DDTR :: Volume #7

#687: Gods recovery!

...... ...... What meaning does god ban is? Talks clearly to me quickly! „ Ceng Yi pupil light cold vision by the dark phoenix that oneself suppress, shouted coldly. “神禁是什么意思?快给我说清楚!“曾易眸光冷视着被自己镇压的暗黑凤凰,冷喝道。 Because the Ceng Yi mood had the fluctuation, in the body dispersed a tyrannical imposing manner, making the dark phoenix feel that the soul is trembling. 因为曾易的情绪产生了波动,身体里又散出了一股强横的气势,让暗黑凤凰感到灵魂都在颤栗。 This human was too strong, even if it has the phoenix real blood, endures compared with the peerless boundary, in his hands, was brutally suppressed as before. 这个人类太强了,即使它有着凤凰真血,堪比绝世境界,在他手中,依旧被无情镇压。 The dark phoenix knows that the fearfulness of Ceng Yi, does not dare to conceal many, then the complete confession that oneself know. 暗黑凤凰知道曾易的可怕,不敢多又隐瞒,便把自己所知道的全部交代。 „The place of god banning, actually also has another name, is the place of god falling!” “神禁之地,其实还有着另外一个名字,就是神陨之地!” „Does god fall? Was your meaning this place once had the gods to fall from the sky?” After hearing this news, in the Ceng Yi heart raised the difficult situation. “神陨?你的意思是此地曾经有神明陨落?”听到这个消息后,曾易心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 The dark phoenix nods , to continue saying: „ Naturally! Otherwise cannot call it the restricted area. 暗黑凤凰点头,继续说道:“当然!要不然也不能称之为禁地。 According to this .... As far as I know, this space had had the innumerable years, ancient times the age, has had the frigid war, falls from the sky in the gods of this place, does not know the how much! ” 据本座....据我所知,这个空间已经存在了无数岁月,远古年代,发生过惨烈的大战,陨落在此地的神明,不知几何!” „Do this words take seriously? If you dare the least bit lie, the father pulls out the light your wool!” In the Ceng Yi eye pupil flashes through wipes none, cold sound said. “此话当真?你要是敢半点谎话,老子拔光你的毛!”曾易眼眸中闪过一抹精光,冷声道。 The dark phoenix whole body trembles, pledged hastily: Big brother, the little brother I said absolutely nurtures the divine, without the least bit lie!” 暗黑凤凰浑身一颤,连忙发誓道:“大哥,小弟我说得绝对保真,没有半点假话!” Before the Flood's that war, the has god phoenix fell from the sky in this place, the little brother I also has a drop of real phoenix essence and blood to evolve to come, to have a bloodlines inheritance to remember.” “上古时代的那场战争,有神凰陨落于此地,小弟我也是有一滴真凰精血演化而来,有着一丝血脉传承记忆。” hears word, Ceng Yi believes its several points actually, but also asked: Since you have the inheritance to remember, then may know era, why will have the so frigid war?” 闻言,曾易倒是相信它几分,但又问道:“既然你有传承记忆,那么可知道上古时代,为什么会有如此惨烈的战争?” Ceng Yi this issue, making in the dark phoenix eye pupil somewhat confused, it shakes the head. 曾易这个问题,让暗黑凤凰眼眸中有些迷茫,它摇头。 I not am quite clear, the memory in bloodlines is very fuzzy, I only remember that war is very frigid, has the real dragon, real phoenix, various god beasts, the tangled warfare between gods. “我并不太清楚,血脉中的记忆很模糊,我只记得,那场战争很惨烈,有真龙,真凰,各种神兽,还有神明之间的混战。 That fight is very frigid, and law must obliterate, the innumerable microcosms destroy in the fight. ” 那场战斗很惨烈,道与法都要磨灭,无数小世界都在战斗中毁灭。” From the manner and words of dark phoenix, Ceng Yi thinks that it has not lied, but some Ceng Yi questions. 从暗黑凤凰的神态与话中,曾易认为它并没有说谎,但是曾易还是有一些疑问。 If some really so many gods fight, how this place can unable to withstand?” “如果真有这么多神明战斗,这个地方如何能承受得住?” The dark phoenix explained: „ This is not a main battlefield, 暗黑凤凰解释道:“这并不是主战场, Should be this space is only a main battlefield very small part. 应该是这个空间只是主战场很小的一部分。 This space, should be the world fragment that the war of gods antiquity destroyed evolves. 这处空间,应该是上古之战神明打碎的世界碎片演化而来。 This world deep place, has the skeleton of gods, how long years existed did not know. 这世界深处,有着神明的尸骸,存在了不知多久的岁月。 Because really this place fell from the sky many gods, the aura of these gods, did not have complaint completely with hating, evolved the boundless demon smoke malaria, covered the whole world. 真是因为此地陨落了很多神明,那些神明的气息,还有无尽的怨念与憎恶,演化成了无边的魔烟瘴气,笼罩整个世界。 The life all lifeform here, were affected the intelligence by these malarias, becoming the bloodthirsty is tyrannical. ” 生活在这里的一切生物,都被这些瘴气影响了神智,变得嗜血暴虐。” Listened to the words of dark phoenix, Ceng Yi doubts at heart also to untie finally. 听了暗黑凤凰的话,曾易心里的疑惑也终于解开。 The gods of falling from the sky, that die in the war intense being unwilling with the complaint, causing this space to turn into this. 陨落的神明,那死于战争中强烈的不甘与怨念,导致这个空间变成了这样。 No wonder, as real phoenix essence and blood the life, and should be the auspicious omen holy symbol, grows in so the environment, degenerates becomes the dark phoenix fascinated, is very reasonable. 难怪,作为真凰精血所化的生灵,并应该是祥瑞圣洁的象征,在如此环境下成长,堕落入魔成暗黑凤凰,也很合理。 ...... 只是...... Ceng Yi looks at very honest dark phoenix, opens the mouth saying: But, I thought that you like not affected the unconscious appearance by the malaria, this is not very honest.” 曾易看着很老实的暗黑凤凰,开口道:“可是,我看你也并不像被瘴气影响得神志不清的模样,这不是挺老实的吗。” The dark phoenix somewhat wants to cry but have no tears, you are powerful, can act bashful own life and death, will oneself be acted bashful like the chicken young at this moment at will? 暗黑凤凰有些欲哭无泪,要不是你实力强大,能够拿捏自己的生死,自己此刻怎么会像小鸡仔一样被随意拿捏? Big brother chatted, that is because your wise supernatural might, has an imposing appearance, the little brother my first eyes saw that you were subdued by your makings!” “大哥说笑了,那是因为您英明神武,气宇轩昂,小弟我第一眼看到您就被您气质所折服!” Let alone, how the little brother said that is also the descendant of god phoenix, ordinary soul beast can compare with me with the foot? “更何况,小弟怎么说也是神凰的后代,普通魂兽的跟脚能跟我比吗? This malaria could not have affected my intelligence. ” 这点瘴气还影响不了我的神智。” Looks that this dark phoenix this submissive to the appearance that Ceng Yi is flattering, nearby Snow Emperor is very speechless. 看着这头暗黑凤凰这低声下气对着曾易谄媚的模样,一旁的雪帝都很是无语。 She before was also the soul beast, but this dark phoenix, renovated her lower limit to the soul beast cognition simply. 她之前也是魂兽,但是这头暗黑凤凰,简直是刷新了她对魂兽认知的下限。 How saying that is also one cultivates for is also the exceedingly high peerless boundary, as the King, actually does not have including a dignity. 怎么说也是一身修为也是通天的绝世境界,身为王者,竟然连一点尊严都没有。 However, Snow Emperor that just regained consciousness, in the mouth of dark phoenix the information, looking like the bomb is the same, explodes in her mind. 不过,刚苏醒的雪帝,暗黑凤凰的口中信息,就像是炸弹一样,在她的脑海中爆开。 This information really extremely in shocking mind. 这个信息实在是太过于震撼心神了。 The place of god banning! The place of god falling! 神禁之地!神陨之地! Here has the gods to fall from the sky unexpectedly. 这里竟有神明陨落。 That is the boundary of god, oneself cultivation the innumerable years, lifetime pursue, to step into that boundary. 那可是神之境界,自己修炼无数岁月,一生的追求,就是为了踏入那个境界。 The person but who, achieves the god boundary, can die a tragic death unexpectedly. 可是,达到神境的人,竟然也会惨死。 The endless complaint of leaving behind, but also influence this side world. 留下的无尽怨念,还影响这方世界。 In a twinkling, in the Snow Emperor eye pupil the miraculous glow flashes, as if thought of anything. 霎时间,雪帝眼眸中灵光一闪,似乎想到了什么。 About antiquity that god war, I as if knew some related information.” “关于上古那场神战,我似乎知道一些相关的信息。” hears word, Ceng Yi very surprised looks at Snow Emperor, immediately asks: What information, said quickly!” 闻言,曾易很是惊讶的看着雪帝,立刻问道:“什么信息,快说说!” Snow Emperor said: Until the antiquity that war secret person, was not I, but had someone else.” 雪帝道:“直到上古那场战争秘辛的人,并不是我,而是另有其人。” Who is?” “是谁?” I should mention with you before, is the King in Star Dou Forest, that Black Dragon, the name said the emperor day!” Snow Emperor said lightly. “我之前应该与你提到过,就是星斗大森林里的王者,那条黑龙,名曰帝天!”雪帝淡淡说道。 Black Dragon emperor day? Really extremely arrogant name.” Ceng Yi smiles one pale. “黑龙帝天?真是狂妄的名字。”曾易淡笑一声。 Snow Emperor continues saying: „Before that stupid dragon is very long, has looked for me, wanting me to join in his organization, although was not clear that actually this stupid dragon is planning anything, but should be a very dangerous plan.” 雪帝继续说道:“那头蠢龙很久之前就来找过我,想要我加入他的组织中,虽然不清楚这条蠢龙究竟在谋划着什么,不过应该是一个很危险的计划。” Interesting, after going out, we go to Star Dou Forest, asks that fellow to chat well!” Ceng Yi is saying, in the eye flashes through wipes none. “有趣,等出去后,我们去一趟星斗大森林,找那家伙好好聊聊!”曾易说着,眼中闪过一抹精光。 The pitiful deep sleep in lake's of Star Dou Forest life Black Dragon, does not know oneself had been given to stare. 可怜沉睡在星斗大森林生命之湖的黑龙,不知道自己已经被人给盯上了。 The Ceng Yi vision changes to the dark phoenix, your really complete confession?” 曾易目光又转到暗黑凤凰身上,“你真的全部交代了?” By Ceng Yi this cold vision gaze, the dark phoenix mind was trembled, trembling opens the mouth. 曾易这冷冽的目光注视,暗黑凤凰心神一颤,战战兢兢开口。 Big brother, I really confessed that has not concealed your anything absolutely!” “大哥,我真的都交代了,绝对没有隐瞒你什么!” Ceng Yi said with a smile lightly: „? How I induce on you to together the aura of imprisonment, should this strength not come from you?” 曾易轻笑道:“哦?我怎么在你身上感应到一道禁锢的气息,这股力量应该不是来自于你吧?” Dark phoenix hears word, the whole body is shivering, that is proceeds from the soul the fear. 暗黑凤凰闻言,浑身颤抖着,那是发自灵魂的恐惧。 It shivers saying: I do not intend to conceal, truly as you said that on me that aura is others, because I also stared by that person of institute.” 它颤动道:“我不是有意隐瞒,确实如你所说,我身上那股气息是其他人的,因为我也被那人所盯上了。” „Does here have other biological energy to threaten your life?” Ceng Yi sees this time dark phoenix, when was suppressed by oneself fears, asked very much curiously. “这里还有其它生物能威胁到你的生命?”曾易见此时的暗黑凤凰,比被自己镇压时还要恐惧,很是好奇问道。 Yes, that exists is very terrifying, is the god of recovery!” “是的,那存在很恐怖,乃是复苏的神!” God?” “神?” The words of dark phoenix, making Ceng Yi, Snow Emperor two people pupils shrink, in heart in great surprise. 暗黑凤凰的话,让曾易,雪帝两人瞳孔都不由一缩,心中大惊。 „Does this place have the gods to survive?” “此地还有神明存活?” The dark phoenix nods, in the eye pupil is glittering the fear, said: „ Several months ago, truly powerful life recovery, strength terrifying extremely. 暗黑凤凰点头,眼眸中闪烁着恐惧,说道:“几个月前,确实有一个强大的生灵复苏,实力极其的恐怖。 His bloodthirsty all lifeform of this side space, are deriving the life courage vigor crazily, expands itself, I also defeat in its subordinate. ” 他疯狂地嗜杀着这方空间的所有生物,汲取生灵血气,壮大自身,就连我也败在它手下。” Ceng Yi knits the brows, the pupil light coldly stares at the dark phoenix to ask: Why hadn't he killed you?” 曾易皱眉,眸光冷冷盯着暗黑凤凰问道:“那他为何没有杀了你?” Dark phoenix frightened earth tremor sound said: Does not know, possibly has not arrived at crucial moment, therefore he planted the mark on me.” 暗黑凤凰恐惧地颤声道:“不知道,可能是还没有到关键时候吧,所以他在我身上种下了印记。” These days I swallow the peripheral life crazily, restores own vitality strength, wants to flee this space. “这段时间我疯狂的吞噬周边的生灵,恢复自己的气血力量,想要逃离这处空间。 That mysterious existence, will certainly kill me! I affirmed! ” 那神秘的存在,一定会杀了我的!我肯定!” He is planning anything, perhaps is he does not have fully to restore, wants to derive massive life vitalities, breaks through the last shackles, restores before death strength, breaks this side space, goes to the outside world!” “他在谋划着什么,或许是他没完全恢复,想要汲取大量的生灵气血,冲破最后一道桎梏,恢复生前的力量,打破这方空间,去到外界!” Ceng Yi hears word, the brow is wrinkling tightly, this is not a good news. 曾易闻言,眉头紧皱着,这可不是一个好消息啊。 Outside the mystical place, is the Combat Continent world. 秘境之外,就是斗罗大陆世界。 If this gods break this space, arrives at Combat Continent, that absolutely is a fearful disaster. 若是这尊神明打破这处空间,降临斗罗大陆,那绝对是一个可怕的灾难。 Actually no matter before death that is what gods, but this time the bloodthirsty act, had indicated that the opponent has degenerated the evil god of bloodthirsty. 不管生前那尊究竟是什么神明,但此番嗜血的行径,已经表明对手已经堕落成嗜杀的邪神。 Let alone now in the mainland, Tang San, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong they are away from to become God to return sometime. 更何况现在大陆上,唐三,千仞雪比比东她们距离成神还有一段时间。 If this evil god arrives at Combat Continent, will raise in the mainland absolutely turns reactionary reign of terror. 若这尊邪神降临斗罗大陆,绝对会在大陆上掀起一翻血雨腥风。 ...... 5873 / 10486736 ......5873/10486736
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