DDTR :: Volume #7

#690: Gods and gods

...... ...... That came out, must die! We must die!” “那位出来了,要死!我们都要死!” After the mountain valley was broken open, the aura of that gods fills the air, trembling world. 山谷被破开后,那尊神明的气息弥漫而出,震颤天地。 That fear has carved in its soul, under this imposing manner, trembling, the body was unable to move. 那份恐惧已经刻进了它的灵魂之中,在这股气势之下,战战兢兢,身体已经无法动弹。 Dark phoenix frightened is shivering the body, lies on the ground, in the eye fills desperately looks on the vault of heaven to suppress, but below holds up a day of hand. 暗黑凤凰恐惧的颤抖着身躯,趴在地上,眼中充满绝望的望着天穹上镇压而下的擎天之手。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Then holds up a day of hand just like the divine punishment, but also without falls completely, the produced terrifying wind pressure, has made the land vibrate, collapse. 那宛若神罚般的擎天之手,还没完全落下,产生的恐怖风压,就已经使得大地震动,塌陷。 Ignorant mortal, kneels down!” “愚昧的凡人,跪下!” That mysterious existence, is furious drinks greatly, if still thunder sound. 那尊神秘的存在,震怒大喝,犹若雷音。 In the sky, is the thunder turns wells up, the day cloud changes color, if end the scenery of the world. 天空上,更是雷霆翻涌,天云变色,如若末世之景。 But Ceng Yi, is standing under that holds up a day of giant palm. 曾易,正站在着擎天巨掌的正下方。 The strong oppression strength, has caused the surrounding fall of ground disruption. 强大的压迫力,早已使得周围地面塌陷碎裂。 But the Ceng Yi look brings to a conclusion as before, lifts to look up to that giant palm to fall, the long hair drags with the air wave, as if cannot feel that terrifying the pressure. 曾易依旧神色谈定,抬首仰望着那巨掌落下,长发随着气浪摇曳,似乎感受不到那恐怖的压力。 One dead dead spirit, dares to boast shamelessly!” “不过一尊早已死去的亡灵,也敢大言不惭!” Ceng Yi sneers, shortly will draw a sword. 曾易冷笑,顷刻间拔刀而起。 That flash, thousand zhang (3.33 m) silver sword air/Qi cuts to fly together. 那一刹那,一道千丈银色剑气斩飞出去。 Sword air/Qi tearing horizon, with that suppression, but below giant palm collision. 剑气撕裂天际,与那镇压而下的巨大手掌碰撞。 Bang- 嘭- Bang- 轰- Two attacks bump into, the produced energy storm, shakes invisible ripples dispersing in the space. 两道攻击相撞,产生的能量风暴,在空间中震荡出一圈圈无形的涟漪散开。 Trivial mortal!” “区区凡人!” In the thick gunsmoke, two blood-color light beams are going toward the Ceng Yi sneak attack at the extremely quick speed. 浓浓的硝烟之中,两道血色光束以着极快的速度向着曾易偷袭而去。 Cold killing intent makes the Ceng Yi eye pupil shrink, that speed is too fast, as if penetrated the space, but approaches the body , before suddenly. 冷冽的杀意让曾易眼眸一缩,那速度太快,似乎穿透了空间,不过眨眼间就临近身前。 But the response of body instinct, lets the Ceng Yi being sideways make way. 但身体本能的反应,让曾易侧身闪开。 „-” “啊-” Does not want!” “不要!” The next quarter, two sad and shrill wailing are startled in the space. 下一刻,两道凄厉的哀嚎在空间中惊起。 Ceng Yi looks, discovered that two blood-color light beams have pricked that two first 100,000 years of soul beasts that the severe wound had fallen to the ground, blood ghost demon tiger king and nine swallow a day of python quiet! 曾易望去,发现,那两道血色光束已经刺入了本就重伤倒地的那两头十万年魂兽,血煞魔虎王和九幽吞天蟒! These two blood-color light beams, if there is tentacle of life, is deriving the vitalities and vitalities of these two ominous beasts unceasingly. 这两道血色光束,就如有生命的触手般,在不断汲取这两头凶兽的气血与生机。 However one minute, in two ominous beast sad and shrill pitiful calling out, the vitality was absorbed completely, the body changed stopped the powder, unravelled. 不过一分钟,在两头凶兽凄厉悲惨的嚎叫中,生机被汲取殆尽,身躯都化作了湮粉,灰飞烟灭。 This, dark phoenix scalp tingles of looked one side. 这一幕,看的一旁的暗黑凤凰头皮发麻。 In its eye is filling desperately, as if had seen shortly, oneself will also end up with their same results, the body falling say/way disappears. 它眼中充满着绝望,似乎已经看到了不久后,自己也会落得与它们一样的结局,身陨道消。 But in that gunsmoke, went out of a tall and straight form. 而那硝烟之中,走出了一个挺拔的身影。 That is a person who is wearing the ruined armor. 那是一个身穿着破败铠甲的人。 Even, cannot call it the person. 甚至,不能够称之为人。 In ruined armor, what package is a pale skeleton, then just like the abyss eye socket, is transferring the scarlet flame. 破败的铠甲中,包裹的是一具惨白的骷髅,那宛若深渊般的眼眶中,调动着猩红的火焰。 Just like dead spirit that crawls from the hell! 宛若从地狱爬出的亡灵! Human?” “人类?” This skeleton sound gloomy and cold and hoarse, just like the evil spirit to wail, the limitless malignant influences also fill the air. 这骷髅声音阴冷而沙哑,犹如厉鬼哀嚎般,无边无际的煞气也弥漫而出。 He seems the terrifying source. 他似乎就是恐怖的源头。 The true feature of this god shows in Ceng Yi at present, making him feel that the heart is startled. 这尊神的真正面目展现在曾易眼前,让他感到心惊。 Can see from that ruined armor, actually antiquity age's that war had frigidly how. 从那破败的铠甲上就可以看出,上古年代的那场战争究竟有多么的惨烈。 This armor is not every, has the prestige of charm. 这副铠甲不是凡品,有着神韵之威。 But the divine tool, was still broken even. 可即使是神器,也被打破。 The life that has built the god, falls from the sky, the mortal body was destroyed, the blood drains off, is only left over a broken skeleton. 已经修成神的生灵,也陨落,肉身被打碎,鲜血流干,只剩下一具残破的骸骨。 This just like the dead spirit that goes out of the hell, takes a walk forward slowly. 这尊宛若从地狱走出的亡灵,向前缓缓走动。 Each step, trembles like the thunder sound, the world moves. 每一步,都如同雷音震颤,天地为之而动。 Gradually, that white bones raw meat, but during several breath, this gods restored the mortal body, the jet black long hair flutters. 渐渐地,那白骨生肉,不过几个呼吸间,这尊神明恢复了肉身,漆黑的长发飘扬。 That face, actually exceptionally strange. 只是,那张脸,却异常的古怪。 From time to time is the outstanding youth, has to turn into the beautiful woman peerless female in a flash, serious middle-aged appearance, old old Ji. 时而是俊逸的青年,转瞬有变成倾城绝世的女子,严肃的中年容貌,年迈的老姬。 His face in the unceasing change, making Ceng Yi feel the incomparable to terrify person. 他面孔在不断的变化,让曾易都感到无比瘆人。 Finally, the look of that gods is finally fixed, is an outstanding youth image. 最终,那尊神明的相貌终于固定,是一个俊逸的青年形象。 In that eye socket actually a darkness, only then the scarlet flame is beating. 只是,那眼眶中却一片漆黑,只有猩红色的火焰在跳动。 How do you enter this microcosm? Said leaves this method, this god may forgive the action of your offending, granted you unsurpassed honor, became under this/Ben god throne the aide!” This evil god proud say/way. “你是如何进入这个小世界的?说出离开此界的方法,本神可宽恕你刚才的冒犯之举,更赐予你无上荣誉,成为本神座下侍从!”这尊邪神自傲道。 He recovers already has several months, the discovery in this microcosm has not had the so powerful mortal. 他复苏已经有数月的时间,并没有在这个小世界中发现有如此强大的凡人。 Obviously, this human comes from the outside. 很显然,这个人类是从外部进来的。 Then, this person of necessity is grasping the method of passing in and out this place. 那么,这人必然掌握着进出此地的方法。 If can this method, he not use the using energy thoughts, the god who breaks this place forcefully bans the principle, is separated from this place. 若是能够得到这个方法,他也不用费劲心思,强行去打破此地的神禁法则,脱离此地。 Ceng Yi hears word, smiles lightly. 曾易闻言,淡淡一笑。 „To know? Ok, wins me.” “想知道?可以,打赢我。” Ceng Yi this saying, making the flame that in that evil god eyes beats stagnate. 曾易这话,让那邪神眼中跳动的火焰不由一滞。 The next quarter, cold killing intent, almost concentrates turbulently the essence, toward the Ceng Yi oppression. 下一刻,冷冽的杀意汹涌而出,几乎凝成实质,向着曾易压迫。 „Does lowly mortal, dare to offend the gods? Courts death!” “卑贱的凡人,胆敢冒犯神明?找死!” But surges when homicide intent, wants to intend to suppress this to offend own mortal. 而就在他杀意涌动,想要出手镇压这个冒犯自己的凡人之时。 The discovery, that person of form has actually disappeared on the spot. 却发现,那人的身影已经消失在原地。 The danger raids! 危险袭来! Where are you in sight?” “你在望哪里?” Next quarter, together light sound of callous whispering near evil god ear. 下一刻,一道冷酷的低语在邪神耳边轻响。 When Ceng Yi does not know, before has approached his body . 曾易不知什么时候,已经临近他的身前。 Draw a sword! 拔刀! Clang- 锵- The clear blade whining noise resounds, along with together silver glittering. 清脆的刀鸣声响起,伴随着一道银光闪烁。 At that moment, terrifying sword intent falls in torrents, arrives just like the day deep pool. 那一刻,恐怖的剑意倾泻而下,宛若天渊降临。 Ding ~ 叮~ Among the electric light flint, the evil god takes up a both hands extravagant sword, keeps off cutting that Ceng Yi stuck out suddenly suddenly to strike. 电光火石之间,邪神拿起一把双手阔剑,挡下了曾易突然暴起的斩击。 The collision of blade and sword, the clear steel hands over the engine knock, bursts out a series of sparks/Mars. 刀与剑的碰撞,清脆的钢铁交击声,迸发出一连串的火星子。 Although keeping off got down this fatal cutting to strike, but the evil god felt the lingering fear, the cold sweat braved. 尽管挡下了这致命的斩击,但邪神还是感到后怕,冷汗直冒。 Afterward, an anger erupts from the bottom of the heart. 随后,一股怒气从心底爆发而出。 „The generation of damn ants!” “该死的蝼蚁之辈!” On the evil god erupted the unequalled aura, the jet black demon air/Qi turned wells up, the invisible strength fluctuation shook, the space started the ripples. 邪神身上爆发出了无与伦比的气息,漆黑的魔气翻涌,无形的力量波动震荡而出,空间都掀起了涟漪。 Ceng Yi also shaking flies to back up by his sudden powerful strength. 曾易也被他突然爆发的强悍力量给震飞倒退。 At this moment, on the evil god of that violent anger, the god splendor and demon air/Qi are intertwined, are being full of the hate, the deathly stillness, the desperate aura, just like an abyss, swallows the surrounding all crazily. 此刻,那尊暴怒的邪神身上,神辉与魔气交缠,充满着怨恨,死寂,绝望的气息,就宛若一个深渊,疯狂地吞噬周围的一切。 Dies to this god!” “给本神死!” The evil god lifts up high that seeming like the somewhat broken extravagant sword, the sword blade sparkles the god splendor, the supernatural power circulation, the god mark is appearing. 邪神高举那把看起来有些残破的阔剑,剑身闪耀着神辉,神力流转,神纹显现。 Obviously, this is a divine tool, has the unsurpassed prestige energy. 很显然,这是一把神器,有着无上威能。 Cuts!” “斩!” The evil god calls out, is cutting to Ceng Yi. 邪神暴喝,对着曾易斩下。 The unsurpassed god can bloom, is filling the deathly stillness jet black sword air/Qi together, the land of direct separation, kills toward Ceng Yi. 无上的神能绽放,一道充满着死寂的漆黑剑气,直接分离的大地,向着曾易杀去。 The terrifying strength, the space was cut. 恐怖的力量,空间都被斩开。 Comes well!” “来得好!” Ceng Yi laughs, can cut off the space facing this sword air/Qi, does not dread, the mist in hand cuts also the trembling cry, sends out the intense fight desire. 曾易大笑,面对这能够斩断空间的剑气,毫不畏惧,手中的岚切也在颤鸣,发出强烈的战斗欲望。 This evil god is very powerful, compared with Qian Renxue, Bo Saixi, the generation of Qian Daoliu, is more intrepid! 这尊邪神很强大,比起千仞雪,波塞西,千道流之辈,更加强悍! Repairs to be close to the boundary of god infinitely. 修为无限接近神之境界。 However, as once old god, how long years existed did not know, rich fight experience and regarding strength grasping. 但是,作为曾经的旧神,存在了不知多久的岁月,丰富的战斗经验和对于力量的掌握。 In addition in addition of divine tool holds, his strength even is on par the true god boundary! 加上神器的加持,他的实力甚至比肩真正的神境! Without a doubt, this evil god, is Ceng Yi has fought the strongest person! 毫无疑问,这尊邪神,是曾易战斗过的最强之人! Extremely god sword technique- instantaneous flash! 极神剑术-瞬闪! Swift and fierce sword intent shoots up to the sky, the strong winds surge. 凌厉的剑意冲天而起,狂风涌动。 The Ceng Yi form departs, as if changed to the silver lightning, the shuttle space. 曾易的身影飞出,似乎化作了银色的闪电,穿梭空间。 Bang!!! 嘭!!! Ka ka ka ~ 咔咔咔~ Under the collision of strength, the space is similar to the mirror, torn to pieces dispersing! 力量的碰撞下,空间都如同镜子般,支离破碎的散开! This incomparably powerful strength, the space is unable to withstand. 这股无比强大的力量,空间根本无法承受。 ...... 5873 / 10504507 ......5873/10504507
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