DDTR :: Volume #8

#704: The showdown of fate!

...... ...... Bang! 轰隆! The golden god thunder falls from the day together, shells on that giant sky hammer. 一道金色神雷从天而落,轰击在那巨大的昊天锤上。 The terrifying strength makes the Tang San body vitality turn wells up, as if the whole body skeleton must break. 恐怖的力量使得唐三身体气血翻涌,似乎浑身骨骸都要散架。 His body flying upside down goes, in the mouth bleeds. 他身体倒飞而去,口中喋血。 Even if other six strange Spirit Power melt in his one, the strength rises suddenly doubled and re-doubled, but as before is not the Qian Renxue opponent! 即使其他六怪的魂力都融于他一身,力量成倍暴涨,但依旧不是千仞雪的对手! „It is not good, but also insufficiently!” “不行,还不够!” The Tang San whole body is overflowing the blood, goes crazy to raise blue, in the eye pupil is glittering the scarlet ray. 唐三全身都溢着血,蓝发狂扬,眼眸中闪烁着赤红的光芒。 At this moment, has had him of name of calm wisdom, is unable to keep calm, reason soon crazy embezzling. 此刻,一直有着冷静智慧之称的他,也无法在保持冷静,理智快要被疯狂给吞没。 , Qian Renxue has been he becomes Spirit Master since without a doubt, the most powerful opponent, must compel the limit him. 毫无疑问的,千仞雪是他成为魂师以来,最为强大的一位对手,已经要把他逼到极限。 99 levels of peerless boundaries extremely in the great strength, are not the disparities that the common method can make up. 九十九级的绝世境界太过于强大,已经不是寻常的手段就可以弥补的差距。 Let alone, Qian Renxue inherited the inheritance of god of angel, the god and the sea god angel is existence of same rank, she also has the divine tool, comprehends the masterstroke/divine skill. 更何况,千仞雪还是继承了天使之神的传承,天使之神与海神属于同一级别的存在,她也有着神器,领悟神技。 Qian Renxue of half god, she of being relentless, regarding Tang San, seems an insurmountable mountain. 半神的千仞雪,毫不留情的她,对于唐三来说,仿佛就是一座不可逾越的大山。 Tang San, if this is your limit, then please die in this!” 唐三,如果这就是你的极限,那么就请死在这吧!” The Qian Renxue sound just like the brutal deity, announced the side to Tang San. 千仞雪的声音宛若无情的天神,对唐三宣布了身旁。 She grasps the bright Saint sword, dazzling light just like Sun, magnificent infinite, the invincible might is unapproachable. 她手持光明圣剑,耀眼的光明宛若太阳般,辉煌无限,神威无可匹敌。 Cuts!” “斩!” Qian Renxue loudly shouts, the bright Saint sword cuts, has the god mark to reappear, a sword might, as if cuts off the vault of heaven fully. 千仞雪大喝一声,光明圣剑斩下,有着神纹浮现,一剑威力,足仿佛斩断天穹。 The hundred zhang (333 m) golden color sword air/Qi cuts, making Tang San feel the palpitation. 百丈金色剑气斩下,让唐三感到心悸。 He soon could not have insisted, but even so, brandishes the sky hammer bang of winding thunder to go. 他已经快要坚持不住,但即使如此,还是挥舞着缠绕雷霆的昊天锤轰去。 Bang! 砰! The powerful impact strength, in the sky presented sonic barriers, just like ripple proliferation. 强悍的冲击力道,天空中出现了一圈圈的音障,宛若波纹般扩散。 The Tang San body just like the bird of flap, falls toward under. 唐三身体就宛若折翼之鸟,向着下方落去。 Third Brother!” “三哥!” Xiao Wu sees the Tang San so frigid appearance, immediately felt the grieved desire cracks, the sad tears gush out from the eye socket, then wants to be separated from the strategy, to the Tang San side. 小舞看到唐三这般惨烈的模样,顿时感到心痛欲裂,悲泪从眼眶中涌出,即可就想要脱离阵法,到唐三身边去。 Xiao Wu! Believes him!” 小舞!相信他!” Dai Mubai sees Xiao Wu to clash, immediately loudly shouts. 戴沐白小舞想要冲出去,立刻大喝一声。 If Xiao Wu is separated from the strategy, their seven body fusion techniques, will crash instantaneously. 若是小舞脱离阵法,他们这个七位一体融合技,就会瞬间崩塌。 When the time comes, without in addition of strategy held, the Tang San situation will be more dangerous. 到时候,没有了阵法的加持,唐三的情况就会更加危险。 Crash Tang San, is exhausted he, heard shouting from spousal Xiao Wu. 坠落的唐三,已经是精疲力竭的他,听到了来自爱人小舞的呼喊。 Originally soon in oil completely lamp dry body, gushed out a strength. 原本快要油尽灯枯的身体之中,又涌出了一股力量。 Tang San consciousness comes soberly, puts out under various sausage stuttering that Oscar gives. 唐三意识清醒过来,拿出奥斯卡给的各种香肠一口吃下。 In a twinkling, the boundless Spirit Power fluctuation surges, nine Spirit Ring twinkles bloomed the incomparably dazzling ray. 霎时间,磅礴的魂力波动涌动而出,九个魂环闪烁绽放出了无比耀眼的光芒。 Explodes the link!” “炸环!” Tang San calls out one, attaches to explode in first Spirit Ring of Martial Soul blue silver emperor, changed- Spirit Power that rushes, spilled into his body. 唐三暴喝一声,附加在武魂蓝银皇上的第一个魂环爆开,化作了-澎湃的魂力,涌进了他的身体之中。 In an instant, the Tang San body erupted the dazzling blue gold brilliance, on the volume heart the mark of that trident, bloomed sparkingly the endless invincible might. 刹那间,唐三身上爆发出了耀眼的蓝金光辉,额心上那三叉戟的印记,也闪亮绽放出无尽神威。 Bang whish! 轰哗! The blue gold light beam that shoots up to the sky together, the rushing aura, just like vast ocean, the sky was cast light upon the blue glow. 一道冲天而起的蓝金光柱,滂湃的气息,宛若汪洋大海,天空都被照映成了蓝辉。 Tang San grasps the sky hammer, shoots up to the sky, the body has the greatest imposing manner. 唐三手持昊天锤,冲天而起,身上带着莫大的气势。 The soul technique of Tang San use, is the Clear Sky Sect founder, once three certainly one, soul technique that Tang Chen sets the record. 唐三使用的这个魂技,乃是昊天宗创始人,曾经的三绝之一,唐晨所创下的魂技。 Exploding of link Xumi hammer ultimate deep meaning! 大须弥锤终极奥义之炸环! As the name suggests, blasts Spirit Ring, in a short time received exchange for the extremely powerful strength. 顾名思义,就是炸掉自身魂环,在短时间内换取极其强大的力量。 However, the side effect of this soul technique is also very powerful. 不过,这个魂技的副作用也是非常强大。 Although passed exploded the link, combustion Spirit Power receiving in exchange surpassed the limit the strength, but later some time of meeting, is unable to use the soul technique, the body can be at an extremely weak condition. 虽然通过了炸环,燃烧魂力换取超越极限的力量,但之后会的一段时间,将无法使用魂技,身体会处于一個极其虚弱的状态。 However at this time, Tang San could not have controlled so many, he must have the powerful strength, must defeat Qian Renxue. 但是此时,唐三已经管不了这么多了,他必须要拥有强大的力量,必须要战胜千仞雪 If she is not even able to be defeated, how his Tang San will overthrow Martial Soul Empire, how is the family member, is the friend, revenges for the lover? 若是连她都无法打败,那他唐三将如何推翻武魂帝国,如何为家人,为朋友,为爱人报仇? Feels the energy in the body being full, Tang San knows, these strengths resist Qian Renxue merely, but also insufficiently! 感受着身体内充盈的能量,唐三知道,仅仅这些力量对抗千仞雪,还不够! Afterward, Spirit Ring blast one after another, changed to the inexhaustible Spirit Power vastness, swamps into the body of Tang San. 随后,魂环一个接一个的炸开,化作了无穷无尽的魂力汪洋,涌入唐三的身体之中。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, a giant blue gold colored light column shoots up to the sky, enters in the vault of heaven. 刹那间,一道巨大的蓝金色光柱冲天而起,直入天穹之中。 The blue gold god splendor casts light upon the world, as if the sea appears. 蓝金神辉照映天地,仿佛大海显现出来。 Tang San goes crazy to raise at this moment blue, the body sparkles the blue gold to be glorious, is near just like the god! 唐三此刻蓝发狂扬,身体闪耀着蓝金光辉,宛若神临! Unequalled terrifying aura, invincible might infinite big. 无与伦比的恐怖气息,神威无限之大。 As if, Tang San this moment incarnation for true gods. 仿佛,唐三此刻化身为了真正的神明。 How can!” “怎么会!” Qian Renxue stared in a big way the eye, cannot believe. 千仞雪瞪大了眼睛,不敢相信。 The aura that Tang San erupts at this moment, has caught up with her, making her feel the palpitation. 唐三此刻爆发出的气息,已经直追上她,让她都感到了心悸。 Fights!” “来战!” The body of Tang San broke in the clouds, is situated in the vault of heaven. 唐三的身体重新冲入了云霄,立于天穹。 The strength of rushing is full the body, blasts strength that nine Spirit Ring combustion Spirit Power trade, lets he at this moment incomparable self-confidence. 澎湃的力量充盈着身体,炸掉九个魂环燃烧魂力换来的力量,让他此刻无比的自信。 Bang! 轰隆! Above the vault of heaven, the royal purple thunder thunders, the thunder and lightning winding on the sky hammer that Tang San lifts up high, the powerful incomparable strength aura fills the air. 天穹之上,蓝紫色的雷霆轰鸣,雷电缠绕在唐三高举的昊天锤身上,强悍无比的力量气息弥漫而出。 The sky produced the ripples, this strength is extremely astonishing! 天空都产生了涟漪,这股力量太过惊人! But Spirit Ring of that winding on sky hammer, is only Spirit Ring, Spirit Ring from 100,000 years of soul beast Titan Great Ape. 而那缠绕在昊天锤上的魂环,也是唯一的魂环,来自十万年魂兽泰坦巨猿魂环 The Martial Soul sky hammer's first soul technique, the strength of Titan! 武魂昊天锤第一魂技,泰坦之力! As that scarlet Spirit Ring blooms the intensely bright brilliance, the unequalled strength halo spreads together. 随着那赤红的魂环绽放出耀眼夺目的光彩,一道无与伦比的力量光环扩散而出。 The sky is trembling, this pinnacle powerful strength fluctuated, making the space twist, formed the pinnacle force field. 天空在震颤,这极致强悍的力量波动,让空间都在扭曲,形成了极致的力场。 Throws over pneumatic hammer law randomly- Xumi hammer!” “乱披风锤法-大须弥锤!” Tang San drinks greatly, the Martial Soul sky hammer changes to big of hundred zhang (333 m), twines the innumerable thunder, just like day punishing hammer. 唐三大喝,武魂昊天锤化作百丈之大,缠绕无数雷霆,宛若天罚之锤。 That huge sky hammer suppression, white sonic barriers just like ripple dispersing, the terrifying force field, making Qian Renxue feel that the body is trembling. 那巨大的昊天锤镇压而下,一道道白色音障宛若波纹般散开,恐怖的力场,让千仞雪都感到身体在震颤。 This strength is too strong, has been able to threaten her. 这股力量太强,已经能够威胁到她。 Qian Renxue does not know that actually Tang San depends upon what method, can promote to be able own strength with the peerless boundary that he is a worthy opponent. 千仞雪不知道唐三究竟是依靠什么手段,能够把自身力量提升到可以与他匹敌的绝世境界。 Tang San at this moment, she cannot underestimate in the contempt. 此刻的唐三,她已经不能够在轻视小看。 Tang San! You are really an emperor unify on the mainland battle path the thorniest opponent!” 唐三!你果然是本帝统一大陆征途上最为棘手的对手!” Therefore, you must die today here!” “所以,你今天一定要死在这里!” Qian Renxue at this moment, erupted the complete strength finally, showed the real stance! 千仞雪此刻,也终于爆发出了自己全部的力量,展现出真实姿态! The golden brilliance sparkle, six wing angel true bodies appear, three teams of dozens zhang (3.33 m) spacious wings wield the show/unfolds, dispersing everywhere white feather was faded and fallen! 金色光辉闪耀,六翼天使真身显现,三队数十丈宽大的羽翼挥展,散开了漫天白羽飘零! Before, Ceng Yi has said with Qian Renxue, do not look down on Heaven Dou Empire, Tang San is she biggest opponent. 之前,曾易就与千仞雪说过,不要小瞧天斗帝国,唐三将会是她最大的对手。 At that time, although Qian Renxue contacted not many with Tang San, but also knew it is very outstanding talent Spirit Master. 那时,千仞雪虽然与唐三接触不多,但也知晓其是一个非常优秀的天才魂师 The warning of Ceng Yi, Qian Renxue has not cared. 只是,曾易的警告,千仞雪并没有放在心上。 Qian Renxue is very arrogant, in this world, besides Ceng Yi, she does not think also some people able with her simultaneous/uniform shoulder. 千仞雪无比高傲,这个世上,除了曾易之外,她不认为还有人能够与她齐肩。 But this time, she knows finally, actually Ceng Yi spoke the words is what meaning. 但这一次,她终于知晓,曾易说得话究竟是什么意思了。 This Tang San, really has to be above the method of average man. 这个唐三,真的有着超乎常人的手段。 The showdown of fate! 宿命的对决! Enhances one another's beauty with the brilliance of gold/metal blue, boundless sky blue with gold/metal two color separations, as if formed two world. 蓝与金的光辉交相辉映,无垠的天空被蓝与金两种颜色分隔,似乎形成了两个世界。 Qian Renxue double grasps the divine tool angel Saint sword, the sword blade is sparkling incomparably dazzling golden brilliance, the invincible might sparkle, has the infinite prestige energy. 千仞雪双手持着神器天使圣剑,剑身闪耀出无比炫目的金色光辉,神威闪耀,有着无穷的威能。 Under shining of golden god splendor, Qian Renxue as if changed to the gods, surpasses this world. 在金色神辉的照耀下,千仞雪仿佛化作了神明,超出凡尘。 The golden light beam that shoots up to the sky together enters the vault of heaven, ripples shake in the space. 一道冲天而起的金色光柱直入天穹,一道道涟漪在空间中震荡。 „The sword of big angel!” “大天使之剑!” Qian Renxue drinks greatly, the golden god splendor condenses, but six wing angels, the hand sword of hundred zhang (333 m) golden color light, cuts to fall under. 千仞雪大喝,金色神辉凝聚而出的六翼天使,手中的百丈金色光明之剑,斩落而下。 Side is the sparkle golden color is glorious, has infinite energy the sword of big angel just like Sun! 一边是闪耀金色光辉,宛若太阳般有着无穷能量的大天使之剑! Another side is the winding bluish violet thunder, the giant hammer of blue gold ray sparkle, Xumi hammer! 另一边则是缠绕蓝紫雷霆,蓝金光芒闪耀的巨大之锤,大须弥锤! Bang! 砰! Rumble- 轰隆隆- At that moment, as if the world crashes. 那一刻,仿佛世界都崩塌。 The confrontation of sword and hammer, the sky was hit to split! 剑与锤的交锋,天空都被打裂开! The terrifying energy complementary waves, the air wave turned wells up, changed to the endless strong winds, just like ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) tsunami, wreaking havoc space. 恐怖的能量余波,气浪翻涌,化作了无尽的狂风,宛若万丈海啸,肆虐空间。 That incomparably fearsome aura, at that moment under all fights, in this time stop as if by prior agreement. 那无比可怖的气息,那一刻下方所有的战斗,都在此时不约而同的停止。 ! 噗! The terrifying impulse bang hits above strategy that in Shrek six form strangely. 恐怖的冲击力轰撞在史莱克六怪结成的阵法之上。 However shortly, the strategy was given to destroy by this incomparably tyrannical strength complementary waves, the terrifying energy complementary waves impact in their six people, as if looks like by the meteorite hit. 不过顷刻间,阵法就被这股无比强横的力量余波给打碎,恐怖的能量余波冲击在他们六人身上,仿佛就像是被陨石撞击。 The terrifying strength makes them feel that the body must collapse, the blood puts out again and again, the body was shaken by the tyrannical storm flies several hundred meters. 恐怖的力道让他们感到身体都要崩溃,鲜血连连吐出,身体被强横的风暴震飞数百米。 But in the meantime, void was cut an opening, a wonderful graceful slender physique treads, is situated in above the vault of heaven. 而就在此时,虚空中被划开了一道口子,一位妙曼窈窕的身姿踏出,立于天穹之上。 Really is the splendid fight, you who carry the Spiritual God aura, flesh and soul certainly delicacy ~ “真是精彩的战斗,身负神灵气息的你们,想必血肉与灵魂一定更加的美味吧~” The face that the mysterious female who this presents, her monster flatters brings a paleness, but in the eye actually glitters is being crazy and cruel. 这出现的神秘女子,她那妖媚的面庞带着一丝苍白,但眼中却闪烁着疯狂与暴戾。 Her corners of the mouth bring back slightly wipe the curve, the bright red tongue licked the lip unrestrainedly, in the eye revealed hunger and thirst and greedy. 她嘴角微微勾起一抹弧度,鲜红的舌头情不自禁的舔了舔嘴唇,眼中流露出了一丝饥渴与贪婪。 In the white hands is grasping the long sickle that is lending the unclear and strange aura wields cuts. 玉手中握着散发着不详与诡异气息的长镰挥斩。 In a twinkling, the space of two terrifying scarlet moon/month arc tearing, brings to extinguish lonesome, the aura of death cut toward Tang San and Qian Renxue. 5873 / 10561843 霎时间,两道恐怖的猩红月弧撕裂的空间,带着灭寂,死亡的气息向着唐三千仞雪斩去。5873/10561843
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