DDTR :: Volume #7

#691: Is the strength of god so unexpectedly small and weak?

...... ...... Bang- 轰隆- The purple thunder twinkle, cut the horizon together, the thundering acoustic shock penetrating vault of heaven. 一道紫色的雷霆闪烁,划开了天际,轰鸣声震彻天穹。 Wreaks havoc strong winds that howls, pouring, but below heavy rain, the air/Qi of scarlet evil spirit incarnadine horizon. 肆虐呼啸的狂风,倾盆而下的大雨,猩红的凶煞之气已经染红了天际。 In the sky, together the jet black light and silver flowing light pursues mutually, collision. 天空中,一道漆黑的光与银色流光相互追逐,碰撞。 Bang ~ 嘭~ Bang ~ 嘭・~ Bang ~ 嘭~ Each confrontation, the space vibrates. 每一次交锋,空间都为之震动。 The tyrannical strength impact, making the Ceng Yi body vitality turn wells up. 强横的力量冲击,让曾易身体气血翻涌。 He very long has not experienced this type to feel, now some unexpectedly people can compel this degree him. 他已经很久没有体验过这种感觉了,如今竟然有人能够把他逼到这种程度。 That evil god is the heart is startled. 那尊邪神更是心惊。 The strength of this mortal is so unexpectedly strong, can encounter more than ten rounds with him, even shares half and half! 这个凡人的力量竟然如此强大,能够与他交锋十几回合,甚至平分秋色! He grasps the divine tool, although strength also to thoroughly restore to the beforehand boundary, but deals with mortal under the god boundary, is enough! 要知道,他可是手持神器,虽然实力还为彻底恢复到以前的境界,但对付一个神境之下的凡人,足以! The evil god is very clear, this mortal breakthrough god boundary, has not been the strength is so powerful, oneself cannot take the opposite party in a short time unexpectedly. 邪神很清楚,这个凡人并未突破神境,可是战力却如此强大,自己短时间内竟然拿不下对方。 This regarding the god, simply is the great shame! 这对于神来说,简直是奇耻大辱! Dies to this god!!!” “给本神死!!!” The evil god violent anger drinks greatly, the supernatural power of doping being bewitched air/Qi turns wells up, vast strength just like vast ocean, inexhaustible. 邪神暴怒大喝,掺杂着魔气的神力翻涌,浩瀚的力量宛若汪洋大海,无穷无尽。 In the space the ripples shake. 空间中涟漪震荡而出。 That jet black malignant influences congealment round number ten chains, strangle to death toward Ceng Yi just like the crazy python. 那漆黑的煞气凝结成数十道锁链,宛若狂蟒般向着曾易绞杀。 Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” Ceng Yi sneers, wields a sword to cut, dozens swift and fierce sword air/Qi cut. 曾易冷笑,挥剑斩出,数十道凌厉剑气斩去。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- That strangles to death the chains that comes, was easily reduced and solved by Ceng Yi. 那绞杀而来的锁链,被曾易轻易化解。 Domain launches!” “领域展开!” Ceng Yi drinks greatly, 曾易大喝, Strength of rapid proliferation invisible domain. 无形的领域之力迅速扩散而出。 Under the sword intent influence of this pinnacle, the strong winds stop suddenly, the rainwater stagnates in in the air. 在这极致的剑意影响下,狂风骤然而止,雨水停滞在空中。 As if world static general. 似乎世界被静止一般。 Shakes like the sea Spirit Power fluctuation vastly, because the surrounding space this huge strength twists. 浩瀚如海般的魂力波动震荡而出,周围的空间都因为这股庞大的力量而扭曲起来。 Ka ka ka ~ 咔咔咔~ In a twinkling, has pinnacle the breath of cold ice to fill the air, that cold ice is cold, as if the space was frozen. 霎时间,有着极致的寒冰之息弥漫而出,那冷冽的冰寒,似乎空间都被冻结。 The innumerable rainwater were congealed the ice, with the hauling of Ceng Yi sword intent, starts to gather. 无数的雨水被凝结成冰,随着曾易剑意的牵引,开始汇聚。 Condenses thousand zhang (3.33 m) big cold ice great sword. 凝聚成一把千丈之大的寒冰巨剑。 Shakes kills!” “震杀!” That flash, the terrifying sword air/Qi just like tidal falls in torrents under. 那一瞬间,恐怖的剑气宛若潮水般倾泻而下。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ The great sword suppresses toward that evil god, the strength of this terrifying, enabling the surrounding space unable to withstand to start to cave, collapse. 巨剑向着那尊邪神镇压,这恐怖的力量,使得周围空间都承受不住开始塌陷,崩溃。 „-” “啊啊啊-” Under the great sword, the evil god angrily roars, this incomparably powerful strength, making his whole body skeleton in ka ka make noise. 巨剑之下,邪神怒吼,这股无比强悍的力量,让他全身骨骸都在咔咔作响。 He grasps the divine sword, wants to break open this great sword suppression. 他手持神剑,想要破开这巨剑镇压。 However, powerful strength, extremely cold temperature, even on him is burning the demon flame of burning hot. 但是,强大的力量,还有极寒的温度,即使他身上燃烧着炙热的魔焰。 But under this extremely cold temperature, the divine sword was frozen. 但在这极寒的温度下,神剑被冻结。 Ka ~ 咔~ Finally, this is unable to withstand the divine sword, on the sword blade presented a tiny fissure. 终于,这把神剑无法承受,剑身上出现了一道细小的裂痕。 The fissure starts to spread, but during breath, the divine sword was shattered. 裂痕开始蔓延开来,不过一个呼吸间,神剑破碎。 Divine tool, was destroyed by the Ceng Yi strength! 神器,也被曾易的力量打碎! Bang! 嘭! The ice the great sword bang falls above evil god that broken armor. 冰之巨剑轰落在邪神那残破的铠甲之上。 This vice- god armor erupts the intense brilliance, the god can bloom, the principle appears, wants to keep off the pinnacle terrifying strikes. 这副神铠爆发出强烈的光辉,神能绽放,法则显现,想要挡下着极致恐怖的一击。 But in this unequalled sword intent and under powerful strength, the body is withdrawing unceasingly. 但在这无与伦比的剑意和强大的力量之下,身体在不断退后。 What's wrong, is the strength of gods so unexpectedly small and weak?” “怎么,神明的力量竟如此弱小?” Ceng Yi stands in the ice above the sword hilt of great sword, the profound pupil light stares at the evil god who under was being shaken kills, the eye pupil twinkle splendor glow. 曾易站在冰之巨剑的剑柄之上,深邃的眸光凝视着下方被震杀的邪神,眼眸闪烁辉芒。 The long hair under the strength ripples, dances in the air raises crazily. 长发在力量涟漪之下,飞舞狂扬。 This time Ceng Yi, just like a callous deicide near world, peerless unparalleled! 此时的曾易,宛若一尊冷酷的杀神临世,绝世无双! Bang!!! 轰隆!!! In which evil god incompetent wild with rage, the great sword falls from the space bang him in the land, thunders to shake the penetrating horizon. 在哪邪神无能狂怒中,巨剑将他从天上轰落在大地上,轰鸣震彻天际。 Land at this moment, just like glazed frost, under this impact, splitting easily. 此刻的大地,宛若薄冰般,在这股冲击下,轻易的绽裂。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- The explosion center, the ground gets sucked, fissures fill the air to the surroundings just like the spider web. 爆炸中心,地面深陷,一道道裂痕宛若蛛网般向周围弥漫。 The might terrifying of that attack, the land was destroyed together, the world vibrates. 那一道攻击的威力恐怖,大地都被打碎,世界震动。 The bottom burning hot magma, erupts from the crack. 就连地底的炙热岩浆,都从裂缝中喷发而出。 However several minutes, the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) had turned into the blazing hell scene. 不过几分钟时间,方圆千里就已经变成了炽热的地狱景象。 Monster! Is the monster!” “怪物!都是怪物!” Dark phoenix panic-stricken is yelling, rapidly far away from this place. 暗黑凤凰惊恐的叫喊着,飞速远离此地。 The fight of that evil god and that human was really extremely in the terrifying. 那尊邪神与那个人类的战斗实在是太过于恐怖了。 The space was broken, the land was destroyed, looks like extinguishes the world to approach simply. 空间都被打破,大地被打碎,简直就像是灭世来临。 Too terrifying! 太恐怖了! However, the dark phoenix has not thought that human can actually fight this situation with that gods. 不过,暗黑凤凰没有想到,那个人类竟然能够跟那尊神明战到这种地步。 Even, but also presses the evil god to hit, is in the upper hand. 甚至,还压着邪神打,占了上风。 This made in its heart raise wiped the hope. 这让它心中不由升起了一抹希望。 Perhaps, that human really can counter cut the gods! 或许,那人类真的能够逆斩神明! Hateful ants!” “可恶的蝼蚁!” You dare...... to dare so!!!” “你胆敢......胆敢如此!!!” Even if the evil god were infiltrated the bottom deep place, the sound that but that is furious, actually shakes the penetrating like the heavenly thunder in the world. 即使邪神被打入地底深处,但那震怒的声音,却如同天雷般在天地间震彻。 The incomparable anger, the malignant influences surge. 无比的愤怒,煞气涌动。 The center that land caves, is standing erect just like the heavenly pillar ice the great sword, under ignited the agitated demon flame. 那大地塌陷的中心,屹立着宛若天柱般的冰之巨剑,下方燃起了汹汹的魔焰。 Under the flame of burning hot, ices the sword to be melted, jet black shoots up to the sky like the Gui Mei/ghosts and demons form. 炙热的火焰下,冰剑被融化,一个漆黑如鬼魅般的身影冲天而起。 His armor has broken, exposes the upper body, the flesh is splitting. 他身上的铠甲已经破碎,裸露着上身,血肉绽裂。 The jet black length goes crazy to raise, demented, present he, the appearance of which also a little gods. 漆黑的长发狂扬,癫狂至极,现在的他,哪还有一点神明的模样。 As if the devil that runs out of the hell! 仿佛就是从地狱中冲出的恶魔! I must kill you, I want you dead!” “吾要杀了你,吾要你死!” The evil god is whooshing angrily, the whole body wound around by the jet black mist, can only see that two point scarlet flame. 邪神愤怒嘶吼着,全身被漆黑的雾气缭绕,只能够看见那两点猩红的火焰。 The supernatural power erupts, like the sea, in the space the ripples fluctuates vastly intermittently. 神力爆发,浩瀚如海,空间中涟漪阵阵波动。 The supernatural power congeals the innumerable order chains, takes away as many things as possible toward Ceng Yi. 神力凝结成无数的秩序锁链,向着曾易席卷而去。 These chains, just like the nimble and resourceful crazy snake, are full of the deathly stillness and despair. 这些锁链,宛若灵动的狂蛇,充满着死寂与绝望。 These seem to have become the principle. 这些似乎已经成为了法则。 Deathly stillness chains formed the unescapable net, surrounded Ceng Yi, strangles to death to flush away. 一道道死寂锁链形成了天罗地网,包围了曾易,绞杀冲去。 The rapidness of speed, just like lightning. 速度之快,宛若闪电。 Even, can penetrate the space, is close to Ceng Yi from void. 甚至,能够穿透空间,从虚空中接近曾易 A Ceng Yi sword cuts off the chains that kills to come. 曾易一剑斩断袭杀而来的锁链。 But the deathly stillness aura of that winding can actually adhere to stick cohere above the sword blade, even wants to invade the body of Ceng Yi. 但那缠绕的死寂气息竟然能够附着在剑刃之上,甚至想要侵染曾易的身体。 The next quarter, in the space has to project to meet to fill the chains that kills intent, Ceng Yi responded luckily rapidly, evaded the fatal attack. 下一刻,空间中有射出遇到充满着杀意的锁链,幸好曾易反应迅速,躲过致命攻击。 Really is hard to deal with!” “真是难缠!” Ceng Yi is dodging the chains attack of this everywhere, while turns toward the countermeasure. 曾易一边闪躲着这漫天的锁链攻击,一边向着对策。 He had seen, the evil god has spared nothing, wants to cut to kill itself. 他已经看出,邪神已经不惜一切代价,想要斩杀自己。 These innumerable death chains, had the supernatural power and principle condense, in addition contaminated the air/Qi of boundless evil spirit, even if Titled Douluo, tied down, still met instantaneously by the suck dry vitality courage vigor. 这些无数的死亡锁链,都是有神力与法则凝聚而成,加上沾染了无边的凶煞之气,就算是封号斗罗,被缠住,也会瞬间被吸干生机血气。 Worthily was the god boundary life of antiquity, even if cultivated/repaired for does not lose once, but method actually exceptionally powerful. 不愧是上古的神境生灵,即使修为不负曾经,但手段却异常的强悍。 Ceng Yi is whispering at heart, in the eye pupil also glitters to wipe cold glow. 曾易心里嘀咕着,眼眸中也闪烁起一抹冷芒。 At this moment, Ceng Yi did not plan to hide what card in a hand, he must put forth the complete strength, buried this gods in this! 此刻,曾易也不打算隐藏什么底牌了,他要使出全部的力量,将这尊神明埋葬在此! Rumbling- 轰轰轰- The vast energy erupts in the Ceng Yi body, the terrifying strength shakes dozens chains that strangling to death to come crushes! 浩瀚的能量在曾易身体爆发,恐怖的力量把绞杀而来的数十道锁链震得粉碎! Spirit Ring raise from the Ceng Yi sole, eight silver Spirit Ring and sparkle black red Spirit Ring, incomparable dazzling. 一个个魂环曾易脚底升起,八个银色魂环与一个闪耀黑红的魂环,无比的耀眼。 It looks like Sun of space, blooms the unequalled brilliance. 就像是天上的太阳,绽放出无与伦比的光辉。 Even if Ceng Yi is only 92 levels of Spirit Power, but his vast Spirit Power, actually full the whole world. 哪怕曾易只是九十二级的魂力,但他那浩瀚的魂力,却充盈整个世界。 ...... 5873 / 10504557 ......5873/10504557
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