DDTR :: Volume #7

#692: Extinguishes the god

...... ...... How possibly? The trivial mortal, how will have the so powerful strength!” “怎么可能?区区凡人,怎会有如此强大的力量!” Feels the terrifying power in this space being full, the evil god has felt the palpitation. 感受着这空间中充盈的恐怖力量,邪神已经感到心悸。 This strength, has been able to threaten his life! 这股力量,已经能够威胁他的生命了! Ceng Yi that nine Spirit Ring of sparkle, are serious in the evil god, such as nine Sun that blooms the endless energy. 曾易身旁闪耀的那九个魂环,在邪神严重,就如九个绽放出无尽能量的太阳。 This is really only Spirit Master, is Titled Douluo? 这真的只是魂师,是封号斗罗 The evil god was not Spirit Master cultivates the god, what he practice was other system. 邪神生前并不是魂师修炼成神,他所修行的乃是别的体系。 God is the upper boundary, below has the innumerable universes. 神界乃是上界,下面有着无数的小千世界。 The cultivators of these universes, once broke through the limit of the world, will fly upwards to god. 这些小千世界的修行者,一旦突破了世界的极限,就会飞升到神界。 Although the practicing systems of innumerable universe are different, but the magic arts myriad, reach the same goal or conclusion from different approaches! 尽管无数小千世界的修行体系不同,但是道法万千,殊途同归! After the evil god recovers, swallows to be exiled this place human. 邪神复苏之后,也吞噬过被流放到此地的人类。 From the memories of these exile, he also had certain understanding regarding the practicing system of this world human. 从这些流放者的记忆中,他对于这个世界人类的修行体系也有了一定的了解。 The human cultivator calls it Spirit Master, every ten levels may fuse Spirit Ring, many ten Spirit Ring, is 100 levels. 人类修行者称之为魂师,每十级可融合魂环,最多十个魂环,也就是一百级。 But the breakthrough 100 levels, may to become God, the flying upwards upper boundary. 而突破一百级,就可成神,飞升上界。 But, present human, Spirit Ring, only then nine, represents him is being only nine points of Titled Douluo! 可是,眼前的这个人类,魂环只有九個,也就代表着他只是一个九环的封号斗罗 Although the practicing system is different, but, the evil god also simulated the practicing system of Spirit Master, knows at heart Spirit Master in the strength of each boundary is many. 尽管修行体系不同,但是,邪神也模拟了魂师的修行体系,心里也知道魂师在每个境界的战力是多少。 Even but if, nine points of Titled Douluo, Spirit Power achieve 99 levels of limit boundaries, is impossible to erupt this rank the strength! 可是,就算是九环的封号斗罗,魂力达到九十九级极限境界,也不可能爆发出这种级别的力量! But this human, actually broke his cognition. 但这个人类,却打破了他的认知。 This strength, already not inferior with god boundary, had gone out of own say/way and law! 这股力量,已经不逊色与神境,已经走出了自己的道与法! If this world, each Titled Douluo is this strength, then his using energy thoughts break this prisoner's cage, arrives outside, what will that have? 若是这个世界,每一个封号斗罗都是这种实力,那么他费劲心思打破这个囚笼,去到外面,那会发生什么? Was endured by more than ten strengths compared with Titled Douluo of god boundary gangs up to surround and beats up? 被十几个实力堪比神境的封号斗罗围殴? Is also thinking on this swallows the whole world, 就这还想着吞噬整个世界, Restores the complete strength? 恢复全部的实力? Feared that is ten lives is insufficient! 怕是十条命都不够啊! However, the evil god does not believe that outside Titled Douluo like this person, the strength is outstanding. 不过,邪神不相信外面的封号斗罗都像这个人一样,战力超群。 The evil god believes, this person is also only a case, the talent evildoer/monstrous talent. 邪神认为,这个人也只是个例,天赋妖孽。 Moreover, the vitality of this human is sufficient, the strength of soul is abundant. 而且,这个人类的气血充足,灵魂之力更是充沛。 If swallowed him, restores to before death most likely (80%) strengths sufficiently. 若是吞噬了他,足以恢复到生前八成的实力。 The train of thought in the wink of an eye, in the sky, that innumerable death chains started to condense, changed to one thousand zhang (3.33 m), is filling the deathly stillness bone dragon. 思绪瞬息之间,天空中,那无数的死亡锁链开始凝聚,化作了一条千丈,充满着死寂的骨龙。 That extinguishes the world sufficiently the strength, toward Ceng Yi killing. 那足以灭世的力量,向着曾易扑杀。 But side Ceng Yi that nine Spirit Ring, start to bloom the intense brilliance. 曾易身旁的那九个魂环,开始绽放出强烈的光彩。 Each Spirit Ring is shivering, finally starts to explode, changed to vast endless Spirit Power. 每一个魂环都在颤动,最后开始爆开,化作了浩瀚无尽的魂力 This looks like nine microcosms to explode, the strength of nine world, swamped into the Ceng Yi body. 这就像是九个小世界爆开,九股世界之力,涌入了曾易的身躯中。 That unequalled Spirit Power, whole body all the limbs and bones contain the terrifying to the pinnacle strength. 那无与伦比的魂力,全身四肢百骸都蕴藏着恐怖到极致的力量。 As if, a fist sufficiently rumbling broken vault of heaven. 似乎,一拳足以轰破天穹。 Since with Bo Saixi that post-war, Ceng Yi showed the complete strength again. 自从与波塞西那一战后,曾易再一次展现了自己全部的实力。 But these with the previous difference, cultivates to time have striven Ceng Yi, the complete strength of this eruption, shakes the deity sufficiently. 而这一次与上次不同,修为有所精进的曾易,这一次爆发的全部力量,足以撼动天神。 Even if Bo Saixi facing Ceng Yi at this moment, is hard to receive one move. 哪怕波塞西面对此刻的曾易,也难以接下一招。 Roar- 吼- That contains the bone dragon that the death chains of Shintoism principle is changing to send out heavenshaking shouting, fierce dragon mouth as if must swallow Ceng Yi. 那蕴涵着神道法则的死亡锁链化作的骨龙发出震天的嘶吼,狰狞的龙口似乎要把曾易吞噬。 Swordsmanship only I!” “剑道唯我!” Ceng Yi smiles lightly, extends the right hand to the big dragon that killing is coming, double refers to making the sword. 曾易淡淡一笑,伸出右手对着扑杀而来的巨龙,双指做剑。 The next quarter, the strength of endless swordsmanship condenses one long sword that is sparkling the silvery brilliance. 下一刻,无尽的剑道之力凝聚成一把闪耀着银辉的长剑。 Above this silver sword blade, said the rhyme to past, the principle appeared, terrifying sword intent, the space is unable to withstand. 这银色的剑刃之上,道韵流转,法则显现,恐怖的剑意,空间都无法承受。 This sword blade on, a sword intent that fills, the might cuts to extinguish a city sufficiently. 这把剑身上,弥漫出的一丝剑意,威力足以斩灭一座城池。 Cuts!” “斩!” The Ceng Yi eye pupil gazes at the death bone dragon that killing is coming indifferently, in the mouth puts out a character lightly. 曾易眼眸冷漠注视着扑杀而来的死亡骨龙,口中轻吐出一字。 As soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, this containing the long sword of endless say/way rhyme is cutting. 言出法随,这把蕴涵着无尽道韵的长剑斩出。 In an instant, in the world , only then together silvery brilliance twinkle. 刹那之间,天地之间只有一道银辉闪烁。 Sword intent leans the day, as if the world was cut! 剑意倾天,似乎世界被斩开! Roar- 吼- Next quarter, together sad and shrill calling out in grief penetrating loud world. 下一刻,一道凄厉的悲鸣彻响天地。 That say/way by the innumerable death chains was condensed, but bone dragon, by this sword annihilation! 那道由无数死亡锁链凝聚而出的骨龙,被这一剑湮灭! That evil god, the body also cut off, sad and shrill incomparable! 就连那尊邪神,身躯也被斩断,凄厉无比! The evil god cannot believe is looking at the cut off body. 邪神不敢相信的望着自己被斩断的身躯。 That terrifying sword intent, but also attaches above the skeleton, prevents the body restore! 那恐怖的剑意,还附着在骨骸之上,阻止自己身体修复! So to be how powerful?” “怎么会如此强大?” Looking that he cannot believe stands erect human above vault of heaven to that. 他不敢相信的望向那个屹立在天穹之上的人类。 As if, this person of Sword God arrives, controls the swordsmanship principle, suppresses itself in the boundless swordsmanship. 仿佛,这人剑神亲临,驾驭剑道法则,以无边的剑法镇压自己。 Ceng Yi is staring by the evil god who oneself cut off the body, in the indifferent eye pupil is disclosing swift and fierce killing intent. 曾易凝视着被自己斩断身躯的邪神,冷漠的眼眸中透露着凌厉的杀意。 Today, cuts you!” “今日,斩你!” Extremely god sword technique- ten thousand sword returns to the sect! 极神剑术-万剑归宗! As Ceng Yi that is flooding the voice that kills intent falls, the next quarter, has in the world that boundless sword intent, condenses the innumerable sword edges, aims at the gods. 随着曾易那充斥着杀意的话音一落,下一刻,存在天地间那无垠的剑意,凝聚成无数剑刃,指向神明。 Kills!” “杀!” Ceng Yi orders, the innumerable sword edges, just like the rainwater, kill toward the evil god. 曾易一声令下,无数的剑刃,宛若雨水般,向着邪神射杀。 How will this god possibly be cut to extinguish by you?” “本神怎么可能会被你斩灭?” I am a god!!!” “我可是神啊!!!” The evil god angrily roars, the body erupts the endless demon air/Qi, the invasion half horizon. 邪神怒吼,身躯爆发出无尽的魔气,侵染半边天际。 The vast demon air/Qi concentrates the growth halberd, inundates the Sky Sword rain bang to kill toward this. 浩瀚的魔气凝成长戟,向着这漫天剑雨轰杀。 However these sword edges are too many are too many, he is unable to keep off completely. 但是这些剑刃太多太多,他无法挡下全部。 Had the sword blade to penetrate his body, the blood gushed out. 有剑刃穿透了他的身躯,鲜血涌出。 Just like the storm of endless terrifying, swallows him completely. 宛若无尽恐怖的风暴,将他吞噬殆尽。 Even but if the evil god body cut off, the body can actually recover quickly, broken finger rebirth. 可即使邪神身躯被斩断,身躯却能够很快的复原,断指重生。 Ha-, the trivial mortal, you kill the non- idle capital god!” “哈哈哈-,区区凡人,你是杀不死本神的!” The evil god laughs wildly, the vast demon gasification does to obstruct a day of big hand, kills toward the Ceng Yi town/subdues! 邪神狂笑,浩瀚的魔气化作遮天大手,向着曾易镇杀! A Ceng Yi sword cuts to break this to obstruct a day of big hand, sneers. 曾易一剑斩破这遮天大手,冷笑一声。 I must have a look but actually, you can recover several times!” “我倒要看看,你能复苏几次!” Sword territory, reveals!” “剑域,显!” Domain- snow dances shining to be positive!” “领域-雪舞耀阳!” Ceng Yi released two domains without hesitation, suppresses to go toward the evil god. 曾易毫不犹豫释放了两个领域,向着邪神镇压而去。 The invisible domain proliferation, the overlay of two domains, bloomed more terrifying prestige energy! 无形的领域扩散而出,两层领域的叠加,绽放出了更加恐怖的威能! In a flash, the present world changed a type. 转瞬间,眼前的世界都变了一个样。 The world of ice and snow world that the snowstorm wreaks havoc, on the broken icefield, inserted completely the innumerable swords. 暴风雪肆虐的冰天雪地世界,残破的冰原上,插满了无数的刀剑。 This is world of the sword, but Ceng Yi, is control in this world! 这是一处剑之世界,而曾易,就是这个世界的掌控者! Subdue kills!” “镇杀!” Ceng Yi drinks one coldly, the next quarter, in this world, all inserts the sword on icefield by the invisible strength hauling, shot up to the sky, condensed terrifying the strength of murdering, killed toward the evil god. 曾易冷喝一声,下一刻,这个世界中,所有插在冰原上的刀剑被无形的力量牵引,冲天而起,凝聚了恐怖的杀伐之力,向着邪神射杀。 This god does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish!” “本神是不死不灭的!” The evil god angrily roars, wants to exhaust all strengths to break the Ceng Yi domain, the Shintoism principle blooms the intense brilliance. 邪神怒吼,想要用尽一切力量打破曾易的领域,神道法则绽放出强烈的光辉。 Flooded chains dispersing of air/Qi of deathly stillness, the space was also presenting a faint trace fissure. 充斥着死寂之气的锁链散开,空间也出现了一丝丝裂痕。 God law- day hot tribulation thunder!” “神法-天火劫雷!” The evil god bellows, the supernatural power condenses dozens magic arts overlay, has the terrifying strength to condense. 邪神大吼,神力凝聚出数十道法阵叠加,有着恐怖的力量凝聚。 The world is not soon able to withstand. 世界都快要无法承受。 Bang- 轰隆- The next quarter, above the vault of heaven, twines the day hot terrifying tribulation thunder to rumble, bumps into with that endless sword. 下一刻,天穹之上,缠绕着天火的恐怖劫雷轰出,与那无尽的刀剑相撞。 Bang! 嘭! The incomparably powerful energy explodes, broke the Ceng Yi domain directly. 无比强悍的能量爆炸,直接打破了曾易的领域。 The domain was broken open forcefully, Ceng Yi body flying upside down, in the mouth bleeds. 领域被强行破开,曾易身体倒飞而出,口中喋血。 However, that evil god in an extremely difficult situation. 但是,那尊邪神更加的狼狈不堪。 His mortal body completely has destroyed, is only left over a head. 他肉身已经尽毁,只剩下一个头颅。 How will this god die?” “本神怎么会死?” That evil god unwilling shouting, soul fierce like hell devil. 那邪神不甘心的嘶吼,灵魂狰狞如同地狱恶魔。 Only is left over him of head, the spirit body starts the unceasing change. 只剩下头颅的他,灵体开始不断的变化。 From time to time turns into the beautiful woman, from time to time fluctuates the middle-aged man, Old person, or is the beasts. 时而变成绝美的女人,时而变幻成中年男子,老人,又或者是兽类。 However each appearance, the incomparable pain, seems as if whinning. 不过每一个模样,似乎都无比的痛苦,似乎在哀嚎。 What's wrong, even isn't the mortal body able to restore?” Ceng Yi spat a blood, looks that his appearance taunt said. “怎么,连肉身都无法恢复了么?”曾易吐了一口血,看着他的模样嘲讽道。 The appearance of evil god had to turn into the evil different youth appearance, the mortal body also restored half. 邪神的模样有变成了邪异的青年模样,肉身也只是恢复了一半。 But his look is fierce, does not have the beforehand calm. 但他神色狰狞,已经没有了之前的从容。 Hateful! This god must eat your flesh, gnaws your bone, extinguishes your soul!” “可恶!本神要食你血肉,啃你之骨,灭你灵魂!” Regarding his incompetent wild with rage, Ceng Yi disdains to smile. 对于他的无能狂怒,曾易不屑一笑。 Can achieve tries although!” “做得到尽管来试试!” Ceng Yi rubbish, acts again. 曾易也不废话,再次出手。 He had seen, the soul source of this evil god becomes weak, so long as kills his several times again, can obliterate the soul of this evil god thoroughly! 他已经看出,这邪神的灵魂本源变得微弱,只要再杀他几次,就能彻底磨灭这邪神的灵魂! Kills!” “杀!” Ceng Yi is roaring, draws a sword to kill. 曾易怒吼着,拔刀杀去。 That dreadful demon gasification makes a jet black demon halberd, the evil god grasps the demon halberd, with the Ceng Yi dogfight. 那滔天的魔气化作一把漆黑魔戟,邪神手持魔戟,与曾易缠斗。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Bang! 轰! Two people have fought the pinnacle, this microcosm was hit is badly-damaged. 两人已经战到极致,这片小世界都被打得残破不堪。 The Ceng Yi body vitality turns wells up, in the mouth bleeds. 曾易身体气血翻涌,口中喋血。 But the evil god is pitiful, a leg and a hand broke, have not been able to restore, can only battles with being bewitched halberd and Ceng Yi. 但邪神更是凄惨,一只腿和一只手都断了,已经无法恢复,只能一手拿着魔戟与曾易交战。 More is fights, the evil god more feels to lack the ability to do what one would like. 越是战下去,邪神越是感到力不从心。 His soul source was soon obliterated! 他的灵魂本源快要被磨灭了! Ceng Yi laughs: Even this is your limit, that dies!” 曾易大笑:“即使这就是你的极限,那就死吧!” Extremely god Sword technique Ice Emperor sword! 极神剑术-冰帝剑! The endless ice cold breath fills the air, changed to a clear long blade. 无尽的冰寒之息弥漫出,化作了一把晶莹的长刀。 Ceng Yi grasps the Ice Emperor sword, is cutting that terrifying to the evil god sword intent, as ice-cold as pinnacle cold air. 曾易手握冰帝剑,对着邪神斩下那恐怖的剑意,还有冰冷到极致的寒气。 A sword cuts, the space was frozen. 一剑斩下,空间都被冻结。 No! I am unwilling!” “不!我不甘心啊!” The evil god looks at this sword to fall, the soul has felt to tremble. 邪神望着这一剑落下,灵魂已经感到颤栗。 The death is close unceasingly. 死亡正在不断接近。 He who the soul source was consumed the limit, has been incapable of receiving this sword. 灵魂本源被消耗到极限的他,已经无力接下这一剑。 Under zero absolute temperature, even if the evil god wants to resist, but the sword has not cut, the body had been frozen! 绝对零度下,即使邪神想要抵挡,但是剑还没有斩下,身体就已经被冻住! The bang falls! 轰落! The broken land was cut not to look at the end gap again together! 残破的大地再一次被斩出一道望不到尽头的鸿沟! ...... ...... …… ……
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