DDTR :: Volume #7

#681: The swordsmanship is I wins 1 to plan!

What?” “什么?” „Did she really say?” “她真的这么说?” The Qian Daoliu pupil contraction, the Ceng Yi words, making in his heart shock incomparably. 千道流瞳孔收缩,曾易的话,让他心中震撼无比。 Although he and Bo Saixi have dozens years not to see. 虽然他与波塞西有几十年未见。 But Qian Daoliu knows, in that sea to the powerhouse, Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi is a how arrogant person. 千道流可是知道,那位大海上的至强者,海神斗罗波塞西是一个多么高傲的人。 But, even so arrogant self-confident she, regarding oneself whether to tread to be enthralled the boundary, has a suspicion. 可是,即使如此高傲自信的她,对于自己能否踏入神之境界,都抱有一丝怀疑。 But such person, actually so believes that this young people can by own strength, step into that boundary! 而这样的人,竟然如此相信这个年轻人能够凭借自己的力量,踏入那个境界! This makes Qian Daoliu feel very inconceivable. 这让千道流感到很不可思议。 Ceng Yi chuckle nod. 曾易轻笑着点头。 Naturally, oneself will not tell Qian Daoliu, oneself were hits to take Bo Saixi, changed her concept. 当然,自己不会告诉千道流,自己是打服了波塞西,才改变了她的观念的。 Qian Daoliu looks at Ceng Yi, the mood cannot return to normal for a very long time. 千道流看着曾易,心情久久不能平复下来。 If even she approves this person, such that perhaps really such as he said. 若是连她都认可这人,或许真如他说的那样。 Therefore, you want to show, you do have the qualifications and Xue'er in the same place?” Qian Daoliu sinking sound said. “所以,你是想证明,你有资格与雪儿在一起么?”千道流沉声道。 hears word, Ceng Yi is very helpless. 闻言,曾易很是无奈。 This old man three don't leave the treasure granddaughter? 这老头怎么三句不离自己宝贝孙女啊? Where did oneself keep thinking about your granddaughter? 自己哪里惦记你孙女了? Is your granddaughter is obviously greedy my body! 明明是你孙女馋我身子! Ceng Yi shows the whites of the eyes, said: How along with you to think that actually I am only the generation of Bo Saixi seniors and you give regards.” 曾易不由翻了個白眼,说道:“随您怎么想吧,其实我只是代波塞西前辈与您问个好而已。” Actually, the junior has a matter to ask you.” “其实,小辈有一件事情想要问您。” What issue?” Qian Daoliu light say/way. “什么问题?”千道流淡淡的道。 Senior, does not know how many you do know secret about evil Spirit Master?” “前辈,不知道你知道多少关于邪魂师的秘辛?” Qian Daoliu is hearing these words is, in the eye pupil flashed through wiped the surprise, but quick hid. 千道流在听到这句话是,眼眸中闪过了一抹诧异,但很快就隐藏了下去。 However Ceng Yi actually caught this detail from the eye of Qian Daoliu. 不过曾易却从千道流的眼中捕捉到了这一细节。 Really, Qian Daoliu knows hard secret about evil Spirit Master! 果然,千道流知道一些关于邪魂师的辛秘! Qian Daoliu knits the brows slightly, said lightly: Evil Spirit Master, but is some generations of ganef hidden in the hidden place, did you inquire this doing?” 千道流微微皱眉,淡淡道:“邪魂师,不过是一些隐藏在暗处的宵小之辈,你打听这个干什么?” „The generation of ganef? It seems like senior should you for a long time not have the walk mainland very much?” Ceng Yi said with a smile lightly. “宵小之辈?看来前辈伱应该很久没有行走大陆了吧?”曾易轻笑道。 Qian Daoliu sneers, „, these mice of in the sewers, what big storm but also turned out?” 千道流冷笑,“难道,那些阴沟里的老鼠们,还翻出了什么大风浪?” That truly is.” Ceng Yi nodded, looked at Qian Renxue, continued to say to Qian Daoliu. “那确实是。”曾易点头,看了一眼身旁的千仞雪,继续对千道流说道。 Senior, the present mainland turmoil, the dynasty strives for hegemony, the war will get up. But has hidden in evil Spirit Master of hidden place, starts the walk mainland, raises the reign of terror.” “前辈,如今的大陆局势混乱,王朝争霸,战争将起。而一直隐藏在暗处的邪魂师,也开始行走大陆,掀起腥风血雨。” What's the big deal? So long as and other Xue'er trod being enthralled boundary, all turmoils, may turn the hand the suppression!” Qian Daoliu from channel. “那又如何?只要等雪儿踏入神境,一切动乱,都可翻手镇压!”千道流自信道。 Ceng Yi said: If, that side evil Spirit Master , do some people break through the god boundary?” 曾易却道:“若是,邪魂师那边,也有人突破神境呢?” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Ceng Yi this very much words, keeping Qian Daoliu immediately from staying quiet. 曾易这句很话,让千道流顿时无法保持平静了。 About this matter, Renxue was clearer than me, making her give you to say carefully.” “关于这件事,仞雪比我更清楚,让她给你仔细说说吧。” Qian Daoliu hears word, the vision turns to the granddaughter, the opens the mouth, said!” 千道流闻言,目光转向自己孙女,开口,“说!” Qian Renxue hesitant several points, access road/simply said: „ Grandfather, matter about the evil Spirit Master, starts from me to Heaven Duo, after Star Luo both countries start the war, a mysterious influence then starts repeatedly to aim at Spirit Hall to attack. 千仞雪犹豫几分,便道:“爷爷,关于邪魂师之事,从我开始对天斗,星罗两国发起战争之后,一股神秘势力便开始频频针对武魂殿进行攻击。 However from the beginning, I have not cared, even if presents Titled Douluo, I still think that their influences differ not much with three. 但是一开始,我并没有太在意,就算出现封号斗罗,我也只是认为他们的势力与三宗相差不多。 However in I command the army to suppress the northern soul beast, these evil Spirit Master also collude in the back and soul beast, even sets up the trap to encircle kills me. ” 不过在我率军镇压北方魂兽之时,这些邪魂师也在背后与魂兽勾结,甚至设下陷阱围杀我。” That time encircles kills, altogether set out six Titled Douluo, cultivates for is over 95 levels boundaries.” “那次围杀,一共出动了六位封号斗罗,其中一位修为则是九十五级以上的境界。” Although these people are not my opponent, but when I must understand their life, presented Spirit Master. “虽然这些人并不是我对手,可是就在我要了解他们性命之时,又出现了一位魂师 Her cultivating is, is the peerless boundary! ” 她的修为,乃绝世境界!” Although is not willing to acknowledge that person is truly stronger than me.” “虽然不愿意承认,那人确实比我强一些。” Although Qian Renxue some are unwilling, but said to own grandfather truthfully. 千仞雪虽然有些不甘心,但还是对自己爷爷如实的说了出来。 Listens, the Qian Daoliu innermost feelings shock extremely. 听完,千道流内心极为震撼。 In evil Spirit Master, actually still has so cultivates for intrepidly the person? 魂师中,竟然还存在如此强悍修为的人? Until now, Qian Daoliu knows existence of evil Spirit Master, but the evil Spirit Master influence is small and weak, very scattered in disorder, he does not care. 一直以来,千道流都是知道邪魂师的存在,不过邪魂师势力弱小,也非常的散乱,他也不怎么在意。 But the information from the Qian Renxue words knew, these evil Spirit Master as if organized an influence. 但从千仞雪的话中信息得知,这些邪魂师似乎组织成了一股势力。 These mice, many years of developing unbeknownst, has developed one is not inferior in the Spirit Hall influence! 这些老鼠们,多年的潜滋暗长,已经发展成一股不逊色于武魂殿的势力! Therefore, you asked this, was worried that evil Spirit Master will threaten you?” Qian Daoliu looks at Qian Renxue to say. “所以,你问这个,是担心那邪魂师会威胁到你?”千道流看着千仞雪道。 „, They could not affect me to conquer the step of mainland!” Qian Renxue from channel. “并不,他们影响不了我征服大陆的步伐!”千仞雪自信道。 Ceng Yi opens the mouth, senior, if I guess right, that peerless in evil Spirit Master, is it is estimated that the same as Renxue, obtains the inheritance of some gods!” 曾易开口,“前辈,如果我猜得没错的话,邪魂师中的那位绝世,估计也是与仞雪一样,得到某位神明的传承!” Moreover, soon, can step into that boundary!” “而且,用不了多久,就能够踏入那个境界!” I want to know, the back of that evil Spirit Master influence , like Spirit Hall, has the inheritance of gods? Do the seniors to with that mysterious god, actually understand how many?” “我想知道,那个邪魂师势力的背后,是不是与武魂殿一样,都有着神明的传承?前辈对与那神秘的神祗,究竟了解多少?” You want to ask is this?” “你想问的就是这个?” Qian Daoliu looks at Ceng Yi, the eye narrows a line. 千道流看着曾易,眼睛微眯成一条线。 Truly, the old man knows secret about evil Spirit Master.” “确实,老夫知道一些关于邪魂师的秘辛。” hears word, on the Ceng Yi face revealed a happy expression, investigating was so long, finally can the news that oneself want, the mood is good. 闻言,曾易脸上露出了一丝喜色,调查了这么久,终于可以得到自己想要的消息了,心情甚好。 Qian Daoliu said: But, why does the old man want to tell you?” 只是,千道流却说道:“可是,老夫为什么要告诉你?” His saying, making the Ceng Yi complexion one stiff. 他这话,让曾易脸色一僵。 Senior, you have anything to request, although raises is!” “前辈,你有什么要求,尽管提就是!” Ceng Yi is somewhat helpless, since entered in this palace, Qian Daoliu in view of oneself, has looked oneself are not feeling well. 曾易有些无奈,自从进了这个殿内,千道流就一直针对自己,看自己不爽。 Ceng Yi is clear, definitely because of the Qian Renxue reason. 曾易清楚,肯定是因为千仞雪的原因。 Grandfather! You know that said that this was very important to us!” Very much Qian Renxue is not glad is staring Qian Daoliu. “爷爷!你知道就说出来嘛,这对我们很重要!”千仞雪很不乐意的瞪着千道流 But Qian Daoliu has not actually paid attention to the Qian Renxue words, that pair fills the dignified eye to stare at Ceng Yi. 千道流却没有理会千仞雪的话,那双充满着威严的眼睛凝视着曾易 Boy, you said, Bo Saixi approved you! You have possibility that can break through the god boundary. But however, the old man does not believe.” “小子,你说,波塞西认可了你!你有能够突破神境的可能。但但是,老夫并不太相信。” Ceng Yi is looking at each other Qian Daoliu vision, said lightly: How can the senior?” 曾易对视着千道流的目光,淡淡道:“那前辈要如何?” Proof looks to the old man! If you can make the old man approve you, then can know that you want to know all!” “证明给老夫看!若你能够让老夫认可你,那么就能知道你想要知道一切!” Listened to these words, Ceng Yi is clear, Qian Daoliu was wants to have a look at the true strength. 听了这句话,曾易清楚,千道流是想要看看自己真正的实力了。 Qian Renxue sees the grandfather to insist on so, her very clear grandfather's personality, is not good to advise. 千仞雪见自己爷爷执意如此,她很清楚爷爷的性格,也不好劝阻。 Ceng Yi naturally accepted the request of Qian Daoliu. 曾易自然接受了千道流的要求。 Moreover, he also wants to know, past three certainly one, Gabriel douluo Qian Daoliu strength, achieves what kind of boundary now. 而且,他也想要知道,当年的三绝之一,斗罗千道流的实力,如今达到何等境界。 Quick, Ceng Yi and Qian Daoliu two people forms escape outside the douluo palace. 很快,曾易千道流两人的身影就遁出斗罗殿外。 Two rays soar to the heavens on. 两道光芒冲天而上。 However in a minute, Ceng Yi and Qian Daoliu appear above the Martial Soul city, ten thousand meters upper air, above cloud layer. 不过片刻,曾易千道流就出现在武魂城上方,万米高空,云层之上。 The deep blue sky of ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky, above sea of clouds. 万里晴空的碧蓝天空,云海之上。 Qian Daoliu sneers, looks that Ceng Yi opens the mouth saying: As the disciple of sword boy, you should quite be skilled to the swordsmanship.” 千道流冷笑一声,看着曾易开口道:“作为剑小子的弟子,想必你对剑道应该颇为精通。” In an instant, vast Spirit Power surged on Qian Daoliu, blooms the dazzling golden ray. 刹那间,浩瀚的魂力千道流身上涌动,绽放出了耀眼的金色光芒。 In the sky, had presented a sparkle gold/metal empty shadow. 天空上,已然出现了一道闪耀金芒的虚影。 That is a holy angel, the back stretches the big six wings, invincible might dispersing, the terrifying aura fills the air, such as the true body arrives! 那是一尊圣洁的天使,背展宽大的六只羽翼,神威散开,恐怖的气息弥漫,如真身降临! Qian Daoliu released Martial Soul without hesitation, six wing angels, nine Spirit Ring appear. 千道流毫不犹豫的释放了武魂,六翼天使,九个魂环显现而出。 Eight jet black ten thousand years of Spirit Ring matches 100,000 years of red Spirit Ring, the terrifying! 八个漆黑的万年魂环搭配一个十万年红色魂环,恐怖之极! Is only the prestige of sending out can make the surrounding space have the distortion. 仅仅只是散发的威能就让周围空间都发生扭曲。 Just in time, the old man also meets some swordsmanship. This sword, how do you look?” Qian Daoliu light say/way. “正巧,老夫也会些剑法。这一剑,你看如何?”千道流淡淡道。 Above the sky, swift and fierce sword intent fills the air. 天空之上,凌厉的剑意弥漫而出。 Vast Spirit Power concentrates a golden long sword, before the Qian Daoliu body. 浩瀚的魂力凝成一把金色长剑,在千道流身前。 This golden long sword, is gathering terrifying sword intent, kills to go toward Ceng Yi. 这把金色长剑,汇聚着恐怖的剑意,向着曾易射杀而去。 Just like the golden lightning, terrifying sword intent easily tore together void. 宛若一道金色闪电,恐怖的剑意轻易的撕裂了虚空。 Qian Daoliu actually is also skilled in the swordsmanship, moreover this sword potential, there is the meaning of grandmaster, this makes Ceng Yi shock! 千道流竟然也精通剑道,而且这股剑势,也有宗师之意,这让曾易震惊不已! However, the Qian Daoliu swordsmanship displays before oneself, looked like in Ceng Yi is really laughed by knowledgeable people. 不过,千道流的剑道在自己面前施展,在曾易看来真是贻笑大方了。 Ceng Yi acknowledged, the Qian Daoliu swordsmanship cultivates to is make him feel surprised, this swordsmanship cultivates is, even compared with own master Sword Douluo, still has no time to let. 曾易承认,千道流的剑道修为却是让他感到惊讶,这剑道修为,即使比起自己师父剑斗罗,也不遑多让。 But before oneself, but also suffices to threaten inadequately. 但在自己面前,还够不成威胁。 Ceng Yi is only the palm in void grasps, in the space, the strength of gathering world comes, to congeal a sword, wields to cut. 曾易只是手掌在虚空一握,空间中,天地之力汇聚而来,凝成一剑,挥斩而出。 Rainbow sword air/Qi, has to cut off the potential of the world, obliterates the attack of Qian Daoliu! 一道长虹剑气,有着斩断世界之势,把千道流的攻击磨灭! Ceng Yi said with a smile lightly: Senior, seems like, in swordsmanship, is I even better!” 曾易轻笑道:“前辈,看起来,在剑道方面,还是我更胜一筹啊!”
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