DDTR :: Volume #8

#705: Separates confronts

...... ...... It is not good! 不好! Sees the void sudden that female, the Qian Renxue eye opens the eyes greatly, the pupil contracts the needle! 看到虚空中突然出现的那位女子,千仞雪眼睛大睁,瞳孔收缩成针! She somewhat cannot think, this woman will be appearing unexpectedly at this moment. 她有些想不到,这个女人竟然会在此刻出现。 That woman who void goes out , before Qian Renxue , the saintess cherry that meets evil Spirit Saint that teaches in Northern Polar Fields. 虚空中走出的那个女人,正是千仞雪之前在极北之地遇到的邪魂圣教的圣女洛樱。 However, before this time cherry and Qian Renxue, sees seems like some to be not quite same. 不过,此时的洛樱与千仞雪之前见的似乎有些不太一样。 She was not the silver-white long hair, the hair color turned into jet black such as the color in black ink. 她并不是银白色的长发,发色变成了漆黑如墨的颜色。 That moment that cherry presents, Qian Renxue also somewhat suspected, this is she. 洛樱出现的那一刻,千仞雪还有些怀疑,这是不是她。 The aura that but his body lends, Qian Renxue will not forget for a lifetime. 但其身上散发出的气息,千仞雪一辈子都不会忘记。 That hateful face! 还有那张可恨的脸! Qian Renxue as if felt before that woman, is somewhat different. 只是,千仞雪似乎又感觉到了那个女人与之前有些不同。 Words that must speak, before is, in Northern Polar Fields, Qian Renxue can also from this woman, feel aura that is the person. 要说的话,就是之前在极北之地的时候,千仞雪还能够从这个女人身上,感受到了属于人的气息。 But this time cherry, the body does not have that to belong to humane side, the whole body is lending the extremely wicked aura, the bloodthirsty, crazy, desperate and union of death. 但此时的洛樱,身上已经没有了那属于人性的一面,浑身散发着极恶的气息,嗜血,疯狂,绝望与死亡的结合。 It looks like a chaotic joint entity. 就像是一个混乱的结合体。 This makes Qian Renxue feel dreading. 这让千仞雪感到更加的忌惮。 Qian Renxue somewhat does not think clearly, this woman by the Ceng Yi severe wound, can actually the so fast restoration, Qian Renxue not think obviously at this time. 只是,千仞雪有些想不明白,这個女人明明被曾易重伤,竟然能够如此快速的恢复过来,这时千仞雪没有想到的。 Although she had also guarded before, but that is establishes at this war can in the situation of complete steamroll Empire Alliance. 虽然她之前也有所防备,但那是建立在她这一战能够完全碾压帝国联盟的情况下。 The battle efficiency that but Tang San erupts makes Qian Renxue not expect, has been able to fight with her. 可是唐三所爆发的战斗力让千仞雪没有预料到,已经能够与她争锋。 Before and fierce battle of Tang San, has made the Qian Renxue condition not lose most flourishing, Spirit Power has consumed many. 之前与唐三的激烈交战,已经让千仞雪的状态不负全盛,魂力已经消耗很多。 Qian Renxue at this moment to this evil Spirit Saint female words, is not a good aspect. 此刻的千仞雪对上这位邪魂圣女的话,可不是一个好的局面。 Sees only, cherry without hesitation respectively launches the attack to severely wounded Tang San and Qian Renxue. 只见,洛樱毫不犹豫的分别向重伤的唐三千仞雪发动袭击。 That is flooding the deathly stillness and desperate scarlet blood moon/month arc, having the incomparably fearsome aura to cut. 那充斥着死寂与绝望的赤血月弧,带着无比可怖的气息斩来。 This lets in the Qian Renxue heart in great surprise, whole body Spirit Power burns, body as if by golden flame package. 这让千仞雪心中大惊,全身魂力燃烧起来,身体仿佛被金色的火焰包裹。 Although the Qian Renxue body condition is not good, in the mouth bleeds, but wears the gold to fight armor, grasps her of angel Saint sword, but also has strength of the war! 尽管千仞雪身体状态不好,口中喋血,但身披黄金战甲,手持天使圣剑的她,还拥有一战之力! In an instant, the hundred zhang (333 m) golden color sword air/Qi cuts together. 刹那间,一道百丈金色剑气斩出。 Bang! 轰! Fearsome energy complementary waves dispersing, tyrannical strength impact hit above the Qian Renxue tender body. 可怖的能量余波散开,强横的力量冲击撞击在千仞雪娇躯之上。 ~ 噗~ The powerful strength impact wreaks havoc in her body, the vitality turns wells up, later a blood is uncontrolled to emit, the complexion also becomes palely wan. 强悍的力量冲击在她身体中肆虐,气血翻涌,随后一口鲜血不受控制喷吐而出,脸色也变得苍白毫无血色。 Cherry itself/Ben is the peerless boundary, even if Qian Renxue in the heyday, her strength can restrain by force a Qian Renxue head. 洛樱本就是绝世境界,即使千仞雪处于全盛时期,她的实力都能够强压千仞雪一头。 Let alone Qian Renxue has been at the severely wounded condition now, is very difficult to resist the attack of cherry. 更别说现在千仞雪已经处于重伤状态,很难抵挡洛樱的攻击。 Compared with Qian Renxue, Tang San is worse. 比起千仞雪,唐三这边更加糟糕。 A moment ago confrontation with Qian Renxue, although the Xumi hammer of eruption can full power with the Qian Renxue front impact. 刚才与千仞雪的交锋,尽管全力爆发的大须弥锤能够与千仞雪正面碰撞。 But injures to Qian Renxue at the same time, Tang San does not feel better. 但伤到千仞雪的同时,唐三本身也不好过。 Let alone he through exploding the link short time obtains the huge increase, the strength. 更何况他是通过炸环短时间获得巨大的增幅,才拥有的力量。 But now, explodes the increase strength of link to abate, but the intense side effect, swamps into the body with the ache weakly. 但现在,炸环的增幅力量已经消退,而强烈的副作用,虚弱与疼痛涌入身体之中。 This has made Tang San hurry the soul to be torn, the body soon collapses. 这已经让唐三赶紧自己灵魂都被撕裂,身体快要崩溃。 He looks the moon/month arc that belt/bring murderous aura intensely to raid, in the eye pupil has revealed desperately. 他望着那带着强烈杀气的月弧袭来,眼眸中已经露出了绝望。 Tang San the first time is felt that the death left oneself such near. 唐三是第一次感觉到了死亡离自己如此之近。 He wants to make anything, but the body has been incapable, can only look helplessly that is lending the blood moon/month of deathly stillness and desperate aura cuts. 他想要做些什么,可是身体已经无力,只能眼睁睁的看着那散发着死寂与绝望气息的血月斩来。 Is dying? 要死了吗? Tang San closed the eye, the aura of death was being close, although he heart was also unwilling, was actually incapable of revolting. 唐三不禁闭上了眼睛,死亡的气息正在接近,他虽心又不甘,却无力反抗。 But in that blood moon/month cuts to strike soon the bang to fall when the Tang San body, together deep blue ray sparkle. 而就在那血月斩击快要轰落在唐三身上时,一道湛蓝色的光芒闪耀。 That flash, Tang San as if changed to a blue Sun, is full of the brilliance sparkle of strength of vitality. 那一瞬间,唐三仿佛化作了一个蓝色的太阳,充满着生机之力的光辉闪耀。 This aura just like boundless sea, vitality continuously. 这股气息就宛若无垠的大海,生机源源不断。 Has the god mark to appear, the trident mark on Tang San forehead is also glittering the golden ray. 有着神纹显现,唐三额头上的三叉戟印记也闪烁着金色光芒。 A blue guard/shield appears, protects Tang San. 一个蓝色的护罩显现,守护唐三 That fearsome blood moon/month cuts, in this suddenly presented on the blue light screen together. 那可怖的血月斩在了这一道突然出现了蓝色光幕上。 Although this offensive force is together strong, but also cuts together the fissure this sudden light screen, dissipated. 尽管这一道攻击力量强大,但也只是把这突然出现的光幕斩出一道裂痕,就消散了。 The sudden mutation, lets cherry, Qian Renxue of not far away has a scare. 突然的异变,让洛樱,还有不远处的千仞雪都吓了一跳。 Tang San was shocked, later a being survivor of disaster joy well ups. 唐三愣住了,随后一股劫后余生的欣喜涌上心头。 At present, a fine exquisite cover float before the body, is sending out deep blue brilliance, just like the endless sea, has the inestimable energy. 眼前,一个精致小巧的罩子漂浮在身前,散发着湛蓝色的光辉,宛若无尽大海般,有着不可估量的能量。 Desert universe cover!” “瀚海乾坤罩!” Tang San makes noise surprisedly, he has not thought, finally was such a treasure saved itself unexpectedly. 唐三惊讶出声,他没有想到,最后竟然是这么一件宝物救了自己。 This desert universe cover, is Heaven Duo imperial family the treasure , before is Tang San goes to sea to go to Sea God Island, former generation Emperor Heaven Duo donates he. 这件瀚海乾坤罩,乃是天斗皇室的镇国之宝,是唐三出海前往海神岛前,上代天斗皇帝赠予他。 Later Tang San also understood the true feature of this desert universe cover. 之后唐三也了解了这件瀚海乾坤罩的真正面目。 It is actually the sea god treasure, just like the sea god trident, is the divine tool. 它其实乃是海神的宝物,与海神三叉戟一样,都属于神器。 In sea, Tang San first time time of running into the sea overlord deep sea demon whale king, in the crisis moment, this desert universe cover inspired the sea god to arrive, made him escape from deep sea demon whale Wangkou. 在大海上,唐三第一次遇到大海霸主深海魔鲸王的时候,在危机关头,这件瀚海乾坤罩引动了海神降临,才让他从深海魔鲸王口中逃过一劫。 Tang San has not thought, this desert universe cover saved itself once again. 只是,唐三没有想到,这一次瀚海乾坤罩又一次救了自己。 Not is only the desert universe cover, the divine tool, sea god trident time also sparkle blue gold is glorious, as if had the resonance with the desert universe cover. 不仅是瀚海乾坤罩,就连神器,海神三叉戟这一次也闪耀蓝金光辉,似乎与瀚海乾坤罩发生了共鸣。 The strength of powerful vitality makes Tang San at this moment look like by the sea mothers to the bosom, injury also obtains the fast cure. 强大的生机之力使得唐三此刻就像是被大海母亲给怀抱,身上的伤势也得到快速的治愈。 Really is the disgusting aura! You damn!” “真是令人厌恶的气息!你该死!” Cherry felt this human sea god aura, immediately made her violent anger incomparable, the jet black long hair fluttered with everywhere malignant influences, in the eye is glittering the scarlet blood glow of to terrify person. 洛樱感受到了这个人类身上的海神气息,顿时让她暴怒无比,漆黑的长发随着漫天的煞气飘扬,眼中闪烁着瘆人的猩红血芒。 The sea god aura, before letting she remembered 20,000 the humiliation. 海神的气息,让她想起了两万前的屈辱。 This time she is impossible to make the sea god recover again! 这一次她不可能再让海神再次复苏! Dies to the main body!” “给本尊死!” Nine Spirit Ring appear in turn, erupted the vast fearsome aura, the jet black demon air/Qi turned wells up, but shortly, the vault of heaven was covered dark. 九个魂环依次显现而出,爆发出了浩瀚可怖的气息,漆黑的魔气翻涌,不过顷刻间,天穹都被黑暗覆盖。 That uniform scarlet Spirit Ring, nine 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, has a scare Tang San. 那清一色的赤红魂环,九个十万年魂环,把唐三都吓了一跳。 He does not know that actually that person is, this world actually also has the so terrifying person! 他不知道那人究竟是谁,这个世间竟然还有着如此恐怖的人! Void, the endless darkness condensed a strange form, just like the god of death, seemed like in world all extremely wicked aggregate. 虚空中,无尽的黑暗凝聚成了一道诡异的身影,宛若死亡之神,似乎是世间一切极恶的聚集体。 On cherry face has the fierce happy expression, both hands to dance the jet black long sickle to cut to Tang San. 洛樱脸上带着狰狞的笑意,双手舞着漆黑长镰对着唐三斩下。 Sees only, void that say/way strange form, the giant evil behind-the-scenes manipulator grasps void, the endless demon air/Qi condenses a great sickle, cuts Tang San. 只见,虚空中的那道诡异身影,巨大黑手虚空一握,无尽的魔气凝聚成一把巨镰,斩下唐三 The fearsome great sickle, easily the sky of tearing, the bang falls on the light screen of that desert universe cover. 可怖的巨镰,轻易撕裂的天空,轰落在那瀚海乾坤罩的光幕上。 Even if the light cover has the strength of endless sea, but this blade, even the sea cuts off sufficiently. 哪怕光罩拥有着无尽的海洋之力,但这一刀,连海洋都足以斩断。 How to be how terrifying! 怎么会如何恐怖! In Tang San heart in great surprise, although body by strength of restore huge vitality, but he was unable to resist with this blade at this moment. 唐三心中大惊,尽管身体被庞大的生机之力修复,但他此刻已经无法能与这一刀对抗。 The might is extremely terrifying. 其威力太过恐怖。 But that blue light screen, was cut by this blade, but insisted the moment, on the light screen covered entirely the innumerable fissures. 而那蓝色光幕,被这一刀斩中,不过坚持了片刻,光幕上就布满了无数裂痕。 Bang ~ 嘭~ The next quarter, this light screen is torn to pieces just like the mirror. 下一刻,这光幕就宛若镜子般支离破碎。 Although the desert universe cover kept off overwhelming majority might, but remaining complementary waves, made the Tang San body soon collapse, in the mouth the blood spouted again and again, the body flew upside down. 虽然瀚海乾坤罩挡下了绝大部分威力,但剩下的余波,也让唐三身体快要崩溃,口中鲜血连连喷出,身体倒飞出去。 Strikes merely, soon his life. 仅仅只是一击,就快要了他的命。 To pursue in cherry again, cuts kills Tang San the time, her body stiffened suddenly. 就在洛樱想要再次追击,斩杀唐三的时候,她身体突然僵住了。 A greatest oppression arrived in her cherry turned around, raises head to look at the vault of heaven, in the scarlet pupil, is glittering intense being unwilling and hates. 一股莫大的压迫降临在了她的身上洛樱转身,仰头望着天穹,赤瞳之中,闪烁着强烈的不甘与憎恶。 Sea god!” “海神!” She said this name with clenched jaws. 她咬牙切齿的说出这个名字。 That profound pupil light, as if penetrated the space, penetrated the world. 那深邃的眸光,似乎透过了空间,穿透了世界。 Cherry saw that blue gold brilliance form, he stands in another, similarly is gazing at itself just like the sea profound eye pupil. 洛樱看到了那蓝金光辉的身影,他站在另一间,同样宛若大海般深邃的眼眸注视着自己。 „Do you dare to arrive?” “你敢降临吗?” Cherry laughs, in the eye pupil is flooding the color of ridicule. 洛樱大笑,眼眸中充斥着讥讽之色。 You may try greatly!” “你大可一试!” That is situated in the blue gold empty shadow outside wall of the world, the light opens the mouth, in the sound has the indisputable tone, just like the sound of deity, has the infinite dignity. 5873 / 10562560 那立于世界之壁外的蓝金虚影,淡淡开口,声音中带着不可置疑的语气,宛若天神之音,有着无穷的威严。5873/10562560
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