DDTR :: Volume #7

#688: Kounotani

...... ...... The dark phoenix looks at Ceng Yi and Snow Emperor two people, in that desperate eye pupil, renewed wiped the ray of hope. 暗黑凤凰看着曾易雪帝两人,那绝望的眼眸中,重新燃起了一抹希望之光。 It looks at Ceng Yi to entreat: „ You come from the outside world? Do you certainly have the means to leave this damned place? 它望着曾易哀求道:“你们是从外界进来的吧?那你们一定有办法离开这个鬼地方吧? Asked you to lead me to leave together! I am willing to present you for the lord, becomes your mount, so long as leads me to leave this place! ” 求求你带我一起离开吧!我愿奉你为主,成为你的坐骑,只要带我离开这个地方!” At this moment, the dark phoenix has dropped out the little dignity that oneself only remained, rather becomes the mount of this human, does not want to degenerate into others' sacrificial offering like this. 此刻,暗黑凤凰已经抛下了自己仅剩的一点点尊严,宁愿成为这个人类的坐骑,也不想就这样沦为别人的祭品。 The gods of that recovery are extremely fearful, facing him, even if there is real phoenix bloodlines, god beast descendant's it, still feels the boundless fear. 那尊复苏的神明太过可怕,面对他,即使有着真凰血脉,神兽后裔的它,也感到无边的恐惧。 It does not want dead. 它不想死。 Led a pious life nearly 100,000 years of glorious years, it is not resigned to oneself say/way and law degenerates into others' part. 修行了近十万年悠久的岁月,它不甘心自己的道与法沦为别人的一部分。 If can go on living, even abandons the dignity of god beast, how becomes the mount of this human to be able? 若能活下去,就算是抛弃神兽的尊严,成为这个人类的坐骑又能如何? Moreover, this human cultivate/repair to so powerful, in the future will definitely break through the god boundary! 而且,这个人类修为如此强大,将来肯定会突破神境! The dark phoenix is also eagle-eyed, it has seen followed the woman side Ceng Yi, is actually not a human, but is the spirit body. 暗黑凤凰也是有眼力,它早就看出了跟在曾易身边的这个女人,其实并不是人类,而是灵体所化。 Should be the spirit of world raises inborn, her strength is stronger! 应该是天生地养的天地之灵,她实力更是比自己还强! Such lifeform is willing to follow this human, had the contrast, oneself are is not as if unacceptable. 这样的生物都甘愿追随这个人类,有了对比,自己似乎也并不是不能接受。 The most important thing is can leave this damned place. 最重要的是能够离开这个鬼地方。 The dark phoenix existed for nearly 100,000 years in this world, has wanted to leave this damned place. 暗黑凤凰在这个世界存在了近十万年,早就想离开这个鬼地方了。 But here is the place of god falling, this space has the Shintoism principle seal under gods arrange/cloth, this side world is a prisoner's cage, finding out to eradicate this is unlikely. 可是这里乃是神陨之地,这处空间有着神明布下的神道法则封印,这方世界就是一个囚笼,想出去根本不太可能。 Only if can break through the god boundary, breaks the seal at the absolute strength, can go out. 除非能够突破神境,以绝对的力量打破封印,才能出去。 But, this side world is the broken macrocosm fragment, the world principle is incomplete, here life is unable to break through the god boundary. 可是,此方世界乃是残破的大世界碎片所化,天地法则残缺,这里的生灵根本无法突破神境。 Repairing of dark phoenix is, is the limit of this world! 暗黑凤凰的修为,就已经是这个世界的极限! Before then, the dark phoenix is this world absolute overlord. 在此之前,暗黑凤凰一直是这个世界绝对的霸主。 To gods recovery that the antiquity age fell from the sky, this aspect broke. 一直到上古年代陨落的神明复苏,这个局面才打破。 That gods were the god boundary cultivate/repair are, now recovers from ruined, so long as absorbed the sufficient energy to return to get back one's composure the boundary. 那尊神明生前就是神境修为,如今从破败中复苏,只要汲取足够的能量就能重新返回神之境界。 Therefore he life of side world will slaughter, with the endless courage vigor and soul, makes up for itself. 所以他才会对此方世界的生灵进行屠杀,用无尽的血气与灵魂,弥补自身。 Looks that this implored urgently own dark phoenix, Ceng Yi feels the chin, the thinking considered. 看着这头苦苦哀求自己的暗黑凤凰,曾易摸着下巴,思索考虑。 Truly, has the dark phoenix of real phoenix bloodlines, if has such a god beast descendant as the mount, rides such a phoenix to go out, that is really the eye-catching. 确实,有着真凰血脉的暗黑凤凰,若是拥有这么一头神兽后裔作为坐骑,骑着这么一头凤凰出门,那实在是拉风。 But, even phoenix in eye-catching, doesn't the speed that but it flies, have the speed of governing sword flight to be fast? 可是,就算凤凰在怎么拉风,可是它飞行的速度,也没有自己御剑飞行的速度快啊? Therefore, Ceng Yi felt, dark phoenix regarding oneself, not big use. 所以,曾易觉得,暗黑凤凰对于自己来说,并没有多大的用处。 Ceng Yi does not want this dark phoenix to be the mount very much. 曾易并不是很想要这头暗黑凤凰为坐骑。 However, he in that recovery gods very interest to this big black bird mouth. 不过,他对这头大黑鸟口中的那尊复苏的神明很兴趣。 The Ceng Yi eyes narrow a line, asked: That gods where?” 曾易双眼眯成一条线,问道:“那尊神明在哪里?” Hears these words, the dark phoenix mind trembles, it feels this human the idea unusual danger. 听到这句话,暗黑凤凰心神直颤,它感觉这个人类的想法非常的危险。 „Do you want to do? I urged you not to have what not good idea well, that had of strength, was not your I can imagine!” “你要干什么?我劝你最好别生出什么不好的想法,那个存在实力之强,不是你我能够想象的!” Nearby Snow Emperor also wrinkles the thin eyebrow, the serious pupil light stared at Ceng Yi saying: You best calm, that is the true god boundary powerhouse, do not act unreasonably!” 一旁的雪帝也是皱起了细眉,严肃的眸光凝视着曾易说道:“你最好冷静一点,那可是真正的神境强者,你可别乱来啊!” The Snow Emperor very clear Ceng Yi militant character, his strength is difficult to seek the opponent in the world of mortals. 雪帝很清楚曾易的好战的性格,他的实力在下界已经难寻对手。 Can meet a strength to have the possibility strongly his person, even if the opposite party is gods, Snow Emperor does not doubt, Ceng Yi will draw a sword to rush with the opposite party fights. 能够遇见一位实力有可能强过他的人,即使对方是神明,雪帝也毫不怀疑,曾易会拔刀冲上去与对方一战。 Regarding the reminder of Snow Emperor, smiling of Ceng Yi not cares. 对于雪帝的提醒,曾易毫不在意的笑了笑。 This big black bird did not say, the opposite party has not restored to the boundary of god truly, does not need also to worry.” “这大黑鸟不是说了嘛,对方还没有真正恢复到神之境界,不必还过担忧。” Let alone, since the opposite party is the gods who has participated in the war of that god, then should be very clear regarding secret of antiquity, doesn't this take the opposite party to ascertain?” “更何况,既然对方是参与过那场神之战争的神明,那么对于上古的秘辛应该很清楚吧,这不拿下对方问个清楚?” „Did you really decide?” Snow Emperor some did not feel relieved. “你真的决定了?”雪帝还是有些不太放心。 Ceng Yi nods with a smile. 曾易笑着点头。 Sees Ceng Yi this attitude, Snow Emperor is also clear, oneself is not possible to urge him. 曾易这个态度,雪帝也清楚,自己是不可能劝得了他了。 However, regarding the Ceng Yi strength, Snow Emperor is also very confident. 不过,对于曾易的实力,雪帝也很有信心。 Even the opposite party once were gods, but now strength no longer once, then should not be the Ceng Yi opponent. 即使对方曾经是神明,但如今实力不复曾经,那么应该不会是曾易的对手。 But Ceng Yi and Snow Emperor two people conversations, let nearby dark phoenix innermost feelings incomparable shock. 曾易雪帝两人的交谈,让一旁的暗黑凤凰内心无比的震撼。 These two, dare to provoke the gods unexpectedly! 这两人,竟然敢去挑衅神明! That is the true god! Even if his boundary drops, but is not the terrifying boundary that the mortal can touch. 那可是真正的神啊!即使他境界跌落,但也不是凡人能够触及的恐怖境界。 Were they insane? 他们是疯了吗? Big black bird, where should you know that god? Leads me to pass!” Ceng Yi was saying to the dark phoenix. “大黑鸟,你应该知道那位神在什么地方吧?带我过去!”曾易对着暗黑凤凰说道。 Dark phoenix frightened shaking the head. 暗黑凤凰恐惧的摇头。 „It is not good! The strength of that gods, is not you can shake absolutely! Even you compared with me, however in the face of that absolutely no odds of success! Everyone will die!” “不行!那尊神明的力量,绝对不是你们能够撼动的!就算你们比我强,但是在那位面前,绝对没有一丝胜算!大家都会死!” Regarding this, Ceng Yi sneers, said: I was not discussing with you, but is the order!” 对此,曾易冷笑一声,道:“我不是在和你商量,而是命令!” You, or goes, then I cut to extinguish you now!” “你要不去,那么我现在就斩灭你!” Ceng Yi said, a cold killing intent fills the air, making the dark phoenix soul tremble, looks like has a sharp sword to be hanging on own head, possibly falls momentarily, cuts to extinguish itself. 曾易说完,一股冷冽的杀意弥漫而出,让暗黑凤凰灵魂颤栗,就像是有着一把锋利的剑悬挂在自己脑袋上,随时可能落下,斩灭自己。 Goes, you have a vitality. Does not go, now dies!” “去,你还有一丝生机。不去,现在就死!” Ceng Yi said with a smile pale: Ok, two choices, which do you want to choose?” 曾易淡笑道:“好了,两种选择,你要选哪一个?” The dark phoenix is silent. 暗黑凤凰沉默。 It feels, this human is not cracking a joke. 它感觉到,这人类并不是在开玩笑。 Two choices, look like in it, is almost a blind alley! 两个选择,在它看来,几乎都是死路! Since you court death, could not complain about me! 既然你们找死,也怨不得我了! The dark phoenix clenches teeth, flutters saying: Good ~, I lead you to go......” 暗黑凤凰一咬牙,颤声说道:“好~,我带你们去......” The dark phoenix has faced directly that gods, is only one puts in an appearance merely, oneself were suppressed by the opposite party. 暗黑凤凰亲身直面过那尊神明,仅仅只是一个照面,自己就被对方镇压。 That fear, has inscribed above its soul. 那份恐惧,已经铭刻在它的灵魂之上。 Therefore, it does not believe, this human can be that opponent. 所以,它并不认为,这个人类会是那位的对手。 By the body of mortal, dares to challenge the dignity of gods? 以凡人之躯,就敢挑战神明的威严? Really conceited. 真是狂妄自大。 The dark phoenix despairs, since must die, that might as well has human in the past, making him know that anything is called the endless despair. 暗黑凤凰已经绝望了,既然都要死,那还不如带着人类过去,让他知道什么叫做无尽的绝望。 Pad backs, as if also good. 有一个垫背的,似乎也不错。 After the dark phoenix compromises, Ceng Yi stands in its huge body. 暗黑凤凰妥协后,曾易就站在它庞大的身躯上。 The dark phoenix is wielding the pair of wings, goes toward the mystical place deep place soaring. 暗黑凤凰挥动着双翼,向着秘境更深处飞翔而去。 The shuttle in the malaria of smog, more solves the deep place, the space air/Qi of demon miasma is strong. 穿梭在灰霾的瘴气之中,越是解决深处,空间中的魔瘴之气越是浓烈。 However, Ceng Yi cultivate/repair to profound, the swordsmanship cultivates to go nonstop to the boundary of Sword God, has been god boundary the strength of soul. 不过,曾易一身修为高深,剑道修为更是直通剑神之境,早已乃是神境的灵魂之力。 In the air/Qi of demon miasma strong negative energy, cannot affect the Ceng Yi mind. 魔瘴之气中浓厚的负面能量,并不能影响到曾易的心神。 Good intense complaint aura!” “好强烈的怨念气息!” Has arrived in the mystical place deep place, Ceng Yi feels in the space that intense complaint with hating. 已经抵达秘境深处,曾易感受到了空间中那强烈的怨念与憎恶。 The gods fall from the sky, the negative energy of being born, the Ceng Yi state of mind, produced mighty waves. 神明陨落,诞生出的这股负面能量,就连曾易的心境,都产生了一丝波澜。 In the space that bloodthirsty crazy killing intent, the Snow Emperor mood came under the influence, the aura becomes hot tempered. 空间中那股嗜血疯狂的杀意,就连雪帝的情绪都受到了影响,气息变得暴躁。 Ceng Yi sees that hurrying makes Snow Emperor return to the Martial Soul main body. 曾易见状,赶紧让雪帝回到武魂本体之中。 The dark phoenix said: Now retreats also with enough time, that is closing up practices, has not detected our nearness.” 暗黑凤凰道:“现在撤退还来得及,那位正在闭关修行,还没有察觉到我们的靠近。” Ceng Yi shakes the head, said with a smile pale: Arrived here, you think that I will also retreat?” 曾易摇头,淡笑道:“都到这里了,你认为我还会退走?” You are really a lunatic!” “你真是一个疯子!” The dark phoenix scolded one, picked up the speed, the figure shuttled back and forth just like the jet black sky like lightning in together. 暗黑凤凰骂道一声,加快了速度,身形宛若一道漆黑的闪电般天空上穿梭。 Quick, arrives at the mountain valley that blood fog filled. 很快,就来到了一座血雾弥漫的山谷。 Thump ~ 咚~ Thump ~ 咚~ Thump ~ 咚~ ...... ...... In that mountain valley, spread the sound of very orderly heart beat. 那山谷之中,传出了很有规律的心脏跳动之声。 Each heartbeat, just like the thunderous explosion sound, the fearful strength, the space is shaking together. 每一次心跳声,宛若一道雷鸣轰响,可怕的力量,空间都在震荡。 Ceng Yi mind, as that mysterious heartbeat shivers. 就连曾易的心神,都随着那神秘的心跳而颤动起来。 ...... ...... bqkan8. .bqkan8. bqkan8..bqkan8.
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