DDTR :: Volume #8

#701: 0 ancient measure of length Snow Emperor prestige unparalleled! 7 1 body fusion techniques!

...... ...... Bang! 轰! This radiant incomparable sword, falls just like the day deep pool, the greatest oppression arrives, as if vault of heaven collapse. 这璀璨无比的一剑,宛若天渊坠下,莫大的压迫降临,似乎天穹倒塌。 This terrifying pressure, in the Zhu Zhuqing heart has the intense dangerous early warning. 这道恐怖的压力,朱竹清心中产生强烈的危险预警。 Has the fatal threat! 有着致命的威胁! However, she is not willing to concede. 但是,她不愿服输。 Above swift and fierce sword intent direct impact clouds, pierces the vault of heaven just like the divine sword. 一股凌厉的剑意直冲云霄之上,宛若神剑洞穿天穹。 The star Hui moonlight falls together, casts light upon Zhu Zhuqing that beautiful body, just like putting on the dim purple gauze, moved fast, if immortal. 一道星辉月华落下,照映朱竹清那绝美的身子,宛若披上了朦胧的紫纱,飘忽若仙。 star moon/month sword intent fills the air, invisible seems the shape, the strength of proliferation most profound domain launches. 星月剑意弥漫,无形又似有形,玄之又玄的领域之力扩散展开。 The sky caught the star splendor, as if changed to the radiant starry sky. 天空染上了星辉,似乎化作了璀璨的星空。 Zhu Zhuqing is situated in above the starry sky, in the pupil is producing an inverted image that golden Sun, fights intent to boil! 朱竹清立于星空之上,眸中倒映着那轮金色的太阳,战意沸腾! Cuts!” “斩!” Zhu Zhuqing holds nothing back the release the complete strength, both hands grasp the blade, cuts full power. 朱竹清毫不保留的释放出自己全部的力量,双手握刀,全力斩出。 The sword gasification makes myriad, just like everywhere stars, cuts toward Sun of falling from the sky. 剑气化作万千,宛若漫天星辰,向着陨落的太阳斩去。 Zhuqing! I help you!” 竹清!我来助你!” The Tang San sound conveys, sees only him to brandish the golden trident, brilliance greatly shining, a halberd broken day. 唐三的声音传来,只见他挥舞着黄金三叉戟,光辉大耀,一戟破天。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A Qian Renxue sword cuts, Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing two people unite, can resist reluctantly. 千仞雪的一剑斩下,唐三朱竹清两人联合,才能够勉强抵挡。 The vast complementary waves just like the tide, the space were shaken the ripples. 浩瀚的余波宛若潮水,空间都被震起了涟漪。 Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing two people back up, keeps off this to strike merely, makes them feel that the vitality turns wells up, the arm shakes the hemp. 唐三,朱竹清两人倒退,仅仅只是挡下这一击,就让他们感到气血翻涌,手臂震麻。 I for emperor! You and other generations of ganef, have not bowed the head!” “我为帝者!尔等宵小之辈,还不俯首!” Thousand ancient measures of length hold the sword to be built on the space, the invincible might sparkle, the golden long hair flutter with the wind, in the eye pupil is glittering gold/metal, just like flaminging flame. 千仞持剑立于天上,神威闪耀,金色长发随风飘扬,眼眸中更是闪烁着金芒,宛若炽焰。 She wears the golden god armor, the back six spacious pure white wings wave, everywhere white feather is faded and fallen. 她身穿金色神铠,背后六只宽大的洁白羽翼舞动,漫天白羽飘零。 Qian Renxue stands proudly, the looking disdainfully world, the emperor prestige completely reveals, certainly for grace and talent! 千仞雪傲然而立,睥睨天下,帝威尽显,绝代风华! Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” Tang San is angry, rushing Spirit Power disperses turbulently from the body, just like the torrential river, the sea god trident on hand is blue gold god brilliant shining. 唐三大怒,滂湃的魂力从身体中汹涌散出,宛若滔滔大河,手上的海神三叉戟更是蓝金神光大耀。 Who is he? 他是谁? He is Tang San, since the tribulation insists, arrives this step, how can he defeat? 他可是唐三,一路磨难坚持至今,走到这一步,他怎么能败? He must revenge! 他还要报仇! Must to Spirit Hall, to Martial Soul Empire, report the parents to be killed, causing them to separate more than 20 years of deep enmity! 要向武魂殿,向武魂帝国,报父母被害,导致他们分离了二十多年的深仇! He must be compelled to close off a mountain area 20 years of enmity by Spirit Hall for Clear Sky Sect! 他要为昊天宗武魂殿逼得封山二十年之仇! Must for master Yu Xiaogang , the report be extinguished completely the enmity of family by Spirit Hall! 要为师父玉小刚,报被武魂殿灭尽家族之仇! Must for own spousal Xiao Wu, the report be killed the enmity of close relative by Spirit Hall! 要为自己爱人小舞,报被武魂殿杀害至亲之仇! Therefore, his Tang San, cannot defeat absolutely! 所以,他唐三,绝对不能够败! Because, he is the future sea god! 因为,他可是未来的海神啊! Masterstroke, the sea god 13 strike, indefinite disturbance!” “神技,海神十三击,无定风波!” The Tang San whole body blue gold brilliance sparkle, as if turns into the sea the sky. 唐三浑身蓝金光辉闪耀,仿佛把天空变成海洋。 Masterstroke- indefinite disturbance, its might endures to compare the Titled Douluo ninth soul technique. 神技-无定风波,其威力堪比封号斗罗第九魂技。 Sees only, shortly, will not have the shadow invisible strength to disperse rapidly. 只见,顷刻间,无影无形的力量迅速散出。 At that moment, the space was imprisoned, as if the time was stopped. 那一刻,空间都被禁锢,仿佛时间被停止。 Big of hundred zhang (333 m) golden trident, toward the Qian Renxue rush. 百丈之大的黄金三叉戟,向着千仞雪冲杀。 Carves the insect small technique, gives me to break!” “雕虫小技,给我破!” Qian Renxue loudly shouts. 千仞雪大喝一声。 Although the Tang San sea god 13 strike the prestige to be able powerful mysterious. 虽然唐三的海神十三击威能强大玄妙。 However, two people cultivate/repair for the disparity are oversized. 不过,两人修为差距过大。 Qian Renxue can rely on the brute force forcefully, breaks the imprisonment of indefinite disturbance. 千仞雪可以强行凭借蛮力,打破无定风波的禁锢。 Angel, trial!” “天使,审判!” Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Qian Renxue also inherits the inheritance of god of angel, does not need the sea god to be weak, similarly has the divine tool, comprehends the masterstroke/divine skill. 千仞雪同样继承天使之神的传承,不必海神弱,同样有着神器,领悟神技。 The golden god splendor casts light upon the horizon, above the vault of heaven, produces the ripples void. 金色神辉照映天际,天穹之上,虚空产生涟漪。 A giant god Huida sword, suppression under. 一把巨大的神辉大剑,镇压而下。 On that giant sword blade, has the god mark to appear, along with the feathers of innumerable angel. 那巨大的剑身上,有着神纹显现,伴随着无数的天使之羽。 Bang- 轰- The bright Saint sword and golden trident collide in the horizons, the tyrannical strength complementary waves, the surroundings space is twisting, even presented the black fissure. 光明圣剑与黄金三叉戟在天际间碰撞,强横的力量余波,周围空间都在扭曲,甚至出现了黑色的裂痕。 The giant golden trident that however in a minute, Tang San Spirit Power can gather, the halberd body covered entirely the innumerable fissures. 不过片刻,唐三魂力能聚的巨大黄金三叉戟,戟身就布满了无数裂痕。 Bang! 嘭! The great halberd was shattered, the Tang San body vitality is turbulent, a blood spurted. 巨戟破碎,唐三身体气血汹涌,一口鲜血喷了出来。 But he does not plan to give up. 但他并不打算放弃。 Blue gold day Azure Dragon soul!” “蓝金天青龙魂!” Tang San that blue color long hair flies upwards, the manner is fierce, the eye pupil caught the blood-color, kills intent almost to congeal the essence. 唐三那蓝色长发飞扬,神态狰狞,眼眸都染上了血色,杀意几乎凝成实质。 Blue silver domain full! 蓝银领域全开! Deicide domain full! 杀神领域全开! in addition of two domains holds, the Tang San aura is more terrifying! 两个领域的加持下,唐三的气息更为恐怖! The ninth scarlet Spirit Ring of encirclement side Tang San, bloomed at this time the dazzling brilliance. 环绕在唐三身边的第九个赤红的魂环,这时绽放出了耀眼的光彩。 Tang San this ninth Spirit Ring, stems from the Star Dou Forest King, 100,000 years of soul beast Azure Bull Python. 唐三这第九魂环,出自星斗大森林的王者,十万年魂兽天青牛蟒 The soul of blue gold day Azure Dragon, is incomparably powerful attack soul technique. 蓝金天青龙之魂,更是无比强大的攻击魂技。 Roar- 嗷吼- In an instant, the sound of angry big dragon shouting, shakes the penetrating world together. 刹那间,一道愤怒的巨龙嘶吼之声,震彻天地。 Boundless Spirit Power condensed a hundred zhang (333 m) Azure Dragon, Azure Dragon shouted, has the terrifying aura, a dragon breath put out. 磅礴的魂力凝聚成了一条百丈青龙,青龙嘶吼,带着恐怖的气息,一口龙息吐出。 In a twinkling, above the vault of heaven, is cloudy, the thunder twinkle jumps. 霎时间,天穹之上,乌云密布,雷霆闪烁跳跃。 Azure extinguishes the lonesome god thunder!” “天青灭寂神雷!” Kills!” “杀!” Tang San continues to release the soul bone technique from Azure Bull Python soul bone bringing. 唐三继续释放出来自天青牛蟒魂骨自带的魂骨技。 The dragon thunder rumbles together, spitting breath fusion with Azure Dragon. 一道龙型雷霆轰出,与青龙的吐息融合。 Brings the fearsome land mine thunderclap with extinguishing the lonesome strength, the space deeply worried. 带着可怖地雷霆与灭寂之力,空间都被焦灼。 Meanwhile, nearby Zhu Zhuqing is also gathering the strength own ninth soul technique. 与此同时,一旁的朱竹清也在蓄力自己的第九魂技。 Ices dragon Potian! 冰龙破天! Next flickers, the temperature in the aerospace drops suddenly, in the sky fell gently the snowflake. 下一瞬,空间温度骤然下降,天空上都飘落了雪花。 Fills the air but the fierce ice dragon of breath of cold ice, shouts is killing to Qian Renxue. 弥漫而寒冰之息的狰狞冰龙,嘶吼着杀向千仞雪 Stubborn does not work!” “顽固不灵!” Facing two people attacks jointly, the Qian Renxue manner is still calm. 面对两人的联手攻击,千仞雪神态依旧淡定。 She is the peerless boundary, she is half god! 她乃绝世境界,她是半神! So long as she assumes personal command in the Jialing pass/test, the people of these resistances, so long as suppressed only result! 只要她坐镇在嘉陵关,这些反抗之徒,只要被镇压的唯一结局! The Qian Renxue complexion is cold as ice and frost, in the eye is glittering the callous color. 千仞雪面色冷若冰霜,眼中闪烁着冷酷之色。 Her both hands make to draw the stance. 她双手做出拉弓姿态。 Sees only, Qian Renxue the six wing angel empty shades of hundred zhang (333 m) also make in her same movement behind. 只见,千仞雪身后百丈的六翼天使虚影也做出于她一样的动作。 The next quarter, the giant golden long bow appears in void. 下一刻,巨大的金色长弓显现于虚空之中。 She uses the divine tool angel divine sword as the arrow arrow, draws the full moon. 她以神器天使神剑为箭矢,拉弓满月。 The surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km), the world spiritual energy gathering in this, the fearsome aura, the world is shivering. 方圆百里之内,天地灵气汇聚于此,可怖的气息,天地都在颤动。 „The arrow of light!” “光明之箭!” Qian Renxue light nan, the next quarter, loosened the bowstring that is condensed by Spirit Power. 千仞雪轻喃一声,下一刻,松开了由魂力凝聚的弓弦。 ! 唰! The arrow of this light departed that flash, just like working loose golden Divine Dragon. 这一支光明之箭飞出了那一瞬间,宛若挣脱的金色神龙。 The arrow arrow changed to the golden tornado violent, attacks is twining the dragon breath and fierce fearsome ice of dragon strength of thunder to that say/way. 箭矢化作了金色龙卷风暴,冲击向那道缠绕着雷霆之力的龙息与狰狞可怖的冰龙。 Although Qian Renxue does not spare a glance regarding Shrek several people. 虽然千仞雪对于史莱克几人不屑一顾。 However this fight, she naturally cannot keep the hand to turn on the water, will put forth the full power. 但是这一次战斗,她自然不会留手放水,会使出全力。 Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing two people are very strong, but enters Titled Douluo two people initially, the strength is a worthy opponent sufficiently 95 levels of Super Douluo strengths. 唐三,朱竹清两人很强,只是初入封号斗罗的两人,战力足以匹敌九十五级超级斗罗的实力。 Two people are the same step invincible talent Spirit Master, Tang San even are more powerful. 两人都是同阶无敌的天才魂师,唐三甚至更加强大。 However, they face, is Qian Renxue! 但是,他们面对的,可是千仞雪啊! This body supports god level Martial Soul, inborn 20 levels of Spirit Power the generation of evildoer/monstrous talent. 这位身拥神级武魂,天生二十级魂力的妖孽之辈。 Moreover, Qian Renxue is like them, is the talent, has the same step invincible strength. 而且,千仞雪与他们一样,都是天才,都拥有同阶无敌的战力。 Everyone in a level, could play inextricably involved. 大家都在一个层次,或许能够打得难解难分。 But old their Qian Renxue, has achieved 99 levels of peerless boundaries. 可年长他们的千仞雪,早已达到九十九级绝世境界。 The disparity between this, is not simple can make up! 这之间的差距,可不是简简单单就能够弥补的! Even if there is first under heaven to assist Martial Soul, the assistances of nine valuable glazed pagodas, are not good! 即使拥有天下第一辅助武魂,九宝琉璃塔的辅助,也不行! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Under a Qian Renxue arrow, Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing two people soul technique was destroyed instantaneously. 千仞雪的一箭之下,唐三朱竹清两人魂技瞬间被打碎。 Two people by the energy impact, in the mouth were also bled intensely, the body explodes again and again draws back! 两人也受到强烈的能量冲击,口中喋血,身体连连爆退! Third Brother, you are all right!” “三哥,你没事吧!” Zhuqing, you how?” 竹清,你怎样?” Xiao Wu flushed, caught Tang San that is seriously injured. 小舞冲了出去,接住了身受重伤的唐三 Ning Rongrong also supports by the arm aura weak Zhu Zhuqing. 宁荣荣也搀扶住气息虚弱的朱竹清 Oscar puts out oneself restoration big sausage to give Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing, recovers the energy to them. 奥斯卡拿出自己的恢复大香肠递给唐三朱竹清,给他们恢复体力。 Ning Rongrong puts forth the eighth soul technique, the life recovery. 宁荣荣使出第八魂技,生命复苏。 The strength of huge vitality swamps into two people bodies, they felt that oneself grief is removing, Spirit Power speeds up restoring. 庞大的生机之力涌入两人身体,他们感觉到自己的伤痛正在褪去,魂力加快恢复。 Tang San stabilized own aura, cancels hangs in the blood of corners of the mouth, looks at the partners, said: We want that move! If our seven people are unable to unite of one mind, is unable to defeat Qian Renxue!” 唐三稳定了自己的气息,抹去挂在嘴角的鲜血,看着伙伴们,说道:“我们是要那一招吧!若是我们七人无法团结齐心,是无法战胜千仞雪的!” Other Shrek Seven Devils people look at each other one in abundance, then looks to Tang San, nods. 史莱克七怪其他人纷纷对视一眼,然后看向唐三,点了点头。 Quick, seven people disperse, exhibit six glow star lineups, Tang San stand in the center. 很快,七人就散开,摆出六芒星阵型,唐三站在阵中心。 Seven Devils of one mind! Seven body Martial Soul fusion techniques!” 七怪齐心!七位一体武魂融合技!” In a twinkling, takes the Ning Rongrong nine valuable glazed pagodas as the outset, the gorgeous nine color gods light/only outlined the mysterious mysterious mark under seven human feet. 霎时间,以宁荣荣的九宝琉璃塔为起始,绚丽的九彩神光在七人脚下勾勒出了神秘玄奥的阵纹。 The Ning Rongrong top of the head nine treasure glazed pagodas, nine color gods light/only fall in torrents just like Milky Way under. 宁荣荣头顶九宝琉璃塔,九彩神光宛若银河般倾泻而下。 Roar! 吼! Cried ~ 啼~ Giant white tiger appears, seven phoenix whole bodies are burning the burning hot flame, face upwards to neigh! 巨大的白虎显现,七首凤凰浑身燃烧着炙热火焰,仰天嘶鸣! Just like star spirit Zhu Zhuqing, foot treads the radiant starry sky. 还有宛若星灵般的朱竹清,脚踏璀璨星空。 Xiao Wu appears the empty shadow of supple bone rabbit, is full of the meaning of attracting. 小舞显出柔骨兔的虚影,充满着魅惑之意。 The Oscar top of the head giant sausage, in everyone, he seems somewhat awkward. 奥斯卡头顶巨大香肠,所有人中,就他显得有些尴尬。 Is built on Tang San in six glow star, the right hand single arm lifts up high, the palm condenses appears, but a giant sky hammer! 立于六芒星阵中的唐三,右手单臂高举,手掌凝聚显现而出一把巨大的昊天锤! Bang! 轰! Together deep purple thunder loudly, that hundred zhang (333 m) giant sky hammer true body, winding just like silver snake lightning. 一道深紫色的雷霆轰然而下,那百丈之巨大的昊天锤真身,缠绕的宛若银蛇般的闪电。 The fearsome strength aura, the shake world, in the space started the intermittent ripples. 可怖的力量气息,震荡天地,空间中掀起了阵阵涟漪。 ...... 5873 / 10541136 ......5873/10541136
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