DDTR :: Volume #7

#684: Confuses trace Grand Canyon

...... ...... Before the Flood, evil Spirit Master......” “上古时代,邪魂师......” Qian Renxue some cannot believe, existence of evil Spirit Master, had ruled the entire mainland unexpectedly. 千仞雪有些不敢相信,邪魂师的存在,曾经竟然统治过整个大陆。 Pope Bibi Dong, is unable to be tranquil at this moment. 就连教皇比比东,此刻也无法平静。 „, The evil Spirit Master how noise elimination seeks the mark?” The Ceng Yi doubts asked. “那么,邪魂师是如何消声觅迹的呢?”曾易疑惑问道。 If evil Spirit Master can control the entire mainland, then actually who can topple their rules? 若是邪魂师能够控制整个大陆,那么究竟有谁能够扳倒他们的统治? From the Qian Daoliu words, information of Ceng Yi reading out. 千道流的话语中,曾易读出的信息。 That was once evil Spirit Master influence, that so-called evil Spirit Saint taught, is similar to nowadays Spirit Hall. 那就是曾经的邪魂师势力,那个所谓的邪魂圣教,就如同现今的武魂殿 Perhaps is more powerful is uncertain. 或许更加强大也不一定。 Such a huge influence, all resisters unite even in together, is unable to teach to pose the threat to evil Spirit Saint is. 这么庞大的一个势力,就算是所有的反抗者联合在一起,都无法对邪魂圣教造成威胁才是。 Only if...... 除非...... Presents person of the destiny! 出现一个天命之人! At this time, Ceng Yi thought of this time the child of destiny, Tang San! 这时,曾易不由想到了这个时代的天命之子,唐三 Among antiquity years, presented body of one like Tang San to have the big destiny person, strove to turn the tide, destruction evil Spirit Master time? 难道,上古年间,也出现了一个像唐三那样身具大气运的人,力挽狂澜,覆灭了邪魂师的时代? Qian Daoliu looks at Ceng Yi, said: You felt how long Combat Continent did have?” 千道流看着曾易,说道:“你觉得,斗罗大陆存在了多久?” This issue, making Ceng Yi stare. 这个问题,让曾易不由一愣。 Mentioned the Combat Continent history, Ceng Yi does not know that to be actually remote. 说起斗罗大陆的历史,曾易也不知道究竟有多么久远。 However he knows, nowadays the Combat Continent two big empires, Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, the history is about the millenniums. 不过他知道,现今斗罗大陆的两大帝国,天斗帝国星罗帝国,历史也不过千年。 And, the Heaven Dou Empire history is remote than Star Luo Empire. 其中,天斗帝国的历史比星罗帝国更久远一些。 Once three, the blue electricity tyrannosaurus family inherited to be oldest, next was Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, had the millenniums glorious inheritance. 曾经的三宗,蓝电霸王龙家族传承历史最为悠久,其次乃是七宝琉璃宗,都有千年的悠久传承。 Clear Sky Sect history, is only hundred years, the initiator was once three certainly one, Tang Chen! 昊天宗的历史,也不过只是百年时间,创始者乃是曾经的三绝之一,唐晨! Before then, is only an ordinary Spirit Master aristocratic family, Tang, 在此之前,只是一个普通的魂师世家,唐家, Inheriting the Martial Soul sky hammer is not famous. 传承武魂昊天锤也并不出名。 The sky hammer can have the first under heaven Martial Soul reputation, is Tang Chen hits! 昊天锤之所以能拥有天下第一器武魂的美誉,乃是唐晨打出来的! But Spirit Hall history, even did not have time-honored of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 武魂殿的历史,甚至还没有七宝琉璃宗的历史悠久。 Qian Family established Spirit Hall, until now, nearly millenniums. 千家创立了武魂殿,至今,也不过近千年的时间。 However said that Combat Continent history, that may extremely be glorious. 但是说道斗罗大陆的历史,那可就太过悠久了。 Is only the soul beast, had exactly hundreds of thousands, even the king of beasts of several hundred thousand years of years. 仅仅只是魂兽,就有活了十几万呢,甚至几十万年岁月的兽王。 But during this, the dynasty of human also in unceasing change. 而这期间,人类的王朝也在不断的更替。 The rise and fall destruction of dynasty, there are many history to bury in the dust of years, no one knows. 王朝的兴衰覆灭,有很多的历史埋没在岁月的尘埃之中,没人知晓。 Qian Daoliu sees several people silent speechless , to continue saying: „ In this long years, human, Spirit Master, is tiny like the ants. 千道流见几人沉默无语,继续说道:“在这漫长的岁月中,人类,魂师,都如同蝼蚁般渺小。 Only has the gods, is true eternal! ” 只有神明,才是真正的永恒!” Antiquity age, had had a time, the mainland was ruled by evil Spirit Master, that is pitiful years, no one is willing to recall that remembers, many records also pass to lose with the years. “上古年代,曾经有过一个时代,大陆被邪魂师所统治,那是一段悲惨至极的岁月,没人愿意去回想起那段记忆,很多记载也随着岁月流逝而遗失。 But evil Spirit Master is the taboo, the class/flow has actually handed down from generation to generation. ” 但邪魂师乃是禁忌,却一直流传了下来。” Therefore, was the god acted, buried that time personally?” Ceng Yi said, he understood the meaning in Qian Daoliu words. “所以,是神出手了,亲手埋葬了那个时代?”曾易说道,他听懂了千道流话中的意思。 Qian Daoliu nods, actually also shakes the head. 千道流点头,却也摇头。 Gods will not intervene the world of mortals personally, but, actually will be born the new gods!” “神明不会亲手干预凡间,但是,此间却会诞生出新的神明!” Ceng Yi said: Your meaning is, some people once broke through the god boundary, ended the rule of evil Spirit Master?” 曾易道:“你的意思是,有人曾突破了神境,终结了邪魂师的统治?” The Qian Daoliu nod said: Should be, according to the old man knows, until now, recently person of the breakthrough god boundary, was 20,000 years ago, unified the sea, sea god!” 千道流点头道:“应该是,据老夫所知,至今为止,最近一个突破神境之人,乃是两万年前,统一了大海的,海神!” Sea god!” “海神!” Was the sea god finished that time?” “难道是海神结束了那个时代?” The Ceng Yi body shakes, the sea god he may be too familiar, before had also seen in the sea. 曾易身体不由一震,海神他可太熟悉了,之前在大海上还见过。 Was the antiquity age, the evil Spirit Master time, ended by the sea god? 难道,上古年纪,邪魂师的时代,是被海神终结的? If this, oneself should go to Sea God Island to be good again. 要是这样,自己应该再去一趟海神岛才行啊。 However Qian Daoliu said: Possibly yes, possibly is not. After all the time extremely in remote, a lot is unable to research.” 不过千道流却说道:“可能是,也可能不是。毕竟时间太过于久远,很多事情无法考证。” „, That side evil Spirit Master, does the back have the god?” Qian Renxue asked. “那么,邪魂师那边,背后也有着神?”千仞雪问道。 She believes firmly very much, saintess who evil Spirit Saint teaches, is Ceng Yi that younger sister, carries the inheritance of some gods absolutely, otherwise is impossible so powerful. 她很确信,邪魂圣教的圣女,也就是曾易的那个妹妹,绝对身负某位神明的传承,不然不可能如此强大。 Qian Daoliu undulating say/way: „Is this very strange?” 千道流澹澹道:“这很奇怪吗?” Gods have been gazing at this world, in this world, left behind the strength of inheritance. “神明一直注视着这个世界,也在这个世界中,留下了传承的力量。 Not only this to the gracious gift of mortal, is the competition between gods! ” 这不仅是对凡人的恩赐,也是神明之间的竞争!” Competition?” “竞争?” Qian Renxue some are incomprehensible. 千仞雪有些不能理解。 Ceng Yi said: Is the so-called belief it struggle is right?” 曾易却道:“就是所谓的信仰之争对吗?” Qian Daoliu nods. 千道流点了点头。 The gods have oneself thought that has the different faith and wills. 神明同样是有着自己的思想,有着不一样的信念与意志。 Disseminates own say/way, this is the competition between gods. 传播自己的道,这就是神之间的竞争。 Like the god of angel Qian Family consecrates, Spirit Hall this influence that Qian Family establishes. 就像千家供奉的天使之神,千家建立的武魂殿这一势力。 The goal is to let in the mainland believes in the Spirit Hall person more, the strength of this belief can transmit the upper boundary on the god of angel. 目的就是让大陆上信奉武魂殿的人越多,这一份信仰之力就能传递到上界的天使之神身上。 The people in sea, belief sea god. 大海上的子民,信仰海神。 Carries Bibi Dong that the demons god inherits, has the unification entire mainland, becomes the ambition of empress. 身负罗刹神传承的比比东,也有着统一整个大陆,成为女帝的野心。 But the gods who among the antiquity years, the evil Spirit Master time, these evil Spirit Master back also had inevitably, the evil Spirit Master rule world, harvest the belief for the god who oneself believed. 而上古年间,邪魂师时代,这些邪魂师的背后也必然存在的神明,邪魂师统治世界,为自己信奉的神收割信仰。 You may know, gods who evil Spirit Master believes, is that gods?” Ceng Yi asked. “那您可知道,邪魂师信奉的神明,是那位神明?”曾易问道。 Regarding this issue, Qian Daoliu shakes the head. 对于这个问题,千道流摇了摇头。 This is not I know, the old man knows that is family hands down, not too many records.” “这就不是我所知晓的了,老夫知道的,都是家族口口相传下来的,并没有太多的记载。” This.” “这样么。” Ceng Yi is somewhat disappointed. 曾易有些失望。 Although knew evil Spirit Master antiquity secret in the Qian Daoliu mouth, but has not obtained the essential main point. 虽然在千道流口中得知了邪魂师上古秘辛,但却没有得到关键的要点。 Mysterious evil god? If you want to understand, this sovereign can give you help!” “神秘的邪神么?你若是想要了解,本皇可以给你一些帮助!” At this time, Bibi Dong started talking suddenly, Ceng Yi visits her very much surprisedly. 这时,比比东突然开口说话,曾易很是惊讶的看着她。 Right! 对啊! Bibi Dong obtained the inheritance of god of god demons. 比比东得到了神界罗刹之神的传承。 But the god of demons is runs the crime with punishing the gods, perhaps Bibi Dong really knows anything. 而罗刹之神又是掌管罪与罚的神明,或许比比东真的知道些什么。 Bibi Dong sees Ceng Yi that exciting look , the undulating said: Special details I am not clear, should not be happy.” 比比东曾易那激动的眼神,又澹澹说道:“具体情况我也不清楚,你就别高兴了。” But, this sovereign can refer to a place to you, where you go, information that should be able you to want.” “不过,本皇可以给你指一个地方,你去哪里,应该能够得到你想要的信息。” Ceng Yi asked: Where?” 曾易问道:“什么地方?” Bibi Dong puts out several characters gently. 比比东轻轻吐出几个字。 Confuses trace Grand Canyon!” “迷踪大峡谷!” Confuses trace Grand Canyon unexpectedly?” “竟然是迷踪大峡谷?” Qian Renxue hears word, is surprised screaming. 千仞雪闻言,也是惊讶的叫出声来。 Where confusing trace Grand Canyon is? Very mysterious?” Ceng Yi some are incomprehensible. “迷踪大峡谷是什么地方?很神奇吗?”曾易有些不能理解。 Oneself do not seem to hear the oversized land, is crazy trace Grand Canyon. 自己似乎从来没有听说过大陆上,还有着迷踪大峡谷这个地方。 Qian Renxue said to Ceng Yi: Confuses trace Grand Canyon, is a Spirit Hall restricted area!” 千仞雪曾易说道:“迷踪大峡谷,是武魂殿的一个禁地!” Restricted area?” “禁地?” Hears this word, Ceng Yi somewhat is curious. 听到这个词,曾易不禁有些好奇起来。 Qian Renxue nods, „, that is a true terrifying place, is Spirit Hall is used to exile the restricted area of evil person!” 千仞雪点头,“是的,那是一个真正恐怖的地方,是武魂殿用来流放恶人的禁地!” Mentioned this, in the Qian Renxue eye pupil also flashes through wiped the heart season. 说起这个,千仞雪眼眸中也闪过了一抹心季。 She was once delivered to that place to practice informed and experienced, in matter that confusing trace Grand Canyon experiences, even now thinks, the psychology has the shadow. 她曾经被送到那个地方历练修行,在迷踪大峡谷内经历的事情,即使现在想起来,心理都有阴影。 Why, in mainland about not confusing the hearsay of trace Grand Canyon?” Ceng Yi feels somewhat strangely. “可是为什么,大陆上没有关于迷踪大峡谷的传闻?”曾易感觉有些奇怪。 If in the mainland really has such a restricted area, is impossible not to have a news to spread, Spirit Hall could not have achieved the work of security is so right. 若是大陆上真的有这么一个禁地,不可能没有一点消息传出,武魂殿还做不到如此保密的工作才对。 But Qian Daoliu actually sinking sound said: Because, confuses trace Grand Canyon, is not above the mainland.” 千道流却沉声道:“因为,迷踪大峡谷,并不在大陆之上。” Isn't in the mainland?” “不在大陆上?” Qian Daoliu this saying, making Ceng Yi ignorant. 千道流这话,让曾易懵了。 No, this is not right, should confuse trace Grand Canyon and mainland separated, becomes one, is a mystical place!” “不,这不对,应该是迷踪大峡谷与大陆分离了,自成一界,乃是一个秘境!” Qian Daoliu said: Confuses trace Grand Canyon, is a mysterious space of Spirit Hall discovery, had not announced to the mainland, continuously as exile evil person, or the mystical place space of informed and experienced disciple.” 千道流道:“迷踪大峡谷,是武魂殿发现的一个神秘空间,并未对大陆公布,一直作为流放恶人,或历练弟子的秘境空间。” Ceng Yi hears word, finally understanding. 曾易闻言,终于理解了。 He somewhat cannot think, on Combat Continent, can actually the mystical place space. 只是他有些想不到,斗罗大陆上,竟然能够秘境空间。 Isolates the world, the closed room, realizes the mystical place, this method, is unable to achieve at the Spirit Master strength. 把天地隔绝,封闭空间,练成秘境,这手段,以魂师的力量根本无法做到。 Can achieve this, certainly is the method of gods! 能做到这样的,想必一定是神明的手段! „Does that fan trace Grand Canyon, what marvelous place have?” Ceng Yi asked. “那迷踪大峡谷,有什么奇妙之处?”曾易问道。 Confuses in trace Grand Canyon, in the air, has the malaria to surround year to year, in that but also has the soul beast. “迷踪大峡谷中,空气中,常年有着瘴气环绕,那里面,还存在着魂兽。 Perhaps is the life in the malaria environment, inside soul beast, the natural disposition is cruel, the bloodthirsty was crazy, said that was the demon beast is more appropriate. ” 或许是生活在瘴气环境下,里面的魂兽,都生性暴戾,嗜血疯狂,说是魔兽更为贴切些。” Moreover, confusing trace Grand Canyon this mystical place is very big, Spirit Hall also opened a small part region. “而且,迷踪大峡谷这个秘境很大,武魂殿也只是开辟了一小部分的地域。 Deep place, not only the malaria is thicker, but also is surviving more terrifying soul beast, even if Titled Douluo enters, perhaps will lose! ” 更深处,不仅瘴气更为浓密,还生存着更加恐怖的魂兽,即使是封号斗罗进入,恐怕都会迷失其中!” ...... ......
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