DDTR :: Volume #7

#680: You had lost with the qualifications that they fight!

On Sea God Island, Ceng Yi also knows from the Bo Saixi mouth, once three peerless. 海神岛上,曾易也从波塞西口中知道,曾经的三绝世。 Sky douluo, Gabriel douluo, Sea God Douluo. 昊天斗罗,斗罗,海神斗罗 The sky and angel, lose to the Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi subordinate. 昊天与天使,都败于海神斗罗波塞西手下。 Perhaps is because past Bo Saixi extremely in shocking peerless, not only cultivate/repair to exceedingly high, the appearance just like the goddess near the world, the makings has the dust, if immortal. 或许是因为当年的波塞西太过于惊艳绝世,不仅修为通天,容貌更是宛若女神临世,气质出尘若仙。 In addition defeated supercilious Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu two people. 再加上打败了心高气傲的唐晨,千道流两人。 Made two people have the meaning of admire to Bo Saixi. 使得两人都对波塞西产生了爱慕之意。 Moreover, Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu expressed oneself affections to Bo Saixi simultaneously. 而且,唐晨与千道流两人同时对波塞西表达自己的爱意。 However, Bo Saixi to turn down, said oneself only like the strong man. 不过,波塞西为了婉拒,边说自己只喜欢比自己强的男人。 Because three people at that time are 99 levels of peerless boundaries. 因为三人那时都已经是九十九级的绝世境界。 But Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu lose to the Bo Saixi subordinate. 而唐晨与千道流两人又败于波塞西手下。 Then, wants to defeat Bo Saixi, obtains her heart, then only has a road, that breaks through the god boundary. 那么,想要打败波塞西,获得她的心,那么只有一条路,那就是突破神境。 However, breaking through is so easy to god boundary where? 但是,突破到神境哪有那么容易? Qian Daoliu returns to Spirit Hall, practices diligently, may be unable to see the hope eventually, starts to give up. 千道流回到武魂殿,努力修行,可终究看不到希望,也开始放弃。 He is unable to break through the god boundary, but can train own granddaughter to break through the god boundary. 他无法自己突破神境,但可以培养自己的孙女突破神境。 This is also a sustenance of wish. 这也算是一种心愿的寄托吧。 As for Tang Chen. 而至于唐晨。 Since then, starts to disregard to Clear Sky Sect, a person looks for the method of sudden god boundary in the mainland, finally does not know the trace. 从那时起,也开始对昊天宗不管不顾,一人在大陆上寻找突然神境的方法,最后不知所踪。 A little Ceng Yi a little does not do clearly. 只是,有一点曾易有点搞不明白。 At that time, person who sky douluo Tang Chen, Gabriel douluo Qian Daoliu, two people have the husband and wife, but also others of caring have not worked as love pure old woman Bo Saixi. 那个时候,昊天斗罗唐晨,斗罗千道流,两人都已经是有家室的人了,还惦记的人家没有当过恋爱的纯洁老女人波塞西 Being true is somewhat odd! 属实是有些离谱! However, actually among their three people is anything to relate, Ceng Yi is not quite good to appraise. 不过,他们三人之间究竟是什么关系,曾易也不太好评价。 Ceng Yi knowing Bo Saixi this matter said to the Qian Daoliu hear. 曾易把认识波塞西这件事说出来给千道流听。 To hit many relations with Qian Daoliu, when will ask when real issue, he will not easily send himself. 就是为了跟千道流打好些关系,等会问真正的问题时,他不会轻易的打发自己。 After all, these things that Ceng Yi wants to know, is very important. 毕竟,曾易想要知道的那些事情,很重要。 However, looks from the response of Qian Daoliu. 不过,从千道流的反应上看。 He as if to Bo Saixi, but also never forgets! 他似乎对波塞西,还念念不忘啊! Wait “等等” At this time, Qian Daoliu as if remembered anything, looks that the Ceng Yi look became serious. 这时,千道流似乎想起了什么,看着曾易的眼神变得严肃起来。 You have gone to Sea God Island, obtained the sea god inheritance?” “你去过海神岛,难道得到了海神传承?” This person is so young, achieves the Titled Douluo boundary, moreover cultivates for at least over 95 levels. 这人这么年轻,就达到封号斗罗境界,而且修为至少是在九十五级以上。 If through the normal cultivation, is not possible to achieve this boundary in this age merely! 若仅仅只是通过正常修炼,是不可能在这个年纪达到这种境界的! Ceng Yi compared with Qian Renxue also small several years old. 要知道,曾易可是比千仞雪还小几岁。 Therefore, Qian Daoliu believes, Ceng Yi possibly obtained the sea god inheritance, will have such cultivating is. 所以,千道流认为,曾易可能是得到了海神传承,才会有这样的修为。 However, Ceng Yi actually shakes the head. 不过,曾易却摇了摇头。 Really is embarrassed, I have not accepted the inheritance of sea god, obtains the sea god inheritance, has someone else!” “真是不好意思,我并没有接受海神的传承,得到海神传承的,另有其人!” What? You do not accept the sea god inheritance!” “什么?你不接受海神传承!” Qian Daoliu by the Ceng Yi words shocking. 千道流曾易的话给震惊到了。 Sea God Island actually with Spirit Hall is a nature, has the inheritance of gods. 海神岛其实与武魂殿都是一个性质,都有着神明的传承。 Just, one is the sea god, one is the god of angel. 只不过,一個是海神,一个是天使之神。 Naturally, that is controls the Spirit Hall period in Qian Family. 当然,那是在千家掌控武魂殿的时期。 The sea god, is very powerful gods, compared with the god of angel Qian Family believes, but also wants on strong some. 海神,是一个非常强大的神明,比起千家信奉的天使之神,还要强上一些。 Otherwise, Qian Daoliu will not lose to Bo Saixi. 要不然,千道流也不会败给波塞西 If Ceng Yi obtained the sea god inheritance, can inherit the position of sea god. 若是曾易得到了海神传承,能够继承海神之位的话。 Qian Daoliu is not cannot betroth own granddaughter to him. 千道流也不是不能把自己的孙女许配给他。 However, this fellow rejected presenting of gods unexpectedly! 但是,这家伙竟然拒绝了神明的馈赠! Qian Daoliu really thinks that a palm of the hand claps this brat, actually does this person of brain how think? 千道流真是想一巴掌拍死这臭小子,这人脑子究竟是怎么想的? Without the inheritance of gods, but how also to tread being enthralled boundary? 没有神明的传承,还怎么踏入神境? Also wants to gang up with the father treasure granddaughter on this? 就这样还想勾搭老子宝贝孙女? You said, had the person to obtain the sea god inheritance?” Qian Daoliu also said. “你说,另有人得到了海神传承?”千道流又道。 Ceng Yi nods, says with a smile: Right, but that person the person of Tang . Moreover the sea god nine test, true sea god inheritance ~ 曾易点了点头,笑道:“没错,那人可是唐家之人,而且海神九考,真正的海神传承哦~” Ceng Yi intentional said this matter. 曾易故意的把这件事情说了出来。 „The person of Tang?” “唐家之人?” hears word, the Qian Daoliu eye pupil shrinks. 闻言,千道流眼眸不由一缩。 Looks at Ceng Yi that look, Qian Daoliu knows, this fellow definitely knows oneself and Tang that person of gratitude and grudges. 看着曾易那眼神,千道流就知道,这家伙肯定知道自己与唐家那人的恩怨。 It is no doubt that person in his mouth, definitely was Tang Chen later generation juniors. 不用说,他口中的那人,肯定是唐晨的后辈子弟。 Really is hateful!” Qian Daoliu stared Ceng Yi one, seems dirtying his does not make every effort to succeed, inherits the gods give away submissively. “真是可恨!”千道流瞪了曾易一眼,似乎在埋汰他的不争气,把神明传承拱手让出。 If the Tang later generation obtained the inheritance of sea god, perhaps in the near future, that person will also break through the god boundary. 若是唐家后辈得到了海神的传承,或许不久的将来,那人也会突破神境。 Then, oneself granddaughter also had fought the opponent. 那么,自己孙女也有了争锋对手。 Qian Family, Tang 千家,唐家 Is this fate? 这就是宿命么? Qian Daoliu sighed leisurely. 千道流悠悠一叹。 However, this is also good! 不过,这样也好! Qian Daoliu looked at granddaughter Qian Renxue. 千道流看了一眼自己孙女千仞雪 Thinking, must hurry to make her break through the god boundary. 心想着,要赶紧让她突破神境。 Long ago, he and Tang Chen fought, slightly lost to plan, making the name of sky hammer raise the world. 早年,他与唐晨争锋,略输一筹,让昊天锤之名扬动天下。 That is the shames of six wing Gabriel Martial Soul. 那是六翼武魂的耻辱。 But this time, happen, can make Qian Renxue replace him, recovers the gathering place. 而这一次,正好,可以让千仞雪来代替他,重新找回场子。 Showed to the world, six wing Gabriel Martial Soul, are this first under heaven Martial Soul! 向世人证明,六翼武魂,才是这天下第一武魂 Moreover, a god boundary war, is splendid peerless! 而且,神境一战,更是精彩绝伦! In the Qian Daoliu eye seems burning the fervor flame, but in the deep place, actually flashes through wipes to lose. 千道流眼中似乎燃烧着激情火焰,但深处中,却闪过一抹失落。 Only pitifully, oneself could not see! 只可惜,自己看不到了! In the past, Qian Daoliu returned to Spirit Hall, wholeheartedly toward breakthrough god boundary, pitifully own talent was insufficient, that threshold was hard to span, can only become the granddaughter Qian Renxue guide, hopes that she can have oneself desire, trod being enthralled boundary! 当年,千道流回到武魂殿,一心向着突破神境,只可惜自己天赋不足,那一道门槛难以跨越,只能成为自己孙女千仞雪的领路人,希望她能带着自己的愿望,踏入神境! But who can think, so many years passed by, are outstanding, young, powerful Bo Saixi, is unable to break through the god boundary. 可谁能想到,这么多年过去了,比自己还要优秀,年轻,强大的波塞西,也无法突破神境。 Also just like oneself, becomes others' guide. 也与自己一样,成为了别人的领路人。 This destiny, is how similar, is how laughable! 这个命运,何其相似,何其可笑! Then, he and she, but also really has an inexplicable fate! 说起来,他与她,还真有种莫名的缘分啊! Qian Daoliu looks to Ceng Yi, shakes the head sighs. 千道流看向曾易,摇头一叹。 Pitifully?” “可惜了?” Senior, why pitifully?” Ceng Yi some do not understand to ask. “前辈,为何可惜?”曾易有些不理解问道。 Qian Daoliu said: Your talent is good, endures Xue'er, can practice this boundary in so the age, looks over the past and present, is rare.” 千道流道:“你天赋不错,堪比雪儿,能够在如此年纪修行到这个境界,纵观古今,也是少有。” But, you should not reject the god position of sea god.” “但是,你不应该拒绝海神之神位。” Soon, this world, will welcome the generation of god!” “用不了多久,这个世间,将迎来神之世代!” Xue'er, Tang that boy!” “雪儿,还有唐家那小子!” Boy, you had lost with the qualifications that they fight!” “小子,你已经失去了与他们争锋的资格!” A Qian Daoliu word concluded, lets nearby Qian Renxue, some do not endure to look straight ahead this picture. 千道流的一言断定,让一旁的千仞雪,都有些不忍直视这画面。 Although the grandfather praised himself, Qian Renxue was very happy. 虽然爷爷这么夸自己,千仞雪很开心。 However in front of Ceng Yi 但是在曾易面前 Qian Renxue felt very awkward. 千仞雪感觉很是尴尬。 Because, own strength in front of Ceng Yi, really insufficiently looks! 因为,自己的实力在曾易面前,真的不够看啊! Own grandfather not clear Ceng Yi details, talked wildly, making Qian Renxue awkward want to look to dig a tunnel to worm one's way into. 自己爷爷不清楚曾易的底细,这么放言,让千仞雪尴尬得都想找挖个地洞钻进去。 She can see, Ceng Yi that the expression that endured to suppress to smile. 她都能够看到,曾易那忍着憋笑的表情了。 Senior believes self-confidently, I in them, amn't able to break through the god boundary weakly for a lifetime?” Ceng Yi asked. “前辈就这么自信认为,我弱于他们,一辈子无法突破神境?”曾易反问道。 Qian Daoliu looks at Ceng Yi this self-confident facial expression, said: I had seen one person, he and you is equally self-confident, but final result, is failed!” 千道流看着曾易这副自信的神情,说道:“我曾经见过一人,他与伱一样自信但最后的结果,只有失败!” Qian Daoliu said that person that had defeated own Tang Chen! 千道流说所的那人,就是曾经打败过自己的唐晨! Tang Chen Martial Soul like own six wing Gabriel Martial Soul, Bo Saixi sea god Martial Soul, is not god level Martial Soul, has the gods to inherit. 唐晨的武魂不像自己的六翼武魂,还有波塞西的海神武魂,都是神级武魂,有着神明传承。 Tang Chen can practice to 99 levels of peerless boundaries, is his powerful talent and will, goes to this situation step by step! 唐晨能够修行到九十九级绝世境界,都是他强大的天赋与意志,一步一步达到这个地步! Therefore, in the initial three people, the person of most hopeful breakthrough god boundary, was Tang Chen. 所以,当初的三人中,最有希望突破神境的人,就是唐晨。 However, so many years passed by, have not seen Tang Chen to break through the god boundary. 但是,这么多年过去了,也没有见唐晨突破神境。 Although these year of Qian Daoliu do not have to see Tang Chen, but world, if some people break through the god boundary, the phenomenon that strength triggers, cannot keep! 虽然这些年千道流也没有在见到过唐晨,但是世间若有人突破神境,那股力量引发的异像,是藏不住的! Therefore Qian Daoliu does not think that Tang Chen succeeded. 所以千道流并不认为唐晨成功了。 Perhaps, he has died. 或许,他早就死了吧。 But Ceng Yi is also like Tang Chen, the body has not shouldered the inheritance of gods. 曾易也与唐晨一样,身上没有背负神明的传承。 But merely is only this, wants to rely on the talent and will, treads being enthralled boundary, this may compared with ascending to heaven also difficultly! 但仅仅只是这样,想要凭借天赋与毅力,踏入神境,这可比登天还难! Regarding the Qian Daoliu words, Ceng Yi said with a smile: That person that senior said that should be Tang Chen, the Clear Sky Sect founder.” 对于千道流的话,曾易却笑道:“前辈所说的那人,应该是唐晨,昊天宗的创始人吧。” But, unlike the viewpoint of senior, the Bo Saixi senior believes, I can step into that boundary!” “不过,与前辈的观点不同,波塞西前辈可是认为,我能够踏入那个境界呢!”
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