DDTR :: Volume #8

#709: The Martial Soul city changes!

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Martial Soul city. 武魂城。 Shocking war that happened in the Jialing pass/test, the person in this city, does not know, as before tranquil is living the life. 远在嘉陵关发生的惊世之战,这座城里的人,并不知晓,依旧平静的过着生活。 Suddenly, is the sunny weather, the sunny sky starts becomes gloomy, the fog fills the air, covered the sky of Martial Soul city instantaneously. 突然间,本是阳光明媚的天气,晴朗的天空开始变得阴沉起来,灰雾弥漫而出,瞬间就笼罩了武魂城的上空。 The sudden mutation, making in the city the person panic-stricken, because that fog in was too strange, making in the city the person feel the oppression of terrifying. 突然的异变,让城中之人都不禁惊恐起来,因为那灰雾是在太诡异了,让城中之人感受到了恐怖的压迫。 This is the mainland Spirit Master sacred place, the Martial Soul city, seems like also not much ~ “这就是大陆魂师的圣地,武魂城吗,看起来也不怎么样啊~” The light laughter resounds in the space together. 一道淡淡的笑声在空间中响起。 Sees only, in the fog of space, screened two person's shadows. 只见,天上的灰雾中,映出了两道人影。 Two forms went out from the fog slowly, appear the true appearance. 两道身影缓缓从灰雾中走出,显现出了真正的面目。 Is a complexion genial old man, a facial features serious middle-aged man. 是一位面色和善的老者,还有一位面容严肃的中年男人。 Two people are wearing just like the blood red long gown that the blood dyes, is built on the sky, the eye pupil is overlooking below Martial Soul city. 两人都身穿着宛若鲜血染成的血红长袍,立于天空上,眼眸俯视着下方的武魂城。 In ground dense and numerous person's shadows, in their eyes, is ordinary just like the ants. 地面上密密麻麻的的人影,在他们眼中,宛若蝼蚁一般。 Can the both feet fly high, a calm appearance, this had indicated two people cultivating for profound, at least is Spirit Douluo above cultivating is. 能够双脚凌空,一副气定神闲的模样,这已经表明了两人的修为高深,至少是魂斗罗以上的修为。 But is only Spirit Douluo, does not dare so to be boldly dissolute in the Martial Soul city. 而只是魂斗罗,可不敢在武魂城如此放肆大胆。 Then explained that two people cultivating are, absolutely is Spirit Master of Titled Douluo rank! 那么说明两人的修为,绝对是封号斗罗级别的魂师 Who you are, dares this to cause trouble!” “你们是何人,胆敢来此闹事!” The Martial Soul city as mainland's first influence Spirit Hall supreme headquarters, here Spirit Master powerhouse are innumerable, has the elder of Titled Douluo rank to assume personal command, fearless any enemy. 武魂城作为大陆第一势力武魂殿的大本营,这里的魂师强者无数,更有封号斗罗级别的长老坐镇,无惧任何敌人。 Quick, the Spirit Master garrison troops of Martial Soul city rushed to here, raises head to look at that two person's shadows of space, cold sound is scolding. 很快,武魂城的魂师守军就赶到了这里,仰头望着天上的那两道人影,冷声呵斥。 Knowing the limitation hurries to depart, otherwise, even if you and others are Titled Douluo, still has the danger of perishing!” “识相的赶紧离去,否则,就算你等是封号斗罗,也有殒命之危!” „The Martial Soul city, is not the place that you can act unruly!” 武魂城,不是你们能够撒野的地方!” Below guard Spirit Master the leader of army, is Spirit Master of seven points of Spirit Saint ranks. 下方的魂师护卫军的首领,乃是一位七环魂圣级别的魂师 He can feel, terrifying constriction that in the sky these two mysterious Spirit Master give. 他能够感受到,天空上这两名神秘魂师给予的恐怖压迫感。 This Spirit Saint is certain, these two absolutely are Titled Douluo boundary Spirit Master. 这名魂圣可以肯定,这两人绝对是封号斗罗境界的魂师 However, here is not other place, but is the Martial Soul city! Spirit Hall most strengths gather in this, has several Titled Douluo, Pope Sir assumes personal command. 但是,这里不是别的地方,而是武魂城!武魂殿的大部分力量都聚集于此,更有着数位封号斗罗,还有教皇大人坐镇。 Let alone only two Titled Douluo, even if the sky collapses not to fear. 别说区区两位封号斗罗,就算是天塌下来也不怕。 Therefore, even if he cultivates less than these two mysterious Spirit Master, but does not dread. 所以,即使他修为不及这两名神秘魂师,但也毫不畏惧。 Facing the threat of this Spirit Saint, the old man narrowed the eye, wiped the ominous severe color to glitter in the eyeground. 面对这名魂圣的威胁,老者不由微眯起了眼睛,一抹凶厉之色在眼底闪烁。 „The Martial Soul city, should raise a disturbance!” 武魂城,该大闹一场了!” Is the time lets the entire mainland, covers in the fear that Saint Church brings.” “是时候让整个大陆,笼罩在圣教带来的恐惧之中。” The old men said the sound lightly, next quarter, turbulent Spirit Power just like tidal from his body release, since the invisible strength shakes one after another ripples in the space. 老者淡淡说声,下一刻,汹涌的魂力宛若潮水般从他身体释放而出,无形的力量在空间中震荡起一圈一圈地涟漪。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ However in a minute, that rushing and terrifying Spirit Power condensed the grey great hand, patted toward below person. 不过片刻,那滂湃而又恐怖的魂力凝聚成了灰色巨手,向着下方的人拍去。 The fearsome strength, the formed tyrannical wind pressure, causing the ground is unable to withstand to split. 可怖的力量,形成的强横风压,使得地面无法承受而裂开。 „!” “啊啊啊!” That Spirit Saint panic-stricken shouting, under this terrifying pressure, erupted the unprecedented strength, wanted to keep off this to strike. 那名魂圣惊恐的大喊,在这股恐怖的压力下,爆发出了前所未有的力量,想要挡下这一击。 However, the attack of Titled Douluo rank, even if only a palm, is not seven points of Spirit Saint can keep off. 但是,封号斗罗级别的攻击,哪怕只是一掌,也不是七环魂圣能够挡下来的。 Let alone Spirit Master under these Spirit Saint boundaries, under this terrifying strength, were shaken even the body unable to stand up. 更何况那些魂圣境界之下的魂师,在这股恐怖的力量下,被震得连身体都无法站起。 How do you dare?” “你们怎么敢?” This Spirit Saint eye pupil was fierce, covered entirely the blood threads. 这名魂圣眼眸狰狞,布满了血丝。 He cannot think, these two mysterious Spirit Master, begin unexpectedly directly, does not care about the Spirit Hall powerhouse to be going to arrive. 他想不到,这两个神秘魂师,竟然直接动手,一点也不顾及武魂殿的强者将要到来。 They, are the lunatics! 他们,是疯子吗! Spirit Saint put forth the Martial Soul true body, changed to ten meters big black giant ape, angry roaring, is wanting to haunch the suppression, but below gray giant palm. 魂圣使出了武魂真身,化作了十米高大的黑色巨猿,怒吼着,想要撑起着镇压而下的灰色巨掌。 Bang! 轰隆! However Titled Douluo strength Spirit Saint can shake can it be that he directly by a that bloodstained clothing old man palm suppression. 但是封号斗罗的力量岂是魂圣能够撼动的,他直接被那名血衣老者一掌镇压。 But below street, by this terrifying strikes to destroy, the ground splits, does not know that many Spirit Master perish under this palm. 而下方街道,也是被这恐怖的一击摧毁,地面裂开,不知多少魂师殒命在这一掌之下。 Oh ~, starts the grand feast!” “啊哈哈哈~,开始盛宴吧!” Looks all these that oneself make, the bloodstained clothing old man that full is on the face of wrinkle, revealed joyful laughing, in the eye pupil glittered is wiping crazily. 看着自己所作的这一切,血衣老者那满是皱纹的面庞上,流露出了愉悦的大笑,眼眸中闪烁着一抹疯狂。 wucuoxs / 59559 / «Female President Versatile Soldier King» wucuoxs/59559/《女总裁的全能兵王》 The laughter like thunder -like the deafening sound, the air/Qi of terrifying evil spirit fills the air. 笑声如雷般震响,恐怖的凶煞之气弥漫而出。 Sees only, when the bloodstained clothing old man does not know, put out a fist big jet black crystal ball. 只见,血衣老者不知什么时候,拿出了一颗拳头大的漆黑水晶球。 On this crystal ball, has the strange black air/Qi to wind around, the indistinct black smoke congealed different fierce faces, just like the evil spirit at the wail, let person scalp tingles. 这颗水晶球上,有着诡异的黑气缭绕,飘渺的黑烟凝成了一张张不同的狰狞面孔,宛若厉鬼在哭嚎,让人头皮发麻。 Bang! 砰! Next quarter, bloodstained clothing old man crumb black ball on hand. 下一刻,血衣老者捏碎了手上的黑球。 In an instant, the jet black cold wind blows, black fog billowing, the gloomy and cold and strange aura fills the entire space. 刹那间,漆黑的阴风吹起,黑雾滚滚而起,阴冷而又诡异的气息弥漫整个空间。 The evil spirit strength condensed the innumerable ghosts, loafed above the sky, the endless complaint just like tidal. 凶煞的力量凝聚成了无数的鬼魂,在天空之上游荡,无尽的怨念宛若潮水般。 Ghost! Is a ghost!” “鬼!是鬼啊!” Some person of panic-stricken shouting. 有人惊恐的大喊。 That flash, Martial Soul city just like turning into a ghost town, the cold wind is intermittent, the innumerable ghost scream wail, disperses various places, attacks Spirit Master. 那一瞬间,武魂城宛若变成了一座鬼城,阴风阵阵,无数的鬼魂尖叫哭嚎,分散各处,袭击魂师 Your this is courts death!” “你们这是找死!” Quick, fills together is killing the sound deafening sound of intent coldly. 很快,一道充满着冷冽杀意的声音震响。 The next quarter, golden strange Ju takes root in void, fast elongation. 下一刻,一朵金色的奇菊扎根在虚空之中,快速伸长。 During the however several breath, a giant wonderful deer velvet exceedingly high chrysanthemum appears above the Martial Soul city, the innumerable golden flower petals just like the flying snow, fall gently under. 不过几个呼吸间,一朵巨大奇茸通天菊出现在武魂城上方,无数的金色花瓣宛若飞雪般,飘落而下。 The flower fragrance overflows, refreshing. 花香四溢,沁人心肺。 But these in the ghost that in the Martial Soul city rebels, bumps into these golden flower petals, just like running into fierce Yang -like, to Yang strength these Yin evil thing ignitions. 而那些在武魂城中作乱的鬼魂,碰到那些金色花瓣,就宛若遇到了烈阳般,至阳的力量把这些阴邪之物点燃。 Was Chrysanthemum Douluo, the chrysanthemum elder comes!” “是菊斗罗,菊长老来了!” Takes root above the wonderful deer velvet exceedingly high chrysanthemum in void, is setting up a person's shadow of white clothes robe. 扎根于虚空中的奇茸通天菊之上,立着一道白色衣袍的人影。 Spirit Hall elder, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan. 正是武魂殿的长老,菊斗罗月关 Whiz whiz whiz ~ 嗖嗖嗖~ The quick, a series of sounds get up air-splitting, the Chrysanthemum Douluo side presented several forms. 很快,一连串破空声响起,菊斗罗身边出现了数道身影。 These people, the body is lending the incomparably powerful aura, is Titled Douluo! 这些人,身上都散发着无比强悍的气息,无一不是封号斗罗 Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan complexion gloomy looks at the pitiful condition in Martial Soul city, in the eye pupil is still burning the angry flame. 菊斗罗月关脸色阴沉的看着武魂城中的惨状,眼眸中依然是燃烧着愤怒的火焰。 No one dares to make this matter in the Martial Soul city. 从来没有人敢在武魂城中做出这种事情。 Even if in the past Spirit Master competition, sky douluo Tang Hao to save the child makes a big row the Martial Soul city, that still above fighting soul field. 即使是当年魂师大赛,昊天斗罗唐昊为了救子大闹武魂城,那也只是在斗魂场之上。 But these two, massacre in the city unexpectedly recklessly the Spirit Master civilians, does not pay attention to Spirit Hall simply. 可是这两人,竟然肆意残杀城中魂师平民,简直是不把武魂殿放在眼里。 You damn!” “你们该死!” Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan is looking angrily at opposite that two bloodstained clothing Spirit Master, contains ones anger to act! 菊斗罗月关怒视着对面那两位血衣魂师,含怒出手! However shortly, the innumerable flower petals in sky, changed to golden dragon scroll, strangles to death to go toward them. 不过顷刻间,天空中的无数花瓣,化作了金色龙卷,向着他们绞杀而去。 Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” The bloodstained clothing old man sneers, terrifying evil spirit Spirit Power shakes, nine Spirit Ring appear, void presented an empty shadow of grey shadow demon dragon. 血衣老者冷笑,恐怖的凶煞魂力震荡而出,九个魂环显现,虚空中出现了一道灰影魔龙的虚影。 The evil dragon shouts, dragon breath makes together, easily reduced and solved the soul technique attack of Yue Guan. 邪龙嘶吼,一道龙息打出,轻易的化解了月关的魂技攻击。 Sees this, the Yue Guan complexion is somewhat ugly. 见到这一幕,月关脸色有些难看。 The strong oppression strength that the opposite party show, the terrifying strength, cultivates for on a boundary absolutely high his level. 对方所展现的强大压迫力,恐怖的力量,修为境界绝对高上他一个层次。 Repairs for compared with he more powerful Super Douluo! 修为比他更加强大的超级斗罗 Damn, how not to hear, in the mainland also has such No. 1 character!” “该死,怎么没有听说过,大陆上还有着这么一号人物!” In the Yue Guan heart criticizes one. 月关心中暗骂一声。 In the present Martial Soul city, the high-end strength went to the frontline Jialing pass/test. 如今的武魂城中,高端战力都已经前往前线嘉陵关。 But Pope Bibi Dong is closing up, attacks the final boundary. 而教皇比比东又在闭关,冲击最后的境界。 In entire Martial Soul city, on the Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan strength, is strongest. 整个武魂城中,也就菊斗罗月关的实力,乃是最强。 If he is unable to keep off these two, then the great reputation of Martial Soul city in mainland, will be destroyed in a moment! 若是他无法挡下这两人,那么武魂城在大陆上的盛名,将毁于一旦! Acts, suppresses them!” “一齐出手,镇压他们!” Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan was saying to other Titled Douluo instruction. 菊斗罗月关对着其余的封号斗罗吩咐道。 Old ghost, you and I takes this old man jointly fast, others deal with another person!” “老鬼,你与我联手快速拿下这个老头,其余人对付另一人!” The Yue Guan mentality is very clear, got down the tactic on the arrange/cloth. 月关思路很清晰,就布下了战术。 Opposite party on two Titled Douluo, so long as he and Ghost Douluo takes one of them jointly fast, can end the fight! 对方就两位封号斗罗,只要他与鬼斗罗联手快速拿下其中一人,就能够结束战斗! Shortly, above the Martial Soul city, had the startled day war of Titled Douluo rank. 顷刻间,武魂城上方,就发生了封号斗罗级别的惊天大战。 The complementary waves of fight, making below Martial Soul city receive the serious destruction. 战斗的余波,使得下方的武魂城都受到了严重的破坏。 At this time, another place of Martial Soul city. 此时,武魂城的另一处地方。 The douluo palace, an old man of golden clothes robe stands before the big palace gate, the golden eye pupil is gazing at the fight on sky. 斗罗殿,一位金色衣袍的老者站在大殿门前,金色的眼眸注视着天空上的战斗。 „Is this evil Spirit Master? Dares to extend the claw to the Martial Soul city unexpectedly, hehe ~ “这就是邪魂师么?竟然敢把爪子伸到武魂城来,呵呵~” Qian Daoliu looks at the fight in sky, the mouth was talking to oneself, wants to act. 千道流望着天空中的战斗,嘴里自语,想要出手。 Takes cultivating of his peerless boundary as, can suppress that two evil Spirit Master Titled Douluo. 以他绝世境界的修为,可以镇压那两名邪魂师封号斗罗 Qian Daoliu suffices the sensation to be very powerful to that two evil Spirit Master strength, one of them 's cultivating is, even achieved 98 levels of Spirit Power, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo they absolutely are not that two evil Spirit Master opponent. 千道流更够感知到那两名邪魂师的实力很强大,其中一人的修为,甚至达到了九十八级的魂力,菊斗罗鬼斗罗他们绝对不是那两个邪魂师的对手。 Now, Bibi Dong is closing up the breakthrough, has no interest in pay attention to the matter of Martial Soul city. 如今,比比东正在闭关突破,无心理会武魂城之事。 Qian Daoliu does not act, the Martial Soul city seems like no one to prevent these two evil Spirit Master. 千道流不出手,武魂城似乎没有人能够阻挡这两个邪魂师 However several hesitant, he has not chosen to act. 但是几番犹豫下,他还是没有选择出手。 The present Martial Soul city, actually turns into what appearance, Qian Daoliu did not care, his only wish, is completes the gods to give own duty. 现在的武魂城,究竟变成什么样子,千道流不关心,他唯一的心愿,就是完成神明给予自己的任务。 It seems like, evil Spirit Master influence this/Ben thinks that but also is powerful.” “看来,邪魂师势力比本座所想的,还要强大。” Since they dare to come to the Martial Soul city to act unruly, then can extend the hand to Jialing closes in the battlefield?” “既然他们敢来武魂城撒野,那么会不会把手伸到嘉陵关战场上呢?” Qian Daoliu twittering talked to oneself. 千道流呢喃自语。 Perhaps, to him, can be a good deed. 或许,对于他来说,会是一件好事。 Only then realized clearly by own granddaughter own small and weak, can make stubborn her change the idea. 只有让自己孙女清楚的认识到自身的弱小,才能够让倔强的她改变想法。 Only has the absolute strength, is true eternal. 唯有绝对的实力,才是真正的永恒。
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