DDTR :: Volume #7

#698: The title gets together, the war will get up!

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Seven in the future. 七日后。 In the morning, the scorching sun initial rise, in the world also fills the air is wiping densely. 清晨,骄阳初升,天地间还弥漫着一抹氤氲。 Closes inside and outside hundred from Jialing, the military compound of Empire Alliance is several miles, lay just like an ancient times giant beast nest here continuously. 距离嘉陵关百里外,帝国联盟的军营连绵长达数十里,宛若一头远古巨兽窝趴在此处。 The innumerable war flags flutter with the wind. 无数战旗随风飘扬。 Thump thump thump!!! 咚咚咚!!! - 呜- With spirited battle drum deafening sound, heavy/thick bugle horn sound resonantly. 随着激昂的战鼓震响,厚重的号角声嘹亮而起。 The ancient times giant beast of this deep sleep started to regain consciousness. 这沉睡的远古巨兽开始苏醒。 Square formations appear outside the barrack, each huge square formation comprised of ten thousand people, along with a series of will make to issue from Central Armed Force. 一个又一个方阵出现在营盘外,每一个巨大的方阵都是由万人组成,伴随着一连串的将令从中央军下达。 The armies of 100,000 Empire Alliances move ahead slowly, that is the entire ten rewiring cavalry regiments. 十万帝国联盟的大军缓缓前移,那是整整十个重装骑兵团。 This is the true steel mighty army. The speed that they go forward is not fast, but that blots out the sky the general oppression strength to make the land also probably shiver. 这是真正的钢铁雄师。他们前进的速度不快,但那铺天盖地一般的压迫力却令大地也要为之颤抖。 But after this heavy cavalry rolls, is a Spirit Master regiment. 而这重骑兵团之后,是一个魂师军团。 Spirit Grandmaster regiment that five thousand Spirit Master compose fully. 足有五千魂师组成的大魂师军团。 They with the light cavalry army corps joint operations, just like the ranger, protect the flank of army, brings into full play the advantage in speed. 他们与轻骑兵团联合行动,宛若游骑兵般,保护大军的侧方,充分发挥速度上的优势。 But later, is dense one piece, 100,000 infantry army half steps go forward. 而之后,又是黑压压的一片,十万步兵大军快步前进。 Rear, has the five-meter jet black chariot, the great crossbow attacking a city artillery, just like the ominous beast advance, the land shivers. 最后面,有着高达五米的漆黑战车,巨弩攻城炮,宛若凶兽般前进,大地都为之颤动。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ Martial Soul Empire, before Jialing Guancheng gate, the uniform jet black armor, grasped the army of long spear/gun to be ready in full battle array. 武魂帝国,嘉陵关城门前,清一色漆黑铠甲,手持长枪的大军早已经严阵以待。 They have felt the trembling feeling that the distant land transmits, the enemy are intruding on! 他们已经感受到远方大地传来的震颤感,敌人正在进犯! Above 50 meters high city walls, Hu Liena is wearing army armor of practicing moral culture/slim fit fully, the beautiful eye pupil is staring at the front. 足有五十米高的城墙之上,胡列娜身穿着修身的军铠,美丽的眼眸凝视着前方。 She has seen, in the horizon, the dense piece just like the ominous beast army, is close to the Jialing pass/test. 她已经看到,地平线上,黑压压一片宛若凶兽般的军队,正在接近嘉陵关。 Attends this scene so great war for the first time, 第一次参加这种场面如此宏大的战争, Even if Hu Liena is eight points of Spirit Douluo boundaries, feels anxious. 哪怕胡列娜已经是八环魂斗罗境界,也不由感到紧张。 This powerful military power, to fully her constriction. 这强大的军势,给足了她压迫感。 Finally came!” “终于来了!” Above the sky, empress Qian Renxue sits , is condensed on the throne that becomes by Spirit Power, the pupil light stares under is turning toward several hundred thousand armies who Jialing closes the advance charge, the corners of the mouth brings back wipes the curve. 天空之上,女帝千仞雪坐在由魂力凝聚而成的王座上,眸光凝视着下方向着嘉陵关前进冲锋的几十万大军,嘴角勾起一抹弧度。 The dense big piece just like the black tide attack, can give people the endless constriction. 黑压压一大片宛若黑潮来袭,能够给予人无尽的压迫感。 However, regarding Qian Renxue, is the same just like the ants. 但是,对于千仞雪来说,就宛若蝼蚁一样。 Even the quantity are many, the ants eventually are only the ants, dares to attempt to shake the big dragon above nine days? 即使数量再多,蝼蚁终究只是蝼蚁,胆敢妄图撼动九天之上的巨龙? Laughable! 可笑! Quick, the armies of Empire Alliance close a kilometer place to stop in Jialing. 很快,帝国联盟的大军在嘉陵关千米处停下。 Chirp chirp chirp- 啾啾啾- Several sounds transmit air-splitting, the above of Empire Alliance army, in the sky presented more than ten person's shadows. 数道破空声传来,帝国联盟大军的上方,天空上出现了十几道人影。 Shrek Seven Devils, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, seven people sets up in an array, is situated in the sky. 史莱克七怪,唐三,小舞,戴沐白,奥斯卡,马红俊,宁荣荣,朱竹清,七人一字排开,立于天空。 Moreover, this Sword Douluo, Tang San parents, sky douluo Tang Hao, blue silver sovereign flatter silver. 不仅如此,还有这剑斗罗,唐三父母,昊天斗罗唐昊,蓝银皇阿银。 Clear Sky Sect sovereign howls day of douluo Tang howl, three elders, five elders, seven elders! 昊天宗宗主啸天斗罗唐啸,三长老,五长老,七长老! Poisonous douluo alone this solitary one abundant! 斗罗独孤博! This war, Star Luo Empire also sent out an imperial family remote antiquity elder to come to attend this war, crazy tiger douluo. 此战,星罗帝国还派出了一位皇室太上长老前来参加此战,狂虎斗罗 Heaven Dou Empire also goes to battle with Titled Douluo, day spirit douluo, was the recent years Heaven Duo imperial family uses a new promote that the resources trained to confer a title upon. 天斗帝国也出战一位封号斗罗,天灵斗罗,乃是近几年天斗皇室倾尽资源培养出的一位新晋封号。 Shrek Seven Devils, only had Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing two people breaks through the Titled Douluo boundary, others were the Spirit Douluo boundaries. 史莱克七怪,只有唐三,朱竹清两人突破到了封号斗罗境界,其他人都是魂斗罗境界。 However holds in the Ning Rongrong Martial Soul in addition, may have the battle efficiency of Titled Douluo rank, regards seven Titled Douluo sufficiently. 但是在宁荣荣武魂加持下,都可拥有封号斗罗级别的战斗力,足以当成七位封号斗罗 Only is the strength that the bright sign comes out, the Empire Alliance has 17 Titled Douluo sufficiently. 光是明牌出来的战力,帝国联盟这边就足以拥有十七位封号斗罗 Obviously, this time, the Empire Alliance it can be said that uses all strengths, pressed above this decisive battle. 可见,这一次,帝国联盟可以说是倾尽所有的力量,都压在了这一次的决战之上。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Tang San and the others, own Spirit Ring release, Martial Soul appears. 唐三等人,一個个都把自己的魂环释放而出,武魂显现。 Suddenly, boundless light beams shoot up to the sky. 一时间,一道道磅礴的光柱冲天而起。 Void, there is to twine the great hammer of thunder and lightning, has a silver three chi (0.33 m) long sword, sending out kills intent dreadfully. 虚空中,有缠绕着雷电的巨锤,有银色三尺长剑,散发滔天杀意。 Has evil spirit white tiger to roar void, the deep green great snake spits the breath wick, sinister and ruthless deceitful. 有凶煞白虎在虚空咆哮,碧绿巨蛇吐息信子,阴毒狡诈。 Seven phoenixes face upward long cry, the burning hot flame incarnadine sky. 七首凤凰仰天长鸣,炙热火焰染红天空。 Has the colored glaze pagoda, sparkles nine color gods light/only. 有琉璃宝塔,闪耀九彩神光。 Has the stars to appear, sword intent leans the day to fall, falls in torrents just like nine days of Milky Way under! 更有星辰显现,剑意倾天而落,宛若九天银河倾泻而下! Rush the boundless imposing manner to shoot up to the sky, in a twinkling, world for it wind and cloud changes countenance. 一道道澎湃磅礴的气势冲天而起,霎时间,天地为之风云变色。 Heaven Duo must win! Star Luo must win!” 天斗必胜!星罗必胜!” Heaven Duo must win! Star Luo must win!” 天斗必胜!星罗必胜!” Heaven Duo must win! Star Luo must win!” 天斗必胜!星罗必胜!” ....... ....... The Empire Alliance hundreds of thousands of armies, see so many Titled Douluo, the terrifying power of shows, Spirit Power vast like sea, as if all may not shake. 帝国联盟数十万大军,看见己方如此多的封号斗罗,所展现的恐怖力量,魂力浩瀚如海,似乎一切都不可撼动。 This makes their moment moods incomparably rush, excited, in the heart is fights intent to be spirited, everyone raises hand high the weapon, wields the arm to shout loudly. 这让他们此刻心情无比澎湃,激动,心中更是战意激昂,所有人都高举手中武器,挥臂高喊。 The Heaven Dou Empire emperor, the avalanche rides on the warhorse, looks that all officers shouted loudly must win, are looking at more than ten Titled Douluo above sky, the mood incomparable rushing, fought intent to rise high! 天斗帝国的皇帝,雪崩骑在战马上,看着所有将士们高喊必胜,望着天空之上的十几位封号斗罗,心情无比滂湃,战意高升! This war, must certainly win! 此战,一定必胜! ~ 啪啪啪~ In a twinkling, in the clear applause space resounds together, making everyone body shake. 霎时间,一道清脆的鼓掌声空间中响起,让所有人身体都不由一震。 In this battlefield, hundreds of thousands of officers such as slating shouting loudly, blasting like thunder. 这战场上,数十万将士如雷鸣般的高喊,震声如雷。 But this clear clapping the hands sound actually resounds in the ear of everyone clearly. 可是这道清脆的拍掌声却清晰地在每一个人的耳边响起。 Extremely is really terrifying. 实在太过恐怖。 Good, the performances of your clowns, are very splendid!” “不错嘛,你们这些小丑的表演,很精彩!” The delightful nice sound resounds in the ear of everyone together, just like day falling sound, such as god word. 一道悦耳动听的声音在每一个人的耳边响起,宛若天降之音,如神言。 Tang San looks up, sees only, the Jialing Guancheng gate above hundred meters places, fly high a golden throne. 唐三抬头望去,只见,嘉陵关城门上方百米处,凌空一张金色王座。 He sees, a beautiful female lazy by sitting above throne. 他看见,一个美丽的女子慵懒地靠坐在王座之上。 This woman, has appearance that falls the world, the makings are sacred, the peerless grace and talent, arrives at this mortal world in the goddess. 这个女人,有着倾倒天下的容颜,气质神圣高贵,风华绝代,宛若神女降临尘世间。 As if in the world all happy adjectives, use on her also insufficient not. 似乎世上一切美好的形容词,用在她身上也不足未过。 To previous, determined Tang San, absent-minded flickers. 只是对上一眼,意志坚定的唐三,都不由为之失神一瞬。 This woman was too beautiful, simply is perfect, just like gods. 这个女人太美了,简直是完美无缺,宛若神明。 In a flash, in the Tang San heart raises the thought that unexpectedly wipes to submit. 一瞬间,唐三心中竟然升起一抹臣服的念头。 But merely is only the flash, this thought was diverged by Tang San, later a danger well ups. 但仅仅只是一瞬间,这个念头就被唐三散去,随后一股危险涌上心头。 This woman, is very dangerous! 这个女人,很危险! At this moment, the Tang San facial expression becomes incomparably dignified. 这一刻,唐三的神情变得无比凝重。 At this moment, above Jialing Guan Cheng wall, counts the form to appear, later released the incomparably tyrannical terrifying aura. 就在这时,嘉陵关城墙上方,数身影出现,随后释放出了无比强横恐怖气息。 But these people, all are Titled Douluo. 而这些人,无一不是封号斗罗 On them nine Spirit Ring, have indicated their Titled Douluo boundary. 他们身上的九个魂环,已经表明了他们封号斗罗的境界。 Has ten Titled Douluo fully. 足有十位封号斗罗 Ten Titled Douluo, with the Empire Alliance that side, compared with 17 Titled Douluo, as if have the vast gap. 只是十位封号斗罗,与帝国联盟那边,十七位封号斗罗相比,似乎有着巨大的差距。 After all Titled Douluo is the key of this decisive battle, always has Titled Douluo to be able many odds of success. 毕竟封号斗罗乃是这场决战的关键,每多出一位封号斗罗就能够多一层胜算。 By Martial Soul Empire and Spirit Hall background, must convene over 20 Titled Douluo, is absolutely. 武魂帝国武魂殿的底蕴,要召集二十位以上的封号斗罗,是绝对可以的。 However, Qian Renxue knows, besides the Empire Alliance, in the mainland also has a bigger threat. 但是,千仞雪知道,除了帝国联盟外,大陆上还有着更大的威胁。 Therefore, she cannot convene all Titled Douluo, must leave behind half of people, assumes other place, provides against contingencies! 所以,她不能把所有的封号斗罗都召集过来,必须要留下一半的人,坐镇别的地方,以防万一! Moreover, Jialing closes here, but has the empress, Qian Renxue assumes personal command personally! 而且,嘉陵关这边,可是有着女帝,千仞雪亲自坐镇啊! By Qian Renxue that peerless boundary, even the opposite party are many ten Titled Douluo, is still useless! 千仞雪那绝世境界,即使对方再多十位封号斗罗,也无用! Martial Soul Empire wielding, Empress, Qian Renxue!” Ning Rongrong looks is sitting on the throne, occupies a commanding position to overlook their woman, saying that the mouth clenches jaws. 武魂帝国的执掌者,女帝,千仞雪!”宁荣荣望着坐在王座上,居高临下俯视着她们的这个女人,嘴里咬牙切齿的说道。 She from the eyes of this woman, read out the meaning of pondering. 她从这个女人的眼中,读出了玩味的意思。 The opposite party simply have not paid attention to their Empire Allied armies. 对方根本没有把他们帝国联军放在眼里。 ...... 5873 / 10530657 ......5873/10530657
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