DDTR :: Volume #7

#693: The collapse world, subdues the dark phoenix

....... ....... As this sword cuts to fall, above the sky, is falling gently the innumerable snowflakes. 随着这一剑斩落而下,天空之上,飘落着无数的雪花。 The next quarter, in the world fills a sad meaning. 下一刻,天地间弥漫出一股悲切之意。 In the sky, dropped the innumerable blood red ice. 天空中,落下了无数的血红之冰。 The gods fell from the sky, triggering the world phenomenon, the blood rain to sprinkle, world with sad. 神明陨落,引发了天地异像,血雨洒落,天地同悲。 Blood rain that this drops, but also in in the air, by extremely cold temperature frozen to become ice, was turned into the blood red ice rain to fall. 只是,这落下的血雨,还在空中,就被极寒的气温冻成冰,变成血红冰雨落下。 „Did gods...... fall from the sky?” “神明......陨落了?” Has hidden the dark phoenix of this microcosm edge, at this moment also looks up the sky. 已经躲到这个小世界边缘的暗黑凤凰,此刻也不禁抬头望着天空。 The red blood rain falls, it felt that sad intent from the world, even affected its mood. 红色的血雨落下,它从天地间感受到了那股悲切之意,甚至影响了它的情绪。 How possibly! Did that human really cut to kill that gods?” “怎么可能!那个人类真的斩杀了那尊神明?” The dark phoenix cannot believe that invincible god, fell from the sky unexpectedly! 暗黑凤凰不敢相信,那无敌的神,竟然陨落了! „It is not good, I must feel!” “不行,我得感觉过去!” The dark phoenix wields the wing hastily, flies in that direction. 暗黑凤凰连忙挥动羽翼,向着那个方向飞去。 ...... ...... Ceng Yi falls from the space slowly, stands in the broken land. 曾易缓缓从天上落下,站在残破的大地上。 Steps the footsteps, that flash, the Ceng Yi body staggers, almost makes him fall down. 迈起脚步,那一瞬间,曾易身体踉跄,差点让他摔倒在地。 ~ “咳咳~” The Ceng Yi aura weak cough, the blood also overflows from the corners of the mouth. 曾易气息虚弱的咳嗽起来,鲜血也从嘴角溢出。 Afterward, blue ice fog fills the air, condensed a beautiful form. 随后,一股蓝色的冰雾弥漫而出,凝聚成了一道绝美的身影。 Snow Emperor appears, put out a hand to support Ceng Yi. 雪帝显出,伸手扶住了曾易 „Are you good?” “你还好吧?” Ceng Yi nods, said with a smile bitterly and astringently: Worthily is the god, compels this situation me unexpectedly.” 曾易点头,苦涩笑道:“不愧是神,竟然把我逼到这个地步。” This is also only a false god, if the true Spiritual God, that can be what kind of great strength?” “这还只是一尊伪神,若是真正的神灵,那会是何等的强大?” Ceng Yi is saying, regarding the boundary of true god, 曾易说着,对于真正的神之境界, Yearns. 更加的向往起来。 Saw in his eye to reveal fiery war intent, Snow Emperor helpless sighed. 见他眼中又流露出了火热的战意,雪帝不禁无奈叹息。 She looks at this broken world, sighed: You are very powerful!” 她看着这个残破的世界,感叹道:“你已经很强大了!” True gods, is mediocre. You have a look at this world, by you and his fight, hits badly-damaged.” “真正的神明,也不过如此吧。你看看这個世界,都被你与他的战斗,打得残破不堪。” Snow Emperor is close to the oil completely lamp dry body pouring into together Spirit Power to Ceng Yi that. 雪帝曾易那接近油尽灯枯的身躯注入一道魂力 With the help of Snow Emperor, Ceng Yi controlled one's breathing a while, the body gets strength back. 雪帝的帮助下,曾易调息了一会儿,身体才缓过劲来。 Although is very weak, but is also insufficient unable to walk. 虽然还很虚弱,但还不至于走不动路。 „Is that?” “那是?” Ceng Yi sees on that falling from the sky evil god broken skeleton, is drifting one group of grey mist. 曾易见到那尊陨落的邪神残破的骨骸上,飘浮着一团灰色的雾气。 He walks toward this group of mist. 他向着这团雾气走去。 Is more careful!” “小心一些!” The Snow Emperor reminder said that but after all the opposite party the gods, is possibly also hiding the subsequent hand also perhaps. 雪帝提醒道,毕竟对方可是神明,可能还隐藏着后手也说不定。 But Ceng Yi has felt, the soul aura of that evil god has dissipated, was cut to extinguish by oneself thoroughly. 曾易已经感觉到,那邪神的灵魂气息已经消散,被自己彻底斩灭。 Is looking at this group of grey mist, the Ceng Yi look is somewhat scruple. 望着这一团灰色的雾气,曾易眼神有些迟疑。 But puts out a hand, grasps toward this group of gray mist. 但还是伸出了手,向着这团灰色雾气抓去。 In the Ceng Yi surprised vision, own palm passed through this group of mist. 曾易惊讶的目光中,自己的手掌穿过了这团雾气。 The next quarter, the Ceng Yi eye pupil contracts. 下一刻,曾易眼眸不禁收缩。 He felt that a memory swamps into the mind. 他感觉到一股记忆涌入脑海之中。 That is a fierce incomparable fight. 那是一场激烈无比的战斗。 Innumerable gods, life and death preying between god beasts, to the technique of bang murdering. 无数的神明,神兽之间的生死搏杀,对轰杀伐之术。 The world was broken, has the countless Spiritual God to fall from the sky in that campaign. 世界被打破,有着数之不尽的神灵陨落在那场战役之中。 You are all right!” “你没事吧!” Snow Emperor arrived at side Ceng Yi, the sound awakened Ceng Yi in quiet memory world. 雪帝来到了曾易身边,声音唤醒了沉寂记忆世界中的曾易 Ceng Yi raised the head suddenly, on the forehead has covered entirely the cold sweat, in the eye pupil has been glittering the panic-stricken color. 曾易猛然抬起头,额头上已经布满了冷汗,眼眸中闪烁着惊骇之色。 What had?” Snow Emperor sees Ceng Yi to reveal this look, asked hastily. “发生什么了?”雪帝曾易露出这把神色,连忙问道。 Ceng Yi said: I saw this Spiritual God memory, as if saw past years's that war.” 曾易道:“我看到了这神灵的记忆,似乎看到了当年的那场战争。” Is only, the time is remote, I also saw some memory fragments.” “只是,时代过于久远,我也只是看到了一些记忆片段。” But, I knew a secret actually.” “不过,我倒是知道了一个秘密。” What is?” Snow Emperor asked curiously. “是什么?”雪帝好奇问道。 Ceng Yi said: Is this by the Spiritual God status that I cut, actually he is by falling from the sky again the Spiritual God complaint convergance of this place, brand-new life that is born.” 曾易说道:“就是这尊被我斩掉的神灵身份,其实他是由陨落再此地的神灵怨念会聚,诞生出的全新生命。” Strict, he is not the true god, said that is the dead spirit is not overrated.” “严格来说,他并不是真正的神,说是亡灵也不为过吧。” Dead spirit ....... “亡灵.......” Snow Emperor twittering talked to oneself, is looking at this broken skeleton, feels a sorrow for him. 雪帝呢喃自语,望着这具残破的尸骸,不禁为他感到一丝悲哀。 Even the gods, still had one day of death. 即使是神明,也有死亡的一天。 1 million years of hate, formed this side world the wicked source, wants to break the cage, subverts the world. 百万年的怨恨,形成了这方世界之恶的源头,想要打破牢笼,颠覆世界。 But finally, belongs to the dust. 可是最后,还是归于尘土之中。 To them, this was also a good result.” Snow Emperor sighed one lightly. “对于他们来说,这也算是一个不错的结局了。”雪帝轻叹一声。 Ceng Yi said lightly: Yes, but through the evil god of this recovery, I also found the answer that I wanted.” 曾易淡淡道:“是啊,不过通过这尊复苏的邪神,我也找到了我想要的答案了。” At this moment, Ceng Yi has understood, actually evil Spirit Master how comes, actually their back is anything. 这一刻,曾易已经明白,邪魂师究竟是如何而来,他们的背后究竟是些什么。 A blocked space, the broken world, contains the so powerful wickedness, is born the so powerful evil god. 只是一个被封锁的空间,残破的世界,就蕴藏着如此强大的恶,诞生出如此强大的邪神。 Then, Combat Continent, is that complete world, actually burying the wickedness of how many world? 那么,斗罗大陆,那个完整的世界,究竟埋葬着多少世界之恶? Once the source of evil condenses, melts obviously, to the entire mainland, will cause the big harm? 一旦罪恶的源头凝聚,显化出来,将会对整个大陆,造成多大的危害? Ceng Yi some cannot believe. 曾易有些不敢相信。 At this moment, Ceng Yi had guessed correctly, these evil Spirit Master on Combat Continent, their goals were anything. 此刻,曾易已经猜到,斗罗大陆上的那些邪魂师,他们的目的是什么了。 These people, want to liberate the wicked source of seal under mainland! 这些人,是想解放封印在大陆底下的恶之源头啊! At this time, Ceng Yi felt familiar aura to drive fast toward here. 这时,曾易感受到一股熟悉的气息向着这边快速驶来。 Looks up, in every day/sees the sky together jet black big bird speedy approach. 抬头望去,见天上一道漆黑的大鸟正在迅速接近。 That running away dark phoenix. 正是那头逃走的暗黑凤凰。 Big brother! Was that Spiritual God cut to kill by you?” “大哥!那位神灵被你斩杀了?” The dark phoenix descends in front of Ceng Yi, looks at his cautious asking. 暗黑凤凰降落在曾易前面,看着他小心翼翼的问道。 Ceng Yi nods, said: Right, you do not need to worry that now became that Spiritual God blood to eat.” 曾易点头,说道:“没错,你现在不必担心成为那神灵的血食了。” Really? Good! Hahahaha-” “真的?太好了!哈哈哈哈-” Hears Ceng Yi this saying, dark phoenix is very excited, happy laughing, face upwards long cry. 听到曾易这话,暗黑凤凰情绪无比激动,高兴的大笑,仰天长鸣。 A rushing imposing manner shakes from it, jet black demon flame dreadfully. 一股澎湃的气势从它身上震荡而出,漆黑的魔焰滔天而起。 Excited , the dark phoenix looks at Ceng Yi. 兴奋过后,暗黑凤凰看着曾易 It discovered, this human aura at this moment already incomparably weak. 它发现,这个人类此刻的气息已经无比虚弱。 Really, that Spiritual God strength terrifying, even if this human entire cuts to kill the Spiritual God, but still paid the deeply grieved price. 果然,那尊神灵实力恐怖,即使这个人类整个斩杀神灵,但也付出了惨痛的代价。 At this time, in the dark phoenix eye pupil glittered to wipe the ominous severe color. 这时候,暗黑凤凰眼眸中不由闪烁起一抹凶厉之色。 Thinking, must make a move to kill this human. 心想着,要不要出手把这个人类杀了。 If swallowed the vitality and soul of this human, it cultivates to can go a step further absolutely. 若是吞噬了这个人类的气血与灵魂,它修为绝对能够更进一步。 However, this read corruptly, quick by share of pinnacle cold intent freezing, quick calmed down. 但是,这个贪念,很快就被一股极致的冷意给冻住,很快就冷静下来。 At this time, it discovered, stands that side Ceng Yi sends the female blue, in that pair of beautiful eye pupil covered entirely the cold frost, is staring at itself. 此时,它发现,站在曾易身旁的那个蓝发女子,那双美丽的眼眸中布满了寒霜,凝视着自己。 „Is mixed wool bird, what thinking? Told me?” Ceng Yi to dark phoenix light say/way. “杂毛鸟,在想些什么呢?跟我说说呗?”曾易对着暗黑凤凰淡淡道。 The dark phoenix looks to Ceng Yi, sees an opposite party face faint smile is staring at itself, the chill in the air in eye pupil makes him feel that the soul trembles. 暗黑凤凰看向曾易,见对方一脸似笑非笑的盯着自己,眼眸中的寒意让他感到灵魂都不由一颤。 It is not good! 不好! The dark phoenix dark feeling is not wonderful, ridicules to say hastily: Big brother, you helped me remove that hateful Spiritual God, relieved the danger of my life, I am just thinking how to thank you!” 暗黑凤凰暗感不妙,连忙讪笑道:“大哥,你帮我除掉了那可恶的神灵,解除我性命之危,我正想着如何感谢你呢!” Really?” Ceng Yi suspected, he does not believe this demon bird had not thought some dangerous ideas a moment ago. “真的?”曾易不由怀疑,他可不相信这魔禽刚才没有想一些危险的想法。 The dark phoenix looks like the chicken pecking meter/rice nod. 暗黑凤凰就像是小鸡啄米般的点头。 Really, compared with really gold/metal silver also really!” “真的,比真金白银还真!” The dark phoenix also received the evil thought. 暗黑凤凰也收起了自己刚才的邪念。 It knows, even this human condition is weak. 它知道,即使这个人类状态虚弱。 But also has to suppress own strength absolutely. 但绝对还有着镇压自己的力量。 If failed, a life that then saves with great difficulty, delivers, that may owe! 万一失败,那么好不容易捡回来的一条命,就送出去,那可就太亏了! Hehe, do not think that I do not know you have what idea, felt that rolls to me!” “呵呵,别以为我不知道你打什么主意,感觉给我滚!” Ceng Yi sneers, swift and fierce sword intent fills the air, frightens the dark phoenix again and again to retrocede. 曾易冷笑一声,凌厉的剑意弥漫而出,吓得暗黑凤凰连连后退。 We leave this mystical place.” “我们离开这个秘境吧。” Ceng Yi is saying the sound to Snow Emperor, Snow Emperor nods, is supporting by the arm him, changes to together the rainbow light, flies toward the entrance. 曾易对着雪帝说声,雪帝点头,搀扶着他,化作一道虹光,向着入口处飞去。 „Do they want to leave this space?” “他们要离开这处空间了?” The dark phoenix looks at that rainbow light that goes far away, gawked, then hurried to pursue. 暗黑凤凰看着远去的那道虹光,愣了一下,然后赶紧追了过去。 Big brother! Waits for the little brother I!” “大哥!等等小弟我啊!” As the phoenix of king of bird, the dark phoenix speed was the extreme speed, quick caught up with Snow Emperor. 作为禽类之王的凤凰,暗黑凤凰速度本身就是极速,很快就追上了雪帝 What's wrong, wants to look to hit?” “怎么,想找打吗?” Snow Emperor cold vision the dark phoenix was saying. 雪帝冷视着暗黑凤凰道。 The dark phoenix sees the Snow Emperor complexion to be bad, hurries saying: Big brother, Elder sister, asking you to lead me to leave this damned place together! I hope for your mount!” 暗黑凤凰见雪帝脸色不善,赶紧说道:“大哥,姐姐,求求你们带我一起离开这个鬼地方吧!我愿为你坐骑!” This microcosm, all lives were basically swallowed completely, in addition Ceng Yi by the evil god with a that Spiritual God war, almost must beat this world. 这处小世界,所有的生灵基本都被邪神吞噬殆尽,加上曾易与那神灵一战,几乎要把这个世界打烂。 Now this microcosm, is not far from the collapse. 现在这个小世界,离崩溃已经不远了。 Its dark phoenix is naturally impossible to continue to treat here. 它暗黑凤凰自然不可能继续待在这里。 Stays here, finally can only perish with this world. 留在这里,最后只会和这个世界一起灭亡。 hears word, Snow Emperor looks to Ceng Yi, making him make the decision. 闻言,雪帝看向曾易,让他做决定。 Ceng Yi looks at the collapsing sky, in the broken land the magmatic explosion, this space is starting to collapse. 曾易看着正在崩坏的天空,残破的大地上岩浆爆发,这片空间正在开始崩溃。 If the dark phoenix keeps this, finally will also collapse dead with the world. 若是暗黑凤凰留在这,最后也会随着世界崩溃而死亡。 Would rather, receives for the mount, later rides a phoenix to go on a journey, very eye-catching. 倒不如,收为坐骑,以后骑着一头凤凰出行,也很拉风。 Ok, with.” “行,跟上来吧。” Ceng Yi complied with the request of dark phoenix. 曾易答应了暗黑凤凰的请求。 Although its strength is good, almost can compare favorably with the peerless boundary, but Ceng Yi can turn the hand to suppress it as before, does not need to be worried that actually it turns what storm. 虽然它实力不错,几乎可以媲美绝世境界,但曾易依旧可以翻手镇压它,倒是不用担心它翻起什么风浪。 Really? Thanks the big brother!” “真的?谢谢大哥!” The dark phoenix is delighted, can leave this space, goes to outside to have a look, is its this whole life biggest desire. 暗黑凤凰喜出望外,能够离开这处空间,去外面看看,是它这辈子最大的愿望。 Big brother you felt relieved, later you are my only day! Which you finger/refer, I hit! Let me toward east, I certainly not toward west!” “大哥伱放心,以后你就是我唯一的天!你指哪,我打哪!让我往东,我绝不往西!” ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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