DDTR :: Volume #7

#682: The soulless 1 blade, defeats 0 streams!

...... ...... The Qian Renxue form also in nearby sky that two people fight, watches among two people the fight. 千仞雪的身影也在两人战斗的附近天空中,观看两人之间的战斗。 Saw own grandfather has the move with the sword technique to Ceng Yi unexpectedly, making Qian Renxue shock. 只是,看到自己爷爷竟然用剑技对曾易出招,让千仞雪大为震惊。 In this world, Qian Renxue believes that no one's swordsmanship can about simultaneous/uniform Ceng Yi. 这个世上,千仞雪认为,没有一人的剑道能齐曾易左右。 Own grandfather that is brings contempt upon oneself simply! 自己爷爷那简直是自取其辱啊! Qian Daoliu sees Ceng Yi so easily to reduce and solve own style, the mood shocks extremely, the complexion also becomes dignified. 千道流曾易如此轻易的化解自己的招式,心情极为震撼,脸色也变得凝重起来。 That, had seen a moment ago, the swordsmanship of this boy cultivated/repaired is, the terrifying exceeds his master Sword Douluo! 刚才那一手,已经看出了,这小子的剑道修为,恐怖已经是超越他师父剑斗罗了! The Qian Daoliu faint opens the mouth, boy, the strength is truly good, but this also only starts, hope then you can also be so unflustered!” 千道流淡漠开口,“小子,实力确实不错,不过这也仅只是开始,希望接下来你还能这么从容不迫!” Terrifying Spirit Power fluctuates to fill the air from the Qian Daoliu body, shake world. 恐怖的魂力波动从千道流身体上弥漫而出,震荡天地。 That dazzling golden ray blooms, as if changed to Sun! 那耀眼的金色光芒绽放,仿佛化作了太阳! Sacred dignified ray shining world, void, as if there is pure angel to chant the song of praise. 神圣威严的光芒照耀天地,虚空中,似乎有着纯洁的天使在咏唱赞歌。 Angel domain! Reveals!” “天使领域!显!” Qian Daoliu drinks greatly, the surroundings space was invaded by gold/metal, fills the air to go toward the four directions. 千道流大喝,周围空间都被金芒侵染,向着四方弥漫而去。 However shortly, the entire vault of heaven dyed the golden color. 不过顷刻间,整个天穹都染成了金色。 But the person of below Martial Soul city, sees above the sky, that everywhere sparkle, sacred Jinxia, but also has that greatest pressure, making their soul tremble. 而下方武魂城之人,见天空之上,那漫天闪耀,神圣的金霞,还有着那莫大的威压,让他们灵魂颤栗。 As if the miracle arrives, countless people kneel pray. 仿佛就是神迹降临,无数人跪地祷告。 The Pope palace, Bibi Dong goes out of outside, raises head to look at the sky. 教皇殿,比比东走出外面,仰头望着天空。 This aura, is that old man!” “这股气息,是那老头!” Bibi Dong is talking to oneself, in the eye pupil flashes through wipes to dread. 比比东自语着,眼眸中闪过一抹忌惮。 She was clear, this has hidden in the douluo palace, Spirit Hall big elder, once Gabriel douluo, Qian Daoliu aura. 她清楚,这是一直隐藏在斗罗殿中,武魂殿大长老,曾经的斗罗,千道流的气息。 In entire Spirit Hall, lets the person who Bibi Dong dreads, only has Qian Daoliu one person. 整个武魂殿中,让比比东忌惮的人,也就只有千道流一人。 …… 只是, Did Bibi Dong somewhat do clearly, why Qian Daoliu does not begin to hit with him? 比比东有些搞不明白,为什么千道流与他动手打起来了? Another aura, that is full of swift and fierce front cold sword intent, definitely is Ceng Yi! 另一道气息,那充满着凌厉锋寒的剑意,肯定是曾易 Ceng Yi and did Qian Daoliu hit? 曾易千道流打起来了? However, Bibi Dong thinks, with proud stance that Qian Daoliu that is conceited, but Ceng Yi is also an extremely self-confident and proud person, if two people meet, can definitely have the conflict. 不过,比比东想了想,以千道流那自视甚高的傲人姿态,而曾易也是一个极度自信且骄傲的人,两人若是碰见,肯定会起冲突。 Then one thinks, they hit is not strange. 那么一想,他们打起来也不奇怪。 Qian Daoliu this time must fall! 只是,千道流这一次要栽跟头了! In the Bibi Dong heart sneers. 比比东心中冷笑。 Before she saw Ceng Yi, like intending to suppress him, disciple Hu Liena asked for an explanation to oneself. 之前她见到曾易时,就像出手镇压他,给自己弟子胡列娜讨个说法。 However discovered, cultivating of Ceng Yi to be very terrorist, same achieved the peerless boundary with oneself, to take the entire situation into account, Bibi Dong does not have the choice to act. 不过发现,曾易的修为很是恐怖,与自己一样达到了绝世境界,为了顾全大局,比比东没有选择出手。 With is the peerless boundary, even if there is the division of strong and weak, but the disparity between this, is still extremely limited. 同为绝世境界,就算有强弱之分,但这之间的差距,也是极为有限。 To take the opposite party, if not for spells to go all-out, the method card in a hand completely leaves, is impossible. 想要拿下对方,若不是拼尽全力,手段底牌尽出,根本不可能。 This boundary powerhouse, if must walk wholeheartedly, is very difficult to stop. 这种境界的强者,若是一心要走,很难阻拦。 Cuts the opposite party, oneself must pay the enormous price. 斩掉对方,自己也要付出极大的代价。 Bibi Dong is thinking, perhaps, the Qian Daoliu strength stronger compared with Ceng Yi. 比比东想着,或许,千道流的实力比曾易要强。 But really must take Ceng Yi, must pay the corresponding price. 但真要拿下曾易,必然要付出相应的代价。 Master, what matter is this?” “师父,这到底是什么回事?” Asking that the Hu Liena heart trembles, that aura of space, making her feel the fear. 胡列娜心颤的问道,天上的那股气息,让她感到恐惧。 Safe/without matter! You told, making them not need to be startled, went to have a look for the master!” “无事!你吩咐下去,让他们不必惊慌,为师前去看看!” Bibi Dong is telling one to Hu Liena, invisible Spirit Power picks up the body, she also flies to the sky, goes to observe and emulate this war. 比比东对着胡列娜吩咐一声,无形的魂力托起身体,她也飞向天空,前去观摩这一战。 That is quite inevitably splendid! How she can miss. 那必然极为精彩!她怎能错过。 In the sky, Jinxia invaded the horizon, as if turned into another world. 天空上,金霞侵染了天际,仿佛变成了另一個世界。 However, position that Ceng Yi is , the surrounding area in ten meters, does not have a Jinxia. 不过,曾易所在的位置,方圆十米内,却无一丝金霞。 As if the domain was isolated, becomes one. 仿佛领域被隔绝,自成一界。 Qian Daoliu sees that in heart in great surprise. 千道流见状,心中大惊。 Own domain, is unable to cover him unexpectedly. 自己的领域,竟然无法将他覆盖。 An only several chi (0.33 m) space, as if looks like the boundless sea, the strength of domain cannot proliferate the end, limitless. 仅几尺空间,仿佛就像是无垠大海,领域之力扩散不到尽头,无边无际。 Faces this person, Qian Daoliu was feeling that looks like facing the boundless sea, endless abyss. 面对着这人,千道流感觉就像是面对无垠的大海,无尽的深渊。 This feeling, Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, had not once taken to him even. 这种感觉,就算是曾经海神斗罗波塞西,都未曾带给他。 How possibly? 怎么可能? This person, is so unexpectedly powerful! 这人,竟如此强大! At once, in the space has the strong winds to howl, the cloud layer just like the sea, cloud Chaofan wells up. 旋即,空间中有着狂风呼啸,云层宛若海洋般,云潮翻涌。 The temperature in air also drops suddenly. 空气中的温度也骤然下降。 When does not know, in the sky starts to have the pure white snowflake to be faded and fallen. 不知什么时候,天空上开始有着纯白的雪花飘零。 A powerful sword intent shoots up to the sky, the terrifying imposing manner direct impact horizon, as if changed to the divine sword, pierced the vault of heaven. 一股强大的剑意冲天而起,恐怖的气势直冲天际,仿佛化作了神剑,洞穿了天穹。 The invisible potential more diffusion leaves, Ceng Yi surrounding Jinxia as if looked like met the difficult adversary, started to contract. 无形的势弥漫散出,曾易周围的金霞仿佛就像是遇见了克星般,开始收缩。 The cold strong winds howl, bring the innumerable snow and ice, changed to an extremely cold domain. 冷冽的狂风呼啸,带着无数的冰雪,化作了一个极寒领域。 The sky splits up the two-pole instantaneously. 天空瞬间就分化成两极。 Side is the sparkle is sacred, Jinxia everywhere domain. 一边是闪耀神圣光辉,金霞漫天的领域。 But another side, is the swift and fierce terrifying snowstorm, has to destroy all imposing manners. 而另一边,则是凌厉恐怖的暴风雪,有着毁灭一切的气势。 The strength of Qian Daoliu release, making in the Ceng Yi heart very surprised. 千道流释放的力量,让曾易心中很是惊讶。 Qian Daoliu this cultivates is, looks like in Ceng Yi, already not inferior with initially Bo Saixi that met in the sea. 千道流这一身修为,在曾易看来,已经毫不逊色与当初在大海上遇见的波塞西 It seems like that since he lost to Bo Saixi after initially, returning to Spirit Hall wholeheartedly to practice, achieved the extremely high boundary. 看来,自从当初他败给波塞西后,回到武魂殿一心修行,也是达到了极高的境界。 Worthily was once three peerless one, sky control, Gabriel douluo Qian Daoliu! 不愧是曾经的三绝世之一,天空主宰,斗罗千道流 His cultivates is, from god boundary, was only the shooting. 他这身修为,距离神境,也只是临门一脚了啊。 What a pity, merely one step, just like natural moat! 可惜,仅仅一步,宛若天堑! Ceng Yi is Qian Daoliu felt somewhat a pity. 曾易不禁为千道流感到有些可惜。 If before Ceng Yi has not gone to the sea, to Qian Daoliu, may defeat. 若是曾易没有前往大海之前,对上千道流,可能会败。 But present Ceng Yi, defeated Bo Saixi of invincible sea before, cultivates for has broken through goes a step further. 但现在的曾易,早在之前就打败了无敌大海的波塞西,修为有所突破更进一步。 Present Qian Daoliu, although can give itself some pressures, but absolutely is not own opponent! 现在的千道流,虽然能给自己一些压力,但绝对不会是自己的对手! After Qian Daoliu feels Ceng Yi gives own pressure, the innermost feelings extremely shock. 千道流感受到曾易给予自己的压力后,内心极为震撼。 This fellow, is so obviously young, the strength actually achieves the so powerful boundary, this imposing manner, comparing to oneself is not inferior. 这个家伙,明明这么年轻,实力却达到如此强大的境界,这股气势,比起自身都毫不逊色。 Ha-” “哈哈哈-” Qian Daoliu laughs unrestrainedly, lets some Ceng Yi surprise. 千道流情不自禁地大笑起来,让曾易有些诧异。 Qian Daoliu said: Good, the old man is knows why you can obtain the approval of that proud woman!” 千道流道:“不错,老夫算是知道,你为什么能得到那个骄傲的女人的认可了!” „, How does the senior think?” Ceng Yi said with a smile pale. “那么,前辈认为如何?”曾易淡笑道。 Makes the old man have a look, your true skill!” Qian Daoliu is laughing, vast Spirit Power starts to condense, the terrifying prestige can ferment. “让老夫看看,你真正的本事吧!”千道流大笑着,浩瀚的魂力开始凝聚,恐怖的威能正在酝酿。 Actually at this time, Qian Daoliu has approved Ceng Yi. 其实这个时候,千道流已经是认可曾易了。 Because he has felt, the Ceng Yi strength is not weak in oneself. 因为他已经感受到,曾易的实力不弱于自己。 However, has been in this situation, Qian Daoliu possibly stopped? 但是,都已经到了这个地步,千道流怎么可能停下? He does not know that many years have not released oneself strength like full power. 他已经不知多少年没有像这样全力释放过自己的力量了。 Since that comes back after Sea God Island time, has closed up practices. 自从那一次从海神岛回来后,一直闭关修行。 Knew after oneself break through the god boundary is hopeless, then begins to train granddaughter Qian Renxue. 得知自己突破神境无望后,便着手培养孙女千仞雪 But today, Ceng Yi made Qian Daoliu that quiet dozens years of heart, renewed the fervor. 而今天,曾易千道流那沉寂了几十年的心,再度燃起了激情。 Fights intent to rush to rise dramatically! 战意澎湃飙升! Sword!” “剑来!” Qian Daoliu loudly shouts, the unparalleled imposing manner ascends, golden light greatly shining! 千道流大喝一声,无双的气势升腾,金光大耀! But in nearby Qian Renxue, feels the angel Saint sword that oneself wear to shiver, flew uncontrolled. 而在附近的千仞雪,感受到自己佩戴的天使圣剑颤动,不受控制的飞了出去。 Qian Renxue knows that this is the hauling of grandfather, therefore has not prevented. 千仞雪知道这是爷爷的牵引,所以没有阻止。 This sword, was the god of once weapon of angel, was an unsurpassed divine tool, the prestige can unparalleled! 这把剑,乃是天使之神曾经的武器,是一把无上神器,威能无双! However, Qian Renxue knows that the Ceng Yi strength is immeasurably deep, therefore did not fear own grandfather displays the prestige of divine tool to injure to Ceng Yi. 不过,千仞雪知道曾易的实力深不可测,所以也不怕自己爷爷发挥神器的威能伤到曾易 After all, the grandfathers were so old, therefore makes him happily good. 毕竟,爷爷都这么老了,所以让他开心就好。 The divine tool, the angel Saint sword flies, floats before the Qian Daoliu body. 神器,天使圣剑飞来,漂浮在千道流身前。 The unsurpassed invincible might that in that sword contains, was urged to send by Qian Daoliu. 那剑中蕴含的无上神威,被千道流催发而出。 Shortly, changed to a thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden long sword, above the sword blade, the supernatural power passes, the dazzling ray, is common just like Sun. 顷刻间,化作了一把千丈金色长剑,剑身之上,神力流转,耀眼的光芒,宛若太阳一般。 Terrifying sword intent, as if can cut the crack vault of heaven! 恐怖的剑意,似乎能够斩裂天穹! Cuts!” “斩!” Qian Daoliu loudly shouts, that thousand zhang (3.33 m) Saint sword cuts to fall toward Ceng Yi under. 千道流大喝一声,那千丈圣剑向着曾易斩落而下。 The terrifying imposing manner, the tearing sky easily, the space cut off. 恐怖的气势,轻易的撕裂天空,空间都被斩断。 The prestige energy of this terrifying, Ceng Yi does not dare to be negligent, after all that is a divine tool, having the god can! 这恐怖的威能,曾易不敢大意,毕竟那是神器,有着神能! The boundary of half god is urging a round of divine tool by Qian Daoliu, the might endures compared with one of the gods sufficiently strikes! 千道流着半神的境界催发神器,威力足以堪比神之一击! This made Ceng Yi feel some pressures, therefore he will not keep the hand, used own to strong sword. 这让曾易感到了一些压力,所以他也不会留手,使用出自己的至强一剑。 The pressure incline of that terrifying , the surrounding space was oppressed by this strength, the space presented the careful fissure, seems shatter. 那恐怖的压力倾斜而下,周围的空间被这股力量压迫,空间都出现了细细的裂痕,仿佛要破碎。 But Ceng Yi, cuts facing Qian Daoliu this sword, meaning that still where the static stand, has not dodged. 曾易,面对千道流这一剑斩来,依然静静站在哪里,没有闪躲的意思。 The Ceng Yi right hand grasps the Martial Soul mist to cut the sword hilt, the aura is reserved, as if integrated in the world. 曾易右手握着武魂岚切剑柄,气息内敛,仿佛融入了天地之中。 Soulless blade!” “无神一刀!” In an instant, draws a sword the sheath! 刹那之间,拔刀出鞘! That flickers, wipes the silver glow twinkle. 那一瞬,一抹银芒闪烁。 Endless sword intent falls in torrents, sky faded and fallen snowflake adverse current. 无尽的剑意倾泻而出,天空飘零的雪花逆流。 As if the whole world lost the sound. 似乎整个世界都失去了声音。 However flickers, the space cut off, that golden thousand zhang (3.33 m) great sword, twinkling disintegration under this move. 不过一瞬,空间被斩断,那金色的千丈巨剑,也在这一招之下瞬息崩碎。 The next quarter, the energy of that terrifying falls in torrents, the invisible sword intent shake, the entire world trembles, the space is crashing, just like extinguishing the scenery of the world. 下一刻,那恐怖的能量倾泻而出,无形的剑意震荡,整个天地都为之震颤,空间在崩塌,宛若灭世之景。 Bang whistling- 轰呼呼- The terrifying storm wreaks havoc, the world changes color. 恐怖的风暴肆虐,天地变色。 Luckily this is tall Kou above ten thousand meters, if on the land, this tyrannical strength, razes to the ground the entire Martial Soul city sufficiently! 幸好这是在万米之上的高口,若是在陆地上,这强横的力量,足以把整个武魂城夷为平地! As if entire mainland vibrates! 似乎整个大陆都为之震动! Even remote Heaven Dou Empire sovereigns, Heaven Duo city. 即使遥远的天斗帝国皇都,天斗城。 Discussed that Tang San of war, stopped at this moment, looks up the day. 与人商讨战事的唐三,这一刻停了下来,抬头望天。 The aura that the remote direction, transmits, lets his palpitation. 遥远的方向,传来的气息,让他心悸。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Sword Douluo stands in Jianfeng withstand/top, the vision looks to some direction, own Martial Soul, Seven Kills Sword, trembling cry! 七宝琉璃宗,剑斗罗站在剑峰顶上,目光不由望向某个方向,自己的武魂,七杀剑,正在颤鸣! The mainland somewhere, the young girl of acting alone, on the shoulder is lying she of kitten, stopped the footsteps in this moment, looks back to look out the horizon. 大陆某处,独行的少女,肩头上趴着一只小猫的她,在这一刻不由停下了脚步,回首遥望天际。 Master......” “师父......” Young girl light nan, why does not know, she remembered the face of master. 少女轻喃,不知为何,她想起了师父的面孔。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- - 噗- The strength of this tyrannical backlash, making Qian Daoliu body flying upside down, in the mouth bleed. 这强横的反噬之力,让千道流身体倒飞,口中喋血。 Merely one move, is strongest one move! 仅仅一招,也是最强的一招! He defeats incomparable thorough! 他败得无比的彻底! …… ……
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