DDTR :: Volume #7

#683: Taboo

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Grandfather!” “爷爷!” Qian Renxue shouted anxiously, hurries to fly, caught Qian Daoliu that falls from the sky but actually. 千仞雪焦急大喊,赶紧飞去,接住了从上空倒落的千道流 ~ 噗~ After Qian Renxue supports by the arm the body, Qian Daoliu is a blood spouts, pale incomparable, the aura is dispirited. 千仞雪搀扶住身体后,千道流又是一口鲜血喷出,脸色苍白无比,气息萎靡不振。 Grandfather are you all right?” “爷爷你没事吧?” Qian Renxue saw that hurries the Spirit Power transmission in the past, helped the Qian Daoliu warm support body. 千仞雪见状,赶紧把魂力传输过去,帮助千道流温养身体。 After a blood spits, the body of Qian Daoliu slow that vigor, the aura also had also started to return to normal. 一口血吐出来后,千道流的身体也缓过了那股劲,气息也开始平复下来。 Safe/without matter, the old man is not vulnerable.” “无事,老夫还没那么脆弱。” Qian Daoliu is saying, shoved open supporting by the arm of Qian Renxue. 千道流说着,推开了千仞雪的搀扶。 Ceng Yi also arrived in front of two people, looks at the aura to be weak, pale Qian Daoliu, is somewhat embarrassed. 曾易也来到了两人面前,看着气息虚弱,脸色苍白的千道流,有些不好意思。 Is sorry the senior......” “抱歉前辈......” Regarding the apology of Ceng Yi, Qian Daoliu shakes the head, said lightly: You cannot with I apologize, won won, the old man could lose!” 对于曾易的道歉,千道流摇了摇头,淡淡道:“你不需跟我道歉,赢了就是赢了,老夫输得起!” Hehe......” “呵呵......” On the Ceng Yi face hangs is wiping awkward smiling, the pupil light that Qian Renxue that stares, making him somewhat afraid. 曾易脸上挂着一抹尴尬的笑,千仞雪那瞪来的眸光,让他有些心虚。 Qian Daoliu looks at present this young people, although the complexion is tranquil, but in the heart had raised the difficult situation, incomparably shocks. 千道流看着眼前这个年轻人,尽管脸色平静,但心中已经是掀起了惊涛骇浪,无比震撼。 A war, Qian Daoliu put forth the strongest strength a moment ago absolutely, even urged to send the divine tool, made strongly strikes. 刚才一战,千道流绝对是使出了自己最强的力量,甚至催发了神器,打出最强一击。 But even this, loses to his hand. 可即使是这样,还是败于他手。 Merely one move, destroyed the strongest attack. 仅仅一招,就打碎了自己最强的攻击。 That sword, making Qian Daoliu feel that the soul fears, as if has to cut off the prestige of energy world. 那一剑,让千道流感到灵魂都在恐惧,似乎有着斩断世界之威能。 Monster! 怪物! If not for personally sees, the personal experience, Qian Daoliu is unable to believe, this person exists. 若不是亲眼所见,亲身经历,千道流都无法相信,这种人是真实存在的。 Because Ceng Yi he was too young, takes several years old compared with his granddaughter Qian Renxue slightly. 因为曾易他太年轻了,比他孙女千仞雪还要小几岁。 But he cultivates to be so unexpectedly intrepid, making Qian Daoliu be afraid. 可是他修为竟如此强悍,让千道流感到恐惧。 In Qian Daoliu life, to until now, only defeated three times! 千道流一生中,到至今为止,也只败了三次! Loses to the old opponent one time, Tang Chen! 一次败给老对手,唐晨! Lost to Bo Saixi in the sea for the second time. 第二次在大海上输给了波塞西 The third time, is today, lost to this and young people of granddaughter peer, Ceng Yi! 第三次,也就是今天,输给了这个与自己孙女同辈的年轻人,曾易 But this failure, with former twice compares, was too neat. 可是这一次失败,与之前的两次比起来,太干净利落了。 Front is defeated twice, is only because the chess misses one move, everyone's strength differs not much, the strength is close. 前面两次落败,也只是因为棋差一招而已,大家的实力都相差不多,实力相近。 Since Sea God Island returns to Spirit Hall, Qian Daoliu with concentration has led a pious life. 自从在海神岛回到武魂殿后,千道流就一直潜心修行。 Dozens years of precipitation, lets a Qian Daoliu strength more abundant terrifying. 几十年的沉淀,让千道流的实力更加雄厚恐怖。 Present Qian Daoliu, is self-confident with Tang Chen, Bo Saixi they are fighting, will not defeat absolutely! 现在的千道流,自信在与唐晨,波塞西他们交手,绝对不会败! But, in front of Ceng Yi, actually defeats very thoroughly. 可是,在曾易面前,却败得很彻底。 Two people beforehand power gaps, that is visible big. 两人之前的实力差距,那是肉眼可见的大。 Qian Daoliu looks is only consumes Ceng Yi of some physical strengths, the innermost feelings shocked. 千道流看着只是消耗了一些体力的曾易,内心震撼不已。 He even suspected, this person has stepped into that boundary! 他甚至怀疑,这个人已经踏入了那个境界! ~ 啪啪啪~ At this moment, in the space heard the clear clapping the hands sound. 就在这时,空间中传来了清脆的拍掌声。 The next quarter, void on a distortion, the beautiful physique appears together in three people of eyes. 下一刻,虚空就一阵扭曲,一道绝美的身姿显现在三人眼中。 Pope Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong! 武魂殿教皇,比比东 Really is a splendid peerless showdown ~ “真是一场精彩绝伦的对决啊~” The Bibi Dong chuckle, the line of sight is falling on Ceng Yi, in the pupil flashes through wipes to dread the color. 比比东轻笑着,视线落在了曾易身上,眸中闪过一抹忌惮之色。 She witnessed the fight of Ceng Yi and Qian Daoliu, the Ceng Yi strength, simply was too more than she expected beside. 她亲眼目睹了曾易千道流的战斗,曾易的实力,简直是太超出她的预料之外了。 Qian Daoliu strength strong, Bibi Dong is very clear. 千道流的实力有多强,比比东很清楚。 In entire Spirit Hall, lets the person who Bibi Dong dreads only, is Qian Daoliu. 整个武魂殿中,唯一让比比东忌惮的人,就是千道流 But obtained the gods inheritance, cultivates for has reached peerless boundary Bibi Dong, has been able not to fear Qian Daoliu. 但得到了神明传承,修为已达绝世境界的比比东,已经可以不惧千道流 Even, Bibi Dong has to defeat the Qian Daoliu strength. 甚至,比比东有着打败千道流的实力。 However she naturally cannot achieve, like Ceng Yi, like this relaxed. 但是她自然做不到,像曾易一样,这样的轻松。 In the entire process, Qian Daoliu is unable to compel the limit Ceng Yi, the appearance that he has accomplished a task with ease, lets Bibi Dong incomparable dreading. 整個过程中,千道流也无法将曾易逼到极限,他一直游刃有余的样子,让比比东无比的忌惮。 Bibi Dong looks at Ceng Yi, to praise sighed, Ceng Yi, cannot think your strength goes to so the situation unexpectedly, really makes this/Ben sovereign surprised.” 比比东看着曾易,赞叹道,“曾易,想不到你的实力竟然达到如此地步,真是让本皇惊讶无比。” Even if Bibi Dong to oneself again how self-confident, at this moment also knows, oneself absolutely is not the Ceng Yi opponent. 哪怕比比东对自己再如何自信,此刻也知道,自己绝对不会是曾易的对手。 Therefore, nowadays cannot offend him absolutely, must be on good terms with him is good. 所以,现今绝对不能得罪他,要与他交好才行。 Before without breakthrough god boundary, can only put down the beforehand idea temporarily. 没有突破神境之前,只能暂时放下之前的想法了。 „Are you coming doing?” Qian Renxue asked. “你来着干什么?”千仞雪问道。 You at my Martial Soul city sky war, as I of Pope, hasn't been able to come to have a look?” Bibi Dong said naturally. “你们在我武魂城上空大战,身为教皇的我,还不能过来看看?”比比东理所当然道。 Qian Daoliu sees Bibi Dong, the brow is also a wrinkle. 千道流见到比比东,眉头也是不由一皱。 God the consecration person of as angel, he naturally can feel on Bibi Dong to have the aura of other gods. 身为天使之神的供奉人,他自然能够感觉到比比东身上有着其他神明的气息。 Moreover her strength terrifying, from that boundary, was only the shooting! 而且她的实力恐怖,距离那个境界,也只是临门一脚了! However, regarding Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu does not have any to dread. 不过,对于比比东,千道流并没有什么忌惮的。 Qian Renxue that because, she will not threaten. 因为,她不会威胁的千仞雪 Qian Daoliu also knows, Bibi Dong is a very ambitious person. 千道流也知道,比比东是一个非常有野心的人。 Otherwise, he will not let this woman who initially killed oneself son, makes the position of Pope! 要不然,他当初也不会让这个杀害了自己儿子的女人,做上教皇之位! Poisoned own son regarding Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu, although the heart has the hate, but has also put down now. 对于比比东毒害了自己的儿子,千道流虽然心有怨恨,但如今也早已放下。 After all the reason of matter, Qian Daoliu had also understood, all these are that waste son's mistake, Qian Daoliu are not a confusing right and wrong person. 毕竟事情的原由,千道流也有所了解,这一切都是自己那废物儿子的错,千道流并不是一个是非不分的人。 Let alone, oneself son was really the waste. 更何况,自己儿子实在是废物了。 The successor as Gabriel Martial Soul, is 95 levels of boundaries Titled Douluo, makes into the severe wound by the junior who title boundary has not a unexpectedly! 身为武魂的继承人,还是九十五级境界的封号斗罗,竟然被一个连封号境界都没有踏入的小辈打成重伤! That was loses completely the Qian Family face simply, Qian Daoliu wished one could a palm of the hand to pat this disobedient son! 那简直是丢尽了千家的脸面,千道流自己都恨不得一巴掌拍死这个逆子! Even sky hammer prestige famous town world, but six wing Gabriel Martial Soul compared with the sky hammer, are only not weak! 就算昊天锤威名镇世,可六翼武魂比起昊天锤,也只强不弱! Back then, when Qian Daoliu was young, entire mainland, only then Tang Chen can fight with. 想当年,千道流年轻之时,整个大陆,也就只有唐晨一人能与自己争锋。 But even so, Qian Daoliu and between Tang Chen, shares half and half. 但即使如此,千道流与唐晨之间,也是平分秋色。 To finally, Qian Daoliu also defeated one move, this made Tang Chen overcome the given name of sky hammer first under heaven. 一直到最后,千道流也只是败了一招,这才让唐晨打下了昊天锤天下第一的名号。 But Qian Daoliu has not thought that own son, unexpectedly such waste! 千道流没有想到,自己的儿子,竟然如此的废物! However, although oneself son waste, but the only use, got down Qian Renxue to the Qian Family birth. 但是,虽然自己儿子废物,但唯一的用处,就是给千家诞下了千仞雪 On the body of Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu saw she can break through the hope of god boundary. 千仞雪的身上,千道流看到了她能够突破神境的希望。 At that time, Qian Daoliu has known oneself are unable to break through the god boundary, but oneself have not held the Spirit Hall desire again, then let this woman who killed the son, Bibi Dong made the Pope position. 当时,千道流已经知道自己无法突破神境,而自己也没有重掌武魂殿的欲望,便让这个杀死自己儿子的女人,比比东做上教皇位置。 But oneself the complete energy, place on the granddaughter, hopes that she can complete oneself long-cherished wish. 而自己把全部的精力,放在孙女身上,希望她能够完成自己的夙愿。 Bibi Dong can sit the position of Pope, that is because she is the Qian Renxue mother. 比比东之所以能够坐上教皇之位,那是因为她是千仞雪的母亲。 Moreover she is very full of wisdom, the huge ambition, Qian Daoliu thinks that she can bring Spirit Hall to become magnificent. 而且她很有智慧,还有庞大的野心,千道流认为她能够带着武魂殿变得更加的辉煌。 The fact is also so, Spirit Hall in the Bibi Dong subordinate, becomes strength, even she starts to plan the entire mainland. 事实也是如此,武魂殿比比东手下,变得更加的壮大,甚至她开始谋划起整个大陆来。 With the Spirit Hall strength, corrodes each country, lays down the seed. 武魂殿的力量,侵蚀各个国家,埋下种子。 Qian Daoliu has not thought, own granddaughter Qian Renxue, is unexpectedly the same as her mother, has the ambition of unification entire mainland. 只是千道流没有想到,自己的孙女千仞雪,竟然也与她母亲一样,有着统一整个大陆的野心。 Chooses one in Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu without a doubt, certainly supports own granddaughter. 比比东千仞雪中选一个,千道流毫无疑问的,肯定支持自己的孙女。 He makes Bibi Dong apportion Qian Renxue the power in hand. 他让比比东把手中的权力分给千仞雪 Although Bibi Dong some do not hope, but Qian Renxue after all is her biological daughter, moreover Bibi Dong has the guilt to own daughter also heart, then plans itself many years of plan, gave Qian Renxue. 虽然比比东有些不愿,但千仞雪毕竟是她亲生女儿,而且比比东对自己女儿也心有愧疚,便把自己谋划多年的计划,交给了千仞雪 Henceforth, Spirit Hall branched out half of Spirit Master strengths, joint numerous countries, become huge Martial Soul Empire, Qian Renxue becomes one generation of empresses. 从此,武魂殿分出了一半的魂师力量,联合众多国家,成为了庞大的武魂帝国,千仞雪成为一代女帝。 Although Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong two people relate to disagree, but Bibi Dong throughout is the Qian Renxue mother. 尽管千仞雪比比东两人关系不和,但比比东始终是千仞雪的亲生母亲。 Moreover Qian Renxue has Ceng Yi in the side, the Qian Daoliu experience crossed the Ceng Yi that terrifying strength, now feels relieved very much. 而且千仞雪曾易在身边,千道流见识过了曾易那恐怖的实力,现在很放心。 Qian Daoliu has not paid attention to Bibi Dong, was saying to the Ceng Yi light opens the mouth: Boy, the old man approved you, you wanted to know that the old man will tell you.” 千道流没有理会比比东,对着曾易淡淡开口道:“小子,老夫认可你了,你想要知道的,老夫都会告诉你。” Ceng Yi hears word, complexion one happy, said: That many thanks senior.” 曾易闻言,脸色一喜,道:“那就多谢前辈了。” You also come together, as Pope Spirit Hall, you need to know these things.” “你也一起过来吧,身为武魂殿教皇,你有必要知道这些事情。” Qian Daoliu was saying to Bibi Dong, then drops in the Martial Soul city. 千道流对着比比东说了一句,便落下武魂城中。 Bibi Dong hears word, black eyebrow slightly wrinkle, but has not thought that also together with the past. 比比东闻言,黛眉微皱,但也没多想,也一起跟了过去。 In the douluo palace, Qian Daoliu stands under the statue of god of angel, looks at three people, opens the mouth to say. 斗罗殿中,千道流站在天使之神的雕像下,看着三人,开口道。 Matter about the evil Spirit Master, you should know, this has been regarded as the taboo in Spirit Master World.” “关于邪魂师之事,你们应该知道,这是在魂师界中一直被视为禁忌。” „It is not because the evil Spirit Master conduct is ruthless the spicy virulent, inhuman attitude, is chased by all in Spirit Master World, just like the target of universal detestation, was loathed by the world, becomes the taboo.” The Qian Renxue doubts said. “难道不是因为邪魂师行事过于狠辣恶毒,灭绝人性的作风,在魂师界中人人喊打,宛若过街老鼠,被世人厌恶,成为禁忌。”千仞雪疑惑道。 Qian Daoliu shakes the head, said: „If only this, but also cannot be joined to a taboo word.” 千道流摇了摇头,道:“若只是这样,还配不上禁忌一词。” They are called the taboo, that is because these people once gave Spirit Master World, even the entire mainland, brought incomparably pitiful disaster hardship!” “他们之所以被称为禁忌,那是因为这些人曾经给魂师界,甚至整个大陆,带来了无比悲惨的灾厄!” Disaster hardship?” “灾厄?” Ceng Yi twittering, this is making him somewhat familiar, remembered in the tour of eastern leaving. 曾易呢喃着,这个让他有些熟悉,不由想起了在东离之行。 Brings the evil spirits of disaster hardship. 带来灾厄的邪祟。 Does this with evil Spirit Master, have what to relate? 难道这与邪魂师之间,有着什么联系? Qian Daoliu continues saying: About that matter, extremely in remote, the old man also listened to the clan the elder to say.” 千道流继续道:“关于那件事,太过于久远,老夫也只是听族中长辈所说。” That age, evil Spirit Master, nearly ruled entire Spirit Master World, even controlled the dynasty empire. “那个年代,邪魂师,近乎统治了整个魂师界,甚至控制了王朝帝国。 At that time, but also did not have Spirit Hall, only had Qian Family! ” 那时,还没有武魂殿,只有千家!” ...... 5873 / 10458525 ......5873/10458525
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