DDTR :: Volume #8

#706: Plants wickedly

...... ...... Another end of wall of the world, the words of that blue gold form, come just like the god sound penetration space, the space of this side world is trembling. 世界之壁的另一端,那蓝金身影的话语,宛若神音般穿透空间而来,这方天地的空间都在震颤。 Is feeling this greatest pressure, cherry look becomes incomparably dignified, that crazy pupil light also becomes calms down, the eye pupil deep place glitters was dreading. 感受着这个莫大的压力,洛樱神色变得无比凝重,那疯狂的眸光也变得冷静下来,眼眸深处闪烁着忌惮。 Hears outside the words of that gods, cherry is silent. 听到界外那尊神明的话,洛樱沉默不语。 In her eye pupil is glittering hesitant, seemed pondering actually must make a move. 她眼眸中闪烁着犹豫,似乎在思考着究竟要不要出手。 Sea god successor now severe wound dying, a oneself palm, can pat the dead opposite party conveniently. 海神继承人现在重伤垂死,自己随手一掌,就可以拍死对方。 Moreover, was certainly that person of escape route, making his inheritance cut off with this! 而且,更是绝了那人的后路,让他的传承断绝与此! If sea god really broken arrives, then only depends on her present strength, does not have the possibility of achievement certainly! 若是海神真的破界降临,那么仅凭她现在的实力,绝无获胜的可能! The sea god strength is very powerful, even in the god ten thousand gods, is still existence of being the top position. 海神实力很强大,即使在神界万神之中,也是排名前列的存在。 If his true body arrives, by its terrifying strength, a palm can destruction all enemies. 若他的真身降临,以其恐怖的实力,一掌就能够覆灭一切敌人。 Cherry is very clear, god boundary with half god, although is only a difference, but steps forward completely that step, the disparity between this, just like natural moat. 洛樱很清楚,神境与半神,虽说只是一步之差,但完全跨出那一步,这之间的差距,宛若天堑。 Let alone the sea god is in the gods the top powerhouse. 更别说海神乃是众神之中顶尖的强者。 However, the gods are unable to arrive at this, cherry is very clear. 但是,神明是无法降临此界的,洛樱很清楚。 This side world is unable to withstand the strength of god boundary powerhouse, the might and quality of strength of god, far ultra Spirit Power. 这方世界无法承受神境强者的实力,神之力量的威力和质量,远超魂力 This side world cannot withstand the supernatural power, once the has god boundary arrives, world because the strength of carrying/sustaining will exceed the limit to collapse. 这方天地承受不了神力,一旦有神境降临,世界就会因为承载的力量超过极限而崩溃。 Therefore, never having the person of true body upper boundary to arrive at the world of mortals, most also contains a projection of supernatural power. 所以,从来没有上界之人真身降临下界,最多也只是蕴含着一丝神力的投影。 Naturally, breaks through in this world to the person of god boundary, the Shintoism principle that because the breakthrough god boundary has, will reinforce the wall of the world, causes the world sufficiently carrying/sustaining supernatural power principle. 当然,在这个世界突破到神境的人,因为突破神境产生的神道法则,会加固世界之壁,使得世界足以承载神力法则。 However breakthrough to the powerhouse of god boundary, is unable to stay in this side world for a long time, once the resident time is too long, the world because of not being able to withstand the strength will collapse. 但是突破到神境的强者,也无法长期停留在此方世界,一旦停留时间过长,世界就会因为承受不住力量而崩溃。 Therefore in this to become God person, can the flying upwards upper boundary finally. 所以在此界成神的人,最后都会飞升上界。 But sea god, 20,000 years ago in this world to become God, stayed was less than ten years, on flying upwards upper boundary. 而海神,两万年前在这个世界成神,也只是停留了不到十年,就飞升上界。 However, cherry does not dare to continue to act to that sea god successor at this moment. 但是,洛樱此刻也不敢继续对那位海神继承人出手。 Before she 20,000, has had to do with the sea god, loses to his hand, even its terrifying. 她两万前与海神打过交道,败于他手中,甚至其恐怖。 Let alone, the sea god is the indigenous inhabitant who flies upwards from this world, who knows that he does have the special method, the straddling of zones arrives. 更何况,海神乃是从这个世界飞升的土著居民,谁知道他有没有特殊的手段,跨界降临。 The probability that although the sea god arrives is very low, but she does not dare to bet. 尽管海神降临的概率很低,但她还是不敢赌。 Moreover, she at this moment is not the most flourishing condition, if the has god boundary powerhouse arrives at this time, this will affect her plan. 而且,她此刻也不是全盛状态,若是此时有神境强者降临,这将影响到她的计划。 Waits again, but also some time, oneself, so long as restores original cultivating is the boundary, when the time comes this world birth being lost in thought boundary powerhouse, cannot pose any threat even! 再等等,还过些时间,自己只要恢复原有的修为境界,到时候这个世界即使诞生出了神境强者,也构不成任何威胁! In cherry heart has made the choice, decides to bear patiently, but is unwilling looked at that severely wounded sea god successor one. 洛樱心中已经做出了抉择,决定隐忍,但又心有不甘的看了那位重伤的海神继承人一眼。 That suddenly, wipes the astonished color to flash through in her eye pupil. 那一刹那间,一抹惊异的色彩在她的眼眸中闪过。 She discovered, in the body of this sea god successor, had/left beyond the sea god aura, but also has the aura of another share of gods. 她发现,这位海神继承人的身体之中,出了海神的气息之外,还有着另一股神明的气息。 In addition the breath is very at once vague, but was detected by cherry. 另一股气息很隐晦,但还是被洛樱察觉到了。 That aura contains murderous aura of evil spirit, the air/Qi of ominous severe murdering. 那股气息蕴含着凶煞的杀气,凶厉的杀伐之气。 If she has not guessed that wrong, this should be the control slaughters with trial principle the god of Asura. 如果她没有猜错的话,这应该是掌控杀戮与审判法则的修罗之神。 The inheritance of god and sea god Asura appears on a person simultaneously, this lets in cherry heart in great surprise. 修罗之神与海神的传承同时出现在一個人身上,这让洛樱心中大惊。 However later, her corners of the mouth revealed wiped the meaningful smile. 不过随后,她嘴角不由露出了一抹意味深长的笑容。 Sees only, she stretched out the slender jade to refer to secret, a point, the jet black aura shuttled back and forth gently together fast the space, submerged in the body of Tang San. 只见,她暗中伸出了修长的玉指,轻轻一点,一道漆黑的气息快速的穿梭了空间,没入了唐三的身体之中。 Cherry secret movement, because is separated by a world, even if the sea god detected, he cannot make anything. 洛樱这一个隐秘的动作,因为相隔一个世界,海神即使察觉到了,他也不能做些什么。 So long as does not cut to kill Tang San, the sea god will not brave the huge risk straddling of zones to arrive. 只要不是斩杀唐三,海神绝不会冒着巨大的风险跨界降临。 Cherry raised the head, that is scarlet, if bloodstone eye pupil, the line of sight across the wall of the world, looked at that to sparkle the blue gold god form of light/only, the corners of the mouth is bringing back wiped the bright-colored curve. 洛樱抬头,那是赤红若血晶般的眼眸,视线穿过世界之壁,望着那尊闪耀着蓝金神光的身影,嘴角勾起了一抹明艳的弧度。 Hehe ~, these gives you time a face.” “呵呵~,这一次就给你一个面子。” Cherry chuckle was saying, at this moment because of not receiving the oppression of sea god feels to feel bad, instead very happy appearance. 洛樱轻笑着说道,此刻并没有因为受到海神的压迫而感到心中不快,反而很是开心的样子。 In this world does not have the perfect busy thing, the person is also the same, similarly has the weakness, has the endless desire. 这个世界上没有完美无暇的事物,人也一样,同样有着弱点,有着无尽的欲望。 Angry, despair no use, regarding earnestly seeking of strength. 愤怒,无助的绝望,对于力量的渴求。 So long as lax, dark will attack to come. 只要松懈一丝,黑暗就会侵袭而来。 Oneself have planted a seed, anticipates to see very much, the human nature the wicked flowers bloom, that will be the beautiful picture! 自己已经种下了一颗种子,很期待看到,人性之恶的花朵绽放,那将是何等美丽的画面! As her voice falls, the strange black fog fills the air, wrapped her body. 随着她话音一落,诡异的黑雾弥漫而出,包裹住了她的身体。 Cool breeze has blown, the black fog has lifted goes, void already nobody left. 一阵清风吹过,黑雾散去,虚空中已经空无一人。 But in the sea god outside wall of the world, this moment complexion is incomparably dignified. 而处于世界之壁外的海神,此刻面色以是无比凝重。 He somewhat cannot think, initially had been broken to seal by the wickedness of own seal . Moreover the premeditation is bigger. 他有些想不到,当初被自己封印的恶已经破封而出,而且预谋更大。 As the person of upper boundary, the god is unable directly to intervene the situation in the world of mortals, because of the rule of god, is unable to arrive at the world of mortals. 作为上界之人,神无法直接干预下界的事态,因为神界的规则,无法降临下界。 Therefore he also has no means that also deterred the opposite party a moment ago, she recognized luckily instigates. 所以他也没有什么办法,刚才也只是震慑对方,幸好她认怂了。 Otherwise really moves to kill the heart, he also can only look helplessly. 要不然真动起杀心,他也只能眼睁睁看着。 With great difficulty, found one to inherit the person of god position, he does not hope this successor has not become enlightened on the body falls. 好不容易,找到一个可以继承自己神位的人,他可不希望这位继承人还未成道就身陨。 Now the situation in the world of mortals also is really incomparable complex. 现在下界的事态还真是无比的复杂。 Except for his sea god the person of inheritance, but also has the god of angel, the successor of god of demons, is conducting the struggle of the world belief. 除了他海神的继承之人,还有着天使之神,罗刹之神的传人,都在进行世界信仰之争。 Has three gods successors, soon, the world of mortals will be born three god boundaries. 有着三位神明传人,用不了多久,下界就会诞生出三位神境。 The sea god is thinking, if three god boundaries, should be able to prevent that devil the plot. 海神想着,如果是三位神境,应该能够阻止那恶魔的阴谋。 But if their mutual battle, hits life and death, was taken advantage of a mistake by that devil...... 但若是他们相互争斗,打个你死我活,被那恶魔捡漏的话...... Thinks this issue, the sea god has a headache. 一想到这个问题,海神不禁头痛起来。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- As above the vault of heaven that strange black fog has lifted goes, the sky finally restored the light. 随着天穹之上那诡异的黑雾散去,天空终于恢复了光明。 Qian Renxue looks is restoring such as the beginning sky, in the eye pupil reveals incomparably dreads the color. 千仞雪望着恢复如初的天空,眼眸中露出无比忌惮之色。 That woman who evil Spirit Saint teaches was too strong . Moreover, she also felt the sea god aura a moment ago. 魂圣教的那个女人太强了,而且,刚才她还感受到了海神的气息。 This lets in the Qian Renxue heart incomparable shock. 这让千仞雪心中无比的震撼。 She is very clear, if not for the sea god personally acts to retreat in fear that woman, not only Tang San must die, oneself possibly are also in danger. 她很清楚,若不是海神亲自出面吓退那个女人,不仅唐三要死,自己也可能有生命危险。 Thinking, Qian Renxue for own is angry small and weakly, hateful. 一想到着,千仞雪不由为自己的弱小而感到愤怒,可恨。 If oneself have Ceng Yi such strength, if oneself broke through the god boundary, so to be how passive! 若是自己有曾易那样的实力,若是自己突破了神境,怎么会如此被动! Qian Renxue is unwilling, she has the opportunity to exterminate Empire Alliance these to rebel obviously at one fell swoop, but was actually given to destroy. 千仞雪不甘心,她明明有机会一举剿灭帝国联盟这些逆贼,可是却被人给破坏。 Another side, Tang San that crashes from the sky, prompt felt Xiao Wu catches. 另一边,从天空之上坠落的唐三,被及时感到的小舞接住。 Looks at the whole body by the blood, Tang San that the severe wound remains unconscious, the Xiao Wu sad tears is gushing out, in heart incomparable ache. 看着全身以着鲜血,重伤昏迷不醒的唐三,小舞悲泪涌出,心中无比疼痛。 They bring Tang San to return to the ground, Emperor Heaven Duo the avalanche sees own master, Tang San defeats, knows that this their attack fail, announces the withdrawal of troops time immediately. 他们带着唐三回到地面,天斗皇帝雪崩看到自己师父,唐三战败,也知道这一次他们的进攻失败了,立刻宣布了撤军。 The armies of Empire Alliance start just like to remove tidal, Martial Soul Empire here sees the enemy side to retreat, in the heart is greatly is more encouraged, cried out to pursue, wants to annihilate them. 5873 / 10760059 帝国联盟的大军开始宛若潮水般褪去,武魂帝国这边看到敌方撤退,心中更是大受鼓舞,呐喊追击,想要将他们歼灭。5873/10760059
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