DDTR :: Volume #7

#697: Takes the Jialing pass/test

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An eagle spreads the wings to hover above the upper air. 一头雄鹰展翅在高空之上翱翔。 By the dense white clouds, above the under open and spacious plain, has a big dragon crawling vanguard. 透过氤氲白云,下方旷阔的平原之上,有着一条巨龙匍匐前行。 Carefully looks, that is what big dragon, but is one group of huge armies, above the plain, leads the way slowly. 仔细看去,那是什么巨龙,而是一组庞大的军队,在平原之上,缓缓前行。 The colors sway with the wind, the innumerable warhorses gallop, just like thunderous billowing. 军旗随风飘摇,无数战马奔腾,宛若雷鸣滚滚。 Twinkle gloss of jet black heavy armor under the sunlight, is sending out the meaning of withering. 漆黑的重甲在阳光下闪烁光泽,散发着肃杀之意。 The terrifying military power as if condenses the essence, formed the black malignant influences, shoots up to the sky. 恐怖的军势似乎凝聚成实质,形成了黑色的煞气,冲天而起。 1 million armies, have the heavy cavalry regiment fully, in the front leads the way, several hundred thousand Cohort row of vanguards systematic, several light cavalry square formations regarding the army outside, have to scout the cavalry unceasing alternation in each formations, transmits the military order. 足有百万的军队,有重骑兵方队,在前方开路,几十万步兵队列井然有序的前行,几个轻骑兵方阵围绕大军外侧,有着斥候骑兵不断的穿插在各个队列之间,传递军令。 Behind, has just like the chariot of giant beast, heavy artillery, just like steel fortress. 后方,更是有着宛若巨兽的战车,重型火炮,宛若钢铁堡垒。 Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire joint army, these almost gathered the two countries sharpest armies time, gathers in this, preparation and Martial Soul Empire war. 天斗帝国星罗帝国的联合军队,这一次几乎是聚集了两国最为精锐的部队,聚集于此,准备与武魂帝国的大战。 In the chariot, the great artillery, wears armor under the oppression of the people of warhorse, the land vibrates. 在战车,巨炮,披甲战马的铁蹄之下,大地都震动。 1 million blood and iron hero army, as if the incarnation is a jet black big dragon, the terrifying imposing manner invasion horizon, the atmosphere becomes extremely depressing. 百万铁血雄军,似乎化身为一头漆黑的巨龙,恐怖的气势侵染天际,气氛都变得极度压抑。 Above the sky, a long sword stagnates in in the air, on the sword blade is standing together the white clothing form. 天空之上,一把长剑停滞于空中,剑身上站立着一道白衣身影。 Huge is so battle formation, plans and Martial Soul Empire comes a final decisive battle?” “如此庞大的阵势,是打算与武魂帝国来一次最终决战吗?” The Sword Douluo governing sword flies high, looks at 1 million armies who under are leading the way. 剑斗罗御剑凌空,望着下方前行的百万大军。 The air/Qi of blood and iron evil spirit this army sends out, lets his Titled Douluo, felt that the heart is startled. 这支军队所散发的铁血凶煞之气,让他一位封号斗罗,都感到心惊。 So the imposing manner army, absolutely is Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire as the elite army combination. 如此气势的军队,绝对是天斗帝国星罗帝国作为精锐的军队组合而成。 Can look, this war, two big empires have arranged for a long time. 看得出来,这一战,两大帝国已经筹备了许久。 This time, was the plan life-and-death wrestles. 这一次,是打算殊死一搏了。 „The universe throws, is actually unproductive useless, violates orders to strive for victory is looking at this joint army who......” Chen Xin occupies a commanding position, talked to oneself in a soft voice. “乾坤一掷,究竟是徒劳无用,还是逆命求胜......”尘心居高临下的望着这支联合大军,轻声自语。 Afterward, 随后, The form changes to together the light, flies toward below army. 身影化作一道光,向着下方的军队飞去。 Chen Xin has not hidden own imposing manner. 尘心并没有隐藏自己的气势。 Is the huge oppression imposing manner of Titled Douluo rank, quick is inspected Spirit Master of army to detect. 属于封号斗罗级别的庞大压迫气势,很快就被巡视军队的魂师所察觉。 The imposing manner of that terrifying arrives, making their hearts be startled. 那恐怖的气势降临,让他们心惊无比。 Has people to drink: Enemy raids! Various units pay attention!” 有人大喝:“敌袭!各单位注意!” First responded Spirit Master squad that immediately passes around the news. 最先反应过来的魂师小队,立刻把消息传下去。 They want to pass to resist, however the aura of opposite party is terrifying, keeping the will that they prevent from raising. 他们想过去抵挡,但是对方的气息过于恐怖,让他们连阻挡的意志都无法升起。 Chen Xin has not hidden own aura, was the Titled Douluo huge imposing manner, quick by the Spirit Master expert who in the allied armies assumed detecting. 尘心没有隐藏自己的气息,属于封号斗罗的庞大气势,很快就被联军中坐镇的魂师高手给察觉到了。 In a twinkling, the army center, several huge aura shoot up to the sky. 霎时间,军队中心,数道庞大的气息冲天而起。 In these aura, flood does not have the huge aura of Titled Douluo rank. 这些气息之中,不泛有着封号斗罗级别的庞大气息。 Future who?” “来者何人?” Poisonous douluo alone this solitary one drinks greatly, takes the lead to act, Spirit Power concentrates in the palm, pats to a goal palm that is raiding. 斗罗独孤博大喝,率先出手,魂力凝于手心,对着袭来的目标一掌拍去。 Quiet green Spirit Power changes to the giant palm, the imposing manner is powerful. 幽绿色魂力化作巨大手掌,气势强悍无比。 The next quarter, the swift and fierce sword air/Qi flies to cut, the lonely abundant attack will be cut to extinguish shortly. 下一刻,凌厉的剑气飞斩而出,孤独博的攻击顷刻被斩灭。 But this sword air/Qi also continues to charge into together alone this solitary one abundant. 而这一道剑气还继续冲向独孤博。 Quite quick! 好快! Facing this together if quickly the sword air/Qi like lightning, the might far exceeds his trust, for a while negligent alone this solitary one does not have the time to dodge abundantly, can only transport/fortune the Spirit Power guard/shield resistance. 面对这一道快若闪电般的剑气,威力远超他的相信,一时大意的独孤博已经没有时间闪躲,只能运起魂力护罩抵御。 Bang! 嘭! The sword air/Qi cuts to fall, alone this solitary one abundant body flying upside down, the vitality turns wells up, a blood emits, the aura dispirited gets down. 剑气斩落,独孤博身体倒飞,气血翻涌,一口鲜血喷吐而出,气息萎靡下去。 Has been well since last meeting, old poison!” “别来无恙啊,老毒物!” The voice that coldly together transmits, alone this solitary one looks abundantly, sees the future to be built on above the sky, a silver hair flutters with the wind, eye pupil faint staring oneself. 一道冷冷的话音传来,独孤博看去,见来者立于天空之上,一头银发随风飘扬,眼眸淡漠的凝视着自己。 Sword Douluo, Chen Xin!” 剑斗罗,尘心!” After alone this solitary one sees clearly this person of true colors abundantly, stared in a big way the eye. 独孤博看清这人的真面目后,不由瞪大了眼睛。 That is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect strongest Spirit Master. 那可是七宝琉璃宗最强的魂师 Although he alone this solitary one abundant is also Titled Douluo, may cultivate/repair for is about 92 levels, is not fight Spirit Master. 尽管他独孤博也是封号斗罗,可修为不过九十二级,还不是战斗型魂师 The opposite party were known as the mainland attacks first Sword Douluo, the pinnacle attack of Martial Soul Seven Kills Sword, is the sky hammer must evade its point. 对方可是号称大陆攻击第一的剑斗罗,武魂七杀剑的极致攻击,就是昊天锤也得避其锋芒。 don't said that he alone this solitary one abundant 92 levels of Titled Douluo, even the mainland, can resist Sword Douluo Spirit Master, is still only the hand may count. 莫说他独孤博一个九十二级的封号斗罗了,即使全大陆,能够对抗剑斗罗魂师,也是只手可数。 This is in the mainland one of the peak powerhouses. 这可是大陆上最顶尖的强者之一啊。 Quick, army below number streams light/only shoot up to the sky, Chen Xin surrounding. 很快,军队下方数道流光冲天而起,把尘心给包围住。 Teacher's younger brother? How did you come?” “师叔?你怎么来了?” But these surround the Chen Xin person, has Zhu Zhuqing. 而这些包围尘心的人,就有朱竹清 She is the Titled Douluo boundary, detected that the so powerful aura arrives, she naturally comes to resist. 她以是封号斗罗境界,察觉到如此强悍的气息降临,她自然前来抵御。 After seeing is Sword Douluo Chen Xin, was somewhat scared. 只是,看到是剑斗罗尘心后,有些傻眼了。 Chen Xin stared Zhu Zhuqing one, cold -ly snorted and said: Snort! Naturally is looks after you two small girl!” 尘心瞪了朱竹清一眼,冷哼道:“哼!当然是来照看你们两个小丫头!” Rongrong?” 荣荣呢?” She below.” “她在下面。” Zhu Zhuqing somewhat ashamed saying. 朱竹清有些惭愧的说道。 Originally she and Ning Rongrong was discussing did not plan draws in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect this turbid water. 原本她与宁荣荣商量着是不打算把七宝琉璃宗拖入这趟浑水中的。 But as if implicated sect. 但似乎还是连累了宗门 Diverges, is not an enemy.” Zhu Zhuqing was saying to the people, then brings the Sword Douluo Chen Xin going central military compound. “都散去吧,不是敌人。”朱竹清对着众人说道,便带着剑斗罗尘心前去中央军营。 The important personage who in the central military compound, this fights, gathers in this. 中央军营中,这一战的重要人物,都聚集于此。 Shrek Seven Devils, past golden triangle Yu Xiaogang and the others, Clear Sky Sect people, Heaven Dou Empire chief army grand marshals...... 史莱克七怪,当年的黄金三角玉小刚等人,昊天宗众人,天斗帝国总军大元帅...... Also, the Heaven Dou Empire current emperor, the avalanche Great Emperor, this time, his royal cart drafts, stands in the frontline, fights bravely with the officers together. 还有,天斗帝国现任皇帝,雪崩大帝,这一次,他御驾亲征,站在前线,与将士们共同奋战。 Sword grandfather! How did you come?” Ning Rongrong sees Zhu Zhuqing to lead Sword Douluo Chen Xin to enter the big camp, the pleasant surprise makes noise. “剑爷爷!你怎么来了?”宁荣荣看见朱竹清领着剑斗罗尘心进入大营,惊喜出声。 But looks the bitter color later. 可随后又面露苦色。 It is not will catch itself to go back? 不会是来抓自己回去的吧? Chen Xin looks granddaughter Ning Rongrong that oneself most love, said lightly: Why I come back, isn't your psychology clear?” 尘心看着自己最为疼爱的孙女宁荣荣,淡淡说道:“我为什么回来,难道你心理不清楚?” Hears Chen Xin these words, Ning Rongrong spits the tongue mischievously, said: I will not go back in any case.” 听到尘心这句话,宁荣荣淘气地吐了吐舌头,说道:“反正我是不会回去的。” Regarding her attitude, Chen Xin naturally is early some expectations, helpless said: Your father knows unable to convince you, therefore the old man has to come to look after your securities.” 对于她的态度,尘心自然是早有预料,无奈道:“你父亲知道劝不动你们,所以老夫只好过来照看你们的安全。” Really? That was good!” Heard this saying, Ning Rongrong feels relieved finally. “真的?那太好了!”听到这话,宁荣荣终于放心了。 Has seen the Sword Douluo senior.” “见过剑斗罗前辈。” Tang San is saluting to Chen Xin submissively, is very respectable. 唐三对着尘心拱手行礼,很是尊敬。 At present this person, is not only only Ning Rongrong their elders, is powerful Titled Douluo. 眼前这人,不仅只是宁荣荣她们的长辈,还是实力强大的封号斗罗 If he joins himself, then regarding Tang San, absolutely is the huge good deed. 他若加入自己这边,那对于唐三来说,绝对是天大的好事。 Their Empire Alliance, although Titled Douluo are many, but actually no one's strength can compare at present this Sword Douluo. 要知道,他们帝国联盟这边,虽然封号斗罗不少,但却无一人的实力能够比拟眼前这位剑斗罗 Their Empire Alliance, cultivating is highest for the boundary, is Clear Sky Sect sovereign, the Tang San Bettens howls, Spirit Power 96 levels! 要知道,他们帝国联盟这边,修为境界最高的,也就是昊天宗的宗主,唐三的大伯唐啸,魂力九十六级! But Sword Douluo Chen Xin, is 97 levels of terrifying cultivates is! 剑斗罗尘心,乃是九十七级的恐怖修为! Moreover, he is the Ceng Yi master! A swordsmanship cultivate/repair to profound, not only the strength absolutely the superficial 97 levels cultivate/repair is so simple. 而且,他还是曾易的师父!一身剑道修为高深,实力绝对不只是表面九十七级修为那么简单。 Others also greeted with Chen Xin. 其他人也纷纷与尘心打招呼。 Even if Clear Sky Sect sovereign Tang howl, Sword Douluo is also his elder. 哪怕是昊天宗的宗主唐啸,剑斗罗也是他的长辈。 Even the Heaven Dou Empire emperor avalanche, Chen Xin still nods slightly hints. 就算是天斗帝国的皇帝雪崩,尘心也只是微微颔首示意。 The Sword Douluo Chen Xin prestige, the people in military compound know its terrifying. 剑斗罗尘心的威名,军营中的众人都知晓其恐怖。 Can have such a powerhouse to join certainly, to them absolutely is a good deed. 能够有这么一位绝强者加入,对于他们来说绝对是一件好事。 In the Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang heart is wild with joy. 大师玉小刚心中更是欣喜若狂。 Sword Douluo comes personally, does that represent Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect also to stand this side them? 剑斗罗亲自过来,那岂不是代表七宝琉璃宗也站在他们这一边? Had joining of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, regarding the army strength, absolutely is a huge enhancement. 有了七宝琉璃宗的加入,对于全军实力来说,绝对是一个巨大的增强。 The function even must come usefully compared with Clear Sky Sect! 其作用甚至比昊天宗还要来得有用! After all Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect assistance Spirit Master, is the world is famous, has their assistances, the Spirit Master strength can rise upward turns. 毕竟七宝琉璃宗的辅助魂师,可是天下有名,有他们的辅助,魂师的战力可以往上翻上一翻。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Martial Soul Empire. 武魂帝国这边。 Qian Renxue looks at the information that scouts to transmit, the water sleek/moist powder lip brings back wipes the curve, smiles lightly. 千仞雪看着斥候传来的信息,水润粉唇不由勾起一抹弧度,淡淡笑起。 Interesting! Does this Empire Alliance dare to stare at the Jialing pass/test unexpectedly? Is plans to stake everything on a single throw of the dice, life-and-death wrestled?” “有趣!这帝国联盟竟然敢盯上嘉陵关?是打算孤注一掷,殊死一搏了么?” The Jialing pass/test is easily defensible military commander strategic location, the Empire Alliance chooses this place to conduct the storm, obviously is the acting without wisdom. 嘉陵关乃是一座易守难攻的兵家战略之地,帝国联盟选择这個地方进行强攻,显然是不智之举。 However, Qian Renxue also guessed correctly idea that they must do this. 不过,千仞雪也猜到了他们必须这样做的想法。 Jialing closes the back, is place of open and spacious plain, if captures the Jialing pass/test, then the armies of Empire Alliance can be unprecedented, points to the Martial Soul Empire center. 嘉陵关背后,乃是一片旷阔的平原之地,若是攻下嘉陵关,那么帝国联盟的大军就可以一往无前,直指武魂帝国腹地。 But if does not take down this place, the Empire Alliance armies want to attack Martial Soul Empire, must bypass the day of Spirit Mountain lineage/vein. This mountain range just like together the Great Wall, is a natural precipitous defense line. 可若是不取下这个地方,帝国联盟大军想要进攻武魂帝国,就得绕过天灵山脉。这座山脉宛若一道长城,是一道天然险峻的防线。 And the topography bad risk, the route is complex, marches in this place, not only the army advance difficulty, the logistics supply is hard to follow. 其中地势凶险,路线复杂,在这种地方进行行军,不仅军队前进困难,后勤补给更是难以跟上。 Once were supposed to ambush by the opposite party, will cause the losses that is hard to estimate. 一旦被对方设下埋伏,将会造成难以预估的损失。 Takes the precipitous road with its consumption a lot of energy commodities, might as well launches the general attack to the Jialing pass/test. 与其耗费大量的精力物资走险峻之路,还不如向嘉陵关发起总攻。 Therefore, the Empire Alliance chose this to seem like the bad risk, but actually was actually simplest, most direct plan. 所以,帝国联盟选择了这一条看似凶险,但其实却是最简单,也最直接的方案。 However, will Qian Renxue make them achieve wishes? 但是,千仞雪会让他们如愿以偿吗? Answer whether! 答案是否的! This time, she must make these revolt against her Martial Soul Empire person and influence, buries under Jialing Guan Cheng wall! 这一次,她要让这些反抗她武魂帝国的人与势力,都埋葬在嘉陵关城墙之下! ...... 5873 / 10528076 ......5873/10528076
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