DDTR :: Volume #8

#703: The chaotic battlefield, does the victory start to incline?

...... ...... Bang! 轰隆! Golden Saint dragon that giant body bang falls in the bloodstained land, the ground trembles. 黄金圣龙那巨大的身躯轰落在染血的大地上,地面震颤。 Do not think that your evil livestock can reckless make the unseemly behavior here!” “别以为你这孽畜可以在这里胡作妄为!” The Hu Liena cold sound passes on the sound in the space, shakes. 胡列娜冷冽的声音在空间中传响,震荡开来。 She and Elder Brother evil moon/month two people Martial Soul Martial Soul fusion technique, the monster charm, will make two people combine into one, turns into a brand-new stance. 她与哥哥邪月两人的武魂武魂融合技,妖魅,会使两人合而为一,变成一个全新的姿态。 Two people Martial Soul, Spirit Power fuses one person, can erupt the unequalled strength. 两人武魂,魂力相融合成一人,可以爆发出无与伦比的力量。 Initially, the Martial Soul fusion technique of Hu Liena and evil moon/month demonstrated before the world for the first time, at the past entire mainland Spirit Master school congress. 当初,胡列娜与邪月的武魂融合技第一次在世人面前展示,是在当年的全大陆魂师学院大会上。 Although two people lost to Tang San, but that is also because Tang San is the child of destiny, this cannot explain that their Martial Soul fusion technique is not good. 虽然两人败给了唐三,不过那也是因为唐三乃是天命之子,这并不能说明他们的这个武魂融合技就不行。 Let alone, Tang San was also all -out effort the full power, but also carried the severe wound, won to compete to win reluctantly. 更何况,唐三也是拼劲了全力,还身负重伤,勉强赢下比赛胜利。 The previous time, two people combine into one, the leading fight, is the evil moon/month. 上一次,两人合而为一,主导战斗的,是邪月。 But this time, the evil moon/month is only the Spirit Saint boundary, but Hu Liena is over 80 levels Spirit Douluo. 但这一次,邪月不过只是魂圣境界,而胡列娜已经是八十级以上的魂斗罗 The fight leading power, naturally arrived at her body. 战斗主导权,自然来到了她的身上。 Present Hu Liena, has wheted the rich fight experience at slaughtering, in addition has the deicide domain, the strength is today we are no longer as we have been. 如今的胡列娜,早就在杀戮之都磨砺出了丰富的战斗经验,加上拥有杀神领域,实力已经是今非昔比。 The strength of under two people Martial Soul fusion technique, erupting, endures to compare Titled Douluo sufficiently. 两人的武魂融合技之下,爆发出的力量,足以堪比封号斗罗 Kills!” “杀!” Hu Liena that blood-color long goes crazy to raise at this time, grasps the blade of full moon, holds in in addition of deicide domain, just like bloodstained female martial God. 胡列娜此时那一头血色长发狂扬,手持圆月之刃,在杀神领域的加持下,宛若一尊染血的女武神。 Being puzzled of monster fox! 妖狐之惑! The golden Saint dragon angrily roars, is planning to attacking own Spirit Master counter-attack. 黄金圣龙怒吼着,正打算向袭击自己的魂师反击。 But that flash, its pair of golden dragon Tong caught wiped pink, got up distracted. 可是那一瞬间,它那双金色龙瞳染上了一抹粉红,精神恍惚起来。 Hu Liena used itself to attract the soul technique, in the big dragon absent-minded that flash, launched the attack. 胡列娜使用了自己魅惑魂技,在巨龙失神的那一瞬间,发动了攻击。 In a twinkling, one blood moon/month tore the space, cuts to the golden Saint dragon. 霎时间,一轮血月撕裂了空间,斩向黄金圣龙。 Yu Xiaogang three people of Martial Soul fusion techniques the golden Saint dragon strength is also extremely powerful, quick shook off the control of attracting. 玉小刚三人的武魂融合技所化的黄金圣龙实力也是极其强大,很快就挣脱了魅惑的控制。 But when sobers, before that blood moon/month cuts to strike has rushed to the body . 但清醒过来时,那血月斩击已经冲到身前。 Bang! 轰! The build of golden Saint dragon is huge, the short distance is not so able to dodge, can only receive this move hardly. 黄金圣龙的体型过于庞大,如此近距离根本无法闪躲,只能硬接下这一招。 However fortunately, the defense attribute of golden Saint dragon is very high, although this move of blood moon/month cuts to strike very strongly, but is not fatal. 不过还好,黄金圣龙的防御属性很高,尽管这一招血月斩击很强,但还不致命。 Yu Xiaogang starts to control the golden Saint dragon to counter-attack. 玉小刚开始操控黄金圣龙进行反击。 In Golden Iron Triangle, Yu Xiaogang holds the post of the corner/horn of wisdom, Flender holds the post of the corner/horn of flight, Liu Erlong holds the post of the corner/horn of fight. 黄金铁三角中,玉小刚担任智慧之角,弗兰德担任飞行之角,柳二龙担任战斗之角。 Three people of Martial Soul fusion techniques, actually at the mysterious strength, making the Martial Soul Luo three artillery bloodlines of Yu Xiaogang transform to become the golden Saint dragon. 三人的武魂融合技,实际就是以着玄奥的力量,使玉小刚武魂罗三炮血脉蜕变成为黄金圣龙。 But Luo three artillery Yu Xiaogang Martial Soul. 而罗三炮正是玉小刚武魂 Therefore, the golden Saint dragon that three people of Martial Soul fusion techniques are born, is in fact controlled the fight by Yu Xiaogang . 所以,三人的武魂融合技诞生的黄金圣龙,实际上都是由玉小刚操控战斗。 However, Yu Xiaogang is only a master theoretician, by fight experience, not Taihang. 但是,玉小刚只是一个理论大师,论战斗经验,根本就不太行。 Their Martial Soul fusion technique, stronger on many compared with the Martial Soul fusion techniques of two people. 他们三人的武魂融合技,比起两个人的武魂融合技是要强上许多的。 At the same time is two over 80 levels Spirit Douluo adds a Spirit Power fusion of over 50 levels Spirit King. 要知道,一边可是两位八十级以上的魂斗罗加一个五十级以上魂王魂力融合。 But another side, but Spirit Saint adds the Spirit Power fusion of Spirit Douluo. 而另一边,只是魂圣魂斗罗魂力融合。 The golden Saint dragon ought to display about 93 levels of Titled Douluo battle efficiencies, can suppress this is 92 levels of poisonous douluo alone this solitary one abundant. 黄金圣龙本应能够发挥出大约九十三级封号斗罗的战斗力,能够压制本为九十二级的毒斗罗独孤博。 But the Martial Soul fusion technique of Hu Liena and evil moon/month, takes two people present cultivating as the boundary, most can display about 91 levels of Titled Douluo strengths the degree. 胡列娜与邪月的武魂融合技,以两人现在的修为境界,最多能够发挥出大约九十一级封号斗罗力量的程度。 But the golden Saint dragon under the control of Yu Xiaogang , hits with Hu Liena unexpectedly inextricably involved, being true somewhat wastes this strength. 可是黄金圣龙在玉小刚的操控下,竟然与胡列娜打得难解难分,属实是有些浪费这股力量。 But Hu Liena, now was not the pure young girl who anything did not understand initially. 胡列娜,如今也不是当初什么也不懂的单纯少女了。 She has known, the golden Saint dragon that now face, that name shook the Spirit Master World temporary Golden Iron Triangle combination in the past. 她已经知道,现在自己面对的这条黄金圣龙,乃是当年那個名震魂师界一时的黄金铁三角组合。 Their three people can shake Spirit Master World, depended is this move of Martial Soul fusion technique. 他们三人能够名震魂师界,靠的就是这一招武魂融合技。 Moreover, Yu Xiaogang in three people, are her Master Hu Liena, now Pope Bibi Dong first love. 而且,三人中的玉小刚,还是她胡列娜师父,当今教皇比比东的初恋情人。 However, he actually betrayed the master, even have not discussed with the woman fiery. 但是,他却背叛了师父,甚至还和别得女人谈得火热。 This made in the Hu Liena heart angrier, wishes one could to kill this heartless person, revenged for the master. 这让胡列娜心中更是愤怒,恨不得杀了这个负心之人,为师父报仇。 Perhaps because of such mood, Hu Liena even can also suppress this golden Saint dragon. 或许是因为这样的情绪,胡列娜甚至还能够压制这黄金圣龙。 The battlefield above sky. 天空之上的战场。 Has the golden god alligator to lend the incomparable evil spirit aura, the trembling vault of heaven. 有黄金神鳄散发出无比凶煞气息,震颤天穹。 „The dust boy, these must bury you in this time!” “尘家小子,这一次一定要将你埋藏于此!” Golden Crocodile Douluo imitates, if the incarnation god alligator, the whole body lends wild permanent ancient evil spirit aura, golden splendor sparkles, kills toward Sword Douluo Chen Xin. 金鳄斗罗仿若化身神鳄,浑身散发出蛮荒恒古的凶煞气息,金辉闪耀,向着剑斗罗尘心杀去。 When previous Golden Crocodile Douluo leads the army attacks Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, in Chen Xin this is small on a he generation of manpower, is fed up the pain. 上一次金鳄斗罗率大军攻打七宝琉璃宗之时,在尘心这个小他一辈的人手上,吃尽苦。 As 98 levels of Titled Douluo, loses to junior's hand unexpectedly, this makes Golden Crocodile Douluo take to heart. 身为九十八级封号斗罗,竟然败于小辈之手,这让金鳄斗罗一直耿耿于怀。 Moreover, Qian Renxue has ordered, does not permit to act to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, this makes him be hard to take revenge. 而且,千仞雪已经下了命令,不准对七宝琉璃宗出手,这让他难以复仇。 But this time, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect jumps in this war unexpectedly on own initiative. 可这一次,七宝琉璃宗竟然主动跳进这场战争。 He was worrying does not have the means to cope with Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, scrubs the humiliation, never expected that the opposite party delivers unexpectedly on own initiative. 他正愁着没有办法对付七宝琉璃宗,洗刷屈辱,没想到对方竟然主动送上门来。 This time, even if the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect person cuts to extinguish in this, the empress will not say anything. 这一次,就算是吧七宝琉璃宗的人斩灭于此,女帝也不会多说些什么。 This is they courts death! 这是他们自己找死! Facing the attack of Golden Crocodile Douluo, the Chen Xin complexion is indifferent, fearless all, hold the sword to meet head-on! 面对金鳄斗罗的进攻,尘心面色淡然,无惧一切,持剑迎战! Under ruined family, dares to put the boastful talk greatly?” Chen Xin sneers, in seven kills domain in addition to hold, pinnacle attack, a sword might sufficiently cracking day. “不过手下败家,也敢大放狂言?”尘心冷笑,在七杀领域的加持下,极致的攻击,一剑威力足以裂天。 Previous time has Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to help you! This you are only a person time, can it be that old man opponent?” “上次不过有七宝琉璃塔助你!这一次你只是一个人,岂是老夫对手?” Golden Crocodile Douluo is unwilling, he is not willing to acknowledge oneself are inferior to Sword Douluo, thinks that previous he borrowed the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda brilliance time. 金鳄斗罗不甘,他不愿意承认自己不如剑斗罗,认为上一次他只是借了七宝琉璃塔的光彩。 After all the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda auxiliary ability, is the first under heaven, his Golden Crocodile has to acknowledge mysteriously its uncommon. 毕竟七宝琉璃塔的辅助能力,是天下第一,他金鳄不得不承认其玄妙不凡。 Said uselessly, war!” “多说无益,战吧!” Chen Xin is not willing to talk too much with it, he with oneself strength, in the sword with hand, making the Golden Crocodile Douluo little darling close the mouth. 尘心不愿与其多言,他会用自己的实力,用手中的剑,让金鳄斗罗乖乖闭上嘴巴。 The Empire Alliance, Sword Douluo Chen Xin cultivate/repair to high, a person keeps off Martial Soul Empire sufficiently, besides Qian Renxue, the strength is most intrepid, cultivating is 98 levels of Golden Crocodile Douluo. 帝国联盟这边,剑斗罗尘心修为最高,一人足以挡下武魂帝国这边,除了千仞雪外,实力最强悍,修为九十八级的金鳄斗罗 Two people dogfight, the crashing collision, the space is shivering, the day cloud fluctuates, each wisp of fight complementary waves, extremely fearsome! 两人缠斗,激烈的碰撞,空间都在颤动,天云变幻,每一缕战斗余波,都极其可怖! But other battlefields, sky douluo Tang Hao, with the wife flatter silver coins person, meets the Spirit Hall five elders, six elders, thousand honored douluo and exorcize demons douluo two brothers. 而其他战场,昊天斗罗唐昊,与妻子阿银两人,迎战武魂殿的五长老,六长老,千钧斗罗与降魔斗罗两兄弟。 Although Tang Hao strength is very strong, Spirit Power achieves 95 levels of cultivating is the boundary. 虽然唐昊实力很强,魂力达到过九十五级的修为境界。 However that is before, he before to let Tang San found roots, dug out the soul bone to give back to Clear Sky Sect, Spirit Power drops to 89 levels, dropped the Titled Douluo boundary. 不过那是之前,他之前为了让唐三认祖归宗,挖出魂骨还给昊天宗,魂力就下降到八十九级,跌落了封号斗罗境界。 After Tang San regains Clear Sky Sect, joins to the father the soul bone again, his Tang Hao's strength also returned the Titled Douluo boundary. 唐三收复昊天宗后,再次把魂骨给父亲接上,他唐昊的实力也重新回到了封号斗罗境界。 But Spirit Power has not fully restored to most peak boundary. 魂力并未完全恢复到最为巅峰的境界。 But the flatter silver is also so, she also the revival, the strength also entered the Titled Douluo boundary some time ago initially. 而阿银亦是如此,她也是不久前才涅槃重生,实力也不过只是初入封号斗罗境界而已。 But their opponents, thousand honored douluo and exorcize demons douluo, two people are the blood brother, tacit full, moreover cultivate/repair to profound, Spirit Power is 96 levels of boundaries. 但他们的对手,千钧斗罗与降魔斗罗,两人乃是亲兄弟,默契十足,而且修为高深,魂力都是九十六级的境界。 Tang Hao and flatter silver coins couple, in thousand honored with exorcize demons two people suppressions, even breathes feels difficult incomparable. 唐昊与阿银两夫妻,在千钧与降魔两人的压制下,连呼吸都感到困难无比。 The disparity is not general big. 差距不是一般的大。 Battlefield at the same time, Clear Sky Sect sovereign howls the day of douluo Tang howl and gate next three Titled Douluo elders, four people fight Spirit Hall two Titled Douluo jointly. 再一边的战场,昊天宗宗主啸天斗罗唐啸与门下三位封号斗罗长老,四人联手战武魂殿两位封号斗罗 These two Titled Douluo, are the three elders in Spirit Hall douluo palace with four elders, heavy mountain douluo, hidden heart douluo, cultivates to reach 97 levels of boundaries, the strength terrifying. 这两位封号斗罗,乃是武魂殿斗罗殿的三长老与四长老,重岳斗罗,隐心斗罗,修为都以达九十七级的境界,实力恐怖至极。 Even if the sky hammer is known as first under heaven Martial Soul, the striking power is very tyrannical. 即使昊天锤号称天下第一武魂,攻击力无比强横。 But under the absolute Spirit Power rank, under the absolute power gap, merely is only the Martial Soul quality, is very difficult to make up for the disparity between strengths. 但在绝对的魂力等级下,绝对的实力差距下,仅仅只是武魂品质,很难弥补实力之间的差距。 After all, can practice this grade of boundary Spirit Master, which isn't the talent? Which isn't the evildoer/monstrous talent? 毕竟,能够修行到这等境界的魂师,哪一个不是天才?哪一个不是妖孽? Your Clear Sky Sect elder, has sky hammer first under heaven Martial Soul, is only primary Titled Douluo. 昊天宗的长老,拥有昊天锤这天下第一武魂,也不过只是初级封号斗罗 Others can practice to 97 levels of profound boundaries, will the Martial Soul quality be worse than the sky hammer? 人家能够修行到九十七级的高深境界,武魂品质会比昊天锤差吗? Obviously is not possible! 显然是不可能的! Eats delicacies day of douluo Tang howl 96 levels of Spirit Power, can with one of them fierce battle. 啸天斗罗唐啸九十六级的魂力,能够与其中一人激烈交战。 However remaining three elders, Spirit Power highest is about 94 levels, even if three people fight opposite party jointly. 但是剩下三位长老,魂力最高的也不过九十四级,哪怕三人联手战对方一人。 But the quantity is unable to change the disparity between qualities, had been suppressed hits. 可是数量无法改变质量之间的差距,已经是被压制打。 But other Titled Douluo of Empire Alliance, but also is left over poisonous douluo alone this solitary one abundant, old ancestor day spirit douluo of Heaven Duo imperial family, old ancestor fierce tiger douluo of Star Luo imperial family. 而帝国联盟的其他封号斗罗,还剩下毒斗罗独孤博,天斗皇室的老祖天灵斗罗,星罗皇室的老祖猛虎斗罗 Three are primary douluo, Martial Soul Empire, five primary Titled Douluo. 三位都是初级斗罗,武魂帝国这边,还有五位初级封号斗罗 Three pairs five, in everyone strength similar situation, the disparity between quantities, manifested. 5873 / 10549218 三对五,那大家实力都差不多的情况下,数量之间的差距,就体现上来了。5873/10549218
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