DDTR :: Volume #8

#702: Saint dragon vs monster charm, the collision of new times and old time!

history Laike Seven Devils, other six people of Spirit Power gather with Tang San on. 史来克七怪,其余六人的魂力都聚集与唐三身上。 Tang San at this moment, feels own strength incomparable great strength. 此刻的唐三,感觉到自己的力量无比的强大。 Too wonderful! 太美妙了! As if, may change the world. 似乎举手投足间,就可改变天地。 A hammer gets down, the fearsome strength can the breaking space. 一锤下去,可怖的力量可以破碎空间。 Fights!” “来战!” Under increases of seven body Martial Soul fusion techniques, in Tang San this moment heart that is the heroic spirit ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the rushing is incomparable. 在七位一体武魂融合技的增幅下,唐三此刻心中那是豪气万丈,滂湃无比。 He loudly shouts, such as the thunder is billowing, enormous and powerful, the voice shakes results in the space to produce the ripples. 他大喝一声,如雷霆滚滚,浩浩荡荡,声浪震荡得空间产生涟漪。 The Tang San single arm wields, big of that hundred zhang (333 m), is twining the sky hammers of innumerable thunder, pounds down toward Qian Renxue. 唐三单臂挥下,那百丈之大,缠绕着无数雷霆的昊天锤,向着千仞雪砸下。 The unequalled great power, formed the powerful force field, the air current is extruded to explode. 无与伦比的强大力量,形成了强悍的力场,气流都被挤压得爆炸。 Just like day leaning forcing to Qian Renxue. 宛若天倾之力压向千仞雪 Facing this huge strength, in the Qian Renxue eye pupil also has to reveal a dignity. 面对这股庞大的力量,千仞雪眼眸中也不得不流露出了一丝凝重。 She somewhat cannot think, Tang San one 93 levels of Titled Douluo, can actually erupt the so powerful strength. 她有些想不到,唐三不过一个九十三级的封号斗罗,竟然能够爆发出如此强大的力量。 Seven people unite the Martial Soul fusion technique, some actually meanings. 七人联合武魂融合技么,倒是有些意思。 Qian Renxue has not broken the Martial Soul fusion technique that Tang San several people release, is to have a look, what pleasant surprise their several people can give oneself. 千仞雪之所以没有打断唐三几人释放的武魂融合技,就是想要看看,他们几人能够给出自己什么样的惊喜。 Facts showed, this strength is good, is worth her waiting. 事实证明,这份力量不错,值得她的等待。 But even so, Qian Renxue is more self-confident regarding own strength! 但即使如此,千仞雪对于自己的实力更加自信! She will make them erupt the strongest strength, all cards in a hand, then the easily accomplished absolute strength, suppresses them. 她会让他们爆发出最强的力量,所有的底牌,然后摧枯拉朽的绝对实力,镇压他们。 Let these people, thorough despair! 让这些人,彻底的绝望! Even if Tang San united all strength accumulations of six companions at this moment in one, but cultivates for the disparity between boundaries, is not that can span simply casually. 哪怕唐三此刻联合了六位同伴们的所有力量聚集于一身,但是修为境界之间的差距,不是那么简单就能够随随便便的跨越的。 The sky hammers Martial Soul to be very strong, but Qian Renxue six wing Gabriel Martial Soul are not weak, even plans. 昊天锤武魂很强,但千仞雪的六翼武魂不弱,甚至更甚一筹。 Behind the Qian Renxue empty shadow, six wing angels bloom the incomparably dazzling brilliance, the god Wei Town world. 千仞雪背后的虚影,六翼天使绽放出无比耀眼的光辉,神威镇世。 At the powerful strength, was breaking through the force field blockade of sky hammer absolutely. 以着绝对强大的力量,打破了昊天锤的力场封锁。 A sword cuts. 一剑斩出。 In an instant, as if the world was divided into two, that wipes gold/metal sword air/Qi, incomparable dazzling. 刹那间,似乎天地都被一分为二,那一抹金芒剑气,无比的耀眼。 Bang! 轰隆! The bombardment of sword air/Qi and great hammer, the golden god splendor and bluish violet thunder enhance one another's beauty. 剑气与巨锤的轰击,金色神辉与蓝紫雷霆交相辉映。 The weather fluctuates, the innumerable thunder turn well up with the thick dark clouds. 天色变幻,无数的雷霆翻涌与浓厚乌云之间。 This great magnificent scene, is ordinary just like the end. 这副宏大壮观的景象,宛若末日一般。 Innumerable officers Spirit Master that the celestial phenomenon of this terrifying, before letting Jialing closes, fights, feels a greatest heart season. 这恐怖的天象,让嘉陵关前战斗的无数将士魂师,都感到一股莫大的心季。 The fight above sky, the thunder is surging, the strong winds howl, the heavy rain falls in torrents under. 天空之上的战斗,雷霆在涌动,狂风呼啸,大雨倾泻而下。 Is inconceivable, fight above ten thousand meters, actually has intensely how! 难以想象,万米之上的战斗,究竟有多么的激烈! Kills!” “杀!” War! War! War!” “战!战!战!” The battle drum thunders, this fills the rush in frigid battlefield to cry out, the sound has covered above the thunderous explosion sound. 战鼓轰鸣,这弥漫在惨烈战场上的冲杀呐喊,声音都盖过了雷鸣轰响之上。 Everyone kills to get angry, the air/Qi of blood killing fills the air in the battlefield, almost congeals the essence. 所有人都杀红了眼,血杀之气在战场上弥漫,几乎凝结成实质。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Has artillery bombing, the great crossbow attacks a city, the heavy cavalry who wears black armor holds the long spear/gun rush. 有火炮轰炸,巨弩攻城,身披黑甲的重骑兵持着长枪冲杀。 Has to ride five meters high great shape cavalry, in the battlefield just like the cruel meat grinder, harvests the life of infantry crazily. 更有着骑着五米多高的巨象骑兵,在战场上宛若残忍的绞肉机,疯狂收割步兵的生命。 Roar! 吼! The Empire Alliance armies, has big of a hundred zhang (333 m) golden big dragon to shout fiercely. 帝国联盟大军这边,有着一条百丈之大的黄金巨龙狰狞嘶吼。 Each blazing dragon breath, the belt/bring approaches the lives of thousand Martial Soul Empire soldiers sufficiently. 每一道炽热龙息,就足以带走近千名武魂帝国士兵的生命。 This is Yu Xiaogang , Flender, the Liu Erlong three people of Martial Soul fusion techniques, the golden Saint dragon! 这是玉小刚,弗兰德,柳二龙三人的武魂融合技,黄金圣龙! Although the Yu Xiaogang strength is not good, even if there is an extraordinary quality herbal medicine that Tang San gave to improve the aptitude. 尽管玉小刚实力不行,即使有唐三给的仙品草药改善了资质。 But now is also only 52 levels of Spirit King. 但如今也只是五十二级的魂王 But the Martial Soul fusion technique of their Golden Iron Triangle combination, can actually fully stimulate the real dragon bloodlines of Yu Xiaogang Martial Soul Luo three artillery within the body, making it purify also to want the powerful golden Saint dragon compared with the blue electricity tyrannosaurus! 可是他们黄金铁三角组合的武魂融合技,却可以充分激发玉小刚武魂罗三炮体内的真龙血脉,让其净化成比蓝电霸王龙还要强大的黄金圣龙! Flender and Liu Erlong now are 80 multistage Spirit Douluo. 弗兰德柳二龙如今都是八十多级的魂斗罗 Their three people collaborate, the golden Saint dragon can display the Titled Douluo rank the powerful strength. 他们三人联手,黄金圣龙能够发挥出封号斗罗级别的强大实力。 Now, both sides the strength of Titled Douluo rank fights in the space. 如今,双方的封号斗罗级别的战力都在天上战斗。 Below the other side, Spirit Master of eight points of Spirit Douluo boundaries, is the highest strength. 在下方之中,八环魂斗罗境界的魂师,就是最高战力。 But, this aggressive golden Saint dragon, has the Titled Douluo strength, in the ground battlefield, met no resistance simply, erupts the easily accomplished strength. 可是,这一头凶悍的黄金圣龙,有着封号斗罗战力,在地面战场上,简直就是如入无人之境,爆发出了摧枯拉朽的力量。 Damn, is really one crowd of useless rice buckets!” “该死,真是一群没用的饭桶!” In Hu Liena of ground command army fight looks the golden Saint dragon that Titled Douluo rank strength slaughters the soldier crazily. 在地面指挥军队战斗的胡列娜看着那头封号斗罗级别战力的黄金圣龙疯狂的屠戮己方士兵。 But Spirit Master of oneself here Spirit Douluo boundary, actually cannot block the opposite party, shouted abuse. 而自己这边的魂斗罗境界的魂师,却拦不住对方,不由破口大骂。 If we had known, she should lead two Titled Douluo elders to come from Spirit Hall. 早知道,她就应该从武魂殿多带两位封号斗罗长老过来。 Blamed that woman being too arrogant! 都怪那个女人太自大了! Hu Liena looks up above the sky, in the heart some complaints, the white hands get hold of the fist. 胡列娜不由抬头望着天空之上,心中有些怨念,玉手不由握紧成拳。 She also wants to rush to the sky battlefield, participates in that fiercest fight. 她也想冲上天空战场,参加那最为激烈的战斗。 Pitifully, her Spirit Douluo cultivates is, is unable to join to the war of Titled Douluo. 只是可惜,她不过魂斗罗修为,无法加入到封号斗罗之战中。 Flame! Evil moon/month!” “炎!邪月!” Hu Liena loudly shouts. 胡列娜大喝一声。 Afterward, two person's shadows arrive at her side. 随后,两个人影就来到她的身边。 Saintess your highness!” “圣女殿下!” The flame and evil moon/month two people, as Spirit Master of Spirit Hall most talent, have once grown now, cultivate/repair to achieve seven points of Spirit Saint boundaries. 炎与邪月两人,作为曾经武魂殿最为天才的魂师,如今都已经成长,修为达到七环魂圣境界。 Initially was in the unification level three people, because Hu Liena took the Spirit Hall saintess, the Bibi Dong apprentice, had more opportunities and resources compared with them. 当初都处于统一层次的三人,因为胡列娜作为武魂殿圣女,比比东的徒弟,比他们拥有更多的机会与资源。 Therefore Hu Liena takes the lead to break through eight points of Spirit Douluo boundaries, they are also stranded in the Spirit Saint boundary. 所以胡列娜率先突破八环魂斗罗境界,他们两人还困在魂圣境界。 We also join the battlefield, cannot make these thief unseemly behavior get down again recklessly!” “我们也加入战场,不能再让这些贼人肆意妄为下去了!” Hu Liena said that but quick was opposed by other Spirit Hall elders. 胡列娜说道,但很快就遭到了其他武魂殿长老的反对。 Your highness is the body of thousand gold (daughter), what problem if happened with, how we did confess to Pope Sir?” “殿下乃是千金之躯,若是出现了什么闪失,我们如何向教皇大人交代?” Master makes me come this, for informed and experienced, rather than makes me stand in the city wall, looks that our Martial Soul Empire soldier sacrificed for the country, actually anything does not do!” “师父让我来此,是为了历练,而不是让我站在城墙上,看着我们武魂帝国的士兵为国牺牲,却什么也不做!” Hu Liena sneers to look at these elders, powerful aura overflows from her body, Spirit Ring appear, eight, the pressure of Spirit Douluo rank deters the audience fully. 胡列娜冷笑看着这些长老,一股强悍的气息从她身体溢出,一个个魂环显现而出,足有八个,魂斗罗级别的威压震慑全场。 Ground battlefield, who can threaten me?” Hu Liena from channel. “地面战场,谁能威胁到我?”胡列娜自信道。 We walk!” “我们走!” As Hu Liena ordered, the flame and evil moon/month looked at each other one, the body lighten change to the flowing light, followed Hu Liena. 随着胡列娜下令,炎与邪月对视一眼,身体闪出化作流光,跟上了胡列娜 Flame, you aid other units, waits for an opportunity to act!” “炎,你去援助其他单位,伺机行动!” Elder Brother, you and I make a move, keep off that evil dragon!” “哥,你与我一齐出手,挡下那头孽龙!” The Hu Liena thought is clear, immediately orders to say. 胡列娜思维清晰,立刻下令说道。 Now, in the ground battlefield, can keep off this to be a worthy opponent the golden Saint dragon of Titled Douluo strength, only then she and elder brother's Martial Soul fusion technique jointly, can fight! 如今,在地面战场上,能够挡下这匹敌封号斗罗战力的黄金圣龙,只有她和哥哥联手的武魂融合技,可以一战! Good!” “好!” The evil moon/month also obeys the arrangement of younger sister completely. 邪月也完全听从自己妹妹的安排。 The Hu Liena Martial Soul true body appears, but a giant Gui Mei/ghosts and demons monster fox appears, later comprehends to expand scatters. 胡列娜武魂真身显现而出一头巨大的鬼魅妖狐出现,随后领悟扩撒。 Deicide domain! 杀神领域! She also obtained the god level domain at slaughtering. 她同样在杀戮之都得到了神级领域。 Especially above this casualty innumerable battlefields, the evil spirit with the place that killing intent soars to the heavens, this deicide domain can display a more powerful strength. 特别是在这死伤无数的战场之上,凶煞与杀意冲天的地方,这杀神领域能够发挥出更加强大的力量。 Martial Soul fusion technique monster charm!” 武魂融合技妖魅!” The next quarter, Hu Liena and evil moon/month two people, changed to a light, fuses together. 下一刻,胡列娜与邪月两人,化作了一道光,融合在一起。 Is filling the evil spirit spread dispersing of blood-color mist in the battlefield. 充满着凶煞的血色雾气在战场上蔓延散开。 In a twinkling, in the Gui Mei/ghosts and demons form blood fog runs out together. 霎时间,一道鬼魅的身影血雾中冲出。 This person's shadow body is somewhat unreal, resembles the male female, the monster different fox face mask, the purple long hair is flying upwards with the blood wind wear a look. 这道人影身体有些虚幻,似男似女,面带着妖异的狐脸面具,紫色长发随着血风飞扬。 His speed is quick, just like the blood-color lightning, has delimited the battlefield together, points to big of that hundred zhang (333 m) golden big dragon. 他速度很快,宛若一道血色闪电,划过战场,直指那头百丈之大的黄金巨龙。 The moon/month blade in hand cuts. 手中的月刃斩出。 ! 唰! The next quarter, the blood moon/month blade air/Qi howled together, tears the space, the bang cut above the golden Saint dragon body. 下一刻,一道血月刀气呼啸,撕裂了空间,轰斩在黄金圣龙身躯之上。 The strength of terrifying tearing, lets handle against golden Saint dragon that hard dragon scale to break open, the flesh splits. 恐怖的撕裂之力,让措不及防的黄金圣龙那坚硬的龙鳞都破开,血肉绽裂。 Roar 嗷吼 Together the sound of sad and shrill dragon roar, penetrating loud battlefield. 一道凄厉的龙吼之声,彻响战场。
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