DDTR :: Volume #7

#699: Good 1 peaceful to die honorably, to not live dishonorably!

Jialing pass/test before. 嘉陵关前。 The Qian Renxue upper air sits, the faint pupil light is staring at the armies and numerous Spirit Master of Empire Alliance, the corners of the mouth rises slightly, brings to wipe to ponder. 千仞雪高空而坐,淡漠的眸光凝视着帝国联盟的大军与众多魂师,嘴角微微上扬,带着一抹玩味。 Tang San?” 唐三?” The Qian Renxue vision put the Empire Alliance, a Tang San person. 千仞雪的目光放到了帝国联盟这边,唐三一人身上。 She can look, at present this young people, are the leader of opposite party. 她看得出来,眼前这个年轻人,就是对方的领军人物。 Originally, only Titled Douluo, has not been worth bringing to the attention of Qian Renxue, even the opposite party is twin Martial Soul. 原本,区区一个封号斗罗,还不值得引起千仞雪的注意,即使对方是双生武魂 However, Qian Renxue on Tang San, detected that aura that is the gods. 但是,千仞雪唐三身上,察觉到了属于神明的气息。 Obviously, the opposite party and are the same, carries the Spiritual God inheritance. 很显然,对方与自己一样,身负神灵传承。 Sea god? 海神么? In the Qian Renxue heart talked to oneself, she knows the overseas have mysterious islands, in the island the person believed in the god of sea for generations. 千仞雪心中自语,她知道海外有一座神秘的岛屿,岛上之人世世代代信奉大海之神。 The sea god, blesses the Spiritual God of entire sea. 海神,庇佑整个大海的神灵。 Qian Renxue lazy supports the cheeks, the chuckle was saying: I think, you should be for the first time see this emperor appearance?” 千仞雪一手慵懒的撑着脸颊,轻笑说道:“我想,你应该是第一次见到本帝这副模样吧?” Tang San hears word, some doubts. 唐三闻言,不禁有些疑惑。 Martial Soul Empire empress, Qian Renxue! 武魂帝国的女帝,千仞雪 Today the first time is Tang San saw the empress in this rumor. 今天是唐三第一次见到这位传言中的女帝。 Before then, Tang San had not heard Spirit Hall has existence of Qian Renxue this person, she as if looks like the person of sudden legend. 在此之前,唐三根本就没有听说过武魂殿千仞雪这个人的存在,她仿佛就像是突然出现的一位传奇之人。 But, empress Qian Renxue these words, as if she and Tang San is acquainted to be the same. 可是,女帝千仞雪的这句话,似乎她与唐三相识一样。 What meaning is your saying?” The Tang San sinking sound asked. “你这话是什么意思?”唐三沉声问道。 Qian Renxue said with a smile pale: It seems like you have doubts very much, but are not related, you should see this person.” 千仞雪淡笑道:“看来你很疑惑,不过没关系,你应该见过这个人。” As the Qian Renxue voice falls, in Tang San several people of shocking vision, Qian Renxue turned into a they extremely familiar appearance. 随着千仞雪的话音一落,在唐三几人震惊的目光中,千仞雪变成了一個他们极其熟悉的模样。 Heaven Dou Empire once crown prince, Xue Qinghe! 天斗帝国曾经的太子,雪清河 Tang San stared in a big way the eye, eyeful may not the color of believing. 唐三瞪大了眼睛,满眼都是不可置信之色。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Sees that outstanding youth who Qian Renxue changes, Tang San makes noise panic-strickenly. 看到千仞雪变化成的那位俊逸青年,唐三惊骇出声。 Not is only Tang San, others are also panic-stricken incomparable. 不仅仅是唐三,其他人也是惊骇无比。 Past Crown Prince Heaven Duo, Xue Qinghe was actually the person of Spirit Hall disguises as, true Xue Qinghe had been killed. 当年的天斗太子,雪清河其实是武魂殿之人假扮的,真正的雪清河早就被杀害了。 About this matter, they have known. 关于这件事情,他们都已经知晓。 In the past the false crown prince seizing power event of Heaven Duo imperial family, Tang San guesses at crucial moments put on the Xue Qinghe counterfeit status, and defeated the fake crown prince and repels Spirit Hall Spirit Master. 当年天斗皇室的假太子夺权事件,唐三在关键时刻猜穿了雪清河假冒的身份,并且打败假太子和击退武魂殿魂师 Also is really therefore, Heaven Dou Empire had not been subverted by Spirit Hall. 也真是因此,天斗帝国才没有被武魂殿颠覆。 However, Tang San knows, pretends the Xue Qinghe person, is not Qian Renxue! 但是,唐三知道,假冒雪清河的人,并不是千仞雪啊! But, present Qian Renxue actually changed the Xue Qinghe appearance, the manner and movement, were exactly the same as it, as if she was true Xue Qinghe. 可是,眼前的千仞雪却变化成了雪清河的模样,神态与动作,与之一模一样,似乎她才是真正的雪清河 Moreover, but also knows itself 而且,还认识自己 Tang San revolves fears extremely. 唐三不禁细思极恐。 If pretended the person of Xue Qinghe before is Qian Renxue, a dangerous person, the ambush side them, has understood them. 倘若之前假冒雪清河之人乃是千仞雪,如此危险的一个人,一直潜伏在他们身边,了解他们。 But this person, is the Martial Soul Empire empress, their enemies. 而这人,正是武魂帝国的女帝,他们的敌人。 Immediately, Tang San has an misconception, oneself have Empire Alliance everyone, as if during this empress's control. 顿时,唐三不禁心生一种错觉,自己还有帝国联盟所有人,似乎都在这女帝的掌控之中。 This war, and is expected in opposite party's control. 就连这场战争,也在对方的掌控和预料之中。 Good fearful woman! Worthily is the mainland's first empress, this plans have the method, feared that is Pope Spirit Hall Bibi Dong is inferior to her! 好可怕的女人!不愧是大陆第一女帝,这心机还有手段,怕是武魂殿教皇比比东都不如她! Tang San is looking Qian Renxue that sits well in the space, drop of cold sweat falls from the volume under. 唐三望着端坐于天上的千仞雪,一滴冷汗从额上滑落而下。 Qian Renxue is looking at Tang San, said: „ Tang San , can enter the person in this emperor eyes on this day, are not many, but you are one. 千仞雪望着唐三,说道:“唐三,这天下中,能入本帝眼中的人,不多,而你算是一位。 From this emperor or Crown Prince Heaven Duo, has observed you. 从本帝还是天斗太子之时,就一直观察你了。 Tang San, you are a very outstanding person, you should have the better future. 唐三,你是一个很优秀的人,你应该有着更好的未来。 Why to toil to work oneself to death for Heaven Dou Empire? How joins my Martial Soul Empire? Heaven Dou Empire can your, this emperor also be able to give you, and even more! ” 何必为了天斗帝国劳碌卖命?加入我武魂帝国如何?天斗帝国能够给你的,本帝也能够给你,甚至更多!” Regarding inducing somebody to capitulate of Qian Renxue, Tang San disdains to smile, said: „ I am the master of Heaven Duo Great Emperor, a country emperor master. 对于千仞雪的劝降,唐三不屑一笑,说道:“我乃天斗大帝之师,一国帝师。 Therefore, can you give the position of my emperor master? ” 所以,你能够给我帝师之位?” Tang San this saying, Qian Renxue is speechless immediately. 唐三这话一出,千仞雪顿时无言。 The good extremely arrogant fellow, opens the mouth to want the position of emperor master, but also wants to be this emperor master? 好狂妄的家伙,开口就想要帝师之位,还想做本帝师父? Also does not think own how many jin (0.5 kg) how many two? 也不想想自己几斤几两? Tang San continues to sneer saying: „ Spirit Hall kills me to be close, compelling Clear Sky Sect has to close off a mountain area for 20 years, forces entire Spirit Master World, is attempts to bribe the world. 唐三继续冷笑道:“武魂殿杀害我至亲,强逼昊天宗不得不以封山二十年,又胁迫整个魂师界,更是妄图染指天下。 Entire mainland, because your Martial Soul Empire falls into the boundless war, the innumerable people's common people fall into the flames of war disaster, is miserable beyond description. ” 整个大陆,都因为你武魂帝国陷入无边的战争之中,无数人民百姓陷入战火灾难,苦不堪言。” Such can Martial Soul Empire, how be worth my Tang San giving loyalty to?” “如此的武魂帝国,怎能值得我唐三效忠?” I am the Heaven Dou Empire blue Hao king! My family/home, my family member, friend, all here! “我乃天斗帝国蓝昊王!我的家,我的亲人,朋友,所有的一切都在这里! Gives up own belief, the rejection homeland? Trading is you. Will you give up oneself family member, friend and country and all submit to? 放弃自己的信仰,舍弃家园?换了是伱。你会放弃自己地亲人、朋友、国家和所有的一切去臣服么? Fresh, I want. Italy, I want. The two cannot result and, the shed lives to take righteousness. ” 生,亦我所欲也。义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。” Martial Soul Empire and Spirit Hall, are in this mainland, derives the malignant tumor of vitality and hope unceasingly! 武魂帝国武魂殿,就是这个大陆中,不断汲取生机与希望的毒瘤! My Tang San, the potential does not coexist with your Martial Soul Empire! ” 唐三,势与你武魂帝国不两立!” Listened to Tang San these words, Qian Renxue that light manner to have mighty waves finally. 听着唐三这番话,千仞雪那平淡的神态终于发生了一丝波澜。 She sneers, in the eye pupil is glittering the callous meaning. 她不禁冷笑起来,眼眸中闪烁着冷酷之意。 Very good! It seems like your these people, were the plan fight to the end with this emperor.” “很好!看来你们这些人,是打算与本帝抗争到底了。” Is only, depends on your strengths, can shake obtains under the emperor place the innumerable armies, many powerhouses?” “只是,就凭你们的实力,能够撼动得到本帝座下无数大军,诸多强者?” In the end, but is only unproductive useless, pitiful! Really stubborn does not work!” “到头来,不过只是徒劳无用,可悲至极!真是顽固不灵!” Regarding the Qian Renxue words, Tang San is only light saying a few words. 对于千仞雪的话,唐三只是淡淡的说出一句话。 Rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably!” “宁为玉碎,不为瓦全!” hears word, Qian Renxue stares. 闻言,千仞雪不由一愣。 Rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably?” “宁为玉碎,不为瓦全?” Qian Renxue twittering these words, the corners of the mouth are starting to rise, been able to stop laughing. 千仞雪呢喃着这句话,嘴角开始上扬,止不住的大笑。 Ha, good peaceful to die honorably, to not live dishonorably!” “哈哈哈,好一个宁为玉碎,不为瓦全!” Qian Renxue is gazing below Empire Alliance, in the eye pupil twinkle cold intent. 千仞雪注视着下方的帝国联盟,眼眸中闪烁冷意。 Good, Tang San, it seems like that this emperor misread you actually, this thinks that you can be a real hero, now looks like, but was only a hypocrite!” “好吧,唐三,看来本帝倒是看错你了,本以为你会是一个真英雄,现在看来,不过只是一个伪君子罢了!” Such remarks, the space is suddenly solemnly silent, the atmosphere is much colder. 此话一出,空间骤然肃静,气氛冷得可怕。 The Empire Alliance, Shrek people, on the face appeared the anger. 帝国联盟这边,史莱克众人,脸上都浮现出了怒意。 Qian Renxue cold eye is taking a fast look around these people, cold sound said: On this day, must divide about the long time, dividing the long time must gather, my Martial Soul Empire this is the world situation, complies with the divine intervention!” 千仞雪冷眸扫视着这些人,冷声道:“这天下,合久必分,分久必合,我武魂帝国此乃天下大势,顺应天意!” Ten years of obvious spring last fall, hundred years of obvious birth and death, millennium obvious dynasty rise and fall, ten thousand years! Obviously change of the seasons!” “十年可见春去秋来,百年可见生老病死,千年可见王朝兴衰,万年!可见斗转星移!” Mortal, may bond the eye! Bends mud frog under in small the Dry well, looks up to cave entrance to see the sky, actually dares to chat extravagantly, this is extremely rather laughable!” “凡人,一叶可障目!屈于小小枯井之下的泥蛙,仰望洞口所见之天空,却敢谈天阔地,这未免太过可笑!” How is just? How is evil? It is not able to see clearly including the surroundings, does not know that the person of truth, does dare to bluster?” “怎么是正义?怎么是邪恶?连周围都无法看清,不知真相之人,胆敢口出狂言?” Qian Renxue sneers saying: My is Martial Soul Empire the malignant tumor? No! It looks like in this emperor, Heaven Dou Empire, Star Luo Empire, they are the malignant tumors under this day!” 千仞雪冷笑道:“我武魂帝国乃是毒瘤?不!在本帝看来,天斗帝国,星罗帝国,它们才是这天下的毒瘤!” Your both countries, fission mainland, many countries, unceasing war, restraining wealth, but you have the peak, so long as derives the blood of these countries, may maintain your powers and position. “你们两国,分裂大陆,诸多国家,不断的战争,收敛财富,而你们坐拥顶端,只要汲取这些国家的鲜血,就可保持你们的权力与地位。 But the common people all over the world, are miserable beyond description, how could have you looked at one? ” 而普天之下的平民百姓,苦不堪言,你们何曾看过一眼?” Two years ago, the mainland north erupts the beast tide. That region, obviously is the Heaven Dou Empire territory, but, what did you actually make?” “两年前,大陆北方爆发兽潮。那个区域,明明是天斗帝国的领地,可是,你们却做了什么?” Gave up the defense, making the soul beast tide intrude my person clan area, cruelly harms to slaughter recklessly, causing countless people dead in the soul beast mouth, is with one's family broken up and decimated! “放弃了防守,让魂兽潮闯入我人族疆域,肆意残害杀戮,导致无数人死于魂兽口中,家破人亡! But Martial Soul Empire Spirit Master, army, when the resistance soul beast, your bragged that the just person is doing? ” 武魂帝国魂师,军队,在抵御魂兽的时候,你们这些自诩正义的人在干什么呢?” Does not have the human nature on your, heartless and cruel domestic animal, with holding high the just flag resists with this emperor? Simply is the huge joke!” “就你们这些没有人性,狼心狗肺的畜生,也配高举正义大旗与本帝对抗?简直是天大的笑话!” „ When now, to end of hills and rivers, one flock of range chicken earthenware dogs start to stick together, pull up the just flag, life-and-death wrestles with this emperor? “现在,到了山穷水尽之时,一群土鸡瓦狗开始抱团,拉起正义大旗,与本帝殊死一搏? Tang San! You by your family member, the friend, the country, with the Spirit Hall gratitude and grudges are the reason, won over one group of people, attempts to change the been doomed result. 唐三!你以自己亲人,朋友,国家,还有与武魂殿的恩怨为由,拉拢了一群人,妄图改变已经注定的结局。 It seems like for the principle of righteousness, but is only your selfishness and benefit! 看似是为了大义,但不过只是你的私心与利益罢了! Also for mainland, for innumerable common people, to be just? 还为了大陆,为了无数百姓,为了正义? No, your cannot put down the power in own hand! Situated in top you, has been used to the original position, making you leave all, killing you were more painful. 不,你们这是放不下自己的手中的权力!处于高位的你们,已经习惯了原有的地位,让你们舍去一切,比杀了你们还痛苦。 This world, law of the jungle! Because my Martial Soul Empire is powerful, because this emperor is powerful enough, therefore this emperor has this ability, actually conquers you! 这个世界,弱肉强食!因为我武魂帝国强盛,因为本帝足够强大,所以本帝有这个能力,却征服你们! This, is just! 这,就是正义! Like you, Tang San! Because you are competent, the person who who therefore one crowd has a common goal can gather, pulls up the just flag, revolts against Martial Soul Empire, revolts against this emperor, even can for your parents, sect, the lover avenge a grievance! 就像你,唐三!因为你有实力,所以能够聚集一群志同道合的的人,拉起正义大旗,反抗武魂帝国,反抗本帝,甚至可以为你们父母,宗门,还有爱人报仇雪恨! However, because your selfish and die in several million innocent civilians who the soul beast catches, their hatreds, who comes to revenge for them? ” 但是,因为你们的自私而死在魂兽抓下的数百万无辜百姓,他们的仇恨,又有谁来为他们报仇?” Qian Renxue cold sound is saying, the anger in heart also with the ascension, vast such as sea Spirit Power fills the air. 千仞雪冷声说着,心中的愤怒也随着升腾而起,浩瀚如海的魂力弥漫而出。 Is built on Qian Renxue above sky, at this moment looked like changes to dazzling incomparable Sun, the god splendor bloomed, casts light upon world! 立于天空之上的千仞雪,此刻就像是化作了耀眼无比的太阳,神辉绽放,照映世间! Rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably? Do you also match to call it the jade? In this emperor eyes, you are one crowd of residuals, is wearing in the noble luxurious clothing semblance, cannot cover your ugly souls! “宁为玉碎,不为瓦全?你们也配称之为玉?在本帝眼中,你们就是一群残渣,身穿着在高贵奢华的衣衫外表,也掩盖不住你们丑恶的灵魂! Lifts up high the wine glass in you, manner noblly gracefully chatting extravagant theory, jade stair that as everyone knows your stand, is builds by the innumerable white bones! ” 在你们高举酒杯,行为举止高贵优雅地谈天阔论的时候,殊不知你们脚下所站立的玉石台阶,乃是由无数白骨砌成!” Your these people, are the true demons!” “你们这些人,才是真正的魔啊!”
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