DDTR :: Volume #8

#710: Arrives, 0 Renxue?

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From a Martial Soul city center remote mountain peak on. 距离武魂城中心偏远的一座山峰上。 The slender wonderful graceful beautiful figure is situated in the in the air, profound pupil light together is staring at the fight of distant place. 一道窈窕妙曼的倩影立于空中,深邃的眸光凝视着远方的战斗。 That side fills the gunsmoke flames of war that comes, the strong negative energy, making her eyeground appear permits some to be excited. 那边弥漫而来的硝烟战火,还有浓烈的负面能量,让她眼底不由浮现了许些兴奋。 My goodness, it seems like that side fight makes very cheerfully, fills the blood smell in air, really made one immerse ~ “好家伙,看来那边的战斗闹得很欢快,弥漫在空气中的血腥气味,真是令人沉醉啊~” This beautiful charming beautiful shadow, on the elegant face revealed to wipe the infatuated color. 这名妖艳妩媚的丽影,俏脸上流露出了一抹痴迷之色。 She from confusing the trace Grand Canyon mystical place leads that peerless ominous bird by Ceng Yi, dark phoenix. 她就是被曾易从迷踪大峡谷秘境中带出来得那头绝世凶禽,暗黑凤凰。 Before Ceng Yi was injured to close up, she has treated in the Martial Soul city, for once repair and maintenance law, by completely mount responsibility. 之前曾易受伤闭关,她一直待在武魂城中,为曾修护法,以尽坐骑职责。 Has not thought, this several days later, the Martial Soul city has such splendid good play. 可没有想到,这才过几天,武魂城就发生这么精彩的好戏。 In the air contains the bloody and desperate smell, making her not only somewhat unable to repress, wants to be ready to make trouble. 空气中包含着的血腥与绝望的气味,让她不仅有些按捺不住,想要蠢蠢欲动。 The dark phoenix looked at one once to cultivate/repair the place of closing up, later in the eye pupil flashed through wipes the cunning color. 暗黑凤凰不由看了一眼曾修闭关之处,随后眼眸中闪过一抹狡黠之色。 Her corners of the mouth bring back slightly wipe the curve, the purple lip that attracts opens lightly. 她嘴角不由微微勾起一抹弧度,魅惑的紫唇轻启。 It seems like the main body needs to pass one ~, cannot these to disturb practicing of master.” “看来本尊有必要过去一趟呢~,可不能让这些人打扰了主人的修行。” The dark phoenix found a very good excuse to oneself, later the body changes to the jet black flame to shoot up to the sky together, grazes to go toward the Martial Soul city center. 暗黑凤凰给自己找了一个很不错的理由,随后身体化作一道漆黑火焰冲天而起,向着武魂城中心飞掠而去。 ...... ...... The Martial Soul city center, above the sky is cloudy, has the reactionary forces in the ascendant regards the feeling. 武魂城中心,天空之上乌云密布,有着黑云压城城欲摧的既视感。 In the dark cloud, the electric light glitters, the thunderclap thunders, all just like end the scenery of the world. 乌云之中,电光闪烁,雷声轰鸣,一切都宛若末世之景。 Bang ~ 轰~ Among soul techniques to the bang, the resounding heavy explosive sound, as if the sky must split. 魂技之间的对轰,响亮沉重的爆炸声,仿佛天空都要裂开。 Ha! Spirit Master sacred place of entire mainland, Spirit Hall on this grade of level?” “哈哈哈!整个大陆的魂师圣地,武魂殿就这等水平?” Today, your Spirit Hall, as this city, buries to extinguish!” “今日,你武魂殿,就随着这座城池,一齐葬灭啊!” Evil dragon douluo is laughing wildly, his body is overflowing the tyrannical incomparable evil aura, Martial Soul bites the soul evil dragon. 邪龙斗罗狂笑着,他身上溢着暴虐无比的邪恶气息,武魂乃是噬魂邪龙。 Any contaminated Martial Soul of dragon character, is extremely top powerful Martial Soul. 任何沾染了一个龙字的武魂,无一不是极为顶尖的强大武魂 Let alone, evil dragon douluo cultivates for is 98 levels of Titled Douluo. 更何况,邪龙斗罗修为乃是九十八级封号斗罗 Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo two people fight him jointly, but two people are only Spirit Power are about 95 levels. 菊斗罗鬼斗罗二人联手战他,可两人都只是魂力也不过九十五级。 Even if two people act in harmony, but jointly is not this person of opponent, the boundary differs too, was hit retreats in defeat again and again, in the mouth bleeds. 即使两人配合默契,可联手也不是这人的对手,境界相差太多,被打得节节败退,口中喋血。 Really is extremely arrogant!” The Chrysanthemum Douluo anger said. “真是狂妄!”菊斗罗怒道。 The now of Spirit Hall inheritance, but also never some people dare so to shame Spirit Hall, under talked back talked, extinguished Spirit Hall? 武魂殿传承之今,还从未有人敢如此羞辱武魂殿,还口下狂言,灭了武魂殿 Even initially the Clear Sky Sect most prosperous period, that three sky douluo certainly were also alive, must evade the point facing Spirit Hall temporarily. 即使是当初昊天宗最为鼎盛的时期,那三绝之一的昊天斗罗还在世,面对武魂殿都得暂避锋芒。 But at present does this person, how dare? 而眼前这人,怎么敢? If not for my palace expert is not, your ants petty people, dares to spout rhetoric again!” “若不是我殿高手不在,你们蝼蚁鼠辈,也敢再次大放厥词!” Today the result how, you and others will receive Spirit Hall forever chasing down without limits!” “不过今日结局如何,你等都将受到武魂殿永无止境的追杀!” Two-Pole Static Domain!” 两极静止领域!” In the Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan mouth bleeds, the appearance loudly shouts fiercely. 菊斗罗月关口中喋血,面目狰狞地大喝一声。 He and old companion Ghost Douluo releases they strongest style without hesitation, the Martial Soul fusion technique! 他与老伙计鬼斗罗毫不犹豫的释放他们最强的招式,武魂融合技! In an instant, an invisible strength, contains most profound saying accumulated, ripples in void. 刹那间,一股无形的力量,蕴含着玄之又玄的道蕴,在虚空中荡漾开来。 Whish ~ 哗~ An invisible ripple ripples in void, that flash, from the sky sprinkles, but below rainwater, stagnated in the midair. 一圈无形波纹在虚空中荡漾,那一瞬间,从天空中洒落而下的雨水,都停滞在了半空中。 As if the time static was lived. 仿佛时间被静止住。 The Martial Soul fusion technique that two 95 levels of Super Douluo jointly put forth, the prestige can increase incomparably, even 98 levels of evil dragon douluo, do not dare to look down upon. 两位九十五级超级斗罗联合使出的武魂融合技,威能加大无比,即使是九十八级的邪龙斗罗,也不敢小视。 Let alone, this Martial Soul fusion technique, the formed domain, has the suspension time, blocks the energy of space. 更何况,这武魂融合技,形成的领域,有着暂停时间,封锁空间之能。 In Two-Pole Static Domain covers under the suppression, evil dragon douluo is unable to move suddenly a point. 两极静止领域笼罩镇压下,邪龙斗罗一时间也无法动弹一分。 The body seemed like locked void, helplessly looks that Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo two people toward oneself rumbled to kill to the strong attack. 身体就像是被锁在了虚空中,眼睁睁的看着菊斗罗鬼斗罗两人的至强攻击向着自己轰杀而来。 Everywhere flower petal flies to raid to come just like the crazy butterfly, cold killing intent makes the evil dragon douluo heart be startled. 漫天的花瓣宛若狂蝶飞袭而来,冷冽的杀意让邪龙斗罗心惊。 His present body locked, if only depends on the body to receive this move, feared that do not cause heavy losses. 他现在身体被锁着,若是仅凭身体接下这一招,怕不是要受到重创。 The evil dragon does not want to sit waiting for death, the intention moves, Spirit Power overflows from the body wild, all urges from the strength of body. 邪龙不想坐以待毙,心念一动,狂暴地魂力从身躯中溢出,全力催发自身的力量。 To break the limit of domain at the strength. 想要以力量打破着领域的限制。 Evil dragon true body!” “邪龙真身!” Evil dragon Suitian roars!” “邪龙碎天吼!” Roar!!! 嗷吼!!! The next quarter, a dragon of incomparable violent anger called shouts resounds through, the terrifying sound wave toward shook just like the wild tsunami in all directions. 下一刻,一声无比暴怒的龙鸣嘶吼响彻,恐怖的音浪宛若狂暴海啸向着四面八方震荡。 Bang! 砰! Evil dragon douluo by 98 levels of strong hard strengths, was breaking the chrysanthemum certainly, the ghost two douluo Martial Soul fusion techniques. 邪龙斗罗以着九十八级绝强的硬实力,生生打破了菊,鬼两位斗罗武魂融合技。 Although oneself whole body skin splits, some blood, the appearance is quite distressed. 尽管自己浑身皮肤绽裂,有些鲜血一处,模样极为狼狈。 But as he breaks the Two-Pole Static Domain flash, his person changed to one to wield is unfolding the giant meat wing, the whole body fierce terrifying greenish gray big dragon. 但随着他打破两极静止领域的一瞬间,其人身化作了一条挥展着巨大肉翼,浑身狰狞恐怖的青灰巨龙。 Terrifying dragon prestige is doping the evil tyrannical aura, covers the entire Martial Soul city. 恐怖的龙威掺杂着邪恶暴虐的气息,笼罩整个武魂城。 Under everyone looks at the giant evil dragon that in the sky that is roaring, in the eye pupil full is the color of fear. 下方所有人望着天空上那咆哮的巨大邪龙,眼眸中满是恐惧之色。 They have not thought, will really have such a day, covers above the Martial Soul city desperately. 他们怎么也没有想到,竟然会有这么一天,绝望笼罩在武魂城之上。 ~ 噗~ Chrysanthemum Douluo, the Ghost Douluo two people, after the Martial Soul fusion technique was broken forcefully, the body backlashed intensely, the blood spews out from the mouth, the body explodes again and again draws back, the aura dispirited gets down. 菊斗罗,鬼斗罗二人,武魂融合技被强行打破之后,身体受到强烈反噬,鲜血从口中喷涌而出,身体连连爆退,气息萎靡下来。 They look up space that self-satisfied evil dragon, in the eye full is the color of being unwilling. 他们抬头望着天上那得意的邪龙,眼中满是不甘之色。 If Pope Sir here, how the Martial Soul city will end up so the position!” “若是教皇大人在此,武魂城怎会落得如此境地!” Really is hateful!” “真是可恶!” „Doesn't damn, big elder really make a move? This way, the Martial Soul city will certainly be destroyed in a moment.” Ghost Douluo is unwilling to shout. “该死,大长老真的不出手吗?再这样下去,武魂城必将毁于一旦。”鬼斗罗不甘喊道。 They know, now in Martial Soul city, but also has a top strength. 他们两人知道,如今武魂城中,还存在着一位顶级战力。 That is the big elder in douluo palace, once three certainly one, Gabriel douluo Qian Daoliu. 那就是斗罗殿的大长老,曾经的三绝之一,斗罗千道流 If he acts, these two in evil Spirit Master that the Martial Soul city stirs up trouble, turns the hand then suppresses. 若是他出手,这两个在武魂城兴风作浪的邪魂师,翻手即可镇压。 But since the Spirit Hall separation after Martial Soul Empire, the Spirit Hall internal top player also cuts in half. 但自从武魂殿分离从武魂帝国之后,武魂殿内部顶级高手也减半。 But that big elder, no longer pays attention to the matter of Spirit Hall more than ten years ago, lives in seclusion to practice. 而那位大长老,早在十几年前就不再理会武魂殿之事,隐居修行。 The chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo two people serve for many years in Spirit Hall, naturally knows the reason is anything. 鬼斗罗二人在武魂殿侍奉多年,自然知道其中原因是什么。 Martial Soul city that but, this establishes, Spirit Hall is also the Qian Family several generations of painstaking care! 可是,这建立起来的武魂城,武魂殿也是千家数代人的心血啊! How he can look helplessly the Martial Soul city is destroyed in a moment? 他怎么能眼睁睁的看着武魂城毁于一旦? But until now, Chrysanthemum Douluo two people did not see the big elder to act, had desperate. 可是到如今,菊斗罗两人还是不见大长老出手,不由心生绝望。 Evil dragon douluo showed the Martial Soul true body, 98 levels of strong strengths, gave the Spirit Hall Spirit Master extremely powerful oppression certainly. 邪龙斗罗展现出了武魂真身,九十八级的绝强实力,给予了武魂殿魂师极其强大的压迫。 Even Titled Douluo, somewhat is still unbearable. 即使是封号斗罗,也有些难以承受。 He a moment ago by the chrysanthemum ghost two people Martial Soul fusion technique severe wound, at this moment envy tyrannical time. 他刚才被菊鬼两人的武魂融合技重伤,此刻正是嫉妒暴虐时刻。 The giant evil dragon is brandishing the meat wing, each instigation, formed the intense hurricane, caused the tremendous damage to below city. 巨大的邪龙挥舞着肉翼,每一次煽动,都形成了强烈的飓风,给下方的城市造成了巨大破坏。 Visited me to rip you!” “看我撕了你们!” Evil dragon that fierce dragon mouth sends out to angrily roar, kills toward chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo. 邪龙那狰狞的龙口发出怒吼,向着菊鬼斗罗杀来。 But on this time, a more terrifying pressure arrived. 而就这时,一股更加恐怖的威压降临。 Sees only, sky by everywhere jet black demon flame invasion burning down. 只见,天空被漫天漆黑魔焰侵染焚烧。 The temperature of burning hot, as if even the air must be lit. 炙热的温度,仿佛连空气都要被点燃。 The evil dragon in great surprise, this powerful oppression, even he feels trembles! 邪龙大惊,这股强大的压迫,连他都感受颤栗! Who is?” “是谁?” He interrogated loudly. 他大声质问。 Hou humph ~, a small mixed dragon can also make the dark world to be dark here, the native place of woman, seems like also not much ~ “哦嚯嚯~,一只小杂龙也能够把这里闹得昏天地暗,那女人的老家,看起来也不怎么样啊~” Together delightful interesting to listen, in the intonation is full of the sound of charming meaning to spread from void. 一道悦耳动听,语调中充满着妩媚之意的声音从虚空中传出。 Everyone heard that the prestige goes. 所有人都不由闻声望去。 Sees only, void, selects the wonderful graceful female to step the graceful step to go out of her high to wear a jet black long skirt, has being bewitched flame embellishment. 只见,虚空中,一道高挑妙曼的女子迈着优雅的步伐走出她身穿着一身漆黑长裙,有着魔焰点缀。 Scatters along the straight black long black hair to the slender waists at will, that leans in the world appearance, seduces the moving purple lip, the corners of the mouth shoulders slightly, among the frown and smile, reveals charmingly attractive, monster different feeling of holding one spellbound. 顺直黑长的青丝随意散落至细腰间,那倾世容颜上,诱惑动人的紫唇,嘴角微微挑起,一颦一笑间,都流露出妩媚诱人,摄魂夺魄的妖异之感。 Is your majesty!” “是陛下!” Chrysanthemum Douluo saw after that woman appears, makes noise surprisedly. 菊斗罗看到那个女人出现后,惊讶出声。 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app to read the latest chapter. 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app阅读最新章节。 Newly provides quickly the Ronin renewal that from douluo starts for you, Chapter 710: Arrives, Qian Renxue? 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