DDTR :: Volume #7

#689: God anger

Worthily is the old god, is the cultivation can make the so big move!” “不愧是旧神,就是修炼都能弄出如此大的动静!” Ceng Yi is smiling peacefully, wields conveniently, the swift and fierce sword air/Qi cuts together, cuts toward the mountain valley. 曾易澹笑着,随手一挥,一道凌厉剑气斩出,向着山谷中斩去。 Bang! 砰! The sword air/Qi cuts to fall, above the mountain valley appeared blood-color light screen, that sword air/Qi hits above this together light screen, the terrifying strength spreads, the entire mountain valley shivers. 剑气斩落,山谷之上显出了一道血色光幕,那道剑气撞在这一道光幕之上,恐怖的力量扩散开,整座山谷都颤动起来。 The dark phoenix sees Ceng Yi without hesitation launches the attack, provokes that gods, frightens at heart it is scared. 暗黑凤凰见曾易毫不犹豫的就发起攻击,挑衅那尊神明,把它吓得心里发毛。 Ended ended, then really must die! 完了完了,这下真的要没命了! In the dark phoenix heart is talking over, if not for Ceng Yi stands on it, it wants to wield wing turn tail at this moment. 暗黑凤凰心中念叨着,若不是曾易站在它身上,它此刻就想挥翅转身逃跑。 Rumbling 轰轰轰 The next quarter, in the mountain valley, erupted two incomparably powerful imposing manners. 下一刻,山谷中,爆发出了两道无比强悍的气势。 In that blood-color light screen, has two huge forms to go out. 那血色光幕之中,有着两尊庞大的身影走出。 That is two aura terrifying rank grass wild giant beasts, the whole body demon air/Qi is dreadful, is filling the bloodthirsty and tyrannical meaning. 那是两头气息恐怖的莽荒巨兽,浑身魔气滔天,弥漫着嗜血与暴虐之意。 Soars to the heavens the malignant influences on head on, the dark phoenix under Ceng Yi place sees these two ominous beasts, calls out in alarm makes noise. 冲天地煞气扑面而来,曾易座下的暗黑凤凰看到这两头凶兽,惊呼出声。 Is the blood ghost demon tiger king, nine swallow a day of python quiet!” “是血煞魔虎王,九幽吞天蟒!” Your friend?” Ceng Yi asked. “你老朋友?”曾易问道。 The dark phoenix shakes the head: They are ominous king of beasts of this place, although cultivates less than this, but the strength is also very powerful, can contend with me jointly!” 暗黑凤凰摇头:“它们都是此地的凶兽王者,虽然修为不及本座,不过实力也十分强大,联手可以与吾抗衡!” Ceng Yi nods, such being the case, these two ominous beasts gave you.” 曾易点头,“既然如此,这两头凶兽就交给你了。” „?” “啊?” The Ceng Yi words make the dark phoenix stare. 曾易的话让暗黑凤凰不由一愣。 Although it does not fear these two ominous beasts, the gods but who soon must face that terrifying, dark phoenix at this moment really could not mention fight intent, the innermost feelings are filled up frightened. 虽说它并不惧这两头凶兽,但即将要面对那尊恐怖的神明,此刻的暗黑凤凰实在是提不起战意,内心已经被恐惧填满。 But Ceng Yi had said, the dark phoenix also has to brace oneself. 曾易已经放话,暗黑凤凰也不得不硬着头皮上了。 At least, facing these two ominous beasts, the total ratio faces directly that gods! 至少,面对这两头凶兽,总比直面那尊神明强! Roar That has ten meters high blood ghost demon tiger king to angrily roar fully tyrannically, the terrifying tiger's roar deafening sound world, the invisible sound wave shake, the space twists. 那尊足有十米高的血煞魔虎王暴虐地怒吼,恐怖的虎啸震响天地,无形的音波震荡,空间为之扭曲。 Dares to excel at rushing to the place of master closing up, the death!” “胆敢擅闯主人闭关之地,死!” Cold tyrannical killing intent fills the air, a tiger python, rubbish, turns toward the dark phoenix and Ceng Yi in rush sky goes. 冷冽暴虐的杀意弥漫,一虎一蟒,毫不废话,就向着天空中的暗黑凤凰与曾易冲杀而去。 Killing intent of that evil spirit almost concentrates the essence! 那凶煞的杀意几乎凝成实质! Courts death!” “找死!” The dark phoenix was also enraged by these two ominous beasts. 暗黑凤凰也是被这两头凶兽激怒。 Although it cannot be victorious Ceng Yi, was suppressed by the gods of that recovery conveniently. 虽然它打不过曾易,也被那复苏的神明随手镇压。 But has not been one's turn once defeated, dares to scold itself. 但也还轮不到曾经的手下败将,也敢如此呵斥自己。 Crying The dark phoenix is wielding the giant wing, face upwards long cry, the phoenix bloodlines of degeneration, the god beast becomes the peerless demon bird. 暗黑凤凰挥动着巨大的羽翼,仰天长鸣,堕落的凤凰血脉,神兽成为了绝世魔禽。 The air/Qi of that terrifying evil spirit, compared with the aura of that two ominous beast, terrifying. 那股恐怖的凶煞之气,比起那两头凶兽的气息,更加的恐怖。 The jet black demon flame is dreadful, the terrifying temperature as if must be melted the space. 漆黑的魔焰滔天,恐怖的温度似乎连空间都要被融化。 The jet black firing lines of several burning hots with nine swallow the day of python bang to kill to go toward the blood ghost demon tiger king quiet. 数道炙热的漆黑火线向着血煞魔虎王与九幽吞天蟒轰杀而去。 The terrifying temperature, the space was even burnt through. 恐怖的温度,连空间都被烧穿。 However, the blood ghost demon tiger king with nine swallows the day of python strength is not bad quiet. 不过,血煞魔虎王与九幽吞天蟒实力也不差。 Their bloodlines are uncommon, was the antiquity period, inherited in the essence and blood of god beast this place fell from the sky, evil spirit unusual animals that the evolution came. 它们血脉不凡,也是上古时期,继承了在此地陨落的神兽的精血,演化而来的凶煞异兽。 Although bloodlines compared with dark phoenix, but also strong overwhelming majority soul beasts. 虽然血脉比不过暗黑凤凰,但也强过绝大部分的魂兽。 Among the electric light flint, the heavenshaking tiger's roar, the world vibrates together. 电光火石之间,一道震天的虎啸,天地震动。 The blood-color sharp claws attack, has the tearing vault of heaven terrifying imposing manner, cuts toward the dark phoenix. 血色的利爪攻击,有着撕裂天穹的恐怖气势,向着暗黑凤凰斩去。 Nine swallowed a day of python to open wide fierce snake mouth quiet, the jet black energy gathering, formed terrifying black hole, the dreadful demon flame was swallowed completely. 九幽吞天蟒张大了狰狞的蛇口,漆黑的能量汇聚,形成了一个恐怖的黑洞,滔天魔焰被吞噬殆尽。 The tangled warfare of three ominous beasts, make this world the earth shook and heavens spun shook suddenly, one intermittent sweeps across the world just like the tsunami powerful fresh breeze. 三头凶兽的混战,一时间使得这个世界天摇地动,一阵阵宛若海啸般的强大劲风席卷天地。 Mountain valley that except that was protected by the blood-color light cover, the surrounding piece, was razed to the ground by the complementary waves of this terrifying. 除了那座被血色光罩护住的山谷,周围一片,都被这恐怖的余波夷为平地。 Seeming like that fellow strength is good!” “看起来那家伙实力还不错!” Ceng Yi looks at the dark phoenix with two ominous beast dogfights, but can also can be in the upper hand, has not disappointed the real phoenix bloodlines that the body has actually. 曾易看着暗黑凤凰与两头凶兽缠斗,还能占得上风,倒是没有辜负身具的真凰血脉。 Now, must break this tortoise shell child to be good!” “现在,要来打破这个龟壳子才行!” Ceng Yi is talking to oneself, the vision puts this mountain valley the light to coat. 曾易自语着,目光重新放到这山谷的光罩上。 He can feel that aura in mountain valley, is very powerful. 他能够感觉到,山谷之中的那股气息,十分强大。 He, felt that the heart is startled. 就连他,都感到心惊。 If not prevent, whatever this evil god continues to break through, perhaps he will step into that boundary truly. 若是不阻止,任由这尊邪神继续突破,或许他会真正踏入那个境界。 When the time comes, Ceng Yi, does not dare saying that can win the opposite party steadily. 到时候,就连曾易,也不敢说能够稳胜对方。 Must block him to continue to regain the condition! 必须要阻断他继续恢复状态! At this time, Ceng Yi does not need to speak Wu De to the opposite party. 这种时候,曾易也没有必要跟对方讲武德。 The gods who after all this high antiquity recovered, have degenerated, the bloodthirsty was tyrannical. 毕竟这尊远古时代复苏的神明,已经堕落,嗜杀暴虐。 In this world, almost most lives had been slaughtered. 这个世界中,几乎大部分的生灵都已经被屠戮一空。 Ceng Yi cannot believe that this evil demon, if breaks this world, arrives at Combat Continent, what disaster that will bring. 曾易不敢相信,这种邪恶至极的魔头,若是打破这个世界,降临斗罗大陆,那将会带来什么样的灾难。 No Self Sword Heart! 无我剑心 The next quarter, the body of Ceng Yi erupts the incomparably tyrannical imposing manner, comes out of the sheath just like the divine sword. 下一刻,曾易的身上爆发出无比强横的气势,宛若神剑出鞘。 That flash, in the dogfight three ominous beasts, is being shaken by this imposing manner, stopped the attack. 那一瞬间,正在缠斗的三头凶兽,都被这股气势震住,停止了攻击。 That swift and fierce sword intent, fills in the entire world. 那凌厉至极的剑意,弥漫整个天地间。 That flash, as if a flowered grass, a sand stone, changed to the sharp long sword. 那一瞬间,似乎一花一草,一沙一石,都化作了锋利的长剑。 The terrifying, pure sword intent shoots up to the sky. 恐怖,纯粹的剑意冲天而起。 The surrounding area the demon miasma malignant influences within hundred li (0.5 km) were scattered, 方圆百里内的魔瘴煞气都被驱散, The land shivers. 大地为之颤动起来。 The strategy under this gods arrange/cloth, mysterious incomparable, resists god boundary all attacks sufficiently. 这尊神明布下的阵法,玄妙无比,足以抵挡神境一下的所有攻击。 Can look, this evil god is very vigilant, in this side world does not exist to threaten his existence obviously, but he is so cautious. 看得出来,这尊邪神很警惕,明明此方世界中不存在能够威胁他的存在,可他还是如此小心翼翼。 But Ceng Yi does not believe that he wants to cut this evil god, how isn't the strategy under opposite party arrange/cloth possibly even able to break open? 曾易不信,他可是想要斩掉这尊邪神,怎么可能连对方布下的阵法都无法破开? Without hesitation, Ceng Yi strength full. 毫不犹豫,曾易力量全开。 Terrifying Spirit Power fluctuates to ripple from his body, the surroundings space becomes because of this strength twists. 恐怖的魂力波动从他的身体上荡漾而出,周围空间都因为这股力量而变得扭曲起来。 The Ceng Yi right hand grasped the mist to cut the hilt, the eye pupil caught the color of silvery brilliance, unfeeling. 曾易右手握上了岚切刀柄,眼眸染上了银辉之色,冷酷无情。 Draw a sword! 拔刀! As that wipes the silver blade to appear from the scabbard. 随着那一抹银色的刀刃从刀鞘中出现。 Card The clear sound that flash, the sword called, as if cut off the world. 那一瞬间,剑鸣的清脆声,似乎把世界斩断。 Prevents him quickly!” “快阻止他啊!” Blood ghost demon tiger king Xinjing shouted, immediately gives up to besieging of dark phoenix, the tiger's roar is intermittent, goes toward Ceng Yi killing. 血煞魔虎王心惊大喊,立刻放弃了对暗黑凤凰的围攻,虎啸阵阵,向着曾易扑杀而去。 Both ominous beasts had been controlled by that evil god mental. 两头凶兽都已经被那尊邪神控制了心智。 In they consciousness, only then an order, clings to tenaciously this mountain valley, otherwise anybody disturbs the cultivation of master. 它们意识里只有一道命令,就是死守住这座山谷,不然任何人打扰主人的修炼。 Even two ominous beasts under this sword intent, the soul tremble, but is duty-bound not to turn back flushes away toward Ceng Yi, wants to prevent Ceng Yi to intend to break a strategy god sword technique sword to be extremely atheistic! 即使两头凶兽在这股剑意之下,灵魂颤栗,但还是义无反顾的向着曾易冲去,想要阻止曾易出手打破阵法极神剑术一剑无神! Sword intent of that terrifying, concentrates the essence, changes to a that perfect blade, cuts to fall under. 那恐怖的剑意,凝成实质,化作那完美无缺的一刀,斩落而下。 That flash, nine swallows a day of python toward blood ghost demon tiger king and who Ceng Yi killing comes quiet. The terrifying imposing manner of that sword, makes their whole body split, as if entered in the sword blade storm, the severe wound flies upside down, in the mouth bleeds! 那一瞬间,向着曾易扑杀而来的血煞魔虎王和九幽吞天蟒。那一剑的恐怖气势,就让它们浑身绽裂,彷佛进入了剑刃风暴之中,重伤倒飞,口中喋血! …… In an instant, the silver glittering, that sword, as if separated the world together, cut off the world. 刹那之间,一道银光闪烁,那一剑,似乎分开了天地,斩断了世界。 But that prevents under the god boundary sufficiently all the strategies of attack, by Ceng Yi this soulless blade, was cut the two sides. 而那足以阻挡神境之下所有攻击的阵法,也被曾易这无神一刀之下,斩成两边。 That big mountain valley, was divided into two, above the land, presented one is too deep to see the bottom, does not look at the end canyon. 那偌大的山谷,也被一分为二,大地之上,出现了一道深不见底,望不到尽头的峡谷。 „Is this human he also a god?” “这人类难道他也是神吗?” The dark phoenix looks at this, flutters saying that in the heart shocks incomparably, cannot believe the seen magnificent scenery! 暗黑凤凰看着这一幕,颤声说道,心中震撼无比,不敢相信所看到的这副壮观之景! „The generation of ants, dares to disturb me to cultivate/repair clear!” “蝼蚁之辈,胆敢打扰吾清修!” Next quarter, together angry incomparable god sound deafening sound vault of heaven. 下一刻,一道愤怒无比的神音震响天穹。 A greatest imposing manner shoots up to the sky., 一股莫大的气势冲天而起。、 Rumbling 轰轰轰 Above the air/Qi of incarnadine vault of heaven that blood ghost, the sea of clouds turned to well up, congeals to obstruct a day of big hand, since the day fell, toward the Ceng Yi suppression 那血煞之气染红的天穹之上,云海翻涌,凝结出了一张遮天大手,从天落下,向着曾易镇压
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