DDTR :: Volume #7

#686: Suppression demon bird, the place of god banning!

...... ...... In the sky that spreads the wings to hover, is twining the jet black demon flame dark phoenix, that powerful aura, making Ceng Yi shock very much. 天空上那展翅翱翔,缠绕着漆黑魔炎的暗黑凤凰,那强大的气息,让曾易都很是震撼。 This demon bird, cultivating for absolutely are over 100,000 years, compared with Star Dou Forest that two first 100,000 years of soul beasts, terrifying. 这一头魔禽,修为绝对是十万年以上,比起星斗大森林的那两头十万年魂兽,更加的恐怖。 Because, this is the phoenix! 因为,这可是凤凰啊! Can with existence that the real dragon compares favorably with. 能够与真龙媲美的存在。 Even if were invaded dark, falls into the say/way of demon, but still enables it to have the aggressivity and strong destructive power. 即使被黑暗侵染,堕入邪魔之道,但也使得它更具攻击性和强大的破坏力。 Crying- 啼- Gloomy and cold phoenix cry cried loud and long, terrifying sound wave shake space. 阴冷的凤鸣长啸,恐怖的音波震荡空间。 In dark phoenix that pupil is glittering the quiet green ray, is fanning the spacious wing, downward dive. 暗黑凤凰那眼眸中闪烁着幽绿色的光芒,扇动着宽大的羽翼,向下俯冲而来。 The goal is really that cultivates for the 50000-year blacksnake. 目标真是那条修为高达50000年的黑蛇。 100,000 years cultivate/repair for the above terrifying aura, in addition the bird to the snake inborn suppression, let alone this demon bird is the heads of hundred bird, the phoenix! 十万年修为以上的恐怖气息,加上禽类对蛇天生的压制,更何况这头魔禽乃是百禽之首,凤凰! This blacksnake under this absolute suppression, even revolts is unable to achieve. 这条黑蛇在这绝对的压制下,连反抗都无法做到。 With together phoenix cry and sad and shrill shouting sound of long and loud cry gets up. 随着一道长啸的凤鸣和凄厉的嘶吼声响起。 This dozens meters blacksnake, under dark phoenix that sharp claw, was divided into several, is full of the blood stream of fishy smell place. 这条几十米长的黑蛇,在暗黑凤凰那尖锐的爪子下,分成了好几段,充满着腥气的血流了一地。 Ceng Yi calmly stands near being overwhelmed cliff, visual this blacksnake was being swallowed by the demon bird completely. 曾易静静站在断魂崖边上,目视着这条黑蛇被魔禽吞噬殆尽。 Human!” “人类!” After the dark phoenix swallowed this first ten thousand years of blacksnake, lifted the head, the demon child who that pair is glittering the quiet green ray fixes the eyes on Ceng Yi, the mouth is spitting the criticism/human language. 暗黑凤凰吞噬了这头万年黑蛇后,抬起了首,那双闪烁着幽绿光芒的魔童紧盯着曾易,口吐人言。 Its sound is low and deep, just like from nine quiet transmits. 它的声音低沉沙哑,宛若从九幽中传来。 „Don't you seem to fear this? Really interesting!” “你似乎不怕本座?真是有意思!” The dark phoenix launched the spacious wing, wields the wing to shake, the terrifying air wave raises just like the tsunami, the powerful imposing manner covers the suppression toward Ceng Yi. 暗黑凤凰展开了宽大的羽翼,挥翼一震,恐怖的气浪宛若海啸般掀起,强大的气势向着曾易笼罩镇压。 Ka-ka- 卡卡卡- This powerful strength, making the ground shiver, has the fissure to spread to open. 这强悍的力量,使得地面都在颤动,有着裂痕蔓延而开。 Why do I want to fear you?” Ceng Yi undulating say/way. “我为什么要怕你?”曾易澹澹道。 Facing the oppression of this dark phoenix, the Ceng Yi look is cool. 面对这头暗黑凤凰的压迫,曾易神色澹然。 Perhaps its strength in this fan trace Grand Canyon, is top existence, becomes the overlord is not overrated. 或许它实力在这个迷踪大峡谷之内,乃是顶尖的存在,成为霸主也不为过。 But in the Ceng Yi eye, is only a strength and human Spirit Master 98 levels of Titled Douluo similar soul beasts. 但在曾易眼中,也不过只是一个实力与人类魂师九十八级封号斗罗差不多的魂兽。 The strength of this dark phoenix, although is not the pure blood phoenix, but has the real phoenix bloodlines, the eruption words, the strength should be able to be increased to the peerless boundary full power. 这头暗黑凤凰的实力,虽然并不是纯血凤凰,但有着真凰血脉,全力爆发的话,战力应该能够提升到绝世境界。 However in the Ceng Yi eye, even so, the boundary that it can achieve, in Peerless Douluo, is only lowest one grade. 不过在曾易眼中,即使如此,它所能够达到的境界,在绝世斗罗中,也只是最低一档。 Ha, this several tens of thousands of years, sees you such extremely arrogant human for the first time!” “哈哈哈,本座数万年,还是第一次见到你这么狂妄的人类!” The dark phoenix laughs to make noise, in the eye pupil also flashes through wipes the ominous severe color. 暗黑凤凰大笑出声,眼眸中也闪过一抹凶厉之色。 This must let extract your soul, making you taste by the demon flame is fired ten thousand years, pain that living to might as well die!” “本座要让抽出你的灵魂,让你品尝被魔焰灼烧万年,生不如死的痛楚!” The demon bird wield the wing to shake, raise the head long cry, instantaneously, the jet black demon flame ascends, in the blazing black flame has to make the soul feel the gloomy and cold heart season. 魔禽挥翅一震,仰首长鸣,瞬间,漆黑的魔焰升腾而起,炽热的黑炎中有着让灵魂都感到阴冷的心季。 Crying- 啼- The dark phoenix puts out together the blazing black firing line, the terrifying temperature heat wave enables the space naked eye obvious distortion, in the air to have share of burnt/anxious Huwei to fill the air. 暗黑凤凰吐出一道炽热的黑色火线,恐怖的温度热浪使得空间都肉眼可见的扭曲,空气中有股焦湖味弥漫。 Facing this terrifying firing line, Ceng Yi chuckle, the right hand does not know together when grasps, in the waist mist cuts above the hilt. 面对这一道恐怖的火线,曾易轻笑一声,右手不知什么时候握在腰间岚切刀柄之上。 Draw blades to cut, the rapidness of speed, but in an instant, the silver crescent moon sword air/Qi cuts together. 拔刀斩出,速度之快,不过刹那之间,一道银色的月牙剑气斩出。 That say/way jet black firing line was divided into two directly. 那道漆黑的火线直接被一分为二。 The air wave of burning hot moves that long hair to flutter, that form stands near being overwhelmed cliff as before, has not stepped. 炙热的气浪吹动着那长发飘扬,那身影依旧站在断魂崖边上,未曾移步。 Ceng Yi said with a smile: Your this mixed wool black bird should have very long years in this place! Happen, I have the matter to ask you, you appeared may really be were just good!” 曾易笑道:“你这头杂毛黑鸟在这个地方应该存在了很久的岁月了吧!正好,我有事要问你,你出现可真是刚刚好!” A first 100,000 years of soul beast, moreover this dark phoenix cultivates to endure compared with the peerless boundary, even if can swallow other soul beasts to refine to change into the strength increase to cultivate/repair is, that at least will still live several tens of thousands of years of existence. 一头十万年魂兽,而且这头黑暗凤凰修为堪比绝世境界,就算能够吞噬其它魂兽炼化为力量提升修为,那至少也应该是活了数万年的存在。 Then, it definitely knows that this mystical place hidden anything to fill the air. 那么,它一定知道这个秘境到底隐藏着什么弥漫。 Also or, actually this mystical place why exists, actually the antiquity age had anything. 又或者,这个秘境究竟是为什么存在,上古年代究竟发生了什么。 100,000 years of soul beast can the mouth spit the criticism/human language, can very good exchange. 十万年魂兽能够口吐人言,可以很好的交流。 The appearance of this dark phoenix, simply was too lucky! 这头暗黑凤凰的出现,简直是太幸运了! But the Ceng Yi words, make this dark phoenix anger. 曾易的话,却让这头暗黑凤凰变得更加的愤怒。 Mixed wool black bird? Does only human dare to insult itself? 杂毛黑鸟?区区一人类竟敢如此侮辱自己? It is a phoenix! Although by the demon air/Qi invasion, was degenerated the dark phoenix, but also is a phoenix. 它可是一头凤凰!尽管被魔气侵染,堕落成暗黑凤凰,但也是一头凤凰。 How does this person use the mixed wool black bird to describe itself? 这人怎么用杂毛黑鸟来形容自己? Dark phoenix angry long cry, is venting the violent anger mood, the terrifying jet black flame leans the day, the demon air/Qi wreaks havoc wild. 暗黑凤凰愤怒长鸣,宣泄着自己暴怒的情绪,恐怖的漆黑的火焰倾天,魔气狂暴肆虐。 Death feather flame! 死亡羽炎! The dark phoenix wields the show/unfolds pair of wings in the sky, the wing shakes, the innumerable jet black hot feathers just like the arrow of death, blotted out the sky to cover toward Ceng Yi under. 暗黑凤凰挥展双翼在天空中,羽翼一震,无数的漆黑火羽宛若死亡之箭,向着曾易铺天盖地笼罩而下。 Cruel killing disperses in the space, changing constantly, above the sky has the thunder twinkle. 暴戾的杀意在空间中散开,风云变幻,天空之上更是有着雷霆闪烁。 To counter-attack in Ceng Yi, the mist on hand starts the trembling cry. 只是,就在曾易想要反击,手上的岚切开始颤鸣。 Wipes the pinnacle ice cold breath to fill the air. 一抹极致的冰寒之息弥漫而出。 Shortly, the cold air of that terrifying proliferates the entire space, that everywhere kills, but the below jet black feather, freezes under ice-cold of this pinnacle. 顷刻间,那恐怖的寒气就遍布整个空间,那漫天袭杀而下的漆黑之羽,也在这极致的冰冷下冻结。 Who is!” “是谁!” In the dark phoenix heart of space in great surprise, this ice-cold cold air, making it feel the heart season. 天上的暗黑凤凰心中大惊,这股冰冷的寒气,让它感到心季。 Ice blue Spirit Power condenses together the beautiful woman certainly colorful beautiful figure before the Ceng Yi body. 冰蓝的魂力曾易身前凝聚成一道倾城绝艳的倩影。 Snow Emperor opened the eye slowly, looked at behind Ceng Yi, looks up burns the big bird of black demon flame to that whole body of space, the doubts was saying: What had? Where is this?” 雪帝缓缓睁开了眼睛,看了看身后的曾易,又抬头看向天上的那头全身燃烧着黑色魔焰的大鸟,疑惑道:“发生了什么?这又是什么地方?” Confuses in trace Grand Canyon this mystical place, the existed malaria makes Snow Emperor feel very uncomfortable. 迷踪大峡谷这个秘境中,存在的瘴气让雪帝感到很不舒服。 Ceng Yi said: Will explain to you again, first captured alive this mixed wool black bird, its body has secret who we want!” 曾易道:“等会再跟你解释,先把这头杂毛黑鸟活捉了,它身上有着我们想要的秘辛!” Ok!” “行吧!” Snow Emperor nods, although she was not clear that the deep sleep had anything this period of time, but space that big bird truly has to let she uncomfortable aura. 雪帝点头,虽然她不清楚自己沉睡这段时间发生了什么,不过天上那道大鸟确实有着让她不舒服的气息。 Phoenix of degeneration? Cannot think that in the mainland also really has existence of phoenix, is really unusual!” “堕落的凤凰?想不到大陆上还真的有凤凰的存在,真是稀奇!” Snow Emperor said with a smile peacefully, dispersed vastly like the sea Spirit Power fluctuation, the entire space is shaking. 雪帝澹笑道,浩瀚如海般的魂力波动散出,整个空间都在震荡。 The pinnacle cold air fills the air, above the sky, when does not know, has the snowflake to be faded and fallen. 极致的寒气弥漫而出,天空之上,不知什么时候,已经有着雪花飘零。 Damn! How to have so powerful human!” “该死!怎么会有如此强大的人类!” This sweeps across the pinnacle ice-cold, dark phoenix that comes discovered, own black flame is unable to scatter this cold air unexpectedly, the innermost soul felt the coldness of pinnacle. 这席卷而来的极致冰冷,暗黑凤凰发现,自己的黑炎竟然连这寒气都无法驱散,灵魂深处都感受到了极致的寒冷。 Obviously, sudden the woman, strength above oneself. 很显然,突然出现的这个女人,实力在自己之上。 It had discovered oneself as if are not the opponent of this woman, wields the wing to flee. 它已经发现自己似乎并不是这个女人的对手,挥动翅膀就想要逃离。 But Snow Emperor as if saw through the idea of this dark phoenix, in advance acts. 雪帝似乎看穿了这暗黑凤凰的想法,先行出手。 Domain- snow dances shining to be positive! 领域-雪舞耀阳! Shortly, air/Qi of fast filling the air dispersing terrifying cold ice, the ice of this pinnacle is cold, even the space must freeze. 顷刻间,恐怖的寒冰之气快速的弥漫散开,这极致的冰寒,连空间都要冻结。 Under the absolute zero degree, the space was frozen. 绝对的零度下,空间都被冻结。 Disperses to this place!” “给本座散开!” Dark phoenix panic-stricken shouting, the black flame of combustion its burning hot, melts the frozen space full power, wants to flee this place. 暗黑凤凰惊恐的大喊,全力燃烧其炙热的黑炎,融化被冻结的空间,想要逃离此地。 Saw the Snow Emperor domain does not seem able to suppress this mixed wool black bird thoroughly, Ceng Yi also acts. 雪帝的领域似乎无法彻底镇压这头杂毛黑鸟,曾易也出手了。 In a twinkling, a more powerful strength, suppresses on this dark phoenix. 霎时间,一股更加强大的力量,镇压在这头暗黑凤凰身上。 Bang- 轰隆- The dark phoenix supported the moment, then the big body just like the bird of flap, falls falls on the precipice. 暗黑凤凰只是支撑了片刻,然后偌大的身躯就宛若折翼之鸟,摔落在断崖边上。 Ceng Yi looks that wants dark phoenix that struggles to stand up, does not keep the hand, coming up is several compels the pocket greatly, soon hit it dead. 曾易看着想要挣扎站起的暗黑凤凰,也毫不留手,上去就是几个大逼兜,打得它快要断气。 Hateful, must kill kills, why so to suffer shame!” “可恶,要杀就杀,何必如此折磨羞辱本座!” Dark phoenix that is unable to endure this humiliation, sad and shrill neighing. 无法忍受这份屈辱的暗黑凤凰,凄厉的嘶鸣。 Carries the noble phoenix bloodlines, is the giant of this mountain range, since the glorious years, when has its dark phoenix received this grade of humiliation? 身负高贵的凤凰血脉,又是这处山脉的巨头,悠久岁月以来,它暗黑凤凰何时受到过这等屈辱? Was used the palm crazy fan by a human unexpectedly, the wool quickly by pull light. 竟然被一个人类用手掌狂扇,毛都快被拔光。 It at this moment, is also a little appearance of phoenix. 此时此刻的它,乃还有一点凤凰的样子。 „Do you want dead? My this helps you!” “你原来想死啊?我这就成全你!” Ceng Yi is saying, immediately draws out the blade, wipes cold killing intent to spread, that flash makes the air ice-cold. 曾易说着,立刻就拔出了刀,一抹冷冽的杀意蔓延而出,那一瞬间使得空气变得更加的冰冷。 Sees this human to come, looks that in the gloss blade that under the moonlight reflects, the dark phoenix the mind trembles immediately, said hastily: Big brother, the little brother I cracks a joke, you come real!” 见这个人类要来真的,看着那在月色下反射的光泽的刀刃,暗黑凤凰顿时心神一颤,连忙道:“大哥,小弟我就开个玩笑,你来真的啊!” The dark phoenix admits defeat immediately, it lived for nearly 100,000 years, but did not have exactly enough, does not want to fall from the sky in this. 暗黑凤凰立刻服软,它活了近十万年,但也还没有活够,不想陨落于此。 Big brother don't you have the matter to ask the little brother I? So long as is the little brother I know that speaks certainly out frankly, expresses oneself fully!” “大哥你不是有事情要问小弟我吗?只要是小弟我知道的,一定知无不言,言无不尽!” Sees this mixed wool black bird instantaneously becomes honest, Ceng Yi also some are very accidental. 见这头杂毛黑鸟瞬间变得老实,曾易还有些挺意外的。 Sooner was tactful is soon good, must hit one to be honest!” Ceng Yi scolded one. “早些识趣不久好了吗,偏偏要打一顿才老实!”曾易骂道一声。 hears word, the dark phoenix put in great inconvenience to the tears to fall, heart middle course. 闻言,暗黑凤凰委屈得眼泪都要掉出来了,心中道。 Is you have been pulling out my face obviously, does not give the opportunity that I spoke! 明明是你一直在抽我脸,不给我说话的机会啊! Ok, hurried to give me saying that where this fan trace Grand Canyon was?” Ceng Yi asked. “好了,赶紧给我说说,这个迷踪大峡谷是什么地方?”曾易问道。 The dark phoenix heard that the word stares, the doubts said: Confuses trace Grand Canyon? Where is this?” 暗黑凤凰闻言不由一愣,疑惑道:“迷踪大峡谷?这是什么地方?” Ceng Yi another close to slap in the past. 曾易又一巴掌扇了过去。 „Doesn't here confuse trace Grand Canyon?” “这里不就是迷踪大峡谷?” The dark phoenix grievance said: Big brother, I really do not know that you become confuse here trace Grand Canyon! We called this place for the place of god banning generally!” 暗黑凤凰委屈说道:“大哥,我真不知道你们把这里成为迷踪大峡谷啊!我们一般叫这个地方为神禁之地!” „The place of god banning?” “神禁之地?” Ceng Yi hears word, the virgin hole shrinks suddenly. 曾易闻言,童孔骤然一缩。 ....... .......
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