DDTR :: Volume #8

#708: Strange

...... ...... At night. 夜晚。 In the military compound, Emperor Heaven Duo an avalanche person sits on the throne, the look is very thin and pale, the eye covered entirely the blood threads, seems somewhat fierce. 军营之中,天斗皇帝雪崩一人坐在王座上,神色很是憔悴,眼睛布满了血丝,显得有些狰狞。 He is unable to sleep peacefully, because of his innermost feelings at this moment, is very chaotic. 他无法安睡,因为他此刻的内心,很是混乱。 Because, closes one's eyes, in the brain on the recollection of being able not help that made his confused picture. 因为,一闭上眼,脑中就情不自禁的回想起那令他心烦意乱的画面。 Blue Hao king! Blue Hao king! Blue Hao king!】 【蓝昊王!蓝昊王!蓝昊王!】 Before that is to make war, several hundred thousand officers with one voice shake shout the Tang San given name. 那是开战前,几十万将士齐声震呼唐三的名号。 As the avalanche of Emperor Heaven Duo, looks is being built on that blue glow form above sky, in the eye pupil fills is envying and longs. 作为天斗皇帝的雪崩,望着立于天空之上的那位蓝辉身影,眼眸中充满着羡慕与渴望。 Titled Douluo ~ 封号斗罗啊~” The avalanche is looking up to the ceiling, the pupil light is empty, the mouth talked to oneself twittering, wiped the feeling of being incapable to well up. 雪崩仰望着天花板,眸光空洞无神,嘴里自语呢喃着,一抹无力之感涌上了心头。 Hateful, I am the Heaven Duo master, the Heaven Dou Empire emperor ~ “可恶,我可是天斗的主人,天斗帝国的皇帝啊~” When does not know, on avalanche that pale face was revealed in a flash a fierceness. 不知什么时候,雪崩那苍白的脸上闪露出了一丝狰狞。 The color of being unwilling can be seen in speech and appearance. 不甘之色溢于言表。 He uses energy many thoughts, used many years hides itself, the low key cultivates the behavior. 他费劲多少心思,用了多少年的时间隐藏自身,低调做人。 Finally from one spurned waste imperial prince, becomes entire Emperor Heaven Dou Empire, 95 revering above ten thousand people! 终于从一位被人唾弃的废物皇子,成为了整个天斗帝国皇帝,万人之上的九五之尊! But has not displayed in the heart with enough time the aspiration, has an exciting future. 可是还没有来得及施展心中抱负,大展宏图。 Now, the country has faced the danger of demise, oneself very possible to become Mr. of perishing country! 如今,国家已经面临灭亡之危,自己很可能能成为亡国之君! This should not be this! 这不应该是这样的! The avalanche is unable to accept this result. 雪崩无法接受这种结局。 Therefore, he is unwilling! 所以,他不甘心啊! This world, eventually the world of law of the jungle. 这个世界,终究还是弱肉强食的世界。 Can the strength of secular mortal, how cover the mighty force of Spirit Master? 世俗凡人的力量,怎么能够盖得过魂师之伟力? Avalanche are also Spirit Master, but the talent is not high, he of quick 30 age, is only four points of Spirit Ancestor boundaries. 雪崩自身也是魂师,但是天赋并不高,快三十之龄的他,也不过只是四环魂宗境界。 Even if he as the emperor, has the innumerable armies, even Spirit Master expert. 哪怕他作为皇帝,手下有着无数军队,甚至魂师高手。 But, most powerhouse in Spirit Master, Titled Douluo, is actually he beyond control person. 可是,魂师中的最强者,封号斗罗,却是他无法控制得住的人。 So boundary Spirit Master, oneself strength has been able to disregard the secular dynasty the strength. 这般境界的魂师,自身力量已经可以无视世俗皇朝的力量。 That shakes pulls the strength of the world, making the avalanche be afraid. 那震扯天地的力量,让雪崩感到恐惧。 That strength, at all is not existence that the ordinary army can contend with. 那股力量,根本不是普通军队可以抗衡的存在。 Today, he sees with own eyes, the strength of Titled Douluo rank, in hundreds of thousands people of armies, sweeps away the invincible stance. 今日,他可是亲眼见到,封号斗罗级别的战力,在十几万人的军队中,横扫无敌的姿态。 He also sees, the sky projected on the changes countenance, the world is vibrating. 他也看见,天空被打到变色,天地都在震动。 Then just like gods mighty force! 那宛若神明般的伟力! But, as he of emperor, actually can only just like general, is looking up to that unrivalled war! 可是,身为皇帝的他,却只能宛若喽啰一般,仰望着那场旷世之战! One look like the ants to be tiny, can only look up to the prestige of gods cautiously. 自身就像是蝼蚁般渺小,只能小心翼翼仰望神明之威。 Sat the imperial throne, cannot have one's wish, but must live under subjugation. 坐上了帝位,也不能随心所欲,还得寄人篱下。 This is only, entered in a bigger cage from a birdcage. 这不过只是,从一个鸟笼进入了一个更大的牢笼之中。 The avalanche started to have the suspicion to oneself, actually did oneself become the emperor for what? 雪崩不禁开始对自己产生了怀疑,自己究竟是为了什么而成为皇帝? Is longing for becomes eternity clear(ly), displays in the heart the aspiration. 渴望着成为千古明君,施展心中抱负。 But the reality is incompetent, is ordinary just like the puppet, the Imperial Court power is inferior to the sovereign uncle, in the army the prestige is inferior to the blue Hao king. 可现实却是自己无能,宛若傀儡一般,朝中权力不如皇叔,军中威望不如蓝昊王。 This made the avalanche think of the Martial Soul Empire emperor, Qian Renxue. 这让雪崩不由想到了武魂帝国的皇帝,千仞雪 Similarly is Monarch of the country, but he has huge difference from Qian Renxue. 同样都是一国之君,可他却与千仞雪有着天壤之别。 The opposite party is the person of true control absolute strength, a person monopolizes several Titled Douluo not to drop the wind, even severely wounded Heaven Duo this side most Spirit Master Tang San. 对方是真正掌控绝对力量之人,一人独占数位封号斗罗不落下风,甚至重伤天斗这方最魂师唐三 Moreover, she camouflages Heaven Dou Empire former crown prince, Xue Qinghe, ambushed in Heaven Dou Empire had more than ten years fully! 而且,她还是伪装成天斗帝国前太子,雪清河,在天斗帝国潜伏了足有十几年! This makes the avalanche feel very laughable. 这让雪崩不禁感到很是可笑。 Oneself actually called the opposite party more than ten years of big brother! 自己竟然叫了对方十几年的大哥! At that time, the avalanche was built in the sky throne to Qian Renxue that golden pupil pupil. 当时,雪崩对上了立于天空王座上千仞雪那金色的瞳眸。 He can read out, despising in opposite party eyes, oneself as Emperor Heaven Duo, in her eyes is also similar to ants that may pat conveniently! 他能够读出,对方眼中的蔑视,自己身为天斗皇帝,在她眼中也就如同可随手拍死的蝼蚁! Even, the avalanche has an intuition, oneself can live until inheriting the Heaven Duo imperial throne, completely because of the bestowment of opposite party. 甚至,雪崩有种直觉,自己能够活着直到继承天斗帝位,完全是因为对方的施舍。 You can live, is not because you are low-key enough, the camouflage must seem like a waste, the mud cannot hold the wall playboy, a life that can guarantee. “你之所以能够活着,不是因为你足够低调,伪装得像是一个废物,烂泥扶不上墙纨绔,才能够保的一命。 But because, I thought that you are the waste, therefore disdains in killing. 而是因为,我觉得你就是废物,所以不屑于杀。 Even if my plan fail, you inherited the imperial throne, but still as before is a waste, nothing to be worried! ” 就算我计划失败了,你继承了帝位,但也依旧是一个废物,不足为虑!” This flash, near the avalanche ear as if resounds sneering that Qian Renxue that disdained. 这一瞬间,雪崩耳边似乎响起了千仞雪那不屑的冷笑。 cold proud look, just like in gaze continuously maggot. 那冷傲的眼神,宛若在注视一直蛆虫般。 No!” “不!” The avalanche complexion becomes incomparably fierce, his angry big drinks, a palm makes an effort to whip above the long and narrow table. 雪崩的脸色变得无比狰狞,他愤怒的大喝,一掌用力拍打在案桌之上。 At this moment, the eyeball of avalanche had covered entirely the blood threads, the appearance of having hair dishevelled, is fierce just like the evil spirit. 此刻,雪崩的眼球已经是布满了血丝,披头散发的样子,宛若厉鬼般狰狞。 Your majesty, feudal official Ge dragon seeks an interview!” “陛下,臣戈龙求见!” At this time, outside the camp broadcast the sound. 这时,营外传来了声音。 The avalanche is startled, hurries to suppress the exciting anger, sits well on the seat, said lightly: Comes.” 雪崩不由一怔,赶紧强忍着愤怒激动的情绪,端坐于座椅上,淡淡道:“进来吧。” Quick, wore the silver white armor, the facial features leads a middle-aged man of vicissitudes to walk seriously. 很快,一位身穿着银白铠甲,面容严肃带着一丝沧桑的中年男人走了进来。 See your majesty!” “参见陛下!” As soon as he comes, is kneeling down to salute to the avalanche single knee. 他一进来,就对着雪崩单膝跪下行礼。 „Does Marshal Ge dragon, what matter have?” The avalanche opens the mouth slowly. “戈龙元帅,有何事?”雪崩缓缓开口。 His sound is somewhat hoarse, is very exhausted. 他的声音有些沙哑,很是疲惫。 Your majesty, the blue Hao king has left the military compound, trial that goes to conduct the gods.” “陛下,蓝昊王已经离开军营,前去进行神明的试炼。” hears word, the avalanche gawked, wipes to spread scared from the bottom of the heart. 闻言,雪崩愣了一下,一抹恐慌又从心底蔓延而出。 Blue Hao king Tang San is the Empire Alliance spiritual prop, because of existence of Tang San, various side strengths can join up to revolt against the aggression of Martial Soul Empire together. 蓝昊王唐三乃是帝国联盟这边的精神支柱,也正是因为唐三的存在,诸方实力才能够联合起来一起反抗武魂帝国的侵略。 But Tang San this pillar not, if Martial Soul Empire launches the attack again, they can block the Martial Soul Empire army to invade one's territory? 唐三这位主心骨不在了,若是武魂帝国再一次发起进攻,他们能够挡得住武魂帝国的大军来犯吗? Teacher he, has hoped that teacher his time can succeed...... we, only then this last time opportunity......” “老师他已经出发了吗,希望老师他这一次能够成功......我们只有这最后一次机会了......” The avalanche opens the mouth saying that but the voice is actually shivering slightly, is hard to conceal fills the air anxiously. 雪崩开口道,但话音却微微颤抖着,难以掩饰的紧张弥漫而出。 Martial Soul Empire that side trend how?” The avalanche also asked. 武魂帝国那边的动向如何?”雪崩又问。 Ge dragon said: Your majesty, according to the intelligence information that scouting to spread, the Martial Soul Empire army has retreated the Jialing pass/test reply, had not planned that continues to attack our military.” 戈龙说道:“回禀陛下,根据斥候传出的情报信息,武魂帝国的军队已经退守嘉陵关,并没有打算继续对我军进行攻击。” This time war, although our casualties are serious, but Martial Soul Empire army also similarly so.” “这一次的战争,虽然我方伤亡惨重,但武魂帝国的军队也同样如此。” Just like the blue Hao king said, in this war, has another mysterious influence on meddle time, Martial Soul Empire that empress is also seriously injured, therefore Martial Soul Empire dreads that mysterious influence very much. “正如蓝昊王所说,这一次的战争中,有着另一股神秘势力插手,武魂帝国那位女帝也身受重伤,因此武魂帝国很忌惮那股神秘势力。 Therefore in a short time, Martial Soul Empire should not launch the attack to our military again. ” 所以短时间内,武魂帝国应该不会再次对我军发起进攻。” Heard this saying, in avalanche that empty eye pupil blooms to wipe the ray. 听到这话,雪崩那空洞的眼眸中绽放出了一抹光芒。 Good! So good!” “好!如此甚好!” In the avalanche heart the great happiness, will not have the threat of Martial Soul Empire temporarily, they have enough time to constrain, wait for the return of Tang San. 雪崩心中大喜,暂时不会有武魂帝国的威胁,他们就有足够的时间拖住,等待唐三的归来。 Once revering of position Tang San achievement sea god, then they can reverse the situation, completes to overturn! 一旦唐三成就海神之尊位,那么他们就可以逆转局势,完成翻盘! Knows temporarily after without danger, avalanche that tight spirit also relaxes, the whole body seems like discouraged is the same, sits down exhausted on the seat. 知道暂时没有危险后,雪崩那紧绷的精神也放松下来,浑身就像是泄了气一样,瘫坐在座椅上。 The exhausted feeling, well ups. 疲惫之感,也涌上了心头。 Ok, the marshal you first got down, making Our calm down a bit.” The avalanche spirit said exhaustedly. “好了,元帅你先下去,让朕一人静一静。”雪崩精神疲惫地说道。 Your majesty, you rests well, do not injure one's health the body.” “陛下,你好好休息,千万别熬坏了身体。” Marshal Ge dragon also knows, avalanche pressure at this moment is very big, urges one then to depart. 戈龙元帅也知道,雪崩此刻的压力很大,叮嘱一声便离去。 In tent , is only left over avalanche one person, suddenly, the atmosphere is peaceful somewhat strangely. 营帐中,又只剩下雪崩一人,一时间,气氛安静得有些诡异。 Before, the avalanche has lowered the head, Ge dragon has not noticed, on his cheek, has had a fierce look. 之前,雪崩一直低着头,戈龙也没有注意到,他的面颊上,一直有着一丝狰狞的神色。 If hidden the black air/Qi that if no, winds around in the side of avalanche, is very strange. 一丝若隐若无的黑气,缭绕在雪崩的身旁,很是诡异。 This change, the avalanche he, had not detected. 这一异动,就连雪崩他本人,都没有察觉。 He closes one's eyes, wants to go off. 他闭着眼,想要睡去。 But, near the ear seems to have had another sound to resound, whispered just like the devil, making him confused. 可是,耳边似乎一直有着另一种声音响起,宛若恶魔低语,让他心烦意乱。 In mind, appears the picture that unceasingly finds it unbearable to recall. 脑海中,也不断浮现出不堪回首的画面。 Blue Hao king, Empress Martial Soul, the strength of Titled Douluo that exceedingly high penetrating place! 蓝昊王,武魂女帝,封号斗罗那通天彻地的力量! Timid, frightened, has the despair no use, complex mood dope in together, making the avalanche feel that the headache wants to crack. 胆小,恐惧,无助还有绝望,各种复杂的情绪掺杂在一起,让雪崩感到头痛欲裂。 I can help all that you obtain you to want!” “我可以帮你得到你想要的一切!” Suddenly, the gloomy and cold sound resounds in the ear of avalanche together. 骤然间,一道阴冷的声音在雪崩的耳边响起。 He opened the eye suddenly, that covers entirely in the blood threads eyeball, is glittering the panic-stricken color. 他猛然睁大了眼睛,那布满血丝眼球中,闪烁着惊恐之色。 Because, in this tent, besides him, no one. 因为,这个营帐中,除了他以外,没有任何人。 Who is!” “是谁!” The avalanche shouted loudly, immediately stands up, is observing the situation all around, has not actually discovered anyone 's shadow. 雪崩高喊,立刻站起,环视着四周,却没有发现任何人影。 The sound, he truly heard, some people are really speaking. 刚才的声音,他确确实实听到了,真的有人在说话。 Has crossed was very long, no one responded to the avalanche, the atmosphere became is stranger. 一直过了很久,都没有人回应雪崩,气氛变得更加的诡异起来。 Was I am too exhausted, presented the auditory hallucination?” “是朕太疲惫了么,出现了幻听?” The avalanche talked to oneself, puts out a hand to take up the teacup on table, wants to drink tea the awaking inducing resuscitation. 雪崩自语,伸手拿起桌上的茶杯,想要喝口茶醒醒神。 But the next quarter, his eye pupil contracts the needle instantaneously, saw the extremely terrifying picture. 可下一刻,他的眼瞳瞬间收缩成针,看到了极其恐怖的画面。 In the cup of tea on hand, is producing an inverted image his face. 手上的这杯茶水中,倒映着他的脸。 Just like that face that the mirror tea reflects, is actually smiling. 只是,宛若镜子般的茶水倒映的那张脸,却是在笑。 The avalanche affirmed very much that is oneself, but reflects this face in water, is smiling, smiles very much Yin evil, is very strange, seems like the to terrify person! 雪崩很肯定,那是自己,可是倒映在水中的自己这张脸,在笑着,笑得很阴邪,很诡异,看起来很是瘆人! „!” “啊!” That flash, making his pore terrified, frightens to go well the teacup to fly, the tea sprinkled place. 那一瞬间,让他毛孔悚然,吓得手中的茶杯都飞了出去,茶水洒落一地。
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