DDTR :: Volume #7

#696: The war will get up!

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Martial Soul city, Pope palace. 武魂城,教皇殿。 In the formal-looking main hall, Bibi Dong is looking blonde female who stands in oneself opposite, the look is somewhat complex. 气氛严肃的大殿内,比比东望着站在自己对立面的金发女子,神色有些复杂。 What matter do you look for my?” Bibi Dong opens the mouth, faint sound in spacious main hall internal breaks. “你来找我何事?”比比东开口,淡漠的声音在空旷的大殿内穿荡。 Looks for your important person!” Qian Renxue said lightly, seemed like saying an immaterial matter. “找你要人!”千仞雪淡淡说道,似乎是在说一个无关紧要的事情。 Important person?” “要人?” Bibi Dong somewhat looks puzzled own daughter Qian Renxue. 比比东有些不解的看着自己女儿千仞雪 Temper arrogant such as she, will choose to look for the important person unexpectedly, this is really very unusual. 性子高傲如她,竟然会选择找自己要人,这真是十分的稀奇。 Bibi Dong said lightly: Your capable person different gentleman is under as numerous as the hairs of an ox, under the place has 1 million armies, why must to look for my important person?” 比比东淡淡道:“你手下能人异士多如牛毛,座下更是有着百万大军,何须来找我要人?” Qian Renxue said: „ At this time the situation is urgent, Heaven Duo, the Star Luo two big empires have deployed troops 1 million before the border pass, is ready to make trouble. 千仞雪说道:“此时形势紧迫,天斗,星罗两大帝国已经在边关前陈兵百万,蠢蠢欲动。 Clear Sky Sect has also been born, joins the Empire Alliance camp. 昊天宗也已经出世,加入帝国联盟阵营。 First did not say that opposite party the number of army, is only the Spirit Master strength, on has to be close to ten Titled Douluo outwardly fully. ” 先不说对方的军队之数,光是魂师的力量,明面上就足有接近十位封号斗罗。” Therefore, facing counter-attack of Empire Alliance, you were afraid?” Bibi Dong said. “所以,面对帝国联盟的反扑,你害怕了?”比比东说道。 Fear? Laughable!” “害怕?可笑!” Qian Renxue disdains to smile, coldly said: Their every action and every movement during this emperor grasps, gives them the time, the person but who to let these revolts against this emperor gathers one, is good to catch the whole lot in a dragnet!” 千仞雪不屑一笑,冷冷说道:“他们的一举一动都在本帝掌握之中,给他们时间,只是为了让这些反抗本帝的人聚集一处,好一网打尽而已!” But, Clear Sky Sect closes off a mountain area, conserves strength for more than 20 years, has the sky hammer of name of first under heaven Martial Soul, Clear Sky Sect talented.” “不过,昊天宗封山,养精蓄锐二十多年,负有天下第一器武魂之称的昊天锤,昊天宗实力不俗。” Clear Sky Sect, if joins in the Empire Alliance, truly can bring some hindrance to me.” Qian Renxue said. 昊天宗若是加入帝国联盟中,确实能够给我带来一些阻碍。”千仞雪如此说道。 Although Qian Renxue is arrogant, has 1 million hero army, innumerable Spirit Grandmaster, the strong strength, actually not too pays attention to Heaven Duo Star Luo two under addition. 虽然千仞雪性格高傲,坐拥百万雄军,手下无数大魂师,加上自身强大的实力,其实并不太把天斗星罗两个放在眼里。 However, the Clear Sky Sect strength is not truly weak. 不过,昊天宗的实力确实不弱。 In addition this generation of sky douluo Tang Hao, Qian Renxue estimated, Clear Sky Sect has five Titled Douluo at least. 加上这一代的昊天斗罗唐昊,千仞雪估计,昊天宗最少拥有五位封号斗罗 But this is not Qian Renxue most is worried. 但这并不是千仞雪最担心的。 What she is worried is Clear Sky Sect that with grandfather same generation of person, former generation sky douluo, three Tang Chen certainly. 她担心的是昊天宗的那位,与自己爷爷同一辈的人,上代昊天斗罗,三绝之一的唐晨。 If Tang Chen also comes because of birth of Clear Sky Sect, this regarding Qian Renxue, is a trouble. 若是唐晨也因为昊天宗的出世而现身,这对于千仞雪来说,是一个麻烦。 Qian Renxue the Tang early morning appearance also calculates that in words, the paper surface strength of present Empire Alliance, has been able to contend with her Martial Soul Empire. 千仞雪把唐晨的出现也算在其中的话,现在的帝国联盟的纸面实力,已经能够与她的武魂帝国抗衡。 Although Qian Renxue is not willing to seek help mother Bibi Dong. 虽然千仞雪不太愿意求助自己母亲比比东 But the present is the critical moment, her time does not want to waste, must gather enough many Spirit Master, especially the strength of Titled Douluo rank. 但现在是关键时刻,她一点时间都不想浪费,必须聚集足够多的魂师,特别是封号斗罗级别的战力。 Qian Renxue must to the Empire Alliance paper surface on strength that oneself estimate, conducts the thorough steamroll. 千仞雪是要对自己预估的帝国联盟纸面上的实力,进行彻底的碾压。 This she did not plan that time to opportunity that the opposite party pants for breath, must take Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire in one vigorous effort. 这一次她不打算给对方喘息的机会,要一鼓作气拿下天斗帝国星罗帝国 Bibi Dong said: Even if there is Clear Sky Sect to join, what should unable to constitute to threaten to you?” 比比东说道:“就算是有昊天宗加入,应该也对你构不成什么威胁吧?” Bibi Dong knows, oneself daughter now is the peerless half god boundary , like oneself. 比比东知道,自己女儿现在已经是绝世半神境界,与自己一样。 The peerless boundary, regarding other Titled Douluo, radically is the strength of steamroll. 绝世境界,对于其他封号斗罗来说,根本就是碾压的力量。 Even if the opponent's several Titled Douluo on many, is unable to make up for disparity to be right. 哪怕对手在多上几个封号斗罗,也无法弥补这其中的差距才对。 Qian Renxue sneers saying: If in the opposite party camp also has peerless boundary Spirit Master?” 千仞雪冷笑道:“若是对方阵营中也有一位绝世境界的魂师呢?” How possibly?” Bibi Dong hears this word, stared in a big way the eye. “怎么可能?”比比东听到此言,不由瞪大了眼睛。 Nothing is impossible, the truth of this world, knows your me is more complex.” Qian Renxue light say/way. “没什么不可能,这个世界的真相,远比你我所知道的更加复杂。”千仞雪淡淡道。 Told her regarding Ceng Yi in the mystical place the matter, Qian Renxue had not said with Bibi Dong. 对于曾易所告诉她秘境之中发生的事情,千仞雪并没有与比比东说。 Perhaps regarding Bibi Dong, situated in the peerless boundary, has stood in the world certainly summit, can want to do anything. 或许对于比比东来说,处于绝世境界,已经站在世界绝巅,可以想做任何事。 But through Ceng Yi, Qian Renxue knows, if not break through to the god boundary, in the future the matter, merely is only present cultivating is the boundary, anything is unable to sit. 但通过曾易,千仞雪知道,若是不突破到神境,未来发生的事情,仅仅只是现在的修为境界,什么都无法坐到。 Let alone, the god boundary is also only a new beginning. 更何况,神境也不过只是一個新的起点罢了。 Before the Flood's war, does not know that many god boundary powerhouses fall from the sky. 要知道,上古时代的战争中,不知多少神境强者陨落。 „The Golden Crocodile elder, the exorcize demons thousand honored two long same old tune me, as for other, you have looked to manage on the line.” Qian Renxue says the person who oneself wanted immediately. “把金鳄长老,降魔千钧两位长老调过我这边来,至于其它的,你看着办就行。”千仞雪立刻说出了自己想要的人。 The Golden Crocodile elder is under the peerless boundary, Spirit Power reaches as high as 98 levels of Titled Douluo. 金鳄长老乃是绝世境界之下,魂力高达九十八级的封号斗罗 The exorcize demons elder, thousand honored elders, the strength is 96 levels of Titled Douluo, moreover two people are the blood brother, tacit extraordinary , may jump the ranks jointly a war! 降魔长老,千钧长老,实力都是九十六级的封号斗罗,而且两人乃是亲兄弟,默契非凡,联手之下,可越级一战! Qian Renxue wants these three Titled Douluo. 千仞雪只要这三位封号斗罗 Under Spirit Master as for Titled Douluo, Qian Renxue does not care. 至于封号斗罗之下的魂师,千仞雪也不在意。 Because, Spirit Master under title are many, is unable to change anything. 因为,封号之下的魂师多,也无法改变什么。 Can control the battlefield situation, only then highest-end strength, Titled Douluo! 能够左右战场局势的,只有最高端战力,封号斗罗 Bibi Dong knits the brows slightly, Qian Renxue asks for it to go to three senior generals, this is really makes her somewhat would rather not. 比比东微微皱眉,千仞雪一开口就要去自己三员大将,这实在是让她有些不太情愿。 Because these three people besides her, the elders of Spirit Hall strength most intrepid three Titled Douluo ranks. 因为这三人可是除她之外,武魂殿实力最强悍的三位封号斗罗级别的长老。 Bibi Dong thought deeply about several points, finally nodded assent daughter's request. 比比东思索了几分,最后还是点头同意了女儿的要求。 Ok, in addition, this sovereign gives you again 1000 elite Spirit Master groups, but, I have a request.” “行,除此之外,本皇再给你一千精英魂师团,不过,我有一个要求。” What requests?” Qian Renxue asked. “什么要求?”千仞雪问道。 Bibi Dong said: Takes, allowing her to participate in this war.” 比比东说道:“把娜儿带上,让她参与这场战争。” Qian Renxue hears word, the eye pupil shrinks. 千仞雪闻言,眼眸不由一缩。 Hu Liena? Ok.” 胡列娜么?可以。” Regarding Hu Liena, Qian Renxue does not care, even if Bibi Dong is good to Hu Liena this biological daughter, regards the next generation Pope to train her. 对于胡列娜,千仞雪并不太在意,哪怕比比东胡列娜比自己这个亲女儿还好,把她当成下一代教皇培养。 Qian Renxue cannot have a liking for the position of Pope, this position cannot be joined to her ambition. 千仞雪看不上教皇之位,这个位置也配不上她的野心。 Let alone, Hu Liena regarding Qian Renxue, had been eliminated, is not in the vigilant list. 更何况,胡列娜对于千仞雪来说,已经是出局了,不在自己警惕的名单之中。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 七宝琉璃宗 In the discussing official business palace, sovereign Ning Fengzhi is reading the correspondence in hand, some headaches. 议事殿内,宗主宁风致看着手中的书信,不禁有些头疼。 Rongrong and Zhuqing these two girls, oh ~ 荣荣竹清这两丫头,唉~” Ning Fengzhi very helpless sighing, raises head to look at the ceiling, felt that the heart is tired. 宁风致很是无奈的叹了口气,仰头望着天花板,感到心累。 He knows, oneself daughter these goes to the Heaven Duo city time, will not definitely have what good deed. 他就知道,自己女儿这一次去天斗城,肯定不会发生什么好事。 Rongrong and Zhuqing, should be the choice join a Heaven Duo side, resisted Martial Soul Empire?” Sword Douluo Chen Xin from the expression of Ning Fengzhi this headache, has guessed correctly the content of correspondence. 荣荣竹清,应该是选择加入天斗一方,对抗武魂帝国了吧?”剑斗罗尘心宁风致这一副头疼的表情中,已经猜到了书信的内容。 Ning Fengzhi somewhat said indignantly: Right! What is laughable, they also stressed, this is only their individual wishes, does not close the sect matter, making Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect not need to participate.” 宁风致有些气愤地说道:“没错!可笑的是,她们还强调,这只是她们两人的个人意愿,不关宗门的事情,让七宝琉璃宗不用参与进去。” Laughable, simply is laughable!” “可笑,简直是可笑!” As future Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect sovereign, actually said the so laughable words to come!” Ning Fengzhi scolded, regarding willful of oneself this daughter, felt somewhat disappointedly. “作为未来的七宝琉璃宗宗主,竟然说出如此可笑的话来!”宁风致骂道,对于自己这个女儿的任性,感到有些失望。 sect future sovereign chooses to join a Heaven Duo side, then sect possibly can also stay out? 宗门未来的宗主都选择加入天斗一方,那么宗门怎么可能还能够置身事外? I heard that Clear Sky Sect also left the mountain, the allied armies of two big empires have gathered in the Martial Soul Empire boundary, plans to launch the war.” Bone Douluo Gu Rong said. “听说,昊天宗也出山了,两大帝国的联军已经汇聚武魂帝国边界,打算发动战争。”骨斗罗古榕说道。 That, what to do can we? Elegance?” “那么,我们要怎么办?风致?” Ning Fengzhi hesitates suddenly unceasingly. 宁风致一时间犹豫不绝。 The Martial Soul Empire empress and Ceng Yi relate great . Moreover the empress also helped Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect solve the danger of extermination, they also owed a Martial Soul Empire favor. 武魂帝国的女帝与曾易关系不浅,而且女帝还帮七宝琉璃宗解决了灭门之险,他们还欠武魂帝国一个人情。 Ning Rongrong does this, that puts in the place of non- righteousness Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 宁荣荣这样做,那就是把七宝琉璃宗置于不义之地。 But, as the Ning Rongrong father, Ning Fengzhi cannot look is own daughter in danger in? 可是,作为宁荣荣的父亲,宁风致总不能看着自己女儿陷入危险之中吧? Or makes me go them to bring?” Gu Rong said. “要不让我去把她们带回来?”古榕这么说道。 But nearby Chen Xin is looked the fool same looks at Gu Rong, said funnily: You? Their is 80 multistage cultivates is, one is the Titled Douluo boundary, you determined that you can lead them?” 而一旁的尘心则是看傻子一样看着古榕,好笑说道:“就你?她们一人是八十多级修为,一个是封号斗罗境界,你确定你能够把她们带回来?” Heard Chen Xin this saying, Bone Douluo also gawked. 听到尘心这话,骨斗罗也愣了一下。 Right, these two girls were not the past little girls, two people jointly , his old bones, as if also were really not an opponent. 对啊,这两丫头不是当年的小女孩了,两人联手之下,他这一身老骨头,似乎还真不是对手。 What to do can we? Becoming an official to reinforce the Empire Alliance?” “那我们要怎么办?出山增援帝国联盟吗?” Ok, the old man goes to one personally. Some I look, at least can assure their securities!” Sword Douluo Chen Xin said. “算了,还是老夫亲自去一趟吧。有我看着,至少能够保证她们的安全!”剑斗罗尘心如此说道。 His swordsmanship cultivate/repair to extraordinarily, is 97 levels of Titled Douluo, the strength is certainly strong, may jump the ranks the fight. 他一身剑道修为非凡,又是九十七级的封号斗罗,战力绝强,可越级战斗。 It can be said that under the peerless boundary, confers a title upon the first person. 可以说是绝世境界之下,封号第一人。 The Chen Xin strength, can blow Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing sufficiently two people. 5873 / 10527827 尘心的实力,足以镇得住宁荣荣朱竹清两人。5873/10527827
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