul true body hastily, before arriving at her body, kneels down to pay respect. 邪龙与幽狼两人,见洛樱现身,连忙解除了自己的武魂真身,来到她身前跪下参拜。 But cherry has not been paying attention to two people, glitters the pupil of Yin cold blood glow to be the same just like the poisonous snake, closely stares at the locked dark phoenix. 而洛樱并没有理会着两人,闪烁着阴冷血芒的眸子宛若毒蛇一般,紧紧盯锁着暗黑凤凰。 She induces to this demon bird aura, is not in the douluo world absolutely has. 她感应到这头魔禽身上的气息,绝对不是斗罗世界中所拥有的。 Only is filling the place of being bewitched miasma, aura that can have. 那只有在充满着魔瘴之地,才能够拥有的气息。 You are the soul beast in that microcosm!” “你是那小世界中的魂兽!” Cherry is very surprised, she has not thought, really has the life in that world to go out. 洛樱很是惊讶,她没有想到,竟然有那个世界中的生灵走出。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ An invisible strength fills the air from cherry body. 一道无形的力量从洛樱身躯上弥漫而出。 Worshipping on bended knees evil dragon douluo with quiet wolf douluo two people, in the face of this strength, same was swept just like the trash. 跪拜的邪龙斗罗与幽狼斗罗两人,在这股力量面前,宛若垃圾一样被扫开。 Cherry extended the white hands, grasps gently. 洛樱伸出了玉手,轻轻一握。 Shortly, the strength of the world by its control. 顷刻间,天地之力被其掌控。 At this moment, she looks like world's control. 此刻,她就像是世界的主宰。 In the dark phoenix heart in great surprise, she wants to flee, however the strength of opposite party is extremely terrifying, was imprisoned by it including the surroundings space. 暗黑凤凰心中大惊,她想要逃离,但是对方的实力太过恐怖,连周围空间都被其囚禁住。 She only felt that oneself body was given to lock by the invisible strength, is unable to move a point. 她只感觉自己的身体被无形的力量给锁住,无法动弹一分。 Told this, how you went out of that world, how did that world destroy?” “告诉本座,你是如何走出那个世界,那世界又是如何毁灭的?” The dense/woods cold sound of cherry passes on the sound in the space. 洛樱的森寒声音的在空间中传响。 In a twinkling, the dark phoenix fine body hair stands erect. 霎时间,暗黑凤凰寒毛竖立。 Catches the eye to look that woman does not know when has stood before own. 抬眼看去,那个女人不知什么时候已经站在自己身前。 That pair of blood red ice-cold eye pupil is staring at itself, just like the abyss, must swallow own soul completely. 那双血红冰冷的眼眸盯着自己,宛若深渊般,要把自己灵魂都吞噬殆尽。
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