DDTR :: Volume #7

#685: Dark phoenix

...... ...... A space distortion, cut an opening, two person's shadows walk from void. 空间一阵扭曲,划开了一道口子,两个人影从虚空中走出来。 „Does this confuse trace Grand Canyon?” “这就是迷踪大峡谷?” Ceng Yi curious is observing the situation all around. 曾易好奇的环视着四周。 This place, in the space has the dusky mist to wind around, in the ground has the grayish white, broken skeleton, has made decent, not being able to distinguish clearly is the person or the soul beast. 这个地方,空间中有着灰蒙蒙的雾气缭绕,地面上有着灰白,残破的骨骸,已经风化,分不清是人还是魂兽。 The malaria fills the air in the world, here vitality is ruined, just like the place of headstrong desolate. 瘴气弥漫在天地间,此处生机破败,宛若莽荒之地。 Present all these, such as the scenery of hell. 眼前的这一切,就如地狱之景。 Yes, has become the restricted area, confuses trace Grand Canyon.” The Qian Renxue look dignified nod said. “是的,一直被成为禁地的,迷踪大峡谷。”千仞雪神色凝重的点头道。 Ceng Yi smiles peacefully: Is so exaggerating? Even do you feel the heart season?” 曾易澹笑:“有这么夸张吗?连你都感到心季?” Qian Renxue stared Ceng Yi one indifferently, said seriously: I do not joke with you, this place is very strange, you best careful!” 千仞雪冷眼瞪了曾易一眼,严肃道:“我可不跟你开玩笑,这个地方很诡异,你最好小心一点!” „Since Spirit Hall discovered this mystical place, because here has very intense malaria, these malarias even can corrode the intelligence and Spirit Power of person, for a long time in this environment, all lifeform becomes will lose the reason, degenerates into the bloodthirsty the monster.” “自从武魂殿发现了这个秘境后,因为这里有着很强烈的瘴气,这些瘴气甚至能够侵蚀人的神智与魂力,长时间在这环境下,所有生物都会变得失去理智,沦为嗜血的怪物。” This fan trace Grand Canyon, Spirit Hall opened the small part region, in this region, can be the informed and experienced place of disciple, but even so, cannot long time dull here.” “这个迷踪大峡谷,武魂殿只是开辟了小部分的区域,这个区域内,可以作为弟子的历练场所,但即使如此,也不能长时间呆在这里。” However deep place, even Titled Douluo, does not dare to explore.” “而更深处,即使是封号斗罗,也不敢探索。” Listened to a Qian Renxue such saying, Ceng Yi to be interested in this mystical place. 千仞雪这么一说,曾易对这个秘境更加的感兴趣了。 Does not dare to explore Titled Douluo, is that mystical place deep place, actually hiding what secret? 封号斗罗都不敢探索,那秘境深处,究竟隐藏着什么样的秘密? Such being the case, I have a look, you first go back.” “既然如此,那我就去看看,你先回去吧。” „? Doesn't need to travel together with you?” Qian Renxue stares, said. “啊?不需要与你同行吗?”千仞雪不由一愣,说道。 Ceng Yi visits her saying: You did not say that this place is very dangerous? Therefore I alone explore, you outside, if accident sentiment , can also , even if contacts you to aid me to go out.” 曾易看着她说道:“你不是说这个地方很危险吗?所以我一个人去探索,你在外面,要是出了什么事情,也可以即使联络你接应我出去。” „...... Good.” Qian Renxue some do not would rather say. “呃......好吧。”千仞雪有些不情愿道。 Although Ceng Yi said is reasonable, but oneself and he, 虽然曾易说得很有道理,但是自己与他, Two people are the peerless boundaries, what can this place have to threaten them? 两人都是绝世境界,这个地方能有什么能威胁到他们的呢? Qian Renxue has the shadow regarding this place, that is at the young period's matter, present she, cultivated/repaired for does not fear. 千仞雪对于此地有阴影,那是在年幼时期的事情,如今的她,一身修为早已不惧。 However, this place is truly strange, therefore is more careful wrong not. 不过,这个地方确实过于诡异,所以小心一些也没有错。 Qian Renxue put out a jade sign and a map, gives Ceng Yi, said: This is the communication token, if really has what force majeure matter, can contact with me with it, I will catch up to lead you to go out promptly.” 千仞雪拿出了一块玉牌和一份地图,交给曾易,说道:“这是通讯令牌,若是真发生什么不可抗力的事情,可以用它联系我,我会及时赶来带你出去。” „A map, here only described Spirit Hall had explored the region, although the use was not big, but can be used to distinguish the position.” “还有一份地图,这里只描绘了武魂殿探索过的区域,虽然用处不大,但可以用来分辨位置。” Many thanks!” “多谢了!” Ceng Yi received this two kinds thing, is without hesitation, immediately to being crazy trace Grand Canyon walks. 曾易接过这两样东西,毫不迟疑,立刻向着迷踪大峡谷走去。 At night arrives, sky over the big canyon, in the sky is hanging bright bright moonlight. 夜晚降临,偌大的峡谷上空,天空上挂着一轮皎洁的明月。 But in the canyon is very dim, in addition has the malaria to wind around, the atmosphere is somewhat strange. 而峡谷中却很是昏暗,加上有着瘴气缭绕,气氛更是有些诡异。 - 嗷呜- Does not know where, transmitted calling out of wild wolf, is whooshing just like the hell quiet ghost, causes the surrounding atmosphere is strange. 不知何处,传来了野狼的嚎叫,宛若地狱幽鬼在嘶吼,使得周围气氛更是诡异。 Ceng Yi stands in the ice-cold ground, looks up to the sky, looks at that wheel bright full moon. 曾易站在冰冷的地面上,不由抬头望向天空,看着那轮皎洁的圆月。 This fan trace Grand Canyon, obviously is an independent space mystical place, but can actually see moon of space, is really mysterious! 这迷踪大峡谷,明明是一处独立的空间秘境,可是却能够看到天上的月亮,真是神奇! Ceng Yi has not thought, he took up the map, looked position that own present is. 曾易也没有多想,他拿起了地图,看了看自己现在所在的位置。 Being overwhelmed cliff! 断魂崖! Ceng Yi forwarded hundred meters, the front is roadless, this was a cliff. 曾易向前走了百米,前方已经无路,这是一处断崖。 Looks downward, been too deep to see the bottom cliff, seems an endless abyss, is gazing here, unknowingly, will lose including the soul. 向下看去,深不见底的悬崖,彷佛就是一个无尽深渊,注视着这里,不知不觉中,连灵魂都会迷失其中。 Ceng Yi vision dignified is looking at this abyss. 曾易目光凝重的望着这个深渊。 The thick malaria, making Ceng Yi unable to see that actually under to have anything. 浓厚的瘴气,让曾易看不到下面究竟有着什么。 However, under this cliff, has the gloomy and cold mountain breeze to swim against the stream. 不过,这悬崖之下,却有着阴冷的山风逆流而上。 Or gets down to have a look? 要不下去看看? In the Ceng Yi mind has this idea, cold wind from the back transmits. 就在曾易脑海中冒出这个想法之时,一股冷风从背后传来。 A shadow glitters, the dim space flashes through the cold glow, flushes away toward Ceng Yi. 一道黑影闪烁,昏暗的空间闪过一点寒芒,向着曾易冲去。 Finally could not bear, ~ “终于忍不住了吗,呵~” Ceng Yi sneers, turns around, stares is attacking own that shadow. 曾易冷笑,转身,凝视着袭击自己的那个黑影。 Takes cultivating of Ceng Yi as, had detected that some people followed secretly in oneself behind. 曾易的修为,早就察觉到了有人偷偷跟在自己身后。 Reason that without making a move, waits for them to have what goal. 之所以没有出手,就是等着他们到底有着什么目的。 A Ceng Yi palm lays out, the shadow of that attack was flown by an invisible great strength fan directly, spits blood to fall to the ground the tumbling. 曾易一掌拍出,那袭击的黑影直接被一股无形的巨力扇飞,吐血落地翻滚。 Comes out, to this, why to hide.” Ceng Yi undulating say/way. “都出来吧,都到这了,何必躲躲藏藏。”曾易澹澹道。 Hehe, it seems like you have detected us.” “嘿嘿,看来你早就察觉到我们了。” The gloomy and cold sound resounds together, in the darkness, went out of three man who wears the grey robe. 一道阴冷的声音响起,黑暗中,走出了三个身披灰袍的男人。 Some people said: You also by exile who Spirit Hall does throw?” 有人说道:“你也是被武魂殿丢进来的流放者?” No, is not right, looks at your appearance, should be the Spirit Hall disciple, was arranged to come informed and experienced to here.” “不,不对,看你的样子,应该是武魂殿的弟子,被安排到这里来历练的。” A person also said, he sees Ceng Yi this neat appearance and condition, does not seem like exile. 一人又道,他见曾易这副整洁的模样和状态,根本不像是流放者。 Hehe, no matter you are exile, is the Spirit Hall person, arrives at this damned place unexpectedly, only then a result, that dies!” “嘿嘿,不管你是流放者,还是武魂殿的人,竟然来到这个鬼地方,只有一个结果,那就是死!” Boy, hands over your thing, our elder brother several can give you a happy cause of death!” “小子,把你身上的东西都交出来,我们哥几个可以给你一个痛快的死法!” Although this person hid their killing, the strength made them somewhat surprised. 虽然这个人躲到了他们的袭杀,实力让他们有些吃惊。 However, them has four people fully, the opposite party is only one person, has the absolute advantage. 但是,他们这边足有四人,对方只是一人,有着绝对的优势。 Let alone, this person is so young, cultivates to not go to there absolutely high, Spirit Ancestor was the limit! 更何况,这个人如此年轻,修为绝对不会高到那里去,魂宗就是极限了! Damn brat!” “该死的臭小子!” Is crawled by that person that Ceng Yi injures, looks angrily at Ceng Yi, the mouth is cursing, the body also erupted the intense imposing manner. 曾易打伤的那人爬起来,怒视着曾易,嘴里咒骂,身上也爆发出了强烈的气势。 One white one yellow one purple, is three points of boundary Spirit Expert. 一白一黄一紫,是一个三环境界的魂尊 But other three people also erupted their Spirit Power, Spirit Ring appeared. 而其他三人也爆发出了自身的魂力,魂环显现。 Two four points of Spirit Ancestor, with five points of Spirit King. 两个四环魂宗,和一个五环魂王 Four people turn toward Ceng Yi to exert the oppression together. 四人一起向着曾易施加压迫。 Fluctuates facing this Spirit Power, the Ceng Yi look is cool. 面对这股魂力波动,曾易神色澹然。 Their strengths, regarding Ceng Yi, does not have any pressure. 他们的力量,对于曾易来说,没有任何压力。 Confuses trace Grand Canyon, is Spirit Hall exiles the place of evil person, therefore this inside has existence of human Spirit Master, Ceng Yi is not surprised. 迷踪大峡谷,是武魂殿流放恶人的地方,因此这里面有人类魂师的存在,曾易也不感到意外。 This all the way, Ceng Yi has not actually discovered a soul beast, this makes Ceng Yi feel very odd. 只是,这一路上,曾易却没有发现一只魂兽,这让曾易感到很是奇怪。 According to Qian Renxue, confuses trace Grand Canyon, but has the soul beast of ten thousand years of rank, the deep place has 100,000 years of soul beast to perch. 千仞雪所说,迷踪大峡谷,可是有着万年级别的魂兽,深处更是有着十万年魂兽栖息。 You court death!” “你找死!” Is Spirit King of head sees Ceng Yi to pay no attention to them, that contemptuous attitude, does not pay attention to them simply, immediately is angry. 为首的魂王曾易不理他们,那轻蔑的态度,简直是不把他们放在眼里,顿时大怒。 Because lives year to year in the malaria environment, mental of these exile will be affected, becomes the extremely easy violent anger and bloodthirsty. 因为常年生活在瘴气环境下,这些流放者的心智都会受到影响,变得极易暴怒与嗜血。 This Spirit King contains ones anger to act, body only black soul technique blooming ray, soul technique release. 这个魂王含怒出手,身上唯一的黑色魂技绽放光芒,魂技释放。 Jet black Spirit Power condenses a large-scale fierce wolf head, throws toward Ceng Yi. 漆黑的魂力凝聚成一个大型狰狞狼头,向着曾易扑来。 Facing this Spirit King soul technique, Ceng Yi has not cared, because of that flash, he felt that the ground was shivering. 面对这魂王的魂技,曾易并没有在意,因为那一瞬间,他感觉到了地面在颤动。 Next quarter, breaking soul cliff, then just like the cliff of abyss, ran out of a truck big fierce snake beast. 下一刻,断魂崖,那宛若深渊的悬崖下,冲出了一个卡车大的狰狞蛇兽。 The blacksnake is swaying from side to side the huge body, big fierce snake mouth, that fills the odor fishy smell wind to disperse from snake mouth. 黑蛇扭动着巨大的身躯,大张狰狞的蛇口,那充满着恶臭的腥风从蛇口中散出。 Hissing ~ 嘶嘶~ The Spirit King fifth soul technique hits directly on the body of this jet black great snake, its skin is actually not even able to break open. 魂王的第五魂技直接撞在这条漆黑巨蛇的身上,却连它皮都无法破开。 No!” “不!” These exile look that the blacksnake to/clashes toward them, the greatest fear also has the oppression to keep their bodies from moving, can only look helplessly the big mouth of blacksnake raids, swallows them. 这几个流放者看着黑蛇向着他们冲来,莫大的恐惧还有压迫让他们身体都无法动弹,只能眼睁睁的看着黑蛇的血盆大口袭来,将他们吞噬。 This several time of breath, these four Spirit Master, are buried in the mouth of this blacksnake. 这不过几个呼吸的时间,这四个魂师,就葬身于这黑蛇之口。 The Ceng Yi eye narrows the eyes, stares on this to fill the blacksnake of jet black demon air/Qi. 曾易眼睛微眯,凝视这这一条身上弥漫着漆黑魔气的黑蛇。 Its cultivating is, 50,000 years, endure compared with human Spirit Master Spirit Saint fully, the Spirit Douluo boundary. 它的修为,足有五万年,堪比人类魂师魂圣,魂斗罗境界。 Hiss ~ “嘶~” This ten thousand years of soul beast, is swaying from side to side the huge body, has transferred the snake head, that scarlet eye pupil stares at Ceng Yi, in the mouth is spitting the wick. 这条万年魂兽,扭动着巨大的身躯,转过蛇首,那赤红的眼眸凝视着曾易,口中吐着信子。 Obviously, it regarded the prey Ceng Yi. 显然,它是把曾易当成了猎物。 Stared at me?” “盯上我了么?” The Ceng Yi undulating smiles, is preparing to act. 曾易澹澹一笑,正准备出手。 A more terrifying imposing manner arrives at this place. 只是,一股更加恐怖的气势降临此地。 Crying- 啼- In the sky, transmits together the sound of long clear phoenix cry. 天空上,传来一道悠长清脆的凤鸣之音。 That flash, this also the high-spirited blacksnake, the snake body rolled up a moment ago one group, shivering, looked like feels any greatest terrifying. 那一瞬间,这条刚才还意气风发的黑蛇,蛇身蜷缩成一团,颤动着,就像是感受到了什么莫大的恐怖。 The next quarter, the moonlight seems like by anything is covered up, Ceng Yi looks up. 下一刻,月光像是被什么遮掩,曾易抬头望去。 Sees only, in the sky, a huge shadow is soaring, neighs the long and loud cry. 只见,天空上,一个巨大的黑影在飞翔,嘶鸣长啸。 The terrifying imposing manner, making Ceng Yi knit the brows. 恐怖的气势,让曾易不由皱眉。 The cold wind blew off the thick smog together, on that day spatial on mysterious shadow, showed its appearance/portrait. 一道冷风吹散了浓厚的灰霾,那天空上的神秘黑影,也展现了它的真容。 Ceng Yi looks at that anything lifeform, the eye pupil shrinks suddenly. 曾易看着那什么生物,眼眸骤然一缩。 That is, a phoenix! 那是,一头凤凰! However, this phoenix not holy and auspicious aura, the whole body feather is burning the jet black demon flame, gloomy and cold and evil different, just like nine quiet demon bird that the hell comes. 不过,这头凤凰并没有圣洁与祥和的气息,全身羽毛燃烧着漆黑的魔炎,阴冷而邪异,宛若地狱而来的九幽魔禽。
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