DDTR :: Volume #8

#707: Final hope

...... ...... Dazzling gold/metal descends above Jialing Guan Cheng wall. 一道耀眼的金芒降落在嘉陵关城墙之上。 Qian Renxue this moment condition is not very good, although she defeated Tang San, because that woman suddenly joins the battlefield to attack her, she also experiences personally the heavy losses, Spirit Power almost consumes completely, does not have the strength of again war. 千仞雪此刻状态并不是很好,虽然她打败了唐三,但是因为那个女人的突然加入战场对她进行袭击,她也身受重创,魂力几乎消耗殆尽,已无再战之力。 Cannot pursue! Enters the pass defends a city!” “不需追击!入关守城!” Qian Renxue drinks one coldly, dopes the Spirit Power sound biography to swing the audience. 千仞雪冷喝一声,掺杂着魂力的声音传荡全场。 As the order of Qian Renxue spreads, the Martial Soul Empire army also no longer pursues the defeated troops, retreats the Jialing pass/test in abundance. 随着千仞雪的命令传开,武魂帝国的大军也不再追击败军,纷纷退守嘉陵关。 Quick, about ten forms descend from the sky, Titled Douluo Spirit Master that above the sky fights. 很快,近十道身影从天空中降落,正是天空之上战斗的封号斗罗魂师们。 Your majesty, are you all right?” “陛下,您没事吧?” Heavy mountain douluo saw that empress Qian Renxue injures such heaviness in great surprise, in the heart. 重岳斗罗见到女帝千仞雪伤得如此之重,心中大惊。 Actually is, can injure the peerless boundary empress to this degree? He does not dare to imagine! 究竟是什么人,能够把绝世境界的女帝伤到这种程度?他不敢想象! The Qian Renxue jogging shaking the head, asked weakly: This tactical situation how?” 千仞雪轻摇了摇头,虚弱问道:“这一次战况如何?” Some people say immediately: Your majesty, this fights reply, although repelled the army of Empire Alliance, but our army same casualties are serious, but casualties quantity also during statistics, but it is expected that over 100,000 soldier lineups, Spirit Master falls from the sky to reach as high as over thousand people.” 有人立刻说道:“回禀陛下,这一战虽然打退了帝国联盟的大军,但是我们军同样伤亡惨重,不过伤亡数量还在统计之中,但预计有超过十万士兵阵容,魂师陨落高达千人以上。” Qian Renxue nods, regarding the digit of this casualties, in the heart also has the estimate early. 千仞雪颔首,对于这个伤亡的数字,心中也早有预估。 Although Martial Soul Empire compares to Empire Alliance many many in the Spirit Master quantity, but army, compared with the joint armies of two big empires, is some disparities. 武魂帝国虽然在魂师数量上比起帝国联盟多上许多,但是军队方面,与两大帝国的联合军队相比,还是有一些差距。 After all Martial Soul Empire founds a nation for several years, but Heaven Duo, Star Luo two Great Emperor National capitals inherited for several hundred years, over a thousand years of history, Martial Soul Empire army and in militaries of the two countries quantity and quality, has very obvious disparity. 毕竟武魂帝国建国才几年,而天斗,星罗两大帝国都传承了数百年,上千年的历史,武魂帝国的军队与两国军队数量和质量上,还是有着非常明显的差距。 „Doesn't your majesty, why follow up a victory with hot pursuit? Our military potential air/Qi greatly hold, I and others also strength of the war, sufficiently the two countries alliance army destruction in Jialing pass/test before!” Golden Crocodile Douluo is puzzled, he and Sword Douluo fights, is actually not able to do to the opposite party, making him be unwilling. “陛下,为何不乘胜追击?我军正势气大盛,我等还有一战之力,足以将两国联盟大军覆灭于嘉陵关前!”金鳄斗罗不解,他与剑斗罗一战,却无法奈何对方,让他心有不甘。 Golden Crocodile Douluo believes, at own this side strength, five Super Douluo , to continue to hit fully, the advantage certainly is. 金鳄斗罗认为,以自己这一边的力量,足有五位超级斗罗,继续打下去,优势一定是自己这边的。 „Are you questioning the decision of this emperor?” The Qian Renxue tone is somewhat unhappy, cold vision Golden Crocodile Douluo. “你这是在质疑本帝的决策?”千仞雪语气有些不快,冷视着金鳄斗罗 Was full of the dignified golden pupil pupil gaze by Qian Renxue that pair, the Golden Crocodile Douluo body is hitting one to tremble, this familiar and indifferent look, making him think of Qian Daoliu. 千仞雪那双充满着威严的金色瞳眸注视,金鳄斗罗身体不由打了一个寒颤,这熟悉的而又冷漠的眼神,让他想到了千道流 Golden Crocodile Douluo said hastily: Subordinate does not dare.” 金鳄斗罗连忙说道:“属下不敢。” Qian Renxue looks at these Titled Douluo elders, said: This situation changes, first stops to the attack of Empire Alliance, you guard the Jialing pass/test, counter-attack of prevention Empire Alliance.” 千仞雪看着这些封号斗罗长老,说道:“这一次情况有变,先停下对帝国联盟的进攻,你们镇守嘉陵关,预防帝国联盟的反扑。” Compliant!” “遵命!” In the Qian Renxue heart is somewhat unwilling, but she does not have the means at this moment. 千仞雪心中有些不甘,但此刻她也没有办法。 Continues to pursue, she is indefinite, evil can Spirit Master jump to take advantage. 继续追击,她并不确定,邪魂师们会不会跳出来趁火打劫。 If that woman appears again, by her strength, in the battlefield no one can prevent, she will wither crazily everyone. 若是那个女人再一次出现,以她的实力,战场上根本没有任何一人可以阻挡,她会疯狂的肃杀所有人。 If so, that will create the heavy losses that is hard to estimate to Martial Soul Empire. 若真是这样,那将会对武魂帝国造成难以预估的重创。 Therefore for safety's sake, Qian Renxue can only let off Heaven Duo temporarily, Star Luo both countries. 所以为了保险起见,千仞雪只能暂时放过天斗,星罗两国。 This time, she must think the means breakthrough god boundary, true strides in that boundary, otherwise is having this thunderbolt next time, she is helpless. 这一次,她必须要想办法突破神境,真正的跨入那个境界,不然下一次在发生这种突发事件,她根本无能为力。 Thinks of this, Qian Renxue got hold of the fist, in the heart angry. 想到这,千仞雪不由握紧了拳头,心中愤然。 Jialing outside the passes, the armies of Empire Alliance have evacuated to close 100 li (0.5 km) distance from Jialing. 嘉陵关外,帝国联盟的大军已经撤离到距离嘉陵关一百里的距离。 This time, they set out 300,000 armies to attack a city the Jialing pass/test, but actually the rout turned over, casualties more than half, lost incomparably seriously. 这一次,他们出动了三十万大军攻城嘉陵关,可是却大败而归,伤亡过半,损失无比严重。 Even, fell from the sky Titled Douluo. 甚至,都陨落了一位封号斗罗 But that Titled Douluo that falls from the sky, the Heaven Duo imperial family uses Titled Douluo that the resources train, day spirit douluo, died in battle! 而陨落的那位封号斗罗,正是天斗皇室倾尽资源培养出的封号斗罗,天灵斗罗,战死! As initially Titled Douluo of promote, day spirit douluo and poisonous douluo, old ancestor crazy tiger douluo of Star Luo imperial family, three douluo were encircled by Spirit Hall five Titled Douluo kills. 作为初晋的封号斗罗,天灵斗罗与毒斗罗,还有星罗皇室的老祖狂虎斗罗,三位斗罗武魂殿的五位封号斗罗围杀。 Boundary lowest day spirit douluo died in battle, alone this solitary one abundant, broke an arm, is seriously injured. 境界最低的天灵斗罗战死,就连独孤博,都断了一臂,身受重伤。 Three sons! My child how!” “三儿!我儿怎么样了!” Together anxious shouts transmits, is the Tang San mother flatter silver, after she hears oneself son to experience personally the severely wounded news, rapid catches up. 一道焦急的呼喊传来,是唐三的母亲阿银,她听到自己儿子身受重伤的消息后,飞速的赶来。 Is accompanying this blue clothes beautiful woman also has her husband Tang Hao. 陪着这位蓝衣美妇的还有她的丈夫唐昊。 They with the Spirit Hall five elders, six elder two Super Douluo wars, this moment condition were not a moment ago good, the body aura is weak. 他们两人刚才与武魂殿的五长老,六长老两位超级斗罗一战,此刻状态都非常不好,身上气息虚弱无比。 If not for Tang Hao erupts the potential, used the ultimate deep meaning of Xumi hammer to explode the link to promote the boundary forcefully, two people are not even able safely immediately the battlefield. 若不是唐昊爆发潜能,使用了大须弥锤的终极奥义炸环强行提升境界,两人甚至无法安然立刻战场。 Three sons!” “三儿!” The flatter silver ran in the military compound, sees the son to lie down on the bed, the whole body is the blood, the aura extremely feeble, in the things that may cause fires just like the wind possibly extinguishes momentarily. 阿银跑进了军营中,就看见自己儿子躺倒在床上,浑身是血,气息极度虚弱,宛若风中火烛随时可能熄灭。 Xiao Wu also has others to encircle in the Tang San side, saw that the Tang San mother arrives, immediately makes way the space, making her arrive at side Tang San. 小舞还有其他人都围在唐三的身边,见到唐三母亲到来,立刻让开了空间,让她来到唐三身边。 What exactly had, how will three sons receive the so serious injury?” The flatter silver sees the son who remains unconscious, asked sorrowfully. “到底发生了什么,三儿怎么会受到如此严重的伤势?”阿银看着昏迷不醒的儿子,悲痛问道。 Xiao Wu said: Third Brother in the fight of Empress Martial Soul Empire, suddenly presented a mysterious woman, as soon as she appears immediately to the Third Brother, that empress launches the attack.” 小舞道:“三哥在与武魂帝国女帝的战斗中,突然出现了一個神秘女人,她一出现就立刻对三哥,还有那位女帝发动攻击。” That mysterious woman strength is very strong, is powerful compared with Qian Renxue, the Third Brother at all is not an opponent.” “那神秘女人实力很强,比起千仞雪还要强大,三哥根本不是对手。” If not for the sea god manifests a spirit finally, the Third Brother feared that is more unfortunate than fortunate......” “若不是最后海神显灵,三哥怕已经是凶多吉少......” The flatter silver looks own son pitiful appearance, in heart sorrowful incomparable. 阿银看着自己儿子这副凄惨的模样,心中悲痛无比。 In a while, Yu Xiaogang has a cure to be Spirit Master comes to give the Tang San treatment. 没过多久,玉小刚就带着一名治愈系魂师前来给唐三治疗。 This person is nine heart hypericum Martial Soul owners, the leaf is cool and refreshing. 这人正是九心海棠武魂拥有者,叶泠泠。 Before long, as is full of the deep blue ray of strength of vitality to bloom, a blue flower petal falls on Tang San that broken body. 不一会儿,随着充满着生机之力的湛蓝光芒绽放,一片淡蓝的花瓣落在唐三那残破的身体上。 Sees only, the strength of abundant vitality is repairing the Tang San body injury fast. 只见,充裕的生机之力正在快速的修复唐三的身体伤势。 Nine heart hypericum Martial Soul are has the first under heaven to cure Martial Soul worthily, has the prestige of energy white bones raw meat, the leaf cool and refreshingly merely is only six points of Spirit Emperor, can cure Titled Douluo boundary Tang San. 九心海棠武魂不愧是有着天下第一治愈武魂,有着白骨生肉之威能,叶泠泠仅仅只是一位六环的魂帝,就能够治愈封号斗罗境界的唐三 However, because both's Spirit Power disparity is oversized . Moreover the Tang San injury is extremely serious, the leaf is unable cool and refreshingly instantaneously on cure good Tang San. 不过,因为两者的魂力差距过大,而且唐三的伤势太过严重,叶泠泠也无法瞬间就治愈好唐三 Has crossed for a half hour, stupor Tang San, the eyelid beat finally, opened the eyes slowly. 一直过了半个小时,昏迷的唐三,眼皮终于跳动了一下,缓缓睁开了双眼。 Tang San opens eyes, saw Xiao Wu that the tearful eyes dance worries is looking at itself. 唐三一睁眼,就看到了泪眼婆娑的小舞担忧的望着自己。 Xiao Wu...... also has everyone ..... 小舞......还有大家.....” After coming soberly Tang San, the consciousness somewhat is blurry, not the clear present is what situation. 清醒过来后的唐三,意识还有些迷糊,并不清楚现在是什么情况。 Third Brother! You were all right are really good!” Sees Tang San to regain consciousness, Xiao Wu grasped him excitedly, the excited tears are unable to suppress gush out from the corner of the eye. “三哥!你没事真是太好了!”见到唐三苏醒,小舞激动的抱住了他,激动的泪水无法抑制地从眼角涌出。 The people see Tang San to be well, felt relieved thoroughly. 众人见唐三无恙,也彻底放下心来。 Has not let detect, wipes the partly visible black air/Qi to glitter in the Tang San eye pupil. 只是,却没有让察觉到,一抹若隐若现的黑气在唐三眼眸中闪烁。 ...... ...... The military compound of Empire Alliance stationed in place center, in operational total Zhihuiying, an atmosphere heaviness, depressing. 帝国联盟的军营驻扎处中心,作战总指挥营中,气氛一片沉重,压抑。 These attacked the combat plan that Jialing closed/pass, the first battle routs, gives them to attack seriously. 这一场进攻嘉陵关的作战计划,首战大败,给予了他们严重的打击。 The avalanche thought simply, thinks oneself has more than ten Titled Douluo strengths, to can self-confidently with the Martial Soul Empire front impact. 雪崩还是想得太简单了,以为自己这边有着十几位封号斗罗的战力,自信到可以与武魂帝国正面碰撞。 But the final result, making him be somewhat hard to accept. 而最后的结果,让他有些难以接受。 The defeat even, is own old ancestor, the day spirit douluo actually falling from the sky battlefield. 败就算了,可是自家的老祖,天灵斗罗却陨落战场。 This regarding the Heaven Duo imperial family, is an enormous attack. 这对于天斗皇室来说,是一个极大的打击。 Looks at the people fall in the blues, Tang San is unwilling, this failure to him, one time is alerted. 看着众人情绪低落,唐三心有不甘,这一次失败对于他来说,也是一次警醒。 Although these failed time, but Tang San does not think Martial Soul Empire to be invincible, he also has the card in a hand of overturn. 虽然这一次失败了,但是唐三并不认为武魂帝国不可战胜,他还有着翻盘的底牌。 „, Do not be discouraged, we have the opportunity! Martial Soul Empire is not invincible!” “诸位,不要灰心,我们还有机会!武魂帝国并非不可战胜!” Although Tang San this moment is weak, but stands up, is hitting the gas channel/angrily said to the people. 尽管唐三此刻身体虚弱,但还是站起身,对着众人打气道。 Teacher, what means reversal can you have?” Emperor Heaven Duo the avalanche asked hastily. “老师,你可有什么办法逆转局面?”天斗皇帝雪崩连忙问道。 He all hopes, pinned with Tang San on! 他可是把一切的希望,都寄托与唐三身上了啊! Tang San nods, looks at the people , to continue saying: „ You should also know, I went to the overseas before, accepted the inheritance from gods. 唐三点头,看着众人,继续说道:“想必你们也应该知道,我之前前往海外,是接受了来自神明的传承。 Now the sea god trial also has two passes/tests, so long as I through the final two smelting trials, break through boundary to become God, then we have the hope of overturn! ” 如今海神试炼还剩下两关,只要我通过最后两道试炼,突破境界成神,那么我们就有翻盘的希望!” Tang San this saying, making the people mind shake. 唐三这话,让众人心神不由一震。 „Becoming the god...... in this world, really has existence of gods?” The avalanche shocks incomparably, muttered. “成神......这个世界上,真的有神明的存在吗?”雪崩震撼无比,喃喃自语。 Tang San said: Yes, the god is exists, hundred levels of to become God not just legend! But I am shouldering the sea god inheritance, gives me the time, soon can break through hundred levels of to become God! When the time comes Martial Soul Empire will be a cinch!” 唐三道:“是的,神是存在的,百级成神并非只是传说!而我背负着海神传承,给我时间,用不了多久就能突破百级成神!到时候武魂帝国将不在话下!” Hears Tang San this saying, that winds around the haze above people heart becomes not heavy. 听到唐三这话,那缭绕在众人心头之上的阴霾也变得不在沉重。 If really has the gods to stand this side them, then Martial Soul Empire truly nothing to be afraid! 如果真的有神明站在他们这一边,那么武魂帝国确实不足为惧! Then I could temporarily leave some time, I must make the best use of the time through the remaining inspections, only has the god, can reverse the situation!” Tang San to people sinking sound said. “接下来我可能要暂时离开一段时间,我必须要抓紧时间通过剩下的考核,唯有成神,才能逆转局势!”唐三对着众人沉声道。 This Qian Renxue, the sudden mysterious female, gave the Tang San enormous pressure time. 这一次的千仞雪,还有突然出现的神秘女子,都给了唐三极大的压力。 His incomparable hope strength of present. 现在的他无比的渴望力量。 Good, Little San (three), we will win the time to you full power!” Yu Xiaogang opens the mouth to say. “好,小三,我们会全力给你争取时间!”玉小刚开口道。 At this time, they so long as also believed Tang San. 这个时候,他们也只要相信唐三了。 This they had used all strengths time, is unable to resist Martial Soul Empire. 这一次他们已经是倾尽了所有的力量,也无法对抗武魂帝国 Then, can only the final hope, place the body of Tang San. 那么,只能把最后的希望,放在唐三的身上。 Tang San as the Heaven Dou Empire blue Hao king, is this side the Empire Alliance absolute core, even is the spiritual leader. 唐三作为天斗帝国的蓝昊王,是帝国联盟这一边的绝对核心,甚至是精神领袖。 Tang Gate Clear Sky Sect, Heaven Dou Empire, is Star Luo Empire, has the complicated relations with Tang San. 无论是唐门昊天宗,天斗帝国,还是星罗帝国,都与唐三有着千丝万缕的关系。 Because of Tang San, they can gather in together, together the anti- enemy again. 因为唐三,他们再能汇聚在一起,共同抗敌。 Nearby Emperor Heaven Duo the avalanche, looks that Tang San was so trusted, everyone him initially Savior, its prestige, in the Heaven Duo camp, even tall passed/lived he himself. 一旁的天斗皇帝雪崩,看着唐三如此受人信任,所有人都把他当初救世主,其威望,在天斗阵营中,甚至高过了他自己。 Regarding this phenomenon, as the avalanche of emperor, if did not say that a mood, that is false. 对于这个现象,身为皇帝的雪崩,若是说没有一点情绪的话,那是假的。 However now, he must depend upon Tang San, can preserve the inheritance of Heaven Dou Empire. 但是现在,他必须依靠唐三,才能够保住天斗帝国的传承。 Strength ~ 力量啊~ At this moment, the avalanche also longs for the strength, if oneself have the strength of Titled Douluo rank, how under so will be? 这一刻,雪崩也不禁渴望力量,若是自己拥有封号斗罗级别的实力,岂会如此甘为人下? This idea flashes past in the avalanche heart. 这道想法在雪崩心中一闪而过。 But that flash, wipes the vague black air/Qi, submerged in the body of avalanche. 5873 / 10760069 而那一瞬间,一抹隐晦的黑气,没入了雪崩的身体之中。5873/10760069
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