DDTR :: Volume #7

#700: Shrek 7 strange vs0 Renxue

...... ...... Words that Qian Renxue spoke, looking like the heavenly thunder is ordinary, deafening sound in everyone's mind. 千仞雪说的话,就像是天雷一般,在所有人的脑海中震响。 Martial Soul Empire must win! Your majesty must win!” 武魂帝国必胜!陛下必胜!” Martial Soul Empire must win! Your majesty must win!” 武魂帝国必胜!陛下必胜!” ....... ....... Jialing closes all officers, Spirit Master, lighting the fervor in heart fought intent by the Qian Renxue words, cried out loudly, is billowing just like the thunder. 嘉陵关所有将士,魂师,都被千仞雪的话给点燃了心中的激情战意,高声呐喊,宛若雷霆滚滚。 Martial Soul Empire here army morale, had been lit , to promote the pinnacle. 武魂帝国这边的军队士气,已经被点燃,提升到了极致。 The powerful military power, almost soon concentrates the essence! 强大的军势,几乎快要凝成实质! But several hundred thousand armies of opposite Empire Alliance, after hearing these words, before by the imposing manner that Titled Douluo lit, was reduced. 而对面的帝国联盟的几十万大军,在听到这番话后,之前被己方封号斗罗点燃的气势,都被消减。 This makes the innumerable officers suspect that own faith with insisting, starts to feel vacant. 这都让无数将士怀疑自己的信念与坚持,开始感到茫然。 Qian Renxue these words, are only the ordinary soldier, is will excel Spirit Master, started to have the vacillation. 千仞雪这番话,便是只是普通士兵,就是意志更高强的魂师,都开始产生了动摇。 In Shrek Seven Devils, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people, have started to question that own choice, is actually to is wrong. 史莱克七怪中,宁荣荣朱竹清两人,已经开始质疑自己的选择,究竟是对是错。 Everyone is calm, do not listen to the opposite party to spread rumors and mislead the people, she is disintegrating our fighting spirits!” “大家镇定,别听对方妖言惑众,她是在瓦解我们的斗志!” Tang San sees that wonderfully, does not give a loud shout immediately. 唐三见状不妙,立刻大喝一声。 In the sound is doping Spirit Power, just like the heavenly thunder crack, shakes the penetrating audience. 声音中掺杂着魂力,宛若天雷炸响,震彻全场。 The Heaven Dou Empire chief army grand marshal, Marshal Ge dragon rides on the black armor warhorse, draws out the big sword, lifts the sword to shout loudly. 天斗帝国的总军大元帅,戈龙元帅骑在黑甲战马上,拔出大剑,举剑高呼。 Army attack!” “全军进攻!” As the great general orders, Empire Alliance here 100,000 heavy cavalries, start to turn toward the Jialing pass/test to initiate the charge. 随着大将一声令下,帝国联盟这边十万重骑兵,开始向着嘉陵关发起冲锋。 Kills!” “杀!” Battle drum rumbling, just like thunderous, in a twinkling, the evil spirit murderous aura to soar to the heavens, the meaning of withering fills the entire Jialing pass/test. 战鼓轰轰,宛若雷鸣,霎时间,凶煞杀气冲天,肃杀之意弥漫整座嘉陵关。 Extinguishes completely the invading enemy to me!” “给我灭尽来犯之敌!” Kills!!!” “杀!!!” Above city wall, 城墙之上, Hu Liena transports/fortunes Spirit Power to loudly shout, garrison troops that Jialing closes, start rush that also does not show weakness. 胡列娜运起魂力大喝一声,嘉陵关的守军,也毫不示弱的开始冲杀。 Beyond the Jialing pass/test, two heavy cavalry armies, just like two angry big dragons, bump into the same place. 嘉陵关之外,两支重骑兵大军,就宛若两条愤怒的巨龙,相撞在一起。 This stretch of battlefield, just like a large-scale meat grinder, but in a minute, blood on incarnadine land. 这片战场,就宛若一个大型绞肉机,不过片刻,鲜血就染红了大地。 Has Spirit Master to send out, the soul technique to the bang, the scene is very magnificent intensely. 更有魂师出动,魂技对轰,场面无比壮观激烈。 Meanwhile, above sky, had the fight. 与此同时,天空之上,也发生了战斗。 This is, fight between Titled Douluo. 这是,封号斗罗之间的战斗。 The army below land slaughters, regarding this war, can only be an appetizer. 下方大地的大军厮杀,对于这场大战来说,只能算是一个开胃小菜。 Decided truly war situation trend, is on this day air fight field, is the confrontation between Titled Douluo. 真正决定战争局势走向的,正是这天空战场上,属于封号斗罗之间的交锋。 Tang San grasps the divine tool sea god trident, nine Spirit Ring windings in side, boundless Spirit Power fluctuation shake dispersing. 唐三手持神器海神三叉戟,九个魂环缠绕在身旁,磅礴的魂力波动震荡散开。 Blue golden ray shining, invaded the sky greatly. 蓝金色的光芒大耀,侵染了天空。 As if the sky turned into the sea, the sea god empty shadow in the phenomenon, the prestige can be terrorist behind. 仿佛天空都变成了大海,海神虚影在身后现象,威能恐怖。 War!” “战!” Tang San drinks greatly, the sea god trident in hand blooms the dazzling blue gold ray, the terrifying strength space twists, points to occupies a commanding position to overlook own Qian Renxue. 唐三大喝,手中的海神三叉戟绽放出耀眼的蓝金光芒,恐怖的力量空间都为之扭曲,直指居高临下俯视自己的千仞雪 Fought intent to promote the limit. 战意提升到了极限。 Is 93 levels of Spirit Power Tang San, several 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, several 100,000 years of soul bones, is twin Martial Soul, strength far ultra same level title. 已经是九十三级魂力唐三,身上数个十万年魂环,数个十万年魂骨,又是双生武魂,战力远超同级封号。 He knows, the Qian Renxue strength is very powerful, is 99 levels of peerless boundaries. 他知道,千仞雪的实力很强大,乃是九十九级的绝世境界。 Peerless boundary actually strong? 绝世境界究竟有多强? Tang San is clear, he has experienced personally, above Sea God Island, facing Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi time. 唐三清楚,他亲自体验过,在海神岛之上,面对海神斗罗波塞西的时候。 That disparity, simply big to desperate! 那种差距,简直大到令人绝望! At that time, he is also only eight points of Spirit Douluo boundaries. 那时,他还只是一個八环魂斗罗境界。 But is now different. 但现在不一样了。 His Tang San is the boundaries of 93 levels of Titled Douluo, grasps the divine tool sea god trident, but also comprehended the masterstroke/divine skill. 唐三已经是九十三级封号斗罗之境,又手持神器海神三叉戟,还领悟了神技。 Present he, even if facing peerless boundary powerhouse, can fight! 现在的他,哪怕面对绝世境界的强者,也可以战! Let alone, with is the peerless boundary, Tang San affirmed, the Qian Renxue strength cannot compare gradually peerless boundary time longer Bo Saixi absolutely! 更何况,同为绝世境界,唐三肯定,千仞雪的实力绝对比不上浸淫绝世境界时间更长的波塞西 Dauntless struggling!” “无畏的挣扎!” Facing the attack of Tang San, Qian Renxue disdains to sneer, lifts in the hands, the world changes color. 面对唐三的攻击,千仞雪不屑冷笑,抬手间,天地变色。 Incomparably radiant golden light sparkle, casts light upon the entire world, the space is shivering. 无比璀璨的金光闪耀,照映整个天地,空间都在颤动。 The fearsome aura, is full the entire space, trembles void. 可怖的气息,充盈整个空间,虚空震颤。 Golden Spirit Power condenses to obstruct a day of big hand that becomes, toward the Tang San suppression. 金色魂力凝聚而成的遮天大手,向着唐三镇压。 Ka ka ka ~ 咔咔咔~ Looks at that to cover, but below golden palm, the terrifying oppression strength makes Tang San feel that the whole body skeleton in ka ka makes noise, in the volume the blue vein sticks out suddenly. 望着那笼罩而下的金色手掌,恐怖的压迫力让唐三感到全身骨骸都在咔咔作响,额上青筋暴起。 Worthily is the peerless boundary, strikes merely, gives the Tang San greatest pressure. 不愧是绝世境界,仅仅只是一击,就给予唐三莫大的压力。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” Tang San drinks greatly, the trident in hand blooms dazzling blue gold brilliance. 唐三大喝,手中的三叉戟绽放出更加耀眼的蓝金光辉。 Bang! 轰! The sea god trident hits this golden palm, after refusing to compromise for several seconds, the divine tool prestige can bloom, erupts a stronger strength. 海神三叉戟击中这金色手掌,僵持几秒后,神器威能绽放,爆发出更强的力量。 Obstructs a day of big hand to present the fissure, quick breaks. 遮天大手出现裂痕,很快就破碎。 Turbulent fluctuation of energy dispersing, ripples disperse in the space. 汹涌的能量波动散开,一圈圈涟漪在空间中散开。 The Tang San body explodes draws back hundred meters, only felt that the whole body vitality turns wells up, the arm somewhat tingles with numbness. 唐三身体爆退百米,只感到浑身气血翻涌,手臂都有些发麻。 His some do not dare to believe is looking at opposite that woman. 他有些不敢置信的望着对面那个女人。 Is this peerless boundary? 这就是绝世境界么? Will the disparity be so huge? 差距怎么会如此巨大? In the Tang San heart raises wipes the frustration. 唐三心中不由升起一抹挫败感。 Oneself use the divine tool all-out attack, a Qian Renxue conveniently palm, makes his vitality turn wells up is very uncomfortable. 自己使用神器全力攻击,千仞雪只是随手一掌,就让他气血翻涌很是难受。 However, the move of some functions of Tang San. 不过,唐三的这一招还是有一些作用的。 At least, Qian Renxue was compelled to stand from the throne by him, has more earnest. 至少,千仞雪被他逼得从王座上站起来,不得不认真一些。 Quick, Tang San perked up. 很快,唐三就恢复了精神。 His will is firm, naturally cannot, because this small setback gives up. 他意志坚定,自然不会因为这一点小小的挫折而放弃。 Let alone, he shoulders the sea god inheritance, the opposite party peerless boundary. 更何况,他背负海神传承,对方不过只是绝世境界。 If given time, his Tang San, will certainly to become God, rule the world! 假以时日,他唐三,必将成神,君临天下! Again come!” “再来!” Tang San drinks greatly, fighting intent is soaring, flushed again. 唐三大喝,战意高昂,再一次冲了出去。 Nine treasures are famous, first: Strength!” “九宝有名,一曰:力!” Fast!” “速!” Soul!” “魂!” ...... ...... In the space, the delightful sound light sound, later, nine color flowing light swamped into the body of Tang San together. 空间中,一道悦耳之声轻响,随后,一道九彩流光涌入了唐三的身体之中。 Under nine color brilliance increases, Tang San felt that own strength rises dramatically, each aspect attribute promotes a scale completely. 九彩光辉的增幅之下,唐三感觉到自己力量暴增,各个方面属性全部提升一个档次。 This makes his moment confidence increase! 这使得他此刻信心大增! Right, I have the teammate! 对啊,我还有队友呢! ! 唰! The sound gets up together air-splitting, just like the class/flow heart escaping glittering, flushes away toward Qian Renxue. 一道破空声响起,宛若流心般的遁光闪烁,向着千仞雪冲去。 The Tang San eye pupil shrinks, that is Zhu Zhuqing. 唐三眼眸一缩,那是朱竹清 The long blade in her hand, on the blade is producing an inverted image the endless stars, sword intent is swift and fierce, has the potential of broken day. 她手中的长刀,刀刃上倒映着无尽星辰,剑意凌厉,有着破天之势。 Nine Spirit Ring regarding the body of Zhu Zhuqing, seven black two red, in addition has the increases of Ning Rongrong nine treasure glazed pagodas, she dares to challenge Qian Renxue. 九个魂环围绕着朱竹清的身体,七黑两红,加上有着宁荣荣九宝琉璃塔的增幅,她敢挑战千仞雪 That pair profound, if in the eye pupil of radiant starry sky, is glittering cold intent. 那双深邃若璀璨星空的眼眸中,闪烁着冷意。 star flashes! 星闪! In a twinkling, terrifying sword intent fills the air, makes a great show of one's talents. 霎时间,恐怖的剑意弥漫,锋芒毕露。 That sword as if changed to the star glow. 那一剑似乎化作了星芒。 Clang! 锵! Sonorous sound that the blade and sword collide, sparks flying in all directions! 刀与剑碰撞的铿锵之声,火花四溅! Zhu Zhuqing that beautiful pupil shrinks suddenly. 朱竹清那美丽的瞳孔猛然一缩。 On Qian Renxue does not know when is grasping a golden long sword, kept off oneself sword to incur with ease. 千仞雪手上不知什么时候握着一把金色长剑,轻松挡下了自己剑招。 Looks at Zhu Zhuqing, Qian Renxue contemptuously smiles. 看着朱竹清,千仞雪轻蔑一笑。 You join the Empire Alliance, does not know that Ceng Yi can know?” “你们加入帝国联盟,不知曾易可知道?” hears word, in the Zhu Zhuqing heart trembles. 闻言,朱竹清心中不由一颤。 To be honest, she actually does not want to help Heaven Dou Empire, after all this national decayed, disgusting. 说实话,她其实并不太想帮助天斗帝国,毕竟这个国家内部的腐朽,令人恶心至极。 That words before Qian Renxue, some Zhu Zhuqing also approvals. 千仞雪之前的那番话,朱竹清也有些认同。 But, she was Shrek Institute birth, Tang San has the graciousness to her after all, this benevolence has to report. 可是,她毕竟是史莱克学院出生,唐三对她有恩,这份恩情不得不报。 However now, Zhu Zhuqing wants the certificate, oneself are not weak at present this woman! 但是现在,朱竹清更加想要证明,自己不弱于眼前这个女人! Bang! 嘭! A vast infinite strength erupts Zhu Zhuqing to back up from Qian Renxue immediately, spreads out. 一股浩瀚无穷的力量从千仞雪身上爆发朱竹清立刻倒退,拉开距离。 Nine huge Spirit Ring raise from the Qian Renxue under foot slowly. 九个巨大的魂环千仞雪脚下缓缓升起。 Six black ten thousand years of Spirit Ring add on three 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, making Shrek Seven Devils be startled. 六个黑色万年魂环加上三个十万年魂环,让史莱克七怪都不由一怔。 Six wing angels appear in the sky, the golden color cast light upon the horizon brilliance. 六翼天使显现于天空,金色光辉照映天际。 Airborne, has the innumerable pure white feathers to be faded and fallen, is very beautiful. 空中,有着无数的纯白之羽飘零,无比美丽。 The terrifying aura shakes from Qian Renxue, just like vast ocean, inexhaustible, invincible might penetration world! 恐怖的气息从千仞雪身上震荡而出,宛若汪洋大海,无穷无尽,神威贯通天地! Happen, since you join this war on own initiative, then dies here!” “正好,既然你们主动加入这场战争,那么就死在这里吧!” In the Qian Renxue eye pupil gold/metal passes, the white hands hold up the divine tool angel Saint sword, the golden god splendor sparkle just like Sun, a sword cuts. 5873 / 10538415 千仞雪眼眸中金芒流转,玉手举起神器天使圣剑,金色神辉闪耀宛若太阳,一剑斩下。5873/10538415
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