DDTR :: Volume #8

#711: The demon flame is dreadful

...... ...... No, she is not your majesty!” “不,她不是陛下!” Quick, Chrysanthemum Douluo denied a moment ago that idea. 很快,菊斗罗就否认了刚才那个想法。 That woman who void presents, its appearance and Empress Martial Soul Empire, Qian Renxue resembles very much. 虚空中出现的那位女人,其容貌与武魂帝国女帝,千仞雪很相像。 However the makings have the difference greatly. 但是气质却大有不同。 The Qian Renxue makings are chilly the dust, holy dignified, just like the inborn goddess, has the sacred prestige that cannot offend to blaspheme. 千仞雪气质清冷出尘,圣洁庄严,宛若天生神女,有着不可冒犯亵渎的神圣之威。 But this woman, its whole body twines the terrifying jet black demon flame, the whole body is sending out charming beautiful attracting. 而这个女人,其周身缠绕着恐怖的漆黑魔焰,浑身散发着妩媚妖艳的魅惑。 On the makings gloomy and cold, tender body also overflowed the evil incomparable aura. 气质阴冷,娇躯上还溢出了邪恶无比的气息。 This dark energy, compared with that 98 levels of evil dragon douluo, but also is terrifying. 这股黑暗能量,比起那九十八级的邪龙斗罗,还要恐怖。 As if the succuba who goes out of the hell, attracts all living things, is savage tyrannically! 仿佛就是从地狱中走出的魔女,魅惑众生,却又凶残暴虐! This monster flatters the female to be built on void, that pair fair, if the jade, the slender clear jade is stepping on the jet black hot lotus fully. 这妖媚女子立于虚空,那双白皙若玉,修长圆润的玉足踩踏着漆黑火莲。 Blazing demon flame just like silk regarding its whole body. 炽热的魔炎宛若丝绸般围绕其周身。 She seems the queen who controls the world flame, rules world, dignified unparalleled. 她仿佛就是掌控天下火焰的女王,君临世间,威严无双。 Who are you?” “你是何人?” Chrysanthemum Douluo cold sound interrogated, he felt at this moment is not very wonderful. 菊斗罗冷声质问,他此刻感觉到很不妙。 Female who this is an excellent likeness Qian Renxue, her aura, the Yin evil air/Qi is extremely rich, terrifying evil spirit aura, with these two Titled Douluo aura that attack the Martial Soul city are almost the same. 这个神似千仞雪的女子,她身上的气息,阴邪之气太过浓郁,恐怖的凶煞气息,与这两名袭击武魂城的封号斗罗身上的气息相差无几。 Numerous Spirit Master of Martial Soul city, think that this woman is that evil Spirit Master is one group. 武魂城的众多魂师,都认为这名女人是与那邪魂师是一伙的。 That two evil soul Titled Douluo have made numerous Spirit Master of Martial Soul city suffer loss, is hard to resist. 那两名邪魂封号斗罗就已经让武魂城的众多魂师吃尽了苦头,难以抵御。 Now presents a strength more powerful mysterious female again. 如今再出现一位实力更加强大的神秘女子。 This incomparably powerful constriction, almost makes chrysanthemum ghost two douluo have desperate quickly. 这无比强大的压迫感,几乎快让菊鬼两位斗罗心生绝望。 The dark phoenix despised looked at one to alert own Spirit Hall Spirit Master vigilantly, then no longer paid attention to them, shifted to opposite that two evil Spirit Master the pupil light. 暗黑凤凰只是轻蔑了看了一眼警惕戒备自己的武魂殿魂师,便不再理会他们,把眸光转向对面那两位邪魂师 Has saying that she can feel on these two Spirit Master, has with her general degeneration dark energy. 不得不说,她能够感受到这两个魂师身上,有着与她一般的堕落黑暗能量。 Pitifully, she has done obeisance Ceng Yi for the lord, the master is existence that even the gods can murder to kill. 只是可惜,她已经拜了曾易为主,主人更是连神明都能弑杀的存在。 Now the master practices in the Martial Soul city, she naturally cannot tolerate these people to destroy this place recklessly, disturbs practicing of master. 如今主人在武魂城中修行,她自然不能容忍这些人肆意破坏此地,打扰主人的修行。 Dark phoenix that fills the purple lip of seduction charm to bring back slightly wipes the curve, lifted the white hands, to two evil Spirit Master, is turning the hand to depress. 暗黑凤凰那充满着诱惑魅力的紫唇微微勾起一抹弧度,抬起了玉手,对着两位邪魂师,翻手压下。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ Shortly, the strength of surroundings world was transferred, formed obstructed a day of big hand, to two evil Spirit Master suppression under. 顷刻间,周围天地之力被调动起来,形成了遮天大手,对着两个邪魂师镇压而下。 How can?” “怎么会?” Evil dragon douluo with that quiet wolf douluo two people, felt the greatest pressure, obstructed a day of big hand facing that their hearts within grows got up wiped the feeling of fear. 邪龙斗罗与那幽狼斗罗两人,都感受到了莫大的压力,面对那遮天大手,他们心中生起了一抹恐惧之感。 The terrifying oppression strength, under this strength, as if the space changed to the prisoner's cage. 恐怖的压迫力,在这股力量之下,仿佛空间都化作了囚笼。 You are the peerless boundary!” “你是绝世境界!” Quiet wolf douluo stared in a big way the eye, cannot believe looks that not far away that treadonned the black lotus the female. 幽狼斗罗瞪大了眼睛,不敢相信的看着不远处那脚踏黑莲的女子。 He is 97 levels of Spirit Power cultivates is, the evil dragon is 98 levels of peaks cultivates is. 他乃九十七级的魂力修为,邪龙更是九十八级巅峰修为。 But under this palm, two people felt the enormous fear and oppression. 而在这一掌之下,两人都感受到了极大的恐惧和压迫。 That proof, this woman is standing absolutely the Spirit Master limit boundary, cultivating of peerless rank is. 那证明,这个女人绝对是在站魂师极限境界,绝世级别的修为。 But, douluo of peerless boundary, in the whole world is also few existences. 可是,绝世境界的斗罗,整个世界中也是屈指可数的存在。 Why jumps casually a person, the peerless boundary cultivates is, this is not rather valuable! 为什么随便蹦出来一个人,就是绝世境界修为,这未免也太不值钱了吧! Roar ~ 吼~ Melted the evil dragon douluo angry long and loud cry of Martial Soul true body obviously, he wielded that giant meat wing, launched the counter-attack. 显化出了武魂真身的邪龙斗罗愤怒长啸,他挥动那巨大的肉翼,发起反击。 Even the opposite party is Peerless Douluo, but he cultivates is not also bad, how to be so easily suppressed by this person? 即使对方是绝世斗罗,但他修为同样不差,怎么可能如此轻易就被这人压制? At this moment, quiet wolf douluo does not dare to be negligent, the release the Martial Soul true body, changed to first more than ten meters big quiet shadow demon wolves, the whole body was twining the azure sex fiend flame, aura that in the huge body filled the incomparable terrifying. 此刻,幽狼斗罗也不敢大意,释放出武魂真身,化作了一头十多米高大的幽影魔狼,浑身缠绕着青色魔炎,巨大的身躯中弥漫出无比恐怖的气息。 The resistances of two evil Spirit Master, stimulated the ominous severe meaning of dark phoenix actually. 两个邪魂师的反抗,倒是激发了暗黑凤凰的凶厉之意。 She is peerless demon bird, in filling desperate and dark fan trace Grand Canyon survives, becomes to the high King. 要知道,她本身就是一头绝世魔禽,在充满着绝望与黑暗的迷踪大峡谷中生存,成为至高的王者。 Lived hundreds of thousands years of she, will not change into the human form mimicry like her, seemingly charming delicate. 活了十几万年的她,可不会像她化为人形拟态那样,看起来娇媚柔弱。 Places in full to slaughter with her who in the dark world grows, the heart meaning of evil spirit, is not these two evil Spirit Master analogous. 身处于满是杀戮与黑暗的世界中成长的她,心中的凶煞之意,可不是这两个邪魂师可比拟的。 That incomparable terrifying the meaning of bloodthirsty, erupts from dark phoenix that gentle and charming body with the savage aura. 那无比恐怖的嗜杀之意,和凶残的气息从暗黑凤凰那娇柔身躯上爆发而出。 Terrifying aura, incomparably boundless vast, emerges just like the sea of darkness, floods the entire space. 恐怖的气息,无比磅礴浩瀚,宛若黑暗之海涌现而出,充斥整个空间。 Cold murderous aura almost condensed the essence. 冷冽的杀气几乎凝聚成了实质。 Below Spirit Hall Spirit Master, cultivating to be slightly weak, must by meaning of fan this crazy bloodthirsty mental. 下方的武魂殿魂师,修为稍弱的,都要被这疯狂的嗜杀之意迷了心智。 In the eye pupil that dark phoenix that pair of monster flatters glitters wipes ominously severe. 暗黑凤凰那双妖媚的眼眸中闪烁一抹凶厉。 She sneers, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe strangely the curve. 她冷笑,嘴角勾起一抹诡异地弧度。 „A dragonet and small wolf, is dissolute!” “一头小龙和小狼,也敢放肆!” The turbulent blazing jet black demon ascension, changed to jet black demon bird of hundred zhang (333 m), in blood-color phoenix pupil twinkle cruel color. 汹涌炽热的漆黑魔升腾,化作了一头百丈的漆黑魔禽,血色的凤眸中闪烁暴戾之色。 Cry! 啼! An ominous severe phoenix cry resounds through the vault of heaven, blazing demon flame burning down entire sky. 一声凶厉的凤鸣响彻天穹,炽热的魔焰焚烧整个天空。 Quickly, all Spirit Master pour into Spirit Power protects in city big!” “快,所有魂师魂力注入护城大阵中!” The Chrysanthemum Douluo loud instruction said. 菊斗罗大声吩咐道。 The strength of that mysterious female is extremely terrifying, if makes her attack fall into the Martial Soul city, the entire Martial Soul city must change into the sea of fire, by demon flame burning down of that terrifying completely. 那神秘女子的力量太过恐怖,若是让她的攻击落入武魂城中,整个武魂城都要化为火海,被那恐怖的魔焰焚烧殆尽。 Luckily, this woman and that two evil Spirit Master are not one group. 幸好,这个女人与那俩邪魂师不是一伙的。 That mysterious woman monopolizes two evil Spirit Master, Titled Douluo of their Martial Soul city happen to can , under opens protects city big, resistance fight impact. 那神秘女人一人独占两位邪魂师,他们武魂城的封号斗罗正好可以在下方开启护城大阵,抵御战斗冲击。 In order to avoid the Martial Soul city suffers a more serious destruction. 以免武魂城遭受更严重的破坏。 Bang! 轰! Then dark phoenix comprised of the demon flame, is wielding the flame wing kills toward the evil dragons and quiet wolf two douluo. 那由魔焰组成的暗黑凤凰,挥动着火焰羽翼向着邪龙与幽狼两位斗罗扑杀。 The terrifying demon flame, the air was even lit. 恐怖的魔焰,连空气都被点燃。 Dark phoenix visual these two, in eye pupil besides ominous severe color, but also is glittering greedy. 暗黑凤凰目视着这两人,眼眸中除了凶厉之色外,还闪烁着一丝贪婪。 The vitalities of these two human implications are extremely intense, that extremely pure dark strength. 这两个人类蕴涵的生机太过强烈,还有那极为纯粹的黑暗之力。 If swallowed their flesh and soul. 若是吞噬了他们的血肉与灵魂。 Then her cultivating to can go a step further absolutely. 那么她的修为绝对能够在进一步。 Since by Ceng Yi to regaining, the dark phoenix has been constraining the bloodthirsty instinct. 自从被曾易给收复后,暗黑凤凰就一直压抑着自己嗜血的本能。 For half a month, has treated side Ceng Yi calms the mind to practice, restrains own instinct. 这半个月来,一直待在曾易身边静心修行,克制自己的本能。 However, in filling in the world that slaughters with the bloodthirsty survived for hundreds of thousands years. 但是,在充满着杀戮与嗜血的世界中生存了十几万年。 That ominous severe bloodthirsty instinct, that is can change easily. 那凶厉的嗜血本能,那是那么容易就改得掉的。 If not for dreaded that cultivating of Ceng Yi that terrifying is, may turn the hand to suppress her. 若不是忌惮曾易那恐怖的修为,可翻手镇压她。 The dark phoenix looks cannot repress, under this Martial Soul city all lives mountain swallowing. 暗黑凤凰找就按耐不住,把山下这座武魂城中所有的生灵给吞噬了。 Now happen to have an opportunity, can by the right reason, cut to kill to swallow two to attack Spirit Master of Martial Soul city. 如今正好有一个机会,可以以着正当的理由,斩杀吞噬着两个来袭击武魂城的魂师 The dark phoenix released own natural disposition, has the move full power, incurring the move is the cruel methods, hits evil dragon douluo and quiet wolf douluo they do not have the strength to hit back, in the mouth bleeds. 暗黑凤凰可谓是释放了自己的本性,全力出招,招招都是狠手,打得邪龙斗罗与幽狼斗罗两人毫无还手之力,口中喋血。 The blazing and tyrannical demon flame, almost must give the ignition their whole body blood. 炽热而又暴虐的魔焰,几乎要把他们全身血液都给点燃。 Ha ~, but also is really happy.” “哈哈哈~,还真是痛快。” Two little fellows, catches up to offer own soul, so as to avoid suffers more pain!” “两个小家伙,还是赶献上自己的灵魂,免得遭受更多的痛苦!” The dark phoenix laughs wildly, the trend the turbulent demon flame, is releasing own strength recklessly. 暗黑凤凰狂笑,趋势着汹涌魔焰,肆意的释放自己的力量。 Although with is the darkness. 虽说同为黑暗。 But as real phoenix descendant's dark phoenix, its dark strength pure, tyrannical. 但作为真凰后裔的暗黑凤凰,其身上的黑暗之力更加的纯粹,更加的暴虐。 Even if these two evil Spirit Master are 97 levels, 98 levels of strong overhauls are. 哪怕这两位邪魂师都是九十七级,九十八级的强大修为。 But two people collaborate, is hard to resist the attack of dark phoenix as before. 但两人联手,依旧难以抵挡暗黑凤凰的攻击。 The loss has become! 败势已成! ....... ....... But another side of Martial Soul city. 武魂城的另一边。 Void cut an opening. 虚空中划开了一道口子。 The slender beautiful physique goes out from void together. 一道修长绝美的身姿从虚空中走出。 She looked at the Martial Soul city center direction, the corners of the mouth raked out a strange curve. 她不由看了看武魂城中心的方向,嘴角勾出了一道诡异的弧度。 That side seems like, the evil dragon and quiet wolf play very happily ~ “那边看起来,邪龙与幽狼玩得很开心啊~” ...... ......
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