DDTR :: Volume #7

#694: Good 1 mount!

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The dark phoenix is carrying Ceng Yi and Snow Emperor two people, defers to route that Ceng Yi is giving, arrived at Ceng Yi just to start to enter the place of this world. 暗黑凤凰载着曾易雪帝两人,按照着曾易给的路线,来到了曾易刚开始进入这个世界的地方。 This place, is in the entire mystical place, the god bans the strength of most weakness seal. 这个地方,是整个秘境中,神禁封印之力最为薄弱之处。 But even so, is unable to break at individual strength. 但即使如此,也是无法以个人的力量打破。 Here, this space, had been grasped by Spirit Hall, needs to use the supernatural power principle of god of angel, can open the door of space, thus leaves. 这里,这处空间,已经被武魂殿掌握,需要用到天使之神的神力法则,才能够打开空间之门,从而离开。 Ceng Yi put out Qian Renxue to give own that angel token, toward poured into Spirit Power. 曾易拿出了千仞雪交给自己的那块天使令牌,往其中注入魂力 As Spirit Power pours into, this angel token bloomed the dazzling ray, has the empty shadow of god of angel to appear. 随着魂力注入,这块天使令牌绽放出了耀眼的光芒,有着天使之神的虚影显现。 Quick, void turned on a gateway, a slender clear long leg takes. 很快,虚空中开启了一道门户,一只修长圆润的长腿从中迈出。 Qian Renxue goes out from the gate of space, sees the present all, the eye pupil shrinks suddenly. 千仞雪从空间之门中走出,看到眼前的一切,眼眸骤然一缩。 The scene that she sees, the horizon dyed the scarlet, thunderous sparkle, the sky was collapsing. 她所看到的景象,天际染成了赤红,雷鸣闪耀,天空正在崩坏。 The land of under foot is also vibrating, the earth's crust splits, has the blazing magma eruption! 脚下的大地也在震动,地壳裂开,有着炽热的岩浆喷发! The present all, are the scenery of end, the world are torn to pieces. 眼前的一切,就是末日之景,世界正在支离破碎。 „Did Ceng Yi, actually have what?” 曾易,究竟发生了什么?” Looking that the Qian Renxue look shocks to Ceng Yi, asked. 千仞雪神色震撼的望向曾易,问道。 But actually discovered that this time Ceng Yi has been seriously injured, the aura is weak. 可是却发现此时的曾易已经身受重伤,气息虚弱。 How can you injure this?” Qian Renxue stared in a big way the eye, in the pupil revealed may not the color of believing. “你怎么会伤成这样?”千仞雪瞪大了眼睛,眸中流露着不可置信之色。 Ceng Yi strength terrifying how, she is very clear. 曾易的实力多么的恐怖,她很清楚。 Qian Renxue is unable to imagine, actually this place has what existence, can the Ceng Yi severe wound. 千仞雪无法想象,这个地方究竟有什么样的存在,能够把曾易重伤。 ~ “咳咳~” Ceng Yi coughed lightly several, the tone said weakly: First leaves here, after going out, I am talking clearly with you.” 曾易轻咳了几声,语气虚弱道:“先离开这里吧,出去后我在与你说清。” Actually although Qian Renxue wants to make clear this mystical place to have anything, but now, this place obviously is not the speech place. 虽然千仞雪很想搞清楚这处秘境究竟发生了什么,但现在,此地显然不是说话的地方。 Qian Renxue can feel, 千仞雪能够感觉到, This side space soon crashed. 这方空间快要崩塌了。 My this leads you to go out.” “我这就带你们出去。” Qian Renxue stimulates to movement Spirit Power, the god of principle communication angel, the golden brilliance wrapped several people, breaks open the space to depart. 千仞雪催动魂力,沟通天使之神法则,金色的光辉包裹了几人,破开空间离去。 Martial Soul city. 武魂城。 Above a giant altar, inscribes a mark above flagstone to sparkle, blooms the dazzling brilliance. 一個巨大的法坛之上,铭刻在石板之上的阵纹闪耀,绽放出绚丽夺目的光彩。 Quick, the golden gateway appears in void together, the front door opens. 很快,一道金色的门户在虚空中出现,大门打开。 The golden rainbow light escapes together, falls above the altar. 一道金色虹光遁出,落在祭坛之上。 The golden light diverges, Ceng Yi and Qian Renxue form appears, but also has huge demon bird, dark phoenix. 金光散去,曾易千仞雪的身影显现,还有着一头体型庞大的魔禽,暗黑凤凰。 „Is this new world? Ha, was really good! The main body left that damned place finally! Ha!” “这就是新世界?哈哈哈,真是太好了!本尊终于离开那个鬼地方了!哈哈哈!” The dark phoenix is feeling this stretch of new world, the fresh air, the abundant world spiritual energy and complete world principle, making it feel that at this moment is the incomparable happiness. 暗黑凤凰感受着这片新的天地,清新的空气,充沛的天地灵气和完整的世界法则,让它感觉此刻是无比的美好。 It face upwards long cry, phoenix cries heavenshaking, the terrifying aura fills the air, the ominous severe demon flame also ascends to soar to the heavens. 它仰天长鸣,凤啼震天,恐怖的气息弥漫而出,凶厉的魔焰也升腾冲天。 Endures by the dark phoenix compared with the peerless boundary powerful strength, the imposing manner that it sends out, will be found in the entire Martial Soul city shortly. 以暗黑凤凰堪比绝世境界的强大实力,它所散发的气势,顷刻间就遍布了整座武魂城。 The people who that flash, in the city live, Spirit Master, are feeling the greatest oppression strength at this moment, the soul tremble. 那一瞬间,城中生活的人民,魂师,都在此刻感受到莫大的压迫力,灵魂颤栗。 Sky, because the aura of this peerless ominous bird, becomes dim, constrains. 就连天空,都因为这头绝世凶禽的气息,变得昏暗,压抑起来。 Has not received your aura quickly!” “还不快收起你的气息!” Qian Renxue sees that in the eye pupil is glittering gold/metal, is drinking one to this ominous bird coldly. 千仞雪见状,眼眸中闪烁着金芒,对着这头凶禽冷喝一声。 At once, the vast sacred aura fills the air from the Qian Renxue body together. 旋即,一道浩瀚神圣的气息从千仞雪的身躯中弥漫而出。 The sacred golden color scattered the surrounding demon air/Qi brilliance, above the sky, the golden empty shadow appears together. 神圣的金色光辉驱散了周围的魔气,天空之上,一道金色虚影显现。 Really Qian Renxue Martial Soul, six wing angels. 真是千仞雪武魂,六翼天使。 Wields the angels of six wings, the whole body is sparkling the golden color to be glorious, just like a dazzling Sun. 挥动着六只羽翼的天使,浑身闪耀着金色光辉,宛若一轮耀眼的太阳。 Shortly covering the demon air/Qi of entire Martial Soul city scattering. 顷刻间把笼罩整座武魂城的魔气给驱散。 Dark phoenix by the Qian Renxue powerful imposing manner shocking. 暗黑凤凰被千仞雪的强大气势给震慑住了。 Her aura is too strong, suppresses it sufficiently . Moreover the strength of light, regarding falling into the dark bloodlines, has the obvious restraint. 她的气息太强,足以镇压它,而且光明之力,对于堕入黑暗的血脉,有着明显的克制。 What is most terrifying, the dark phoenix on the body of this human woman, felt the Spiritual God aura. 最恐怖的是,暗黑凤凰在这个人类女人的身上,感受到了神灵的气息。 As if she is the child of Spiritual God, in the future will be doomed the god! 仿佛她就是神灵之子,将来注定成神! Sorry, I was too excited.” “抱歉,我太激动了。” The dark phoenix knows that this person of big shot who cannot stir up, hurries to restrain own aura, compensates to say with a smile. 暗黑凤凰知道这人是一个自己惹不起的大佬,赶紧收敛自己的气息,赔笑道。 Qian Renxue cold snort/hum: Although does not know why Ceng Yi can lead you to come out, but you must remember, in this world, you, if dares to act unreasonably, this emperor town/subdues without hesitation will kill you.” 千仞雪冷哼一声:“虽然不知道曾易为什么会带你出来,不过你要记住,在这个世界,你若是敢乱来,本帝会毫不犹豫的镇杀你。” Confuses the soul beast in trace Grand Canyon, incomparable cruel, the demonic nature is dreadful, is the bloodthirsty ominous beast. 迷踪大峡谷之中的魂兽,都无比的暴戾,魔性滔天,都是嗜血的凶兽。 Moreover at present this demon bird have the god beast phoenix bloodlines, cultivate/repair to incomparably powerful, takes a broad view at the entire mainland, can suppress its person, coming that a hand can count. 而且眼前这头魔禽有着神兽凤凰血脉,修为无比强大,放眼整个大陆,能够镇压它的人,一只手就能数的过来。 The Qian Renxue childhood enters has confused trace Grand Canyon to be informed and experienced, once distant looks to have been to a Hao to fly in circles the giant ominous bird above sky. 千仞雪幼年进入过迷踪大峡谷历练,曾经远远的望到过一个浩翔在天空之上的巨大凶禽。 Is only the imposing manner, frightens unable to move. 仅仅只是气势,就吓得自己无法动弹。 If Qian Renxue has not guessed that wrong, that peerless ominous bird that initially oneself saw, is the present dark phoenix. 千仞雪如果没猜错的话,当初自己所看到的那头绝世凶禽,就是眼前的这头暗黑凤凰。 The time passes gradually, flashes by. 时光荏苒,白驹过隙。 In the past a look can the town/subdues kill own peerless ominous bird, now is clever such as a chicken before oneself. 当年一个眼神就能镇杀自己的绝世凶禽,如今在自己面前乖巧得如一只小鸡。 Big brother...... not, master ~, I am your mount.” “大哥......不,主人~,我可是您的坐骑啊。” The dark phoenix hurried to hold the thigh of Ceng Yi, this human woman was too ominous, especially on her the bright aura restrained itself extremely, making the dark phoenix dread very much. 暗黑凤凰赶紧抱起了曾易的大腿,这个人类女人太凶了,特别是她身上的光明气息极其克制自己,让暗黑凤凰很是忌惮。 However the dark phoenix saw that this woman and eldest child relate not general, if this does not enclasp eldest child's thigh at this time well, then the later day will not feel better! 不过暗黑凤凰看出这个女人与自己老大关系不一般,若此此时不好好抱紧老大的大腿,那么以后的日子可不会好过啊! Ceng Yi speechless white this black bird, said: „ 100,000 years of soul beast does not have ability? 曾易无语的白了一眼这头黑鸟,说道:“十万年魂兽不是拥有化形的能力吗? Hurries to give me to turn into the human the appearance, your main body extremely in Zhaoyao focused attention on! ” 赶紧给我变成人类的模样,你本体太过于招摇瞩目了!” Master, my changes!” “主人,我这就变!” The dark phoenix nods hastily, then turns head to look to Qian Renxue, the vision carefully observes. 暗黑凤凰连忙点头,然后扭头看向千仞雪,目光仔细地观察。 „Do you look at me to do?” Qian Renxue knits the brows to ask. “你看我干什么?”千仞雪皱眉问道。 The dark phoenix said: This is my first change human form, therefore uses for reference to you.” 暗黑凤凰说道:“这是我第一次变化人形,所以向你借鉴一下。” Hears this, the Qian Renxue body shakes, felt not wonderful. 听到这句哈,千仞雪身体不由一震,感觉到了不妙。 The body of quick, dark phoenix burnt the jet black flame. 很快,暗黑凤凰的身躯就燃烧起了漆黑的火焰。 The black flame starts to reduce unceasingly, finally condensed a person's shadow. 黑色火焰开始不断缩小,最后凝聚成了一道人影。 whish ~ 呼哗~ The flame diverges, the stature is together wonderful, the beautiful slender beautiful figure appears. 火焰散去,一道身材妙曼,婀娜窈窕的倩影显现。 Jet black disperses behind her along the straight long hair at will, the jet black women's clothing outlined the perfect line, sent concave-convex. 一头漆黑顺直的长发在她背后随意散开,漆黑衣裙勾勒出完美的线条,凹凸有致。 That beautiful face accommodates, in the foreheads, was disclosing the incomparable charming meaning, the frown and smile, have the intoxicant mind charm. 那张绝美的颜容,眉宇之间,透露着无比的妩媚之意,一颦一笑,都有着醉人心神的魔力。 You are female?” “你是母的?” Sees the dark phoenix the person shape, Ceng Yi stared in a big way the eye, was very surprised. 看到暗黑凤凰所化的人形态,曾易瞪大了眼睛,很是惊讶。 The dark phoenix red lip outlined to wipe the curve, on the one hand grasped the skirt to transfer, glittered the eye pupil of scarlet glow to look at Ceng Yi, said with a smile. 暗黑凤凰红唇勾勒出一抹弧度,一手抓着裙角转了一圈,闪烁着赤芒的眼眸望着曾易,浅浅笑道。 Master ~, are others this vice- appearances attractive?” “主人~,人家这个副模样好不好看?” Crisp and fills the sound biography of attracting to hear, making Ceng Yi feel that the body trembles. 酥脆而又充满着魅惑的声音传入耳中,让曾易感到身体不由一颤。 Ka ka ~ 咔咔~ Ceng Yi as if hears the sound that the bone ka ka made noise. 曾易似乎听到了骨头咔咔作响的声音。 Looks, discovered Qian Renxue does not know when got hold of the fist, cold eye looked straight ahead itself. 看去,发现千仞雪不知什么时候握紧了拳头,冷眸直视自己。 Good, seeming like the you vision is really good, unexpectedly found one in the mystical place so beautifully moving......” “不错嘛,看起来伱眼光还是真好,竟然在秘境里找到一个如此美丽动人的......” The Qian Renxue eyes narrow a line, the mouth put out two characters lightly. 千仞雪双眼眯成一条线,嘴里轻吐出两个字。 Mount?” “坐骑?” ...... ...... …… ……
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