DDTR :: Volume #7

#695: Human is really fearful!

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Ceng Yi was also somewhat ignorant. 曾易也是有些懵了。 Originally he does not want this demon bird to take the mount, such was too troublesome. 本来他并不太想要这头魔禽作为坐骑的,那样太麻烦了。 Thinks that this dark phoenix stays in the mystical place, will collapse with the mystical place also perishes. 只是,想到这头暗黑凤凰留在秘境中,也会随着秘境崩溃还灭亡。 After all, the dark phoenix also told Ceng Yi about recovering the matter of evil god. 毕竟,暗黑凤凰也告诉了曾易关于复苏邪神的事情。 Although it quite fears death timidly, besides the Ceng Yi belt/bring to the place of evil god, without playing any role. 虽然它比较胆小怕死,除了把曾易带到邪神之地外,没有发挥出任何作用。 Stemming from the good intention, Ceng Yi got complied with this dark phoenix, carried over the mystical place it. 出于好心,曾易变答应了这头暗黑凤凰,把它带出了秘境。 After all is demon bird that carries the god beast phoenix bloodlines, as mount that is the unusual eye-catching, absolutely is that alone existence in Combat Continent keeps off. 毕竟是一头身负神兽凤凰血脉的魔禽,作为坐骑那是非常拉风,在斗罗大陆绝对是独一挡的存在。 Ceng Yi has not thought, this dark phoenix unexpectedly is a female bird. 只是,曾易并没有想到,这头暗黑凤凰竟然是一头母鸟。 Changed to the human form mimicry, unexpectedly so beautiful, compared with the Qian Renxue appearance, does not drop the wind, the makings excellent. 化作了人形拟态,竟然如此的美丽,比起千仞雪的容貌,都不落下风,气质绝佳。 However, can this really also take the mount? 但是,这样真的还能够作为坐骑吗? This makes Ceng Yi very awkward. 这让曾易很是尴尬。 Although the dark phoenix can appear the main body, but once saw the appearance of its human mimicry, has made Ceng Yi some not unacceptable, in the heart had some strange ideas. 虽然暗黑凤凰可以显出本体,可一旦见到了它人类拟态的模样,已经让曾易有些无法接受,心中产生了一些奇怪的想法。 This in broad daylight can ride? 这大白天的能骑吗? This is not the thing that the child should look. 这可不是小孩子该看的东西。 These, Ceng Yi can understand finally why Tang and his son, met in Hunshou to have adulterous relationship. 这些,曾易终于能够理解,为什么唐家父子,会于魂兽有着不伦之恋了。 Truly, the soul beast shape, has the view. 确实,魂兽化形,有说法的。 That, I truly do not know before it is female!” “那个,我之前确实不知道它是母的啊!” Feels the Qian Renxue chill in the air to raid, Ceng Yi body trembles, hurries to say. 感受到千仞雪的寒意袭来,曾易身体一个哆嗦,赶紧说道。 Regarding the speech of Ceng Yi, staring that Qian Renxue coldly he. 对于曾易的发言,千仞雪只是冷冷的凝视着他。 She discovered, followed to really be more and more in Ceng Yi woman. 她发现,跟在曾易身边的女人真是越来越多了。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, is the makings and looks not under with her leaning world female. 七宝琉璃宗宁荣荣,朱竹清,都是气质与姿容不下与她的倾世女子。 However regarding these two, Qian Renxue was worried actually not very much. 不过对于这两人,千仞雪倒不是很担心。 After all when they cannot treats harshly side Ceng Yi. 毕竟她们不能时刻待在曾易身边。 However, that lodges that woman in Ceng Yi Martial Soul, is Qian Renxue most worries. 但是,那寄宿在曾易武魂中的那个女人,才是千仞雪最为担忧的。 But now, comes a phoenix, melts the shape beautiful incomparable woman appearance! 而现在,又来一头凤凰,化形还是绝美无比的女人模样! Mount! 还是坐骑! If this were known by the bystander, unavoidably will have not the proper idea. 这要是被外人知道了,难免会心生不正经的想法。 After all, can the mount of which family/home, be leans the world certainly colorful woman? 毕竟,谁家的坐骑,会是一个倾世绝艳的女人? Naturally, most makes Qian Renxue be indignant, is the appearance of this woman. 当然,最让千仞雪感到气愤的,是这个女人的容貌。 The dark phoenix shape, referred to the Qian Renxue appearance for the first time, therefore the facial features seem somewhat unexpectedly similar to her. 暗黑凤凰第一次化形,参照了千仞雪的容颜,所以面容看起来竟与她有些相似。 This feeling regarding Qian Renxue, is not very good, making her have wish to tear to pieces the idea of that face. 这种感觉对于千仞雪来说,很不好,让她有种想要撕烂那张脸的想法。 Master ~, what won't I make the mistake?” The dark phoenix as if induced Qian Renxue regarding own badness, hid Ceng Yi behind, said weakly. “主人~,我不会做错了什么吧?”暗黑凤凰似乎感应到了千仞雪对于自己的不善,躲到曾易身后,弱弱说道。 Ceng Yi looks pitifully neat, leads her of charming meaning, looked at Qian Renxue. 曾易看着可怜楚楚,又带着妩媚之意的她,又看了一眼千仞雪 He is knows why Qian Renxue was angry. 他算是知道千仞雪为什么生气了。 This fellow according to the Qian Renxue appearance shape, her mood? 这家伙照着千仞雪的模样化形,她的心情怎么会好? Hehe ~, but is a mount, is actually Duke or female, Emperor pass/test this/Ben what matter?” “呵呵~,不过是一头坐骑,究竟是公的还是母的,关本帝什么事?” Qian Renxue cold snort/hum said, her look has revealed that oneself care about this matter very much. 千仞雪冷哼说道,不过她的神色已经流露出,自己很在意这件事。 Ok, I said with you I matter that has in the mystical place space.” A Ceng Yi eyeball revolution, then said. “算了,我还是与你说说我在秘境空间中所发生的事情。”曾易眼珠子一转,便如此说道。 This is one is very good to shift her attention the means. 这是一個很好转移她注意力的办法。 After the time of partly burning a joss stick, Qian Renxue stared in a big way a pupil, in the heart raised the difficult situation, the information that Ceng Yi said that making her shock incomparably. 半炷香的时间过后,千仞雪瞪大了眼眸,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪,曾易所说的信息,让她震撼无比。 The war of antiquity, the Spiritual God slaughtered, destroyed the innumerable world. 上古之战,神灵厮杀,打碎了无数世界。 That Spirit Hall discovers confuses the trace Grand Canyon mystical place, unexpectedly was initially a gods battlefield fragment! 武魂殿所发现的这处迷踪大峡谷秘境,竟是当初神明战场的一块碎片! The gods who then falls from the sky, in the boundless complaint, were born an evil god. 然后陨落的神明,无边的怨念中,诞生了一尊邪神。 The evil god of Ceng Yi and recovery fights, almost all card in a hand consumptions completely, cut to kill that evil god. 曾易与复苏的邪神一战,几乎所有底牌消耗殆尽,才把那尊邪神斩杀。 I said how you will receive the so serious injury, originally is the old god of recovery!” Qian Renxue vision panic-stricken looks at Ceng Yi. “我说你怎么会受到如此严重的伤势,原来是复苏的旧神!”千仞雪目光惊骇的看着曾易 She naturally is believes words that Ceng Yi spoke. 她自然是相信曾易所说的话。 But the Spiritual God recovers, Ceng Yi cuts to kill the Spiritual God personally, this news, making Qian Renxue feel incomparable shock. 但神灵复苏,曾易亲手斩杀神灵,这一消息,让千仞雪感到无比的震撼。 Even cannot believe. 甚至不敢相信。 After all, that is the true gods! 毕竟,那可是真正的神明啊! Ceng Yi even/including Shenjing have not broken through, on the border crossing deicide, this news extremely shocks. 曾易连神境都没有突破,就越境杀神,这个消息太过震撼。 Now, Qian Renxue to the Ceng Yi strength, had the clear cognition finally. 现在,千仞雪终于对曾易的实力,有了清楚的认知。 His strength, really can the deicide! Compares favorably with the god level strength. 他一身战力,真的能够杀神!媲美神级战力。 But Ceng Yi has not broken through the god boundary, Qian Renxue listened to him to say personally, he was away from the god boundary, but also has a very long distance. 曾易还没有突破神境,千仞雪亲口听他说过,他距离神境,还有着很长的一段距离。 This makes Qian Renxue panic-stricken. 这让千仞雪更加的惊骇。 If he breaks through the god boundary truly, actually then the strength will achieve how terrifying position? 若是他真正突破神境,那么实力究竟会达到多么恐怖的境地? Qian Renxue is unable to imagine. 千仞雪无法想象。 Ceng Yi that say/way practicing road, simply is much more powerful! 曾易所走那道修行之路,简直是强大得可怕! Fight between Ceng Yi and evil gods, almost beats the mystical place. 曾易与邪神之间的战斗,几乎把秘境打烂。 Now, that mystical place world is collapsing. 现在,那个秘境世界正在崩溃。 The Spirit Hall fan trace Grand Canyon, will not exist. 武魂殿的迷踪大峡谷,将不复存在。 Collapses regarding the mystical place, Qian Renxue does not care. 对于秘境崩溃,千仞雪也并不太在意。 After all, confuses trace Grand Canyon regarding Spirit Hall, is only a place of person of exile evil. 毕竟,迷踪大峡谷对于武魂殿来说,只是一个流放罪恶之人的地方。 Although has function that can the informed and experienced disciple, but inside is extremely dangerous, barely uses. 虽然有着可以历练弟子的作用,不过里面太过危险,也很少用。 Now, after knowing the secret in mystical place, Qian Renxue also thought that the value of mystical place has displayed, does not owe! 现在,知道了秘境之中的秘密后,千仞雪也觉得秘境的价值已经发挥出来了,不亏! „The world in mystical place, the gods fell from the sky in the past the boundless evil spirit demon air/Qi, the wickedness of implication the whole world, bred that evil god.” “秘境中的世界,当年神明陨落所化的无边凶煞魔气,蕴含整个世界之恶,孕育出了那尊邪神。” You believe that our world, has this with the mystical place , the wickedness of same world, but should be given the seal by the Spiritual God.” “你认为,我们这个世界,也存在这和秘境中,一样的世界之恶,但应该被神灵给封印了。” However these evil Spirit Master true goals, for the wicked seal break the world, release wicked source?” “而那些邪魂师的真正目的,就是为了把世界之恶的封印打破,释放恶之源头?” Ceng Yi nods, said: If my suspicion not wrong, should be this.” 曾易点头,道:“如果我的猜想没有错的话,应该就是这样。” Thinks of this, in the Qian Renxue heart raises a chill. 想到这,千仞雪心中不由升起一股恶寒。 If were really such as Ceng Yi said that then entire Combat Continent will be embezzled by the abyss when the time comes! 若真是如曾易所说,那么到时候整个斗罗大陆都将被深渊吞没! Is only mystical place space the wickedness of world, bred evil that endured compared with the gods. 仅仅只是一个秘境空间的世界之恶,就孕育出了堪比神明的邪恶。 Then the wicked source of entire Combat Continent world, if were released by evil Spirit Master, was being used by them. 那么整个斗罗大陆世界的恶之源头,若是被邪魂师释放出来,在被他们加以利用。 What terrifying does that call to make existence of? 那就叫会造出一个什么样恐怖的存在? Qian Renxue does not dare to imagine. 千仞雪不敢想象。 Evil Spirit Master these damn mice, only they hid pitifully deeply, if knew their supreme headquarters, this emperor led the army destruction absolutely they!” Qian Renxue said bitterly. “邪魂师这些该死的老鼠,只可惜他们藏得太深了,若是知晓他们的大本营,本帝绝对率大军覆灭他们!”千仞雪恨恨道。 This time, has Ceng Yi luckily, cuts to kill that evil god in mystical place. 这一次,幸好有曾易,把秘境中的那尊邪神斩杀。 If really makes that evil god break through the blockade of mystical place, arrives to the mainland, then the consequence is unable to imagine. 若是真的让那尊邪神打破秘境的封锁,降临到大陆上,那么后果将无法想象。 Thinks of this, in Qian Renxue heart some lingering fear, but rejoiced. 一想到这,千仞雪心中又有些后怕,但又庆幸。 What to do then can you? Does the search evil Spirit Master trail, write off the ambition of opposite party full power?” Ceng Yi asked. “接下来你要怎么办?全力搜索邪魂师的踪迹,抹杀对方的野心?”曾易问道。 Regarding this issue, Qian Renxue, helpless said: „It is not good, now entire Martial Soul Empire cannot withdraw the body.” 对于这个问题,千仞雪无奈说道:“还不行,现在整个武魂帝国都脱不开身。” Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire allied armies, have built up, want to start to my Martial Soul Empire to launch the war.” 天斗帝国星罗帝国的联军,已经集结,想要开始对我武魂帝国发动战争。” Hears these words, Ceng Yi stares, said with amazement: What? Can start to go to war quickly? Moreover, is they declares war to you unexpectedly?” 听到这句话,曾易不由一愣,惊讶道:“什么?这么快就要开始打仗了?而且,竟然是他们向你宣战?” Qian Renxue said: According to the Martial Soul Empire arrangement in the information that Heaven Duo that side spy transmitted, Clear Sky Sect leaves the mountain, joined in the Heaven Duo Star Luo alliance.” 千仞雪说道:“据武魂帝国安排在天斗那边的细作传来的情报,昊天宗出山,加入了天斗星罗的联盟之中。” Perhaps had many Titled Douluo strengths to join, making them produce can with the confidence of my Martial Soul Empire resistance.” “或许是有了多位封号斗罗的战力加入,让他们产生了能够与我武魂帝国对抗的信心。” Speaking of this, Qian Renxue disdains to sneer. 说到这,千仞雪不屑冷笑一声。 „The world about war, you did not need to worry, I will solve them who resisted stubbornly rapidly, then coped with these evil Spirit Master.” “关于战争的世界,你就不用操心了,我会迅速解决掉负隅顽抗的他们,然后去对付那些邪魂师。” Oh ~, yourself are more careful, I first close up heal from a wound some time.” Ceng Yi heavyhearted said to Qian Renxue. “唉~,你自己小心些,我先去闭关养伤一段时间。”曾易忧心忡忡的对千仞雪说道。 Qian Renxue nods, said: You heal from a wound in this Martial Soul city, I find a place to you.” 千仞雪颔首,说道:“那你就在这武魂城中养伤吧,我给你找一处地方。” Nearby dark phoenix sees that immediately says attentively: „ Master, I gives you to protect the law. Quick, Qian Renxue looked for place of spiritual energy abundant practicing to Ceng Yi, making him safely therapy. 一旁的暗黑凤凰见状,立刻殷勤说道:“主人,那我给你护法。很快,千仞雪曾易找了一处灵气充沛的修行之地,让他安心疗伤。 Just before leaving, the Qian Renxue arrange/cloth got down of one protection, looks that stands has seven points of similar woman in. 临走时,千仞雪布下了一座防护之阵,看着站在门外的这个与自己有着七分相似的女人。 Qian Renxue departs, the body and dark phoenix insert the shoulder. 千仞雪离去,身体与暗黑凤凰插肩而过。 You gave this emperor to remember, you were only a mount! So long as Protector for him on the line well.” “你给本帝记住了,你只是一头坐骑!只要好好为他护法就行。” If you dares to handle any unnecessary matter, you should know the consequence!” “若是伱敢做些什么多余的事情,你应该知道后果!” That flash, the cold sound resounds in the ear of dark phoenix together, making her soul tremble. 那一瞬间,一道冷冽的声音在暗黑凤凰的耳边响起,让她灵魂都不由颤栗。 Is summer, actually feels the hands and feet obviously at this moment ice-cold. 明明是炎炎夏日,此刻却感受到手脚冰冷。 The world of human, was really fearful! 人类的世界,真的是太可怕了! ...... 5873 / 10520898 ......5873/10520898
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